Western Balkans and Europe 2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Western Balkans and Europe 2020


Western Balkans and Europe 2020 Towards Convergence and Growth Regional Coordination Meeting, Brussels, 31 March Remus PRICOPIE, Chair of the TF BHC of RCC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Western Balkans and Europe 2020

Western Balkans and Europe 2020 Towards
Convergence and Growth
  • Regional Coordination Meeting,
  • Brussels,
  • 31 March
  • Remus PRICOPIE, Chair of the TF BHC of RCC

  • RCC Task Force Fostering and Building Human
  • Summary
  • 1) Overall objective of initiative
  • 2) Membership and structure
  • 3) Main activities and achievements
  • 4) Value added of regional programme to national
  • 5) Relevance to Europe 2020 objectives of smart,
    sustainable, inclusive growth
  • 6) Key Challenges facing initiative/sector
  • 7) Planned Activities
  • 8) Finance secured and funding gap

  • Overall objective of initiative
  • The aim of the Task Force Fostering and Building
    Human Capital is to promote coherence and
    coordination between education, research and
    science by creating a platform for dialogue and
    cooperation of actors involved in these sectors.
  • The subsequent goal is to maximize the benefits
    of investment in human capital development
    through its contribution to sustainable economic
    and social development by ensuring coherence with
    other actions promoted at regional and national

  • The mandate of the Task Force includes in
    particular the following
  • Raising awareness on the importance of education,
    higher education and research
  • Agenda setting in these policy areas
  • Promotion of regular dialogue, information
    exchange and coordination of activities
  • Coordination with other priority areas of the RCC
  • Promotion of priorities, partnerships and
    activities in line with the Memorandum of
    Understanding from Istanbul, as well as the
    priority of fostering an building human capital
    of the RCC.

  • 2) Membership and structure
  • Membership of the Task Force comprises of Members
    of the RCC Board, the Secretary General of the
    RCC, the signatories of the Memorandum of
    Understanding between the Ministers responsible
    for Education, Science and Research in South
    Eastern Europe signed in Istanbul on 4 May 2007
    (Istanbul MoU), the Task Force Education and
    Youth (TFEY), the Members of the Education Reform
    Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) and
    the Members of the Steering Platform on Research
    for Western Balkan Countries.
  • Chaired by Romania and Co-Chaired by Austria and
  • The Secretariat is currently located in Vienna

  • 3) Main activities and achievements
  • Conference on Fostering and Building Human
    Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in
    South Eastern Europe (Bucharest, 6-7 March 2009)
    - was attended by more than 200 decision-makers
    and representatives from numerous European
  • Mobility programme for capacity building in
    regional cooperation - through which short-term
    placements of middle-level civil servants are
    organized at relevant institutions in the region
    and which contributes to sustainable development
    of capacities and know-how.
  • Regional workshop on Evidence Based Policy
    Making" (Vienna, 9-10 November 2009) organized
    by KulturKontakt Austria, the OECD and the ERI
    SEE under the umbrella of the TFBHC and offered a
    platform to continue the discussion process
    initiated in Bucharest.
  • Meeting of Senior Officials from the Istanbul MoU
    Region on Overcoming the economic crisis The
    role of human capital development (Zagreb, 18
    November 2009) offered a platform for
    discussion on the identification of possible
    regional project ideas.
  • Regional Workshop for Senior Officials and
    Experts on Cooperation around Clusters of
    Knowledge as a kick-off event for cluster
    cooperation (Sarajevo, 14 15 December 2010) -
    enabled a platform for discussion on existing
    cluster proposals in the field of Vocational
    Education and Training (VET) and National
    Qualification Framework (NQF) development.
  • Exchange of information through a TFBHC website
    and eNewsletter

  • 4) Value added of regional programme to national
  • by the ongoing projects, which support the
    exchange of information on different policy
    options and help the advancement of the reforms
    of the national educational training systems
  • Mobility programme for capacity building in
    regional cooperation
  • - Launched in 2008 with 13 participants thus far
    from SEE ministries responsible for education,
    science and
  • research
  • - Due to the growing interest of the
    participants and the institutions for the
    Mobility program even more
  • applicants are expected this year
  • - In 2011, 18 hosting week grants will be
    awarded for placements in 7 different cities and
    more than 20
  • institutions
  • Regional Clusters of Knowledge, in close
    cooperation with the Education Reform Initiative
    of South Eastern Europe ERI SEE
  • - in view of creating a platform for mutual
    learning, disseminating examples of good
    practice, increasing quality and performance,
    bridging the shortage of expertise and supporting
    reforms in national education and training
    systems overall
  • - to intensify regional cooperation and to
    identify and develop concrete regional project
    proposals to enhance coherence between different
    approaches in the region on common themes of
  • a) Modernizing the Vocational Education and
    Training (VET) System improving performance,
    quality and attractiveness of VET - under the
    lead of Romania
  • b) Development of National Qualification
    Frameworks - under the lead of Croatia
  • c) Evidence Based Policy Making in Education
    Turning Research into Practice Learning from
    PISA - under the lead of Serbia

  • 5) Relevance to Europe 2020 objectives of smart,
    sustainable, inclusive growth
  • - The convergence with EU strategy (Current
    developments /ongoing activities underline TF BHC
    commitment to the European objectives laid down
    in EU 2020 Strategy)
  • One of the aims of the TB BHC is enhancing
    cooperation for developing knowledge based
    societies by promoting the knowledge triangle as
    a key driver in fields such as the Strategic
    Framework Education and Training 2020, Bologna
    process and follow-ups and the European Research
    area - which could help to fulfill one of the EU
    2020 Strategys priorities creating value by
    basing growth on knowledge.
  • Building human capital has a crucial role in
    promoting a knowledge-based and competitive
    society and in responding to the chances and
    challenges of this fast changing world.
  • Building successful human capital represents one
    of the main reasons for adapting education and
    training programmes to labour market needs, as
    well as avoiding, in the future, economic and
    financial crisis similar to the one that Europe
    recently underwent.

  • 6) Key Challenges facing initiative/sector
  • The need to
  • Further strengthening regional, but also
    sub-regional cooperation structures in SEE, in
    particular through cluster cooperation
  • Fostering dialogue among EU member states and
    SEE partner countries (policy dialogue, peer
    learning activities)
  • Facilitating enhanced dialogue between regional
    initiatives and task forces, which are involved
    in the same field of action, in view of creating
    a platform for mutual learning, disseminating
    examples of best practice and avoiding
    overlapping activities
  • Fostering regional cooperation structures in the
    field of education through EU programs and
    instruments (e.g. Multi-beneficiary IPA) with a
    view to highlighting the importance of education,
    science and research on national levels and
    facilitating respective agenda setting
  • Progressively including SEE countries into the EU
    cooperation framework and networks (e.g. Open
    Method of Coordination, Eurydice, Lifelong
    Learning Programme/Erasmus Mundus) is of high
    importance for the region in view of better using
    scarce resources, benefiting from the flexible
    and rich in outcome cooperation mechanisms,
    reinforcing focus on regional Multi-Beneficiary
    IPA cooperation and furthering innovation in
    education and training

  • 7) Planned Activities
  • - Ongoing projects Mobility programme for
    capacity building in regional cooperation
  • Regional Clusters of
  • Conference on the topic Which forces are driving
    SEE? Ideas and action for European Integration
    and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
    through human capital development (timeframe
    beginning of 2012)
  • The aim is to approach and further reflect on
    common challenges in human capital development,
    especially in times of a fragile economic
    situation and the advancing EU integration
  • In this regard the conference shall provide
    support to the Western Balkans 2020 process
    under the umbrella of the RCC. Expected outcomes
    providing a continued forum for debate
    stimulating innovative and concrete proposals for
    future strategic and sustainable cooperation
    activities furthering close cooperation and
    exchange with relevant regional networks and
    projects influencing national and European
    policies in the SEE region in view of increasing
    investments in human capital and moving policy
    making from a fragmented approach of education,
    vocational education and training, higher
    education and research to a comprehensive

  • 8)Finance secured and funding gap
  • Total budget for 2010 (in EUR) 110.500
  • Planned budget for 2011 (in EUR) 176.000
  • Budget needed in 2012
  • - TF Secretariat (to be covered by Chairmanship
  • - TF 2020 conference 50.000
  • - Mobility Programme 20.000
  • - Regional TF Cluster and peer-learning
    activities (VET, NQF, Evidence-based policy
    etc.), in cooperation with ERI SEE 100.000 
  • Raising awareness for the importance of
    education, higher education, research and
    science, in order to reach an adequate level of
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