Title: Legalization of Unauthorized Immigrants:
1Legalization of Unauthorized Immigrants
- Robin Thorley
- Brenda Ayón
- Vanessa Reyes
- Maribel Martinez
- March 5th, 2009
- - 1st Law protecting citizens (14th
Amendment-1868) - - Immigration Act of 1924
- - Immigration Nationality Act of 1965
- - Immigration Reform Act (IRCA) of 1986
- - NAFTA 1994, trilateral trade bloc between
3The Unauthorized
- Estimated 11.8 million unauthorized immigrants
living working in the U.S. as of 2007 - - Immigration Nationality Act of 1965
reversal of immigration quotas. - Labor Needs-Influx of Asian Hispanic
immigrants. - Largely Mexican concentrated-
- (57 of unauthorized population)
- Asylees/Refugees
- Once Legal- Over stayed Visas
- Border entry- dangers
- Immigrants have established lives in the U.S.A
4Failed Attempts To Enact Legislation
- 109th Congress (2005-2006)
- - H.R. 4437 Bill introduced in House of Reps
Sensenbrenner Bill -Conservative Attempt. - ?Created felons/ Provided No amnesty
- - S. 2611 More Moderate Response.
- 110th Congressional
- approach (2007-2008)
- - S. 1348
No new legislation- Demonstrates the difficulty
in forcing Congress to compromise.
5After Math
- 2006 Protests/Walk-outs
- Peaceful Organized
- May Day ( the Sleeping Giant)
- -- Over 500,000 protestors in places with large
immigrant communities like LA, Chicago,
Arizona. - ?Primarily Protesting Criminalization of H.R.
4437 - Resulted in Congressional Gridlock-
- --Instead govt focused on building the fence.
- Catholic Church
- Students as key role
- (push for the DREAM Act)
- Different calls for reform maintaining family
units, employers, students etc.
6What The Future May Hold?
- Obama Administration-(at the moment Immigration
has no issue salience.) - --Many believe He will lead in a push for
immigration reform. - Public is largely divided.
- Legalization?
- Worker Programs?
- Z Visas
- ...Depends on the economy
Different Immigrants assimilation Traditional/Se
gmented/New Assimilation may call for different
aspects of a Comprehensive Immigrant Reform.
7Thank You For Your Attention
The Public Isnt Necessarily Divided Along Party
Lines Illegal Immigration Is A Delicate Issue
With Varying Perspectives Concerning Appropriate
Immigration Reform.