1L23 Protein Functions as a Chaperone Docking
Site on the Ribosome
- Kramer, G., et. al. (2002) Nature 419 171-174
Presented by Michael Evans Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Notre
Dame Notre Dame, IN 46616
- Introduction to chaperones
- Experiments and Results
- Conclusions
- Future Work
3Chaperones and Folding
- Newly synthesized polypeptides must fold to
native conformation in crowded environment of the
cell - Chaperones help many to avoid aggregation
- Bind to exposed hydrophobic regions
- PPIase activity
- ATP dependent binding
- Maintain conformational flexibility
4Chaperone Pathway in Bacteria
Hartl, F.U. and Hayer-Hartl, M. (2002) Science
295 1852-1858
5Trigger Factor (TF)
- First bacterial chaperone to see nascent
polypeptide - Has PPIase activity, but recognizes hydrophobic
residues - Function overlaps with DnaJ/DnaK chaperones
- N-terminal domain mediates binding to 50S subunit
of ribosome
- Explain coupling of synthesis to folding
- Eukaryotic parallels
- No TF
- Other chaperones interact with ribosome
- SRP study
7A Few Questions
- What part of TF is important for interaction with
the ribosome? - Which ribosomal protein(s) and/or RNA does TF
interact with? - Must TF bind ribosomes to interact with nascent
chains? - Is ribosomal association required for TFs
participation in protein folding?
8TF Signature
- Alignment of TF homologues revealed 17 conserved
residues - Completely conserved G-F-R-X-G-X-X-P motif--the
TF signature - TF signature located in unstructured region
- Could be surface-exposed and contribute to
ribosome interaction
9TF Signature and Mutants
10TF Signature Mutants
- FRK/AAA should show reduced association with
11FRK/AAA Mutant Association with Ribosomes
- Incubated FRK/AAA with ribosomes from ?tig E.
coli - Ribosomes separated from unbound protein by
centrifugation - SDS-PAGE of pellet (ribosome) and supernatant
(unbound protein)
12FRK/AAA Mutant Association with Ribosomes
- Increased amount of FRK/AAA in supernatant
relative to wt TF incubated with ribosomes
S Supernatant P Ribosome Pellet
13TF Signature Mutants
- D42C replace Asp with Cys to allow attachment of
crosslinking reagent - BPIA is UV activatable
- Attacks C-H bonds, so will react with ribosomal
proteins and RNA
14D42C Mutant Association and Crosslinking with
- Couple TF D42C to BPIA
- Incubate with ?tig ribosomes
- Activate BPIA by UV irradiation
- Separate ribosome-protein complexes as before by
centrifugation - SDS-PAGE to resolve crosslinking products
15D42C Mutant Association and Crosslinking with
- Two products, 68 kDa and 75 kDa
- RNase A treatment does not affect mobility of
products - Trypsin digestion followed by ESI-MS to identify
cross-linked proteins - 68 kDa TF L29
- 75kDa TF L23
16Interaction is Specific
- Add 2.5 M excess of either wt TF or FRK/AAA to
compete with D42C-BPIA during crosslinking - wt TF results in decrease of both crosslinking
products - FRK/AAA does not decrease yield of crosslinking
products - Crosslinking products are a result of a specific
TF-ribosome interaction
17L23 and L29
- Both proteins of the large subunit
- In direct contact with each other
- Located next to the exit tunnel
- Does TF associate directly with one or both?
18L23 and L29 Deletion Mutants
- Strategy replace ORF with kanamycin resistance
Adapted from Datsenko, K.A., and Wanner, B.L.
(2000) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97 6640-6645
19L23 and L29 Deletion Mutants
- Two mutants produced
- ?rpmCkan, deletion of L29 gene
- ?rplWkan, deletion of L23 gene
- ?rpmCkan grows, but slightly slower than wt
- ?rplWkan requires presence of pL23 for growth
20L23 and L29 Deletion Mutants
- ?rplWkan growth dependent on IPTG induction of
pL23 - L23 mutant is also viable
21L29 and TF Binding
- Purify ribosomes from ?rpmCkan under high salt
conditions - Does TF remain bound to ribosomes without L29?
- Can TF rebind ribosomes without L29?
