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Lecture 3: Cryptography II


* Further Reading Stallings Chapter 11 HAC Chapter 9 ... Public Key Cryptography IV RSA Signatures ... 6 mod 9. 3 * 3 = 0 mod 9. * * Public Key Cryptography ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 3: Cryptography II

Lecture 3 Cryptography II
  • CS 336/536 Computer Network Security
  • Fall 2013
  • Nitesh Saxena

Course Administration
  • Everyone receiving my emails?
  • Lecture slides worked okay?
  • Both ppt and pdf versions
  • Everyone knows how to access the course web page?
  • HW/Lab 1 heads up
  • To be posted coming Monday
  • Labs become active starting next week

Outline of Todays Lecture
  • Block Cipher Modes of Encryption
  • Public Key Crypto Overview
  • Number Theory Background
  • Public Key Encryption (RSA)
  • Public Key Signatures

  • Block Cipher Encryption Modes

Block Cipher Encryption modes
  • Electronic Code Book (ECB)
  • Cipher Block Chain (CBC)
  • Most popular one
  • Others (we will not cover)
  • Cipher Feed Back (CFB)
  • Output Feed Back (OFB)

  • We will analyze each mode in terms of
  • Security
  • Computational Efficiency (parallelizing
  • Transmission Errors
  • Integrity Protection

Electronic Code Book (ECB) Mode
  • Although DES encrypts 64 bits (a block) at a
    time, it can encrypt a long message (file) in
    Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode.
  • Deterministic -- If same key is used then
    identical plaintext blocks map to identical

Example why ECB is bad?
Tux encrypted with AES in ECB mode
Cipher Block Chain (CBC) Mode
CBC Traits
  • Randomized encryption
  • IV Initialization vector serves as the
    randomness for first block computation the
    ciphertext of the previous block serves as the
    randomness for the current block computation
  • IV is a random value
  • IV is no secret it is sent along with the
    ciphertext blocks (it is part of the ciphertext)

Example why CBC is good?
Tux encrypted with AES in CBC mode
CBC More Properties
  • What happens if k-th cipher block CK gets
    corrupted in transmission.
  • With ECB Only decrypted PK is affected.
  • With CBC?
  • Only blocks PK and PK1 are affected!!
  • What if one plaintext block PK is changed?
  • With ECB only CK affected.
  • With CBC all subsequent ciphertext blocks will be
  • Avalanche effect
  • This leads to an effective integrity protection
    mechanism (or message authentication code (MAC))

Security of Block Cipher Modes
  • ECB is not even secure against eavesdroppers
    (ciphertext only and known plaintext attacks)
  • CBC is secure against CPA attacks (assuming 3-DES
    or AES is used in each block computation)
    automatically secure against eavesdropping
  • However, not secure against CCA. Why?
  • Intuitively, this is because the ciphertext can
    be massaged in a meaningful way

CBC Mode CCA Attack
  • Assume adversary has eavesdropped upon a
    ciphertext (C0, C1, C2) -- corresponding to a
    plaintext (M1, M2). C0 is IV.
  • Adversary is not allowed to query for (C0, C1,
    C2) itself
  • With CBC, adversary queries for (C0, C1, C2) and
    obtains (M1, M2) X denotes bit-wise complement
    of X

How to achieve CCA security?
  • Prevent any massaging of the ciphertext
  • Intuitively, this can be achieved by using
    integrity protection mechanisms (such as MACs),
    which we will study later
  • The ciphertext is generated using CBC/CFB/OFB and
    a MAC is generated on this ciphertext
  • Both ciphertext and the MAC is sent off
  • The other party decrypts only if MAC is valid

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • National Institute of Science and Technology
  • DES is an aging standard that no longer addresses
    todays needs for strong encryption
  • Triple-DES Endorsed by NIST as todays defacto
  • AES The Advanced Encryption Standard
  • Finalized in 2001
  • Goal To define Federal Information Processing
    Standard (FIPS) by selecting a new powerful
    encryption algorithm suitable for encrypting
    government documents
  • AES candidate algorithms were required to be
  • Symmetric-key, supporting 128, 192, and 256 bit
  • Royalty-Free
  • Unclassified (i.e. public domain)
  • Available for worldwide export

  • AES Round-3 Finalist Algorithms
  • MARS
  • Candidate offering from IBM
  • RC6
  • Developed by Ron Rivest of RSA Labs, creator of
    the widely used RC4 algorithm
  • Twofish
  • From Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
  • Serpent
  • Designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham and Lars
  • Rijndael the winner!
  • Designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen

Other Symmetric Ciphers and their applications
  • IDEA (used in PGP)
  • Blowfish (password hashing in OpenBSD)
  • RC4 (used in WEP), RC5
  • SAFER (used in Bluetooth)

Some Questions
  • Double encryption in DES increases the key space
    size from 256 to 2112 true or false?
  • Is known-plaintext an active or a passive attack?
  • Is chosen-ciphertext attack an active or a
    passive attack?
  • Reverse Engineering is applied to what design of
    systems open or closed?
  • Alice needs to send a 64-bit long top-secret
    letter to Bob. Which of the ciphers that we
    studied today should she use?

