Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing vs. plagiarizing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing vs. plagiarizing.


Definition-Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. ... like saving whales, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing vs. plagiarizing.

Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing vs.
  • What you will learn
  • what each one is,
  • why they are important and
  • how to do each one.

Why are they important?
  • Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all
    important because writers need to support their
    thesis statement with relevant and credible
    details, facts, and examples.

What is plagiarism?
  • Definition-Plagiarism is the act of taking
    another person's writing, conversation, song, or
    even idea and passing it off as your own. This
    includes information from web pages, books,
    songs, television shows, email messages,
    interviews, articles, artworks or any other
  • So what, no one will find out? Right?
  • -Students have been kicked out of college for
    being found guilty of plagiarism.
  • -Schools, including East High, use turnitin.com,
    which automatically runs your essay against every
    other essay on the web.

Example of plagiarizing-What line was
  • Original Source Material Technology has
    significantly transformed education at several
    major turning points in our history. In the
    broadest sense, the first technology was the
    primitive modes of communication used by
    prehistoric people before the development of
    spoken language. Mime, gestures, grunts, and
    drawing of figures in the sand with a stick were
    methods used to communicate -- yes, even to
    educate. Even without speech, these prehistoric
    people were able to teach their young how to
    catch animals for food, what animals to avoid,
    which vegetation was good to eat and which was
  • Plagiarized Version In examining technology, we
    have to remember that computers are not the first
    technology people have had to deal with. The
    first technology was the primitive modes of
    communication used by prehistoric people before
    the development of spoken language.

How to avoid it.
  • 1. Plan out your essay using an organizer.
  • 2. Select credible sources to reinforce your
    thesis statement.
  • 3. Learn how to quote, paraphrase, and summarize.
    If you didnt write it, you need to cite it.

Verbs to introduce summaries, paraphrases, and
quotes (backside of paper)
  • Why? Verbs can be used to introduce summaries,
    paraphrases, and quotations that indicate the
    authors point of view on the topic.
  • Fill in the blank-Write this sentence down, then
    choose a verb from below to fill in the blank.
  • Joe Smith__________ that the flood might
    have been disastrous.
  • Verb choices when the author is neutral about
    your thesis-comments, describes, explains,
    illustrates, notes, or observes.
  • Verb choices when the author implies something
    that agrees with your thesis-finds, predicts,
    proposes, reveals, or suggests.
  • Verb choices when the author agrees with your
    thesis-admits or agrees.

  • Choosing a small word for word portion from a
    source that supports your thesis statement and
    still gives credit to the original author.
  • Example quotation According to Roger Sipher, a
    sociologist at Harvard, a solution to the
    perceived crisis of American education is to
    "Abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow
    only those who are committed to getting an
    education to attend.

How to quote
  • 1st read the passage.
  • 2nd decide if anything from the passage would
    support your thesis statement or main idea.
  • 3rd introduce the material by stating your point.
  • Example-Although pit bulls have a bad reputation,
    they can be trained to be friendly.
  • 4-Finally, add your quote for support. This does
    not need to be the whole sentence. You have to
    introduce the person who wrote the quote by
    stating what their job or title is, then use one
    of these words on the next page to help introduce
    the quote.
  • Paul Tullis, an columnist at Time magazine,
    states that, Outreach efforts at decidedly
    gentle settings like schools and nursing homes,
    these advocates are making the case that pit
    bulls are no more dangerous than any other furry

Use a quote from this passage to back up this
thesis statement. Put on the back of the paper.
  • Thesis Statement Although pit bulls are thought
    to be dangerous, they can be friendly if raised
  • Find a quote from the website to back up the
    thesis. Dont forget to include the authors name
    and job title. If there is no author, include the
    company or association that wrote it.
  • http//www.aspca.org/pet-care/virtual-pet-behavior

  • Putting a passage into your own words, still
    giving credit to the original author.
  • Example paraphrase-Write the paraphrase only.

Original Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay
and they can consume 75 pounds of food a day.
Paraphrase A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of
Acacia leaves and hay everyday. 
How to paraphrase
  • 1st read the passage
  • 2nd write down the main ideas.
  • 3rd use the same ideas, but change it into your
    own words and sentence structure. You must still
    give credit to the original author.

Paraphrase this examples on the back of your
  • Annie Oakley's life spanned years of tremendous
    change for American women. By the time of her
    death in 1926, Americans were celebrating the
    liberated, urban focused, modern times of the
    Jazz Age. Women had won the right to vote, wore
    less restrictive clothes, and followed a changing
    ideal that was loosening some of the restrictions
    on women's roles and behavior that had reigned
    through the nineteenth century.

  • Putting the main idea and supporting details into
    your own words while still giving credit to the
    original author.
  • Example summary-For an example of a summary,
    write down this website.
  • Purdue OWL Quoting, Paraphrasing, and
  • Then go to it to see an example on school

How to summarize
  • 1st-read the passage.
  • 2nd-determine what the thesis statement is.
  • 3rd-figure what the 3 supporting details are.
    Usually the body paragraphs are the topics for
    the supporting details.
  • 4th-organize your ideas into a paragraph without
    changing the authors original meaning.

Summarize this example.
  • Knowing how to argue is a useful skill. We use it
    on ourselves in order to arrive at decisions we
    use it with others as we discuss business
    strategies or policy changes on committees, as
    members of the local PTA, a law office, an
    environmental action group we use it as
    fundraisers for a cause, like saving whales, we
    use it in applying for foundation grants and in
    drafting a letter to the editor of our hometown
    paper we use it when we discuss child abuse,
    toxic waste, tax cuts, pothole repair, working
    mothers, and university investment policies. Our
    ability to express opinions persuasivelyto
    present our views systematically as
    argumentswill allow us to make some difference
    in public life. If we lack the necessary skills,
    we are condemned to sit on the sidelines. Instead
    of doing the moving, we will be among the moved
    more persuasive voices will convince us of what
    me must do. (pp. 222-223)
  • Thesis Statement-
  • Detail 1
  • Detail 2
  • Detail 3

What do I do next?
  • Use a combination of at least 3-5 citations,
    summaries, and paraphrases in your expository
  • Remember to use relevant and credible sources.
    You need to complete the source credibility sheet
    for each source. If you need more spaces for
    sources, print off another sheet from my website.
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