Organic Chemistry HL2 Topics 10 and 20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Organic Chemistry HL2 Topics 10 and 20


Organic Chemistry HL2 Topics 10 and 20 IB Chemistry Gr 12 Elimination Reactions 20.3.1 Describe, using equations, the elimination of HBr from bromoalkanes Warm OH-(aq ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Organic Chemistry HL2 Topics 10 and 20

Organic Chemistry HL2Topics 10 and 20
  • IB Chemistry Gr 12

Review Objectives (Topic 10)
  • 10.1.1 Describe the features of a homologous
  • 10.1.2 Predict and explain the trends in boiling
    points of members of a homologous series.
  • 10.1.3 Distinguish between empirical, molecular
    and structural formulas.
  • 10.1.4 Describe structural isomers as compounds
    with the same molecular formula but with
    different arrangements of atoms.

10.1.1 Describe the features of a homologous
  • Homologous series have the same general formula
    with the neighboring members of the differing by
    a -CH2- unit.
  • Members of a homologous series have similar
    chemical properties and show a gradual change in
    physical properties as mass changes so do van
    der Waals forces and sometimes the polarity of
    the molecules.

10.1.2 Predict and explain the trends in boiling
points of members of homologous series.
Alkane Boiling Point C
Methane, CH4 -164
Ethane, C2H6 -89
Propane, C3H8 -42
Butane, C4H10 -0.5
Pentane, C5H12 36
Hexane, C6H14 69
Heptane, C7H16 98
Octane, C8H18 125
  • Note the trend in b.p. is predictable due to
    increase in van der Waals forces with mass but
    it is not linear the increase in chain length
    is proportionally greater for the small chains.
  • Other physical properties that vary predictably
    are density and viscosity.

  • Most organic compounds tend to be non-polar and
    will just have van der Waals forces and be
    insoluble in water.
  • Some functional groups contain oxygen and
    nitrogen and will give rise to dipole-dipole
    interactions and/or hydrogen bonding.
  • Some functional groups will also interact with
    water like acids or bases so they will affect the
  • The longer the non-polar hydrocarbon chain, the
    less likely a molecule will mix with polar
    solvents like water.

10.1.3 Distinguish between empirical,
molecular and structural formulas.
  • Empirical simplest ratio of atoms ex. C2H4O
  • Molecular actual number of atoms ex. C4H8O2
  • Structural (condensed) shows overall structure
    ex. CH3CH2CH2COOH
  • Full structural (displayed) shows every bond and
    atom ex.

Review Objectives
  • 10.1.4 Describe structural isomers, same
    molecular formula but different structures
  • http//
  • 10.1.5 Deduce structural formulas for the isomers
    of the non-cyclic alkanes up to C6.
  • http//
  • 10.1.6 Apply IUPAC rules for naming the isomers
    of the non-cyclic alkanes up to C6.
  • http//

Review Objectives
  • 10.1.7 Deduce structural formulas for the isomers
    of the straight chain alkenes up to C6.
  • http//
  • 10.1.8 Apply IUPAC rules for naming the isomers
    of the straight chain alkenes up to C6.
  • http//

Classification of Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are made up of only hydrogen and
Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes,
  • Alkanes are SATURATED as they only have single
  • Alkenes and alkynes are UNSATURATED as they
    contain multiple bonds. These bonds are stronger
    and mean that the molecules can react more.
  • Alkenes contain a CC bond.
  • Alkynes contain a CC triple bond.
  • Alkenes are very important in the petrochemical
    industry as they are the starting substances to
    make many other compounds, such as polymers

How to name organic compounds
  • 1. Identify the longest carbon chain. Ex. pent-
    for 5 Cs in the longest chain.
  • 2. Identify the type of bonding in the chain or
  • 3. Identify the functional group joined to the
    chain or ring. This may come at the beginning or
    the end.
  • Ex. Ethanol (alcohol)
  • 4. Numbers are used to give the position of
    groups or bonds in the chain.
  • ex. But-1-ene