Some Questions
  • CDES(K,P) where (P, C are 64-bit long blocks).
    What would be DES(K,PPPP) in ECB mode? What it
    would be in CBC mode?
  • ECB is secure for sending just one block of data
    true or false?
  • Is it okay to re-use IV in CBC? Why/why not?
  • Alice needs to send a long top-secret message
    to Bob. Which of the ciphers that we studied
    today can she use?
  • Is ECB secure against CPA?
  • Is CBC secure against CPA?

  • Public Key Crypto Overview
  • and Number Theory

Recall Private Key/Public Key Cryptography
  • Private Key Sender and receiver share a common
    (private) key
  • Encryption and Decryption is done using the
    private key
  • Also called conventional/shared-key/single-key/
    symmetric-key cryptography
  • Public Key Every user has a private key and a
    public key
  • Encryption is done using the public key and
    Decryption using private key
  • Also called two-key/asymmetric-key cryptography

Private key cryptography revisited.
  • Good Quite efficient (as youll see from the
    HW2 programming exercise on AES)
  • Bad Key distribution and management is a serious

Public key cryptography model
  • Good Key management problem potentially simpler
  • Bad Much slower than private key crypto (well
    see later!)

Public Key Encryption
  • Two keys
  • public encryption key e
  • private decryption key d
  • Encryption easy when e is known
  • Decryption easy when d is known
  • Decryption hard when d is not known
  • Well study such public key encryption schemes
    first we need some number theory.

Public Key Encryption Security Notions
  • Very similar to what we studied for private key
  • Whats the difference?

Group Definition
  • (G,.) (where G is a set and . GxG?G) is said to
    be a
  • group if following properties are satisfied
  • Closure for any a, b G, a.b G
  • Associativity for any a, b, c G,
  • Identity there is an identity element such that
    a.e e.a a, for any a G
  • Inverse there exists an element a-1 for every a
    in G, such that a.a-1 a-1.a e
  • Abelian Group Group which also satisfies
    commutativity , i.e., a.b b.a

Groups Examples
  • Set of all integers with respect to addition
  • Set of all integers with respect to
    multiplication (Z,) not a group
  • Set of all real numbers with respect to
    multiplication (R,)
  • Set of all integers modulo m with respect to
    modulo addition (Zm, modular addition)

  • x divides y (written x y) if the remainder is 0
    when y is divided by x
  • 18, 28, 48, 88
  • The divisors of y are the numbers that divide y
  • divisors of 8 1,2,4,8
  • For every number y
  • 1y
  • yy

Prime numbers
  • A number is prime if its only divisors are 1 and
  • 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,
  • Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  • For every number x, there is a unique set of
    primes p1, ,pn and a unique set of positive
    exponents e1, ,en such that

Common divisors
  • The common divisors of two numbers x,y are the
    numbers z such that zx and zy
  • common divisors of 8 and 12
  • intersection of 1,2,4,8 and 1,2,3,4,6,12
  • 1,2,4
  • greatest common divisor gcd(x,y) is the number z
    such that
  • z is a common divisor of x and y
  • no common divisor of x and y is larger than z
  • gcd(8,12) 4

Euclidean Algorithm gcd(r0,r1)
Main idea If y ax b then gcd(x,y) gcd(x,b)
Example gcd(15,37)
  • 37 2 15 7
  • 15 2 7 1
  • 7 7 1 0
  • gcd(15,37) 1

Relative primes
  • x and y are relatively prime if they have no
    common divisors, other than 1
  • Equivalently, x and y are relatively prime if
    gcd(x,y) 1
  • 9 and 14 are relatively prime
  • 9 and 15 are not relatively prime

Modular Arithmetic
  • Definition x is congruent to y mod m, if m
    divides (x-y). Equivalently, x and y have the
    same remainder when divided by m.
  • Notation
  • Example
  • We work in Zm 0, 1, 2, , m-1, the group of
    integers modulo m
  • Example Z9 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  • We abuse notation and often write instead of

Addition in Zm
  • Addition is well-defined
  • 3 4 7 mod 9.
  • 3 8 2 mod 9.

Additive inverses in Zm
  • 0 is the additive identity in Zm
  • Additive inverse of a is -a mod m (m-a)
  • Every element has unique additive inverse.
  • 4 5 0 mod 9.
  • 4 is additive inverse of 5.

