ENG 101 Memory-test Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ENG 101 Memory-test Review


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ENG 101 Memory-test Review

ENG 101 Memory-test Review
Administered on Thursday, Jan. 23 to the 1200
and 130 sections and on Monday,
Jan. 27 to the 1200 section
Leaded fuel is preferable to non-leaded.
Sample multiple choice questions
  • A verbal ending in ing and used in a noun
    position is called
  • a participle
  • an infinitive
  • a gerund

  • A run-on sentence is
  • quite long and often rambling
  • most synonymous with fused sentence
  • often helps effect better meaning

  • The professor entered the room and smoking is
  • The sentence above is confusing because it shifts
  • active to passive voice
  • past to present tense
  • both a and b

Sample multiple choice questions
  • Most doctors suggest that women should not give
    birth to a child
  • over the age of forty.
  • The sentence above exhibits
  • a. improper grammar
  • b. a misrelated modifier
  • c. lack of proper punctuation

  • An absolute phrase contains
  • a noun plus a participial expression
  • a noun plus a gerundic expression
  • a noun plus an infinitive expression

  • While I was walking to my office, the strange
    student followed behind me.
  • The green two words are an example of a
  • misrelated modifier
  • misconstructed phrase
  • tautology (superfluous redundancy)

examples devastating war, past history, foreign
imports, melted down, 2am in the morning, true
fact, followed behind, free gift, green in color,
sunset in the west, joint cooperation, ATM
machine, HIV virus, SAT test, PIN number, 100
dollars, Please R.S.V.P., to reiterate again,
todays modern technology, see it with your own
eyes, In my opinion, I personally think . . .
Identify the 4 types of sentences according to
use 1. 2. 3. 4.
assertive or declarative
Guide to grammar and writing
  • Identify the 4 types of sentences according to
    grammatical structure
  • 1
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Purdues Site Map
The primary phrases in the English Language are
the following
A phrase is a group of related words without a
subject and a predicate
Prepositional functions as an adjective or
Three verbals Gerund functions as a
noun Infinitive functions as an adjective,
adverb or noun Participle functions as an
Appositive functions as a noun
Absolute functions to modify an entire clause,
not just one word in a sentence
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
A well regulated militia being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the
people to keep and bear arms shall not be
Phrases and Clauses
The two groups of words that do much of the work
within our main clauses are phrases and
dependent clauses. What differentiates the
former from the latter is the lack of a subject
and predicate. Depending on their structure and
placement, both types may function in three ways
adj, adv, or n.
The two groups of words that do much of the work
within our main clauses are phrases and
dependent clauses. What differentiates the
former from the latter is the lack of a subject
and predicate Depending on their structure and
placement, both types may function in three
ways adj, adv, or n. .
Determine if the following phrases and
clauses are adjectives or adverbs (modifiers)
Example The cat in the blender is staring at me
dependent clause/adj
Example Those people who text while driving put
other drivers at great risk.
dependent clause/adv
Example When the students saw the first eight
words, they knew it was an adverb clause.
The phrases and clauses that function as
modifiers may often be identified by
their positions in the sentence because writers
usually place them close to what they modify.
Identifying the noun function for each is a
little more difficult.
To determine a words or group of words noun
function in a sentence, it is wise to know the
four primary noun positions subject direct
object predicate noun object of the preposition
dependent clause in the subject position
What the English 101 students craved was to learn
more about grammar.
infinitive phrase in the direct object position
The English 101 students wanted to learn more
about grammar.
gerund in the predicate noun position
The English 101 students major task was learning
more about grammar.
dependent clause in the object of the preposition
The English 101 students were thrilled with what
they were learning about grammar.
Types of sentences according to grammatical
To identify the grammatical structure of an
English language sentence, all you have to do is
determine how many clauses (not phrases) appear
in the group of words under consideration. On
your test, it might be useful to cross out any
phrases you recognize or to place any dependent
clause in parentheses ( ) and any
independent clause in brackets.
Important Each structure name has nothing to
do with the length or meaning of the group of
Simple contains one independent
clause Compound contains at least two
independent clauses Complex contains one
independent and at least one dependent
clause Compound-complex contains at least two
independent and at least one dependent clause
Types of sentences according to grammatical
A dependent clause begins with either a
subordinating conjunction or relativepronoun and
has a predicate, but it can never stand alone as
a sentence
