Title: Approach to the Thyroid Nodule
1Approach to the Thyroid Nodule
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2The Goiters Thyroid gland enlargement
- Nodular Goiter
- gt Solitary nodule
- Cold or Hot (Toxic adenoma)
- Solid or Cystic (simple, complex)
- Painful or not
- Firm or soft
- Fixed or not
- gt Multinodular goiter
- Non toxic
- Toxic (autonomous function)
- Retrosternal goiter
- Diffuse Goiter
- Endemic
- Sporadic
- Enzymatic defect (congenital)
- Drug induced (e.g. lithium)
- Others
- Graves disease
- Hashimotos
- Subacute thyroiditis
3A 52 y.o. female was found to have an enlarged
thyroid on routine physical examination
4Our patient was found to have a thyroid nodule
A discrete lesion within the thyroid gland that
is palpably and/or ultrasonographically distinct
from the surrounding thyroid parenchyma
5Butwhat is really a thyroid nodule ?
- Benign nodules (colloid, adenomatous hyperplasia)
- Cystic lesions (colloid, thyroglossal duct cyst)
- Adenomas (Follicular, Hurthle cell)
- Thyroid cancer (Medullary or non-medullary)
- Lymphoma of thyroid
- Others
6About thyroid nodules
- The prevalence of palpable thyroid nodules in
iodine sufficient areas is 5 in women and 1 in
males - The prevalence of thyroid nodules in random
ultrasound is 19-67 (higher in female and
elderly) - Thyroid cancer may occur in 5-10 of thyroid
nodules - The etiology is poorly understood and depends on
type of nodule (RET mutation in thyroid cancer,
activating mutation of TSH receptor in toxic
adenoma etc). There may be a familial
7Clinical Presentation
- A palpable lesion found by self- or medical
examination - A non-palpable nodule found on imaging for
unrelated reasons, mostly hypothyroidism and
bolus (incidentaloma) - Work-up for hyperthyroidism
- An acute painful nodule (hemorrhagic cyst)
8Thyroid Imaging
9Neck Ultrasound
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13Neck CT
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18Our patient has a solitary nodule and asks you
about its significance
- Mass effect ?
- Thyroid function ?
- Benign or malignant lesion ?
Non-palpable nodules have same risk of malignancy
as palpable nodules
19Mass effect
20Clinical consequences of mass effect
- Cosmetics
- Psychological distress
- Dysphagia (Barium swallow)
- Tracheal compression (Flow loops)
- Pumberton sign
- Hoarseness
22Tracheal compression
23Our patient has a single nodule 2.5 cm diameter
with no mass effect. Whats next ?
Algorithm for work-up of thyroid nodules
Apply to all palpable nodules and those
non-palpable larger than 1 cm
24Nodule Palpable/Nonpalpable
Hypo/Normal Hyper
25Functional Imaging (Technetium Thyroid
26Hot nodule Cold nodule
Cold nodule
Toxic adenoma
27Nodule Palpable/Nonpalpable
Hypo/Normal Hyper
Treat or follow
28Treatment of Toxic Adenoma
- When to treat ?
- Subclinical hyperthyroidism
- Overt hyperthyroidism
- How to treat ?
- Antithyroid drugs
- Radioactive iodine
- Surgery
29Nodule Palpable/Nonpalpable
Hypo/Normal Hyper
Cold Hot
Treat or follow
30Fine Needle Aspiration
Pitfalls of FNA No Quick Diff Not enough
follicular cells Non palpable nodule False
31Nodule Palpable/Nonpalpable
Hypo/Normal Hyper
Cold Hot
Treat or follow
Benign Indeterminate Malignant
Follow Repeat
32Thyroid cytology
Benign cytology large amount of colloid with
few typical
follicular cells
- Indeterminate cytology
- Few colloid and large amount of follicular cells
- Large, medium and microfollicular patterns
- Solid patterns
- Malignant cytology
- Intranuclear inclusions, grooves, psamoma, etc
- High cellular density
- Papillary patterns
- Capsular invasion
Follicular and Hurthel adenomas are diagnosed
only upon pathology (capsular and/or vascular
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34Normal Thyroid Colloid nodule
Papillary Thyroid Cancer
35Risk factors for thyroid cancer
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37Treating Thyroid Nodules
- Surgery malignancy, hyperthyroidism, mass
effect, cosmetic/psychological - Radioactive iodine hyperthyroidism, mass effect
- Percutaneous ethanol
- Antithyroid drugs
- Thyroxine suppression therapy
- Follow up
38Thyroxine suppressive therapy
Wemeau JL et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
874928- 34, 2002
39Our patient has a benign FNA report. Whats the
need for follow-up and how ?
- False negative FNA in up to 5
(less when US guidance) - Changes in functionality
- Size changes with mass effect
- Follow-up for functional changes
- Clinical features
- Serial TSH measurements
- Follow-up for anatomic changes
- by palpation
- by US very operator-dependent
- by CT
Consider TSH suppression trial Repeat FNA
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