22TF Remains Associated to L29-Deficient Ribosomes
- SDS-PAGE of isolated ribosomes
- Control is from ?rplW cells with wt L23 from
plasmid - TF remains associated with L29-deficient ribosomes
23TF Can Rebind to L29-Deficient Ribosomes
- SDS-PAGE of ribosome-TF pellet and supernatant
- Control is from ?rplW cells with wt L23 from
plasmid - TF associates with L29-deficient ribosomes
24L23 Deletion and Mutants
- L29 is not required for TF binding, but what
about L23? - ?rplW mutants are nonviable, but pL23 rescues
- What part of L23 is important for binding?
25L23 Region 1 and 2 Mutants
- Criteria for interaction
- residue is surface-exposed
- Conserved among bacterial L23s
- Two regions identified
26L23 Region 1 and 2 Mutants
- Region 1 E18A, E18Q, VSE/AAA
- Region 2 E52K, FEV/AAA
- All mutant L23s complement ?rplW
27L23 Mutants and TF Binding
- Only region 1 mutants have effect on TF binding
- Does TF remain associated with ribosomes
containing mutant L23? - Can TF rebind ribosomes containing mutant L23?
28L23 Mutants and TF Binding
- SDS-PAGE of isolated ribosomes
- Control is from ?rplW cells with wt L23 from
plasmid - TF does not remain associated with mutant L23
29L23 Mutants and TF Binding
- SDS-PAGE of ribosome-TF pellet and supernatant
- Control is from ?rplW cells with wt L23 from
plasmid - Little TF binds to mutant L23 ribosomes
30L23 Mutants and TF Binding
- Less TF co-purifies with ribosomes under
physiological salt concentrations - Mutant L23 levels are consistent with wt
ribosomal proteins
31TF Interacts Directly with L23
- Create S-tagged L23-thioredoxin fusion (Trx-L23)
- Bind to S-tag column and apply TF or FRK/AAA
- Elute bound proteins
32TF Interacts Directly with L23
- TF binds L23, but FRK/AAA binding is weak
- TF and FRK/AAA have similar substrate binding
properties - L23-TF interaction is not mediated through
nascent polypeptide
33TF Nascent Polypeptide Interaction and L23
- Must TF bind L23 to interact with nascent
polypeptide? - Use in vitro transcription/translation (IVT) and
crosslinking - Produce 35S-labeled isocitrate dehydrogenase
(ICDH) fragment - Use crosslinker to probe for TF-ICDH interaction
34In Vitro Transcription/ Translation System
- Translation competent fraction from ?tig E. coli
- Purified ribosomes with wt L23, region 1 L23
mutants, or no L29 - Purified TF
- Produce N-terminal fragment of ICDH, an in vivo
TF substrate
- Crosslinker is disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS)
- Homobifunctional
- Spans 11.4 angstroms
- Reacts with ?-amino groups of Lys to give
crosslink and N-hydroxy succinimide (NHS)
36Identifying Crosslink Results
- Immunoprecipitate crosslink product with anti-TF
Ab - IP and non-IP samples examined by elecrophoresis,
autoradiography - Control with no DSS
37L23 is Required for TF ICDH Interaction
- wt L23 yields strong TF-ICDH crosslinks
- L23 mutants retard crosslinking
- Co-IP w/anti-TF Abs confirms identity
- Glu 18 mutants reduce TF-ICDH interaction
38TF-Ribosome Interaction and In Vivo Protein
- Combine ?rplWkan with ?dnaK
- Compensate with plasmids for wt or mutant L23
- Examine growth and aggregation at different
39TF-Ribosome Interaction and in vivo Protein
- wt L23 compensates for deletion
- L23 mutations lethal at 37ÂșC
40TF-Ribosome Interaction and in vivo Protein
- Aggregates isolated from double mutants
- Aggregation increases with temperature
- VSE/AAA mutation is most severe
41The Big Picture
- L23 is the TF docking site on the ribosome
- Glu 18 is critical for binding
- Mutations in TF or L23 which inhibit binding
affect protein folding, growth - L23 couples protein synthesis with
chaperone-assisted folding
43Future Directions
- Why does TF form two crosslinks to nascent
chains? - What is the nature of the L23-TF binding
interface? - Does temp increase rate of aggregation or TF-L23
on-off rate? - Role for eukaryotic L23 in recruiting chaperones?