Video Codec for Multimedia Communications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Video Codec for Multimedia Communications


Title: Video Codec for Multimedia Communications Author: Amir Asif Last modified by: Amir Asif Created Date: 4/1/1997 4:46:42 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Video Codec for Multimedia Communications

COSC 3213 Computer Networks I Instructor Dr.
Amir Asif Department of Computer Science York
University Handout 7 Section M Multiple Access
Control (MAC) Topics 1. Multiple Access
Communications Channelization vs MAC 2. Data
Link Layer MAC and LLC sublayers 3. MAC Random
Access Protocols vs Scheduled Approaches 4. LAN
Standards Token Bus, Token Ring, FDDI and
Wireless LANs 5. LAN Bridges Garcia Sections
6.1 6.4 and 6.6
Classification of Networks (1)
  • There are two basic types of networks
  • Switched Networks
  • Interconnect users by transmission lines,
    multiplexers, and switches
  • Addressing of hosts is hierarchical to scale to
    large sizes
  • Multiple paths available between the source and
  • Addressing of hosts is hierarchical to scale to
    large sizes
  • Transmission of packets require routing table

Classification of Networks (2)
  • Broadcast Networks
  • All machines connected to each other using a
    shared transmission medium.
  • Addressing of hosts is flat (based on NIC) due
    to a small number of host machines.
  • Only one path is available between source and
    destination, Routing is not needed
  • Requires medium access protocol (MAC) to
    coordinate transmissions between different
  • Pros low cost infrastructure complex routing
    algorithms are not required
  • Cons A MAC protocol is needed to minimize
    collisions and ensure fair sharing of the medium
    Transmission efficiency is low due to collisions.

MAC Approaches
MAC Multiple users share the communication
channel so a scheme (medium sharing technique)
must be devised to prevent collision of packets.
The strategy is referred to as the MAC protocol.
Example of MAC (1)
  • Satellite Communications
  • Two frequency bands one for uplink (5M 42M)
    one for downlink (550M 750M)
  • Each station is allocated a channel (2M) in the
    uplink frequency band
  • Satellite is a repeater that changes the
    carrier frequency repeats message
  • Each station has a channel (6M) in the downlink
    frequency band
  • Activity 1 Under which category of MAC schemes
    does satellite communications fall?

Example of MAC (2)
  • Multidrop Telephone Line
  • Set of M stations share an inbound and an
    outbound line
  • Stations transmit information to host using
    inbound line, one at a time
  • Host transmits information to station using
    outbound line
  • Host computer issues polling message to
    stations granting permission to transmit
  • Activity 2 Under which category of MAC schemes
    does multidrop telephone line fall?

Example of MAC (3)
  • Ring Networks
  • Hosts are connected in a ring
  • One station with the token transmits packet in
    the form of bits
  • Each connected station received data, bit by
  • Destination host copies data but leaves data on
    the ring, Others ignore
  • Transmitting host extracts data from the ring
  • Activity 3 Under which category of MAC schemes
    does Ring Networks fall?

Example of MAC (4)
  • Multitapped Bus
  • Uses coaxial cable where a signal can propagate
    in both directions
  • A station listens and if no one else is
    transmitting, starts to transmit
  • If a collision occurs, it waits for a random
    duration before transmitting again
  • All stations receive the transmitted message
  • Destination station accepts the message others
    reject it
  • Activity 4 Under which category of MAC schemes
    does multitapped bus fall?

Example of MAC (5)
  • Wireless LAN
  • Set of devices (workstations, laptops,
    cordless, etc.) share a wireless medium
  • Message transmitted have different bit rates
    (hence different BW requirements)
  • Different strategies used
  • A central authority accepts all messages and
    redirect them to its destination
  • Messages can be communicated directly to each
  • A combination of the two

Delay Bandwidth Product
  1. Station A wants to talk to station B
  2. Station A listens to the medium begins
    transmitting as no signal is present
  3. Signal from Station A will take tprop seconds to
    reach station B and vice versa
  4. Station B listens and begins transmitting before
    tprop seconds as no signal is detected at its
  5. Result collision of packets
  6. Station A will not know of collision till 2tprop
  7. Station B knows almost immediately
  8. Resolution Who stops transmitting? Protocol is
    the one who started transmitting last.

Delay Bandwidth Product (2)
  • Time wasted in coordinating 2tprop seconds.
  • If transmission rate of the medium R bps of
    bits wasted 2tprop R bits
  • If size of packet L bits, efficiency in the use
    of channel is
  • Efficiency L / (L 2tprop R)
  • 1 / (1 2a) where a tprop R / L
  • where tprop R is the delay-bandwidth and a is
    the ratio of delay-bandwidth to average packet
  • For a 0.01, efficiency is 98 For a 0.5,
    efficiency is 50

Delay Bandwidth Product (3)
Distance 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 1 Gbps Network
1 m 3.33 x 10-2 3.33 x 10-1 3.33 x 100 Desk area
100 m 3.33 x 101 3.33 x 102 3.33 x 103 LAN
10 km 3.33 x 102 3.33 x 103 3.33 x 104 MAN
1000 km 3.33 x 104 3.33 x 105 3.33 x 106 WAN
100000 km 3.33 x 106 3.33 x 107 3.33 x 108 Global area
Table 6.1 Delay Bandwidth product for a number
of Networks
Activity 5 In Ethernet, the size of packets is
limited to a maximum size of 1500 bytes (12,000
bits). Calculate the value of a (ratio of
delay-bandwidth to average packet length) for a
local area network (LAN) at 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps,
and 1Gbps using the values of the delay BW
product from the above table?
Frame Transfer Delay (X) Duration between the
time when the first bit of frame leaves the MAC
layer of the source to the time when the last
bit reaches the MAC layer of the
destination. Throughput (Sout) Effective rate
of transmission (based on successful deliver of
frames) in frames/s across a
network Suppose that the transmission rate of
a network is R bps Length of a frame is L
bits Maximum throughtput R / L
frames/s Actual throughput lt R / L frames/s,
Why? Load (G) Load on the channel in frames per
X seconds. Topology Way a network is
structured, i.e., ring versus bus versus star
topology. Technology Set of protocols used for
a network to function.
Random Access ALOHA (1)
MAC protocols allow sharing of a common
transmission medium by several hosts. Recall MAC
protocols can be divided into two different
Random Access ALOHA (2)
  • Random Access MAC protocols include
  • Earliest random access method. Developed at
    University of Hawaii in 1970s to interconnect
    university campuses on different islands through
    a microwave link
  • Transmitter Transmits the frame as soon as the
    MAC layer receives it
  • Channel If a collision occurs, frames received
    by the receiver will contain errors
  • Receiver In case of errors, no acknowledgement
    is transmitted to the receiver. (Alternatively, a
    request for retransmission may be made in case of
  • Transmitter If the transmitter receives no ACK
    within timeout (2 propagation delay), it backs
    off for a random period of time. On the expiry
    of backoff tine, the transmitter retransmits the
  • Aloha is successful for light traffic.
  • Note that collision is different from errors
    since it affects two host stations. For the
    scheme to work, it is vital that the host
    stations wait for a random period of time before
    retransmitting. If both stations wait an equal
    time before retransmitting, there will always be

Random Access ALOHA algorithm (4)
Random Access ALOHA throughput (5)
Random Access ALOHA analysis (6)
  • Assumptions
  • All frames are of equal length (L).
  • All hosts are similar such that the frame
    transfer time X L/R is the same for each host.
  • Traffic flows in one direction. (Two seprate
    channels are available in each direction).
  • Assume that a frame is transmitted at t0 seconds,
  • Vulnerable time in which collision can occur is
    (t0 X t t0 X).
  • After transmission, host times out and wait for
    the ACK frame for (t0 X t t0 X
  • In case no ACK is received, the host times out
    for B seconds.
  • Retransmission is attempted at t t0 X
    2tprop B seconds.

Random Access ALOHA analysis (7)
  • Assume that the number of frames transmitted in
    any time interval follows a Poissons
  • where l is the average number of frames
    transmitted per second.
  • Given that the total load on the channel is G
    frames per X seconds, l G/X.
  • Based on the Poissons distribution,

Random Access ALOHA analysis (8)
  • To prevent collisions, there should be no
    transmissions within the vulnerable period
  • The throughput S is defined as the product of the
    total arrival rate and probability of a
    successful transmission.
  • Activity 6 Determine the maximum value of
    throughput S and the value of G at which it is

Random Access ALOHA Performance (9)
  • Mode 1 (low traffic) As we increase the load G
    from 0, the throughput increases steadily. In
    fact for low values of G, S G. This matches our
    intuition that for low traffic, there will be no
    collisions and the throughput would equal the
  • The throughput S achieves its maximum value of
    0.184 at G 0.5. This corresponds to an arrival
    rate of exactly one frame per vulnerable period.
  • Mode 2 (high traffic) As G gt 0.5, the throughput
    drops. Again, this is consistent with our
    intuition that a high load would backlogg the
    channel with a large number of collisions.

Random Access ALOHA (10)
Activity 7 Suppose that the ALOHA protocol is
used to share a 56 kbps satellite channel.
Suppose that the frames are 1000 bits long. What
is the maximum throughput of the system in
frames/s if the propagation time is
ignored. Solution Maximum throughput for
ALOHA 0.184 frames / X seconds. Frame transfer
delay (X) 1000/56000 1/56 seconds Maximum
throughput in frames/s 0.184 56, or
approximately 10 frames/sec.
Random Access Slotted ALOHA (1)
  • The maximum throughput of ALOHA is 0.184 frames
    per frame transfer time.
  • The first attempt to increase the throughput is
    called the Slotted ALOHA, which includes the
    following modifications to ALOHA.
  • Divide the time into slots.
  • Any station is only allowed to transmit at the
    beginning of a slot.
  • Rest of the procedure is same as for ALOHA.
  • Drawback Additional complexity in the protocol
    as stations must be synchronized with the
    beginning of slots.
  • Advantage Number of collisions are reduced as
    frames would collide only at the beginning of a
    time slot.

Random Access ALOHA throughput (5)
Random Access CSMA (1)
  • Carrier Sensitive Multiple Access (CSMA)
  • An improvement over ALOHA by providing carrier
    sense to the station.
  • Before transmitting, the station sense if any
    carrier (or signal) is present on the shared
  • If a carrier is present, the station waits and
    transmits again when the medium indicates no
  • Depending upon how the duration of the wait
    period is decided, CSMA can be classified in
    different categories
  • 1-Persistent CSMA Transmit as soon as the medium
    is again idle (free of any carrier).
  • Non-persistent CSMA If the medium is busy,
    station runs a backoff algorithm to reschedule a
    future sensing period. It senses again after a
    certain wait and transmits only if the medium is
  • P-persistent CSMA Station senses for carrier. If
    the carrier is absent, it transmits with a p
    probability. If busy, it waits using the
    non-persistent CSMA approach.

Random Access CSMA-CD
  • Random Access MAC protocols include
  • Carrier Sensitive Multiple Access with Collision
    Detection (CSMA-CD)
  • An improvement over CSMA by giving the station
    capability of detecting collisions
  • Procedure is same as CSMA except that if a
    collision is detected, the station stops
    immediately without transmitting the complete

Local Area Networks (LAN) An Overview
  • Size serve smaller areas (reduced geographic
  • generally connected by high-speed
    communications channels
  • greater capacity over shorter distances
  • Transmission Technology
  • switched point-to-point (used by WAN)
  • shared-medium packet broadcasting (used by
  • Transmission Rates
  • Traditional 1-20Mbps
  • High speed 100Mbps
  • Topology Various topologies are possible varying
    from token bus to token ring

Local Area Network (1)
  • IEEE 802, a committee of Institute of Electrical
    and Electronics Engineers, developed the
  • Standards include CSMA-CD (Ethernet) referred to
    as 802.3, Token-ring referred to as 802.5, and
    Wireless LAN referred to as 802.11
  • Structure
  • Number of computers and network devices (jointly
    called hosts) are connected using a shared
  • Cabling system used is twisted pair, coaxial,
    optical fiber, or wireless.
  • Topologies used are bus, ring, or star

Local Area Network (2)
  • Structure (contd.)
  • Each host contains a network interface card
    (NIC) Laptops have the smaller PCMCIA card, an
    alternative to NIC.

Ethernet Processor
  • NIC performs the following functions
  • Converts parallel data (computer) to serial data
  • Buffers data since CPU and network speeds are
  • Each NIC has a unique physical address (hardware
    address) burned on it. NIC is responsible for
    addressing within a LAN.

Data Link Layer in LAN
  • Data link layer is divided into two sublayers
  • Logical link control (LLC) enhances the services
    offered by its lower sublayer
  • Multiple access control (MAC) coordinates access
    of the shared physical medium
  • Accepts a block of data from LLC or directly from
    network layer
  • Constructs a PDU (frame) including source and
    destination hardware addresses as well as frame
    check sequence using CRC
  • Provides for connectionless transfer of frames
    using a MAC protocol

High LevelData LinkControl
  1. LLC operates over the MAC standards
  2. LLC enhances the services offered by the MAC
  3. LLC hides the details of the MAC layer from the
    Network layer
  4. LLC also provides a mechanism for exchanging
    frames between LANs using different MAC protocols

  1. LLC operates over the MAC standards
  2. LLC enhances the services offered by the MAC
  3. LLC hides the details of the MAC layer from the
    Network layer
  4. LLC also provides a mechanism for exchanging
    frames between LANs using different MAC protocols

LLC (2)
  • LLC provides three kinds of services to its upper
    (network) layer
  • Unacknowledged Connectionless Service uses
    unnumbered frames to communicate transfer
    unsequenced information.
  • Reliable Connection-oriented Service connection
    setup and release is required with error control,
    sequencing, and flow control features.
  • Acknowledged Connectionless Service Individual
    frames are acknowledged.
  • LLC PDU contains SAP address of the port that is
    generating the PDU

1 byte
1 or 2 bytes
1 byte
Source SAP Address
Destination SAP Address
Individual or group address
Command or response frame
LLC (3)
  1. LLC datagram is encapsulated into a MAC frame
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