Algorithmic Mechanism Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algorithmic Mechanism Design


Title: Algorithmic Mechanism Design Author: Y. Narahari Last modified by: Guido Created Date: 10/16/2002 4:53:42 AM Document presentation format: Presentazione su ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Algorithmic Mechanism Design

Algorithmic Issues in Strategic Distributed
Suggested readings
  • Algorithmic Game Theory, Edited by Noam Nisan,
    Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos, and Vijay V.
    Vazirani, Cambridge University Press.
  • Blog by Noam Nisan http//

Two Research Traditions
  • Theory of Algorithms computational issues
  • What can be feasibly computed?
  • How long does it take to compute a solution?
  • Which is the quality of a computed solution?
  • Centralized or distributed computational models
  • Game Theory interaction between self-interested
  • What is the outcome of the interaction?
  • Which social goals are compatible with

Different Assumptions
  • Theory of Algorithms (in distributed systems)
  • Processors are obedient, faulty (i.e., crash),
    adversarial (i.e., Byzantine), or they compete
    without being strategic (e.g., concurrent
  • Large systems, limited computational resources
  • Game Theory
  • Players are strategic (selfish)
  • Small systems, unlimited computational resources

The Internet World
  • Users often selfish
  • Have their own individual goals
  • Own network components
  • Internet scale
  • Massive systems
  • Limited communication/computational resources
  • ? Both strategic and computational issues!

Fundamental question
  • How the computational aspects of a strategic
    distributed system should be addressed?

Theory of Algorithms
Game Theory
Algorithmic Game Theory

Basics of Game Theory
  • A game consists of
  • A set of players (or agents)
  • A specification of the information available to
    each player
  • A set of rules of encounter Who should act when,
    and what are the possible actions (strategies)
  • A specification of payoffs for each possible
    outcome (combination of strategies) of the game
  • Game Theory attempts to predict the final outcome
    (or solution) of the game by taking into account
    the individual behavior of the players

Solution concept
  • How do we establish that an outcome is a
    solution? Among the possible outcomes of a game,
    those enjoying the following property play a
    fundamental role
  • Equilibrium solution strategy combination in
    which players are not willing to change their
    state. This is quite informal when a player does
    not want to change his state? In the Homo
    Economicus model, this makes sense when he has
    selected a strategy that maximizes his individual
    payoff, knowing that other players are also doing
    the same.

  • We will focus on two types of equilibria Nash
    Equilibria (NE) and Dominant Strategy Equilibria
  • Computational Aspects of Nash Equilibria
  • Does a NE always exist?
  • Can a NE be feasibly computed, once it exists?
  • What about the quality of a NE?
  • Case study Network Flow Game (i.e., selfish
    routing in Internet), Network Connection Games
  • (Algorithmic) Mechanism Design
  • Which social goals can be (efficiently)
    implemented in a strategic distributed system?
  • Strategy-proof mechanisms in DSE VCG-mechanisms
  • Case study Mechanism design for the Shortest
    Path Game

  • (Nash)
  • Equilibria

(Some) Types of games
  • Cooperative/Non-cooperative
  • Symmetric/Asymmetric (for 2-player games)
  • Zero sum/Non-zero sum
  • Simultaneous/Sequential
  • Perfect information/Imperfect information
  • One-shot/Repeated

Games in Normal-Form
We start by considering simultaneous,
perfect-information and non-cooperative games.
These games are usually represented explicitly by
listing all possible strategies and corresponding
payoffs of all players (this is the so-called
normalform) more formally, we have
  • A set of N rational players
  • For each player i, a strategy set Si
  • A payoff matrix for each strategy combination
    (s1, s2, , sN), where si?Si, a corresponding
    payoff vector (p1, p2, , pN)
  • ? S1?S2? ?SN payoff matrix