Can you identify the grammatical structure of
In order to show the 101 students a complex
sentence, the professor included one on his
PowerPoint show, which he presented during the
Memory Test Review class on January 21.
Many investigating the Chris Christie bridge
scandal want the governor removed from office
critics say moving Christie from office would
involve a three-ton construction crane.
Thousands of dead fish have now washed up on
shore along the coast of South Carolina, and
immediately an NRA spokesperson responded with
this wouldn't have happened if those fish had
Responding to the idea of putting armed guards in
schools, Colbert said, nothing reassures
parents more than surrounding their kids with
weird guys with a lot of weapons and nothing to
do on weekdays.
The Sentence Fragment Error
A fragment is a group of related words that begin
with a capital letter and end with a final mark
of punctuation however, in formal writing, it is
unacceptable because of its incompleteness. The
three most common fragmented elements are
phrases, the second half of a compound predicate,
and dependent clauses.
It is one of the three most common errors.
Phrases commonly fragmented participle,
infinitive, appositive, prepositional, absolute
Example The instructor showed the class the
Pre-Test Review slide show. Hoping it would help
his students recognize the mistakes when they
write essays. Corrected The instructor showed
the class the Pre-test Review slide show, hoping
it would help his students recognize the mistakes
when they write essays.
The fragmented second half of a compound predicate
Example The instructor taught the students to
recognize two of the fragment types. And then
discussed the third to complete the lesson.
Corrected The instructor taught the students to
recognize two of the fragment types and then
discussed the third to complete the lesson.
The fragmented dependent clause
Example Most of the students had a clearer
picture of the fragment error. Which the
instructor discussed at length in his Powerpoint
Corrected Most of the students had a clearer
picture of the fragment error, which the
instructor discussed at length in his Powerpoint
The Comma Splice Error
A comma splice occurs when a writer connects two
independent clauses with only a comma in formal
writing, this is unacceptable.
Knowing the four types of sentences (grammatical
structure) can be helpful
Mistake can never occur!
The Run-0n Error Aka a fused sentence
A run-on occurs when a writer places two
independent clauses together without anything in
between them in formal writing, this is
Knowing the four types of sentences (grammatical
structure) can be helpful
Mistake can never occur!
Guide to grammar and writing
A writer may place a comma between two
independent clauses, this creates a comma splice.
A writer may effect just space between two
independent clauses this creates a fused sentence.
Purdues Site Map
Agreement errors
The two forms of agreement in sentences
are subject and verb and antecedent and
pronoun. Mistakes often occur when students do
not match the number of one of the items to the
Example one In this sentence, pick out the verb
or verb form which (appear, appears) in
Example two Because of the numerous financial
scandals --orMadoffs --in our country, ethics
seems to have lost (their, its) appeal.
Using a comma or commas, punctuate the following
Edit out any superfluous commas
A study showed that every hour of TV you watch
after the age of 25 shortens your life by 22
minutes which doesn't sound too bad to me,
because you'd probably watch TV with that 22
minutes anyway.
In his depressing cell O J thought about
marriage, and decided he would like to take
another stab at it.
Recently Chris Christie gave a 107-minute press
conference to address the scandal. The last time
Christie talked for 107 minutes he was ordering
at IHOP.
The Supreme Ruler of Iran said, that he wants to
have the countrys population go from 80 million
to 150 million if he wants more pregnancies he
should legalize alcohol over there.
Who or Whom?
Who (whoever) is always a subjective case
relative pronoun, and whom (whomever) is always
the objective case relative pronoun.
In the following sentence, is the usage
correct? Who are you staring at?
How about in this one? He taught the pronoun
usage to whoever would listen
And this one? For who is this
an issue?
There, Their, or Theyre
There is an adverbial referring to place or
it is an expletive (filler word) their is a
plural possessive case pronoun, and theyre is a
contraction for they are.
In the following sentence, is the purpled word
correct? Their wondering if the usage is correct
in this sentence.
How about in this one? There are 25
students taking the pre-test.
And this one? The students knew
the correct usage because their smart.
Affect or Effect?
Affect is always a verb meaning to have an
influence on. Effect is most often used as a
noun meaning a change resulting from an action,
but it can be used as a verb meaningto bring
In the following sentence, is the usage
correct? The English 101 students admitted that
the PowerPoint presentation had an affect on them.
How about in this
one? The English professors students hoped it
would help them effect a better understanding of
grammar and usage.
Need some additional grammar help?
Guide to grammar and writing
Purdues Site Map
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