  • 10.1.9 Deduce structural formulas for compounds
    containing up to six carbon atoms with one of the
    following functional groups alcohol, aldehyde,
    ketone, carboxylic acid and halide.
  • 10.1.10 Apply IUPAC rules for naming compounds
    containing up to six carbon atoms with one of the
    following functional groups alcohol, aldehyde,
    ketone, carboxylic acid and halide.
  • http//
  • 10.1.11 Identify the following functional groups
    when present in structural formulas amino (NH2),
    benzene ring, and esters (RCOOR).
  • http//

  • 10.1.12 Identify primary, secondary and tertiary
    carbon atoms in alcohols and halogenoalkanes.
  • 10.1.13 Discuss the volatility and solubility in
    water of compounds containing the functional
    groups listed in 10.1.9.
  • http//
  • 20.1.1 Deduce the structural formulas for
    compounds containing up to six carbon atoms with
    one of the following functional groups amine,
    amide, ester and nitrile.
  • 20.1.2 Apply IUPAC rules for naming compounds
    containing up to six carbon atoms with one of the
    following functional groups amine, amide, ester,
    and nitrile.
  • http//

Functional Groups
Name Functional Group Prefix/suffix Example
Alkane None -ane CH4, methane
Alkene CC -ene CH2CH2, ethene
Alkyne CC -yne CHCH, ethyne
Alcohol -OH -anol (or hydroxy) CH3OH, methanol
Aldehyde -CHO -anal CH3CHO, ethanal
Ketone -CO -anone CH3COCH3, propanone
Carboxylic Acid -COOH -anoic acid CH3COOH, ethanoic acid
Halogenoalkane -X (F, Cl, Br or I) Halogeno- (fluoro ) CH3CH2Cl, chloroethane
Amine -NH2 -ylamine (or amino) CH3CH2NH2, ethylamine
Amide -CONH2 -anamide CH3CONH2, ethanamide
Ester R-CO-O-R Alkyl -alkanoate CH3COOCH3, methyl ethanoate
Nitrile -CN -anenitrile (or cyano-) CH3-CN, ethanenitrile (cyanomethane)
10.1.13 Discuss the volatility and solubility in
water of compounds containing the functional
groups listed in 10.1.9 (alcohol, aldehyde,
ketone, carboxylic acid and halide.)
  • Volatility is a measure of how easily a substance
    changes into gaseous state. High volatility means
    that a compound has a low boiling point.
  • Effect on volatility of the different functional
    groups is summarized as
  • haloalkanegtaldehydegt ketonegt alcoholgt carboxylic
  • Solubility in water is increased by the presence
    of functional groups like alcohols, carboxylic
    acids and amines as these can all form hydrogen
  • Aldehydes, ketones, amides and esters have polar
    bonds so will be soluble in water.
  • http//

  • 10.2.1 Explain the low reactivity of alkanes in
    terms of bond enthalpies and bond polarity.
  • Relatively strong bonds mean that the molecule
    needs a lot of energy added in order to start any
    reaction low reactivity. The molecule also
    has many non-polar or low polarity bonds so
    electrophiles (seeking negative places to react)
    and neucleophiles (positive places) will not be
    attracted to it.


10.2.2 Describe, using equations, the complete
and incomplete combustion of alkanes
  • Complete Combustion
  • CH4 (g) 2O2 (g) ? CO2 (g) 2H2O (l)
    DH0 -890.4 kJ/mo

Do NOW Write an equation for the incomplete
combustion of methane.
Reactions of Methane and Ethane
  • 10.2.3 Describe, using equations, the reactions
    of methane and ethane with chlorine and bromine.
  • http//
  • 10.2.4 Explain the reactions of methane and
    ethane with chlorine and bromine in terms of a
    free-radical mechanism.
  • http//

10.2.3 Describe, using equations, the reactions
of methane and ethane with chlorine and bromine.

10.2.4 Explain the reactions of methane and
ethane with chlorine and bromine in terms of a
free-radical mechanism.
  • http//
  • The reaction mixture is stable in the dark, but
    UV light will initiate the reaction. The halogen
    bond is broken by the UV light in homolytic
    fission. The chlorine radicals produced are very
    reactive. The reaction moves through propagation
    and termination.