A famous game the Prisoners Dilemma
Non-cooperative, symmetric, non-zero sum,
simultaneous, perfect information, one-shot,
2-player game
Strategy Set
Prisoner I Prisoner II Prisoner II Prisoner II
Prisoner I Dont Implicate Implicate
Prisoner I Dont Implicate 1, 1 6, 0
Prisoner I Implicate 0, 6 5, 5
Strategy Set
Prisoner Is decision
  • Prisoner Is decision
  • If II chooses Dont Implicate then it is best to
  • If II chooses Implicate then it is best to
  • It is best to Implicate for I, regardless of what
    II does Dominant Strategy

Prisoner I Prisoner II Prisoner II Prisoner II
Prisoner I Dont Implicate Implicate
Prisoner I Dont Implicate 1, 1 6, 0
Prisoner I Implicate 0, 6 5, 5
Prisoner IIs decision
  • Prisoner IIs decision
  • If I chooses Dont Implicate then it is best to
  • If I chooses Implicate then it is best to
  • It is best to Implicate for II, regardless of
    what I does Dominant Strategy

Prisoner I Prisoner II Prisoner II Prisoner II
Prisoner I Dont Implicate Implicate
Prisoner I Dont Implicate 1, 1 6, 0
Prisoner I Implicate 0, 6 5, 5
Prisoner I Prisoner II Prisoner II Prisoner II
Prisoner I Dont Implicate Implicate
Prisoner I Dont Implicate 1, 1 6, 0
Prisoner I Implicate 0, 6 5, 5
  • It is best for both to implicate regardless of
    what the other one does
  • Implicate is a Dominant Strategy for both
  • (Implicate, Implicate) becomes the Dominant
    Strategy Equilibrium
  • Note If they might collude, then its beneficial
    for both to Not Implicate, but its not an
    equilibrium as both have incentive to deviate

Dominant Strategy Equilibrium
  • Dominant Strategy Equilibrium is a strategy
    combination s (s1, s2, , sN), such that si
    is a dominant strategy for each i, namely, for
    any possible alternative strategy profile s (s1,
    s2, , si , , sN)
  • pi (s1, s2, , si, , sN) pi (s1, s2, , si,
    , sN)
  • Dominant Strategy is the best response to any
    strategy of other players
  • If a game has a DSE, then players will
    immediately converge to it
  • Of course, not all games (only very few in the
    practice!) have a dominant strategy equilibrium

A more relaxed solution concept Nash
Equilibrium 1951
  • Nash Equilibrium is a strategy combination
  • s (s1, s2, , sN) such that for each i, si
    is a best response to (s1, ,si-1,si1,,
    sN), namely, for any possible alternative
    strategy si of player i
  • pi (s1, s2, , si, , sN) pi (s1, s2,
    , si, , sN)

Nash Equilibrium
  • In a NE no agent can unilaterally deviate from
    his strategy given others strategies as fixed
  • Each agent has to take into consideration the
    strategies of the other agents
  • If the game is played repeatedly and players
    converge to a solution, then it has to be a NE
  • But if a game has one or more NE, players need
    not to converge to it
  • Dominant Strategy Equilibrium ? Nash Equilibrium
    (but the converse is not true)

Nash Equilibrium The Battle of the Sexes
(coordination game)
Man Woman Woman Woman
Man Stadium Cinema
Man Stadium 2, 1 0, 0
Man Cinema 0, 0 1, 2
  • (Stadium, Stadium) is a NE Best responses to
    each other
  • (Cinema, Cinema) is a NE Best responses to each
  • ? but they are not Dominant Strategy Equilibria
    are we really sure they will eventually go out

A crucial issue in game theory the existence of
a NE
  • Unfortunately, for pure strategies games (as
    those seen so far, in which each player, for each
    possible situation of the game, selects his
    action deterministically), it is easy to see that
    we cannot have a general result of existence
  • In other words, there may be no, one, or many NE,
    depending on the game

A conflictual game Head or Tail
Player I Player II Player II Player II
Player I Head Tail
Player I Head 1,-1 -1,1
Player I Tail -1,1 1,-1
  • Player I (row) prefers to do what Player II does,
    while Player II prefer to do the opposite of what
    Player I does!
  • ? In any configuration, one of the players
    prefers to change his strategy, and so on and so
    forththus, there are no NE!

