Title: VLSI Arithmetic Adders
1VLSI ArithmeticAdders Multipliers
- Prof. Vojin G. Oklobdzija
- University of California
- http//www.ece.ucdavis.edu/acsel
- Digital Computer Arithmetic belongs to Computer
Architecture, however, it is also an aspect of
logic design. - The objective of Computer Arithmetic is to
develop appropriate algorithms that are utilizing
available hardware in the most efficient way. - Ultimately, speed, power and chip area are the
most often used measures, making a strong link
between the algorithms and technology of
3Basic Operations
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Multiply-Add
- Division
- Evaluation of Functions
- Multi-Media
4Addition of Binary Numbers
5Addition of Binary Numbers
Full Adder. The full adder is the fundamental
building block of most arithmetic circuits
 The sum and carry outputs are described
Full Adder
6Addition of Binary Numbers
7Full-Adder Implementation
- Full Adder operations is defined by equations
Carry-Propagate and Carry-Generate gi
One-bit adder could be implemented as shown
8High-Speed Addition
One-bit adder could be implemented more
efficiently because MUX is faster
9The Ripple-Carry Adder
10The Ripple-Carry Adder
From Rabaey
11Inversion Property
From Rabaey
12Minimize Critical Path by Reducing Inverting
From Rabaey
13Ripple Carry Adder
- Carry-Chain of an RCA implemented using
multiplexer from the standard cell library
Critical Path
Oklobdzija, ISCAS88
14Manchester Carry-Chain Realization of the Carry
- Simple and very popular scheme for implementation
of carry signal path
15Original Design
T. Kilburn, D. B. G. Edwards, D. Aspinall,
"Parallel Addition in Digital Computers A New
Fast "Carry" Circuit", Proceedings of IEE, Vol.
106, pt. B, p. 464, September 1959.
16Manchester Carry Chain (CMOS)
- Implement P with pass-transistors
- Implement G with pull-up, kill (delete) with
pull-down - Use dynamic logic to reduce the complexity and
speed up
Kilburn, et al, IEE Proc, 1959.
17Pass-Transistor Realization in DPL
18Carry-Skip Adder
MacSorley, Proc IRE 1/61 Lehman, Burla, IRE Trans
on Comp, 12/61
19Carry-Skip Adder
From Rabaey
20Carry-Skip Adder N-bits, k-bits/group, rN/k
21Carry-Skip Adder
22Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM
23Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
24Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
Any-point-to-any-point delay 9 D as compared
to 12 D for CSKA
25Carry-chain block size determination for a 32-bit
Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM
26Delay Calculation for Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
Delay model
27Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM
Variable Group Length
Oklobdzija, Barnes, Arith85
28Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
Variable Block Lengths
- No closed form solution for delay
- It is a dynamic programming problem
29Delay Comparison Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
30Delay Comparison Variable Block Adder
VBA- Multi-Level
31Fan-Out Dependency
32Fan-In Dependency
33Delay Comparison Variable Block
Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes IBM 1985)
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35Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith)
A. Weinberger and J. L. Smith, A Logic for
High-Speed Addition, National Bureau of
Standards, Circ. 591, p.3-12, 1958.
36Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith)
37Carry-Lookahead Adder
One gate delay D to calculate p, g
One D to calculate P and two for G
Three gate delays To calculate C4(j1)
Compare that to 8 D in RCA !
38Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith)
Additional two gate delays
C16 will take a total of 5D vs. 32D for RCA !
3932-bit Carry Lookahead Adder
40Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith
original derivation )
41Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith
original derivation )
42Carry-Lookahead Adder (Weinberger and
Smith)please notice the similarity with
Parallel-Prefix Adders !
43Carry-Lookahead Adder (Weinberger and
Smith)please notice the similarity with
Parallel-Prefix Adders !
44Delay Optimized CLA
- B. Lee, V. G. Oklobdzija
- Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol.3, No.4,
October 1991
45Delay Optimized CLA Lee-Oklobdzija 91
(a.) Fixed groups and levels (b.) variable-sized
groups, fixed levels (c.) variable-sized groups
and fixed levels (d.) variable-sized groups and
46Two-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry
47Two-Levels of Logic Implementation of the
Carry-Lookahead Block
48Three-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry
Block (restricted fan-in)
49Three-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry
Lookahead (restricted fan-in)
50Delay Optimized CLA Lee-Oklobdzija 91
Delay Three-level BCLA
Delay Two-level BCLA
51Delay Optimized CLA Lee-Oklobdzija 91
(a.) 2-level BCLA D8.5nS (b.) 3-level
52Motorola CLA Implementation Example
- A. Naini, D. Bearden and W. Anderson, A 4.5nS
96b CMOS Adder Design, - Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated
Circuits Conference, May 3-6, 1992.
53Critical path in Motorola's 64-bit CLA
54Motorola's 64-bit CLAconventional PG Block
55Motorola's 64-bit CLAModified PG Block
Intermediate propagate signals Pi0 are
generated to speed-up C3
56Lings Adder
- Huey Ling, High-Speed Binary Adder
- IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol.5,
No.3, 1981.
57Ling Adder
Lings equations
Variation of CLA
Ling, IBM J. Res. Dev, 5/81
58Ling Adder
Lings equation
Propagates informationon two bits
Doran, Trans on Comp 9/88
59Ling Adder
60S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
61S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
62S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
63S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
64S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
65S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
66S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
67S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
68S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
69S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
70S. Naffziger, ISSCC96
71ResultsS. Naffziger, A Subnanosecond 64-b
Adder, ISSCC 96
- 0.5u Technology
- Speed 0.930 nS
- Nominal process, 80C, V3.3V
72ConditionalSum Adder
- J. Sklansky, Conditional-Sum Addition Logic,
IRE Transactions on Electronic - Computers, EC-9, p.226-231, 1960.