Multiplication in Zm
  • Multiplication is well-defined
  • 3 4 3 mod 9.
  • 3 8 6 mod 9.
  • 3 3 0 mod 9.

Multiplicative inverses in Zm
  • 1 is the multiplicative identity in Zm
  • Multiplicative inverse (xx-11 mod m)
  • SOME, but not ALL elements have unique
    multiplicative inverse.
  • In Z9 300, 313, 326, 330, 343,
    356, , so 3 does not have a multiplicative
    inverse (mod 9)
  • On the other hand, 428, 433, 447, 452,
    466, 471, so 4-17, (mod 9)

Which numbers have inverses?
  • In Zm, x has a multiplicative inverse if and only
    if x and m are relatively prime or gcd(x,m)1
  • E.g., 4 in Z9

Extended Euclidian a-1 mod n
  • Main Idea Looking for inverse of a mod n means
    looking for x such that xa yn 1.
  • To compute inverse of a mod n, do the following
  • Compute gcd(a, n) using Euclidean algorithm.
  • Since a is relatively prime to m (else there will
    be no inverse) gcd(a, n) 1.
  • So you can obtain linear combination of rm and
    rm-1 that yields 1.
  • Work backwards getting linear combination of ri
    and ri-1 that yields 1.
  • When you get to linear combination of r0 and r1
    you are done as r0n and r1 a.

Example 15-1 mod 37
  • 37 2 15 7
  • 15 2 7 1
  • 7 7 1 0
  • Now,
  • 15 2 7 1
  • 15 2 (37 2 15) 1
  • 5 15 2 37 1
  • So, 15-1 mod 37 is 5.

Modular ExponentiationSquare and Multiply method
  • Usual approach to computing xc mod n is
    inefficient when c is large.
  • Instead, represent c as bit string bk-1 b0 and
    use the following algorithm
  • z 1
  • For i k-1 downto 0 do
  • z z2 mod n
  • if bi 1 then z z x mod n

Example 3037 mod 77
z z2 mod n if bi 1 then z z x mod n
i b z
5 1 30 1130 mod 77
4 0 53 3030 mod 77
3 0 37 5353 mod 77
2 1 29 373730 mod 77
1 0 71 2929 mod 77
0 1 2 717130 mod 77
Other Definitions
  • An element g in G is said to be a generator of a
    group if a gi for every a in G, for a certain
    integer i
  • A group which has a generator is called a cyclic
  • The number of elements in a group is called the
    order of the group
  • Order of an element a is the lowest i (gt0) such
    that ai e (identity)
  • A subgroup is a subset of a group that itself is
    a group

Lagranges Theorem
  • Order of an element in a group divides the order
    of the group

Eulers totient function
  • Given positive integer n, Eulers totient
    function is the number of positive
    numbers less than n that are relatively prime to
  • Fact If p is prime then
  • 1,2,3,,p-1 are relatively prime to p.

Eulers totient function
  • Fact If p and q are prime and npq then
  • Each number that is not divisible by p or by q is
    relatively prime to pq.
  • E.g. p5, q7 1,2,3,4,-,6,-,8,9,-,11,12,13,-,-,1
  • pq-p-(q-1) (p-1)(q-1)

Eulers Theorem and Fermats Theorem
  • If a is relatively prime to n then
  • If a is relatively prime to p then
    ap-1 1 mod p
  • Proof follows from Lagranges Theorem

Eulers Theorem and Fermats Theorem
  • EG Compute 9100 mod 17
  • p 17, so p-1 16. 100 6164. Therefore,
    910096164(916)6(9)4 . So mod 17 we have 9100
    ? (916)6(9)4 (mod 17) ? (1)6(9)4 (mod 17)
  • ? (81)2 (mod 17) ? 16

Some questions
  • 2-1 mod 4 ?
  • Find x such that
  • x 4 (mod 5)
  • x 7 (mod 8)
  • x 3 (mod 9)
  • Order of a group is 5. What can be the order of
    an element in this group?

Further Reading
  • Chapter 4 of Stallings
  • Chapter 2.4 of HAC

  • The RSA Cryptosystem (Encryption)

Textbook RSA KeyGen
  • Alice wants people to be able to send her
    encrypted messages.
  • She chooses two (large) prime numbers, p and q
    and computes npq and . large 1024
  • She chooses a number e such that e is relatively
    prime to and computes d, the inverse of
    e in , i.e., ed 1 mod
  • She publicizes the pair (e,n) as her public key.
    (e is called RSA exponent, n is called RSA
    modulus). She keeps d secret and destroys p, q,
  • Plaintext and ciphertext messages are elements of
    Zn and e is the encryption key.