On the existence of a NE
  • However, when a player can select his strategy
    randomly by using a probability distribution
    over his set of possible pure strategies (mixed
    strategy), then the following general result
  • Theorem (Nash, 1951) Any game with a finite set
    of players and a finite set of strategies has a
    NE of mixed strategies (i.e., there exists a
    profile of probability distributions for the
    players such that the expected payoff of each
    player cannot be improved by changing
    unilaterally the selected probability
  • Head or Tail game if each player sets
    p(Head)p(Tail)1/2, then the expected payoff of
    each player is 0, and this is a NE, since no
    player can improve on this by choosing
    unilaterally a different randomization!

Fundamental computational issues concerned with NE
  1. Finding a NE in mixed/pure (if any) strategies
  2. Establishing the quality of a NE, as compared to
    a cooperative system, namely a system in which
    agents can collaborate (recall the Prisoners
  3. In a repeated game, establishing whether and in
    how many steps the system will eventually
    converge to a NE (recall the Battle of the Sexes)
  4. Verifying a NE, approximating a NE, NE in
    resource (e.g., time, space, message size)
    constrained settings, breaking a NE by colluding,

(interested in a PhD?)
Finding a NE in mixed strategies
  • How do we select the correct probability
    distribution? It looks like a problem in the
  • but its not, actually! It can be shown that
    such a distribution can be found by selecting for
    each player a best possible subset of pure
    strategies (so-called best support), over which
    the probability distribution can actually be
    found by solving a system of algebraic equations!
  • ? In the practice, the problem can be solved by
    a simplex-like technique called the LemkeHowson
    algorithm, which however is exponential in the
    worst case

Is finding a NE NP-hard?
  • In pure strategies, yes, for many games of
  • What about mixed strategies? W.l.o.g., we
    restrict ourself to 2-player games Then, we
    wonder whether 2-NASH is NP-hard.
  • Recall a problem P is NP-hard if one can
    Turing-reduce in polynomial time any NP-complete
    problem P to it (this means, P can be solved in
    polynomial time by an oracle machine with an
    oracle for P)
  • Recall also a problem P is in NP (resp., in
    coNP) if all its "yes"-instances (resp.,
    no-instances) can be decided in polynomial time
    by a Non-Deterministic Turing Machine (NDTM).
  • But 2-NASH can be solved in polynomial-time by a
    NDTM (by enumerating all the supports) moreover,
    every instance of 2-NASH is a yes-instance
    (since every game has a NE), and so we could
    certificate in polynomial-time on a NDTM both
    yes and no-instances of any NP-complete
  • if 2-NASH is NP-hard then NP coNP (hard to

The complexity class PPAD
  • Definition (Papadimitriou, 1994) PPAD
    (Polynomial Parity Argument Directed case) is a
    subclass of TFNP (Total Function Nondeterministic
    Polynomial), where existence of a solution is
    guaranteed by a parity argument. Roughly
    speaking, PPAD contains all problems whose
    solution space can be set up as the (non-empty)
    set of all sinks in a suitable directed graph
    (generated by the input instance), having an
    exponential number of vertices in the size of the
    input, though.
  • Breakthrough 2-NASH is PPAD-complete!!!
    (Chen Deng, FOCS06)
  • Remark It could very well be that PPADP?NP, but
    several PPAD-complete problems are resisting for
    decades to poly-time attacks (e.g., finding
    Brouwer fixed points)

Finding a NE in pure strategies
  • By definition, it is easy to see that an entry
    (p1,,pN) of the payoff matrix is a NE if and
    only if pi is the maximum ith element of the row
    (p1,,pi-1, p(s)s?Si ,pi1,,pN), for each
  • Notice that, with N players, an explicit (i.e.,
    in normal-form) representation of the payoff
    functions is exponential in N ? brute-force
    (i.e., enumerative) search for pure NE is then
    exponential in the number of players (even if it
    is still polynomial in the input size, but the
    normal-form representation needs not be a
    minimal-space representation of the input!)
  • ? Alternative cheaper methods are sought for
    many games of interest, a NE can be found in
    poly-time w.r.t. to the number of players (e.g.,
    using the powerful potential method)

On the quality of a NE
  • How inefficient is a NE in comparison to an
    idealized situation in which the players would
    strive to collaborate selflessly with the common
    goal of maximizing the social welfare?
  • Recall in the Prisoners Dilemma (PD) game, the
    DSE (and NE) incurs a total of 10 years in jail
    for the players. However, if they would not
    implicate reciprocally, then they would stay a
    total of only 2 years in jail!

A worst-case perspective the Price of Anarchy
  • Definition (Koutsopias Papadimitriou, 1999)
    Given a game G and a social-choice function C
    which depends on the payoff of all the players,
    let S be the set of all NE. If the payoff
    represents a cost (resp., a utility) for a
    player, let OPT be the outcome of G minimizing
    (resp., maximizing) C. Then, the Price of Anarchy
    (PoA) of G w.r.t. C is
  • Example in the PD game, PoAPD(C)10/25

A case study for the existence and quality of a
NE selfish routing on Internet
  • Internet components are made up of heterogeneous
    nodes and links, and the network architecture is
    open-based and dynamic
  • Internet users behave selfishly they generate
    traffic, and their only goal is to
    download/upload data as fast as possible!
  • But the more a link is used, the more is slower,
    and there is no central authority optimizing
    the data flow
  • So, why does Internet eventually work is such a

Modelling the flow problem
  • Internet can be modelled by using game theory it
    is a (congestion) game in which
  • players users
  • strategies paths
    over which users can route their traffic
  • Non-atomic Selfish Routing
  • There is a large number of (selfish) users
  • All the traffic of a user is routed over a single
    path simultaneously
  • Every user controls an infinitesimal fraction of
    the traffic.

Mathematical model (multicommodity flow network)
  • A directed graph G (V,E) and a set of N players
  • A set of commodities, i.e., sourcesink pairs
    (si,ti), for i1,..,k (each of the N players is
    associated with a commodity)
  • An amount (or rate) 0 ri 1 of traffic between
    si and ti for each i1,..,k, with ?i1,,k ri
  • A set Pi of paths between si and ti for each
  • The set of all paths ?Ui1,,k Pi
  • A flow vector f specifying a traffic routing
  • fP rate of traffic routed on path P (notice that
    0 fP 1 )
  • A flow is feasible if for every i1,..,k we have
    ?P?Pi fP ri

Mathematical model (2)
  • For each e?E, the amount of flow absorbed by e
    w.r.t. f is fe?Pe?P fP
  • For each edge e, a real-value latency function
    le(x) of its absorbed flow x (this is a
    monotonically increasing function which expresses
    how e gets congested when a fraction 0x1 of the
    total flow f uses e)
  • Cost (or latency) of a path P c(P)?e?P le(fe)
  • Cost (or total latency) of a flow f
    (social-choice function) C(f)?P?? fP c(P)
    ?e?E fe le(fe)
  • Observation Notice that the game is not given in
    normal form!

Flows and NE
  • Definition A flow f is a Nash flow if no player
    can improve its cost (i.e., the cost of its used
    path) by changing unilaterally its path.
  • QUESTION Given an instance (G,r(r1,,rk),l(le1,
    , lem)) of the non-atomic selfish routing game,
    does it admit a Nash flow? And in the positive
    case, what is the PoA of such Nash flow?