73ConditionalSum Adder
74ConditionalSum Adder
75Carry-Select Adder
- O. J. Bedrij, Carry-Select Adder, IRE
Transactions on Electronic Computers, June - 1962, p.340-34
76Carry-Select Adder
O.J. Bedrij, IBM Poughkeepsie, 1962
77Carry-Select Adder
- Addition under assumption of Cin0 and Cin 1.
78Carry Select Addercombining two 32-b VBAs in
select mode
79Addition Under Non-equal Signal Arrival Profile
- P. Stelling , V. G. Oklobdzija, "Design
Strategies for Optimal Hybrid Final Adders in a
Parallel Multiplier", special issue on VLSI
Arithmetic, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.14, No.3,
December 1996
80Signal Arrival Profile form the Parallel
Multiplier Partial-Product Recuction Tree
81Oklobdzija, Villeger, IEEE Transactions on VLSI
Systems, June, 1995
82Oklobdzija and Villeger, IEEE Transactions on
VLSI Systems, June, 1995
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91Performing Multiply-Add Operation in the Multiply
- P. Stelling, V. G. Oklobdzija, " Achieving
Multiply-Accumulate Operation in the Multiply
Time", Thirteenth International Symposium on
Computer Arithmetic, Pacific Grove, California,
July 5 - 9, 1997.
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93Final Adder Implementation
94Final Adder Implementation
95Final Adder Implementation
96Final Adder Implementation
97Recurrence Solver Based Adders
- Koggie and Stone, IEEE Trans on Computers, August
1973 - Bilgory and Gajski, 18th DAC, 1981
- Brent and Kung, IEEE Trans on Computers, March
98Recurrence Solver Based Adders
- 1973, Koggie and Stone published a general
recurrence scheme for parallel computation - 1979, Brent and Kung published Tech. Report on
regular layout for parallel adders - 1980, Guibas and Vuillemin, developed a layout
scheme based on recurrence equation for addition - 1980, Ladner and Fisher published parallel
prefix computation, Jo of ACM - 1981, Bilgory and Gajski published a paper on
recurrence structures for automatic cell
99Recurrence Solver Based Adders
- They are based on recurrence equation for P,G
- (what is new there since Weinberger ?!!)
- Or and
100Recurrence Solver Based Adders
101Carry-Lookahead Adder (Weinberger and Smith)Just
to remind you !please notice the similarity with
Parallel-Prefix Adders !
102Multiplexer Based Adder
- Farooqui and Oklobdzija
- 1999 Intl Sym. on VLSI Technology, Taipei,
Taiwan, June 8-10, 1999
103Multiplexer Based Adder
- Based on the realization that MUX circuit is
faster than a logic gate due to its transmission
gate implementation. - Based on Carry-Lookahead method (W-S), or
recurrence solver.
104Multiplexer Based AdderA. A. Farooqui, V. G.
Oklobdzija , F. Chechrazi, 1999 Intl Sym. on
VLSI Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8-10, 1999.
105Multiplexer Based AdderA. A. Farooqui, V. G.
Oklobdzija , F. Chechrazi, 1999 Intl Sym. on
VLSI Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8-10, 1999.
106Multiplexer Based AdderA. A. Farooqui, V. G.
Oklobdzija , F. Chechrazi, 1999 Intl Sym. on
VLSI Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8-10, 1999.
107Multiplexer Based AdderA. A. Farooqui, V. G.
Oklobdzija , F. Chechrazi, 1999 Intl Sym. on
VLSI Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8-10, 1999.
- Results in a very fast structure
- 7-MUX delays for a 64-b adder
- Delay using standard cell 0.25u, 2.5V, 25oC
Adder Size (bits) Delay (pS)
8 625
16 665
32 710
64 903
108DEC "Alpha" 21064 Adder
- Combination
- 8-bit tapered pre-discharged Manchester Carry
Chains, with Cin 0 and Cin 1 - 32-bit LSB Carry Lookahead Adder
- 32-bit MSB Conditional-Sum Adder
- Carry-Select on most significant 32-bits
- Latches in the middle pipelined addition
109DEC "Alpha" 21064 Adder
110DEC "Alpha" 21064 Adder Results
- The first 200MHz processor
- Built using 0.75u technology
- V3.3V, 30W
- Pipelined (two-latches) allowing 5nS throughput
and 10nS latency
- VLSI Implementation of Addition
112Conclusion VLSI Implementation of Addition
- Currently, implementation parameters are not
reflected in algorithms used for development - Layout and wire delays effects are largely
neglected and this is becoming intolerable in the
next generation of technology - Transistor sizing has a large effect which can
out weight the algorithm - There is a great disconnect between algorithm and
implementation - New rules and measures of goodness are needed
- Parallel Multiplier Implementation
for j0,....,n-1
p(n)XY after n steps
115Parallel Multipliers
11642 Compressor
117Re-designed 42 Compressor with 3 XOR Delay
118A Method for Generation of Fast Parallel
Multipliers by Vojin G. Oklobdzija David
Villeger Simon S. Liu Electrical and Computer
Engineering University of California Davis
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120Idea !!!!!
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122Three-Dimensional optimization Method
TDM(Oklobdzija, Villeger, Liu, 1996)
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129Computer Tools
130 Algorithm for Automatic Generation of
Partial Product Array. Initialize Form
2N-1 lists Li ( i 0, 2N-2 ) each consisting of
pi elements where p i i1 for i N-1
and p i 2N-1-i for i