  • 10.3.1 Describe, using equations, the reactions
    of alkenes with hydrogen and halogens.
  • Alkenes can be turned into alkanes by adding
    hydrogen (using heat and a nickel catalyst).
    Halogens can also be added to alkenes to make
    dihaloalkanes. BUT the halogens add onto each
    side of the CC bond -- there is not enough room
    for the halogens to comfortably fit on only one
    carbon. These are both ADDITION reactions.
  • http//
  • 10.3.2 Describe, using equations, the reactions
    of symmetrical alkenes with hydrogen halides and
  • Hydrating alkenes produces alcohols and
    hydrogenhalonating (nobody really uses this word)
    alkenes produces haloalkanes. Just add the small
    molecule across the CC bond.
  • http//

Markovnikovs rule in addition of unsymmetrical
(that is, polar) reagents to alkenes, the
positive portion of the reagent (usually
hydrogen) adds to the carbon atom that already
has the most hydrogen atoms.
  • 10.3.3 Distinguish between alkanes and alkenes
    using bromine water.
  • http//
  • ALKENES, CC will decolorize bromine water (which
    is red). The double bond in the alkene breaks and
    a bromine atom bonds to the C on each side.
    ALKANES do not react -- so the red of the bromine
  • 10.3.4 Outline the polymerization of alkenes.
  • http//
  • Alkenes behave as monomers (simple building
    blocks) that can be joined together to form long
    chains called polymers. Ethene can make
    polyethene, propene can make polypropene etc.
    These are addition polymers - the reaction
    completely uses all the monomer, no extra small
    molecule is also produced like in condensation

10.3.5 Outline the economic importance of the
reactions of alkenes
  • Alkenes in vegetable oil can be removed by
    hydrogenation to make spreadable margarine -- and
    a profit. Ethene can also be hydrated to form the
    fuel ethanol. Alkenes are polymerized to make
    plastics such as polyethene or polypropene, with
    multiple uses as packaging, clothing etc.

Alkenes and Steam
  • If superheated steam, H2O(g), is added to an
    alkene at 300C and 7 atm, a reversible reaction
    occurs which produces ETHANOL.
  • This is an important industrial process as
    ethanol is used in large quantities as a solvent
    and an intermediate to make other compounds.
  • At 1 atm the eqm lies to the left and alkenes are
    formed by the dehydration of alcohols.
  • Catalyst used in both directions is concentrated

10.4 Alcohols
  • 10.4.1 Describe, using equations, the complete
    combustion of alcohols.
  • 10.4.2 Describe, using equations, the oxidation
    reactions of alcohols.
  • 10.4.3 Determine the products formed by the
    oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols.

  • Their general formula is CnH2n1OH.
  • The -OH is polar which increases the volatility
    and the solubility in water compared to alkanes
    of similar mass.
  • The best known alcohol is ethanol, C2H5OH,which
    dissolves readily in water and is present in
    alcoholic drinks.
  • Ethanol for use in drinks is produced through
    fermentation of sugars like glucose this is a
    slow process that requires warm anaerobic
  • 3 Classes of Alcohols
  • 1. primary has OH attached to a terminal C.
  • 2. secondary has OH attached to a middle
  • 3. tertiary has OH attached to a C
    connected to 3 other Cs.

Oxidation of Alcohols
  • The H atoms attached to the C with the OH group
    are readily oxidized so these 3 classes of
    alcohols behave in different ways.
  • A common oxidizing agent is acidified potassium
    dichromate(VI). H2SO4 is commonly used as the
  • Tertiary alcohols do not have any reactive H
    atoms and are not readily oxidized.
  • Secondary alcohols have one reactive H and
    undergo oxidation to form ketones.

Oxidation of Alcohols
  • Primary alcohols ? aldehydes ? carboxylic acids.
  • Both aldehydes and alcohols are polar but
    alcohols can participate in hydrogen bonding in
    addition to dipole-dipole forces so they have
    higher boiling points. Aldehydes only have
    dipole-dipole forces.
  • To obtain the aldehyde in the lab the alcohol is
    added to the boiling oxidizing agent so that as
    soon as the more volatile aldehyde is formed it
    distills off.
  • To obtain the carboxylic acid rather than the
    aldehyde a more concentrated solution of the
    oxidizing agent is added and the mixture is
    refluxed so that the aldehyde cannot escape.
  • Heating under reflux allows us to carry out a
    reaction at the boiling point of the solvent
    without any loss of the solvent.
  • The vapor of the boiling solvent turns back to
    liquid in a vertical condenser and drips back
    into the flask.