RSA Encryption
  • Bob wants to send a message x (an element of Zn)
    to Alice.
  • He looks up her encryption key, (e,n), in a
  • The encrypted message is
  • Bob sends y to Alice.

RSA Decryption
  • To decrypt the message
  • shes received from Bob, Alice computes
  • Claim D(y) x

RSA why does it all work
  • Need to show
  • DEx x
  • Ex and Dy can be computed efficiently if keys
    are known
  • E-1y cannot be computed efficiently without
    knowledge of the (private) decryption key d.
  • Also, it should be possible to select keys
    reasonably efficiently
  • This does not have to be done too often, so
    efficiency requirements are less stringent.

E and D are Inverses
From Eulers Theorem
Tiny RSA example.
  • Let p 7, q 11. Then n 77 and
  • Choose e 13. Then d 13-1 mod 60 37.
  • Let message 2.
  • E(2) 213 mod 77 30.
  • D(30) 3037 mod 772

Slightly Larger RSA example.
  • Let p 47, q 71. Then n 3337 and
  • Choose e 79. Then d 79-1 mod 3220 1019.
  • Let message 688232 Break it into 3 digit
    blocks to encrypt.
  • E(688) 68879 mod 3337 1570.
  • E(232) 23279 mod 3337 2756
  • D(1570) 15701019 mod 3337 688.
  • D(2756) 27561019 mod 3337 232.

Security of RSA RSA assumption
  • Suppose Oscar intercepts the encrypted message y
    that Bob has sent to Alice.
  • Oscar can look up (e,n) in the public directory
    (just as Bob did when he encrypted the message)
  • If Oscar can compute d e-1 mod then he
    can use to
    recover the plaintext x.
  • If Oscar can compute , he can compute d
    (the same way Alice did).

Security of RSA factoring
  • Oscar knows that n is the product of two primes
  • If he can factor n, he can compute
  • But factoring large numbers is very difficult
  • Grade school method takes divisions.
  • Prohibitive for large n, such as 160 bits
  • Better factorization algorithms exist, but they
    are still too slow for large n
  • Lower bound for factorization is an open problem

How big should n be?
  • Today we need n to be at least 1024-bits
  • This is equivalent to security provided by 80-bit
    long keys in private-key crypto
  • No other attack on RSA known
  • Except some side channel attacks, based on
    timing, power analysis, etc. But, these exploit
    certain physical charactesistics, not a
    theoretical weakness in the cryptosystem!

Key selection
  • To select keys we need efficient algorithms to
  • Select large primes
  • Primes are dense so choose randomly.
  • Probabilistic primality testing methods known.
    Work in logarithmic time.
  • Compute multiplicative inverses
  • Extended Euclidean algorithm

RSA in Practice
  • Textbook RSA is insecure
  • Known-plaintext?
  • CPA?
  • CCA?
  • In practice, we use a randomized version of
    RSA, called RSA-OAEP
  • Use PKCS1 standard for RSA encryption
  • http//www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id2125
  • Interested in details of OAEP refer to (section
    3.1 of) http//isis.poly.edu/courses/cs6903/Lectur

Some questions
  • c1 RSA_Enc(m1), c2 RSA_Enc(m2).
  • What is RSA_Enc(m1m2)?
  • Homomorphic property
  • What is RSA_Enc(2m1)?
  • Malleability (not a good property!)
  • Is it possible to find inverses mod n (RSA

Some Questions
  • RSA stands for Robust Security Algorithm, right?
  • If e is small (such as 3)
  • Encryption is faster than decryption or the other
    way round?
  • Private key crypto has key distribution problem
    and Public key crypto is slow
  • How about a hybrid approach?
  • Do you know how ssl/ssh works?

Some Questions
  • I encrypt m with Alices RSA PK, I get c
  • I encryt m again, I get --?
  • What does this mean?
  • What if I do the above with DES?

Further Reading
  • Stallings Chapter 11
  • HAC Chapter 9

  • Digital Signatures

Public Key Signatures
  • Signer has public key, private key pair
  • Signer signs using its private key
  • Verifier verifies using public key of the signer

Security Notion/Model for Signatures
  • Existential Forgery under (adaptively) chosen
    message attack (CMA)
  • Adversary (adaptively) chooses messages mi of its
  • Obtains the signature si on each mi
  • Outputs any message m (? mi) and a signature s on

RSA Signatures
  • Key Generation same as in encryption
  • Sign(m) s md mod N
  • Verify(m,s) (se m mod N)
  • The above text-book version is insecure why?
  • In practice, we use a randomized version of RSA
    (implemented in PKCS1)
  • Hash the message and then sign the hash
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