Title: An Approach To Malignant Bone Tumors
1An Approach to Malignant Bone Tumors
- Dr.Suhas B
- MD
- Bone tumors are classified into
- Primary bone tumors
- Secondary bone tumors ( Metastasis)
- Most are classified according to the normal cell
of origin and apparent pattern of
differentiation. - Forms 0.2 of human tumor burden.
- Primary malignant bone tumors make 1 of all
malignant tumors. - Commonest bone tumour is secondaries from other
sites. - Commonest primary bone tumour is multiple
myeloma, second osteosarcoma.
- Bone-forming tumours
- Cartilage forming tumours
- Giant-cell tumour
- Marrow tumours
- Vascular tumours
- Other connective tissue tumours
- Other tumours
- Secondary malignant tumours of bone
5- Bone-forming tumors (malignant)
- Osteosarcoma
- Central (medullary)
- Peripheral (surface)
- Paraosteal
- Periosteal
- High grade surface
- Cartilage-forming tumors (malignant)
- Chondrosarcoma
- Differentiated chondrosarcoma
- Juxta-cortical chondrosarcoma
- Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
- Clear cell chondrosarcoma
- Marrow tumors (malignant)
- Ewings sarcoma
- Neuroectodermal tumour
- Malignant lymphoma of bone (Primary/secondary)
- Myeloma
- Vascular tumors (malignant)
- Angiosarcoma
- Malignant haemangio pericytoma
- Other tumors (malignant)
- Chordoma
- Adamantinoma
6- Other connective tissue tumours (malignant)
- Fibrosarcoma
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- Liposarcoma
- Malignant mesenchymoma
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Undifferentiated sarcoma
- Secondary malignant tumours of bone
- Osteoblastic
- Osteolytic
- Mixed Lesions
- Age Sex
- Symptomatology
- Pain
- Swelling
- History of trauma
- Neurological symptoms
- Restriction of movement
- Other constitutional sympotms (cough, chest pain,
backache, loss of appetite etc) - Pathological fracture
- Associated conditions
- Prior surgeries/investigations
8 Age distribution of various bone tumors
- Plain radiography
- CT scan
- Radionuclide scanning
10Plain Radiography
- Information yielded by radiography includes
- Size
- Site of the Lesion
- Borders of the lesion/zone of transition
- Type of bone destruction
- Periosteal reaction
- Matrix of the lesion
- Nature and extent of soft tissue involvement
- Multiplicity
11Plain radiography (contd.)
- Size
- It helps us in pre treatment staging of the
tumor. - The larger the lesion the more likely to be
aggressive or malignant.
12Plain radiography (contd.)
- Site
- Type of bone
- Long bone / Flat bone
- Intramedullary / Eccentric / Cortical lesion
- The epicenter of the tumor helps to determine the
origin. - Epiphysis / Metaphysis / Diaphysis
13 Distribution of various bone tumors
14Distribution of various lesions in a long tubular
bone before skeletal maturity
- Distribution of various lesions in a long
tubular bone after skeletal maturity
15Distribution of various lesions in a vertebra
- Benign lesions predominate in its posterior
elements. - Osteoblastoma
- Osteoid osteoma
- Aneurysmal Bone cyst
- Osteochondroma
- Chondromyxoid fibroma
- Malignant lesions are seen predominantly in
its anterior part (body) -
- Lympohoma
- Myeloma
- Osteosarcoma
- Ewing
- Chondrosarcoma
- Metastases
16(No Transcript)
17- Zone of Transition
- The zone of transition is the most reliable
indicator in determining whether an osteolytic
lesion is benign or malignant. - The zone of transition only applