Title: From the science director summary
1From the science director summary
Note the location and orientation (SW-NEish) of
the storm cloud
2From the science director summary
Note the location and orientation (SW-NE-ish) of
the storm cloud
3WRF Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind
15/07/07 11Z
4Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
15/07/07 12Z
5Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
15/07/07 13Z
6Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
15/07/07 14Z
7Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
Wind starts to veer to the south
15/07/07 14Z
8Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
Convergence lines forming
Relatively high upward moisture flux
15/07/07 14Z
9Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
Strong convergence relatively high upward
moisture flux upwind of the convergence line
15/07/07 15Z
10Upward moisture flux at surface 10m wind vectors
Strong convergence relatively low upward
moisture flux upwind of the convergence line
15/07/07 16Z
11Upward moisture flux at surface
15/07/07 14Z
12Landsat 7 Image exact same coverage as previous
slide Date of image unknown
Note fair weather cumulus in the same location as
the 15/07/07 convergence line. Is this a
persistant feature?
1310m wind vectors over orography with
cross-section of W over the convergence line 14Z
ve W -ve W
Wave-like features
ve vertical velocities not appreciable above 5km
Initial impressions suggest that for WRF There
is a strong convergence zone in the region of
the observed cloud. The convergence line has a
similar orientation to the cloud signature seen
in the remote sensing data. This convergence
zone forms about 13Z and persists until 16Z
however, at the latter time, the upward moisture
flux in the region of the convergence has dropped
dramatically. This agrees with reality the
cloud had diminished by 16Z The convergence is
caused by wind veering to the north- west of
where we expect the cloud to be. Flow
chanelling? Flow blocking?