Example Pigous game 1920
  • Latency depends on the congestion (x is the
    fraction of flow using the edge)

Total amount of flow 1
Latency is fixed
  • What is the (only) NE of this game? Trivial all
    the fraction of flow tends to travel on the upper
    edge ? the cost of the flow is C(f) 1le1(1)
    0le2(0) 11 01 1
  • What is the PoA of this NE? The optimal solution
    is the minimum of C(x)xx (1-x)1 ? C(x)2x-1
    ? OPT1/2 ? C(OPT)1/21/2(1-1/2)10.75 ?
    PoA(C) 1/0.75 4/3

The Braesss paradox
  • Does it help adding edges to improve the PoA?
  • NO! Lets have a look at the Braess Paradox (1968)

Cost of each path x11/21 1.5
Cost of the flow 2(1.51/2)1.5 (notice this a
NE and it is also an optimal flow)
The Braesss paradox (2)
To reduce the cost of the flow, we try to add a
no-latency road between v and w. Intuitively,
this should not worse things!
The Braesss paradox (3)
However, each user is tempted to change its route
now, since the route s?v?w?t has less cost
(indeed, x1)
If only a single user changes its route, then its
cost decreases from 1.5 to approximately 1,
i.e. c(s?v?w?t) x0x 0.5 0.5 1
But the problem is that all the users will decide
to change!
The Braesss paradox (4)
  • So, the cost of the flow f that now entirely uses
    the path s?v?w?t is
  • C(f) 1110112gt1.5
  • Even worse, this is a NE (the cost of the path
    s?v?w?t is 2, and the cost of the two paths not
    using (v,w) is also 2)!
  • The optimal min-cost flow is equal to that we had
    before adding the new road and so, the PoA is

Notice it is 4/3, as in the Pigous example
Existence of a Nash flow
  • Theorem (Beckmann et al., 1956) If for each edge
    e the function xle(x) is convex (i.e., its
    graphic lies below the line segment joining any
    two points of the graphic) and continuously
    differentiable (i.e., its derivative exists at
    each point in its domain and is continuous), then
    the Nash flow of (G,r,l) exists and is unique,
    and is equal to the optimal min-cost flow of the
    following instance
  • (G,r, ?(x)? l(t)dt/x).
  • Remark The optimal min-cost flow can be computed
    in polynomial time through convex programming

Flows and Price of Anarchy
  • Theorem 1 In a network with linear latency
    functions, the cost of a Nash flow is at most 4/3
    times that of the min-cost flow ? every instance
    of the non-atomic selfish routing has PoA 4/3.
  • Theorem 2 In a network with degree-p polynomials
    latency functions, the cost of a Nash flow is
    O(p/log p) times that of the min-cost flow.
  • (Roughgarden Tardos, JACM02)

A bad example for non-linear latencies
  • Assume pgtgt1

? close to 0
A Nash flow (of cost 1) is arbitrarily more
expensive than the optimal flow (of cost close to
Convergence towards a NE(in pure strategies
  • Ok, we know that selfish routing is not so bad at
    its NE, but are we really sure this point of
    equilibrium will be eventually reached?
  • Convergence Time number of moves made by the
    players to reach a NE from an initial arbitrary
  • Question Is the convergence time (polynomially)
    bounded in the number of players?

The potential function method
  • (Rough) Definition A potential function for a
    game (if any) is a real-valued function, defined
    on the set of possible outcomes of the game, such
    that the equilibria of the game are precisely the
    local optima of the potential function.
  • Theorem In any finite game admitting a potential
    function, best response dynamics (i.e., each
    player at each step greedily takes a move which
    maximizes its personal utility) always converge
    to a NE of pure strategies.
  • But how many steps are needed to reach a NE? It
    depends on the combinatorial structure of the
    players' strategy space

Convergence towards the Nash flow
  • ? Positive result The non-atomic selfish routing
    game is a potential game, and moreover, for many
    instances (i.e., for prominent graph topologies
    and/or commodity specifications), the convergence
    time is polynomial.
  • ? Negative result However, there exist instances
    of the non-atomic selfish routing game for which
    the convergence time is exponential (under some
    mild assumptions).
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