Properties and Reactions of Carboxylic Acids
  • Generally weak acids
  • React with alcohols to form esters
  • Neutralization
  • Production of acid halides (intermediates in

Amines are organic bases with the general formula
20.2 Nucleophilic Substitution
  • 20.2.1 Explain why the hydroxide ion is a better
    nucleophile than water.
  • http//
  • 20.2.3 Explain how the rate of Sn1/Sn2 in
    halogenoalkanes by OH- depends on if the
    halogenoalkane is primary, secondary or tertiary.
  • Sn2 reactions have higher activation energy (and
    an unstable reaction intermediate) and so are
    slower than Sn1 reactions. (Sn1 is a 2 step
    process with tertiary haloalkanes FAST)
  • http//
  • 20.2.4 Describe the substitution reactions of
    halogenoalkanes with NH3 and KCN
  • http//

Nucleophilic Substitution
  • 20.2.5 Explain the Sn2 reactions of primary
    halogenoalkanes with NH3 and KCN
  • http//
  • 20.2.6 Describe the reduction of nitriles using
    H2 and Ni catalyst
  • http//

Elimination Reactions
  • 20.3.1 Describe, using equations, the elimination
    of HBr from bromoalkanes
  • Warm OH-(aq) reacts with bromoalkanes by
    substitution (Sn1 or Sn2) BUT if hot OH-(ethanol)
    is used then an "elimination" reaction will occur
    and ethene will be the product. This shows that
    the same reactants but a different solvent can
    cause a different chemical reaction.
  • http//

  • 20.3.2 Describe/explain the mechanism for
    elimination of HBr from bromoalkanes.
  • http//
  • No-one is quite sure how much detail the IB want
    here (text books disagree) -- so this video
    contain the most you need to know.

Condensation Reactions
  • 20.4.1 Reactions of alcohols with carboxylic
    acids to form esters. State uses of esters.
  • Reacting an alcohol with a carboxylic acid in
    warm sulfuric acid produces an ester and water.
    This is a condensation reaction (a small extra
    molecule is produced -- in this case water). The
    sulfuric acid acts as a catalyst. The equation is
    in equilibrium.Esters have a "fruity" smell
    (mostly), and are found in fruit. They also make
    good solvents due to their intermediate polarity
    (not polar -- not really non-polar!). They are
    also highly flammable.

Esters have the general formula R'COOR, where R
is a hydrocarbon group.
Characteristic odors and flavors
Alkaline hydrolysis (saponification)
Reaction Pathways
  • 10.6.1 Deduce reaction pathways given the
    starting materials and the product.
  • http//
  • 20.5.1 Deduce reaction pathways given the
    starting materials and the product.
  • http//

Condensation Reactions
  • 20.4.2 Describe, using equations, the reactions
    of amines with carboxylic acids.
  • Amines react with carboxylic acids to produce
    an amide and a water molecule. This is a
    condensation reaction (the products include a
    small molecule and a larger product)
  • http//
  • 20.4.3 Deduce structures of the polymers formed
    by alcohols and carboxylic acids
  • http//
  • 20.4.4 Deduce the structures of the polymers
    formed by amines with carboxylic acids.
  • http//

  • 20.6.1 Stereoisomers-same structural formula,
    different spacial arrangement of atomshttp
  • http//
  • 20.6.2 Geometric Isomerism in Alkenes
  • http//

  • 20.6.3 Describe/explain geometrical isomerism in
    C3,C4 cycloalkanes
  • http//
  • 20.6.4 Explain the difference in
    physical/chemical properties of geometrical
  • http//
  • 20.6.5 Describe and explain optical isomerism in
    simple organic molecules.
  • If a carbon atom in a molecule has 4 different
    atoms or groups attached it is known as being
    "chiral" or "asymmetric". Such chiral carbons
    produce chiral molecules. A chiral molecule and
    the molecule that is its reflection are called
    "enantiomers". A 5050 mixture of enantiomers is
    called "racemic". Butan-2-ol and 2-bromo butane
    are both chiral molecules.
  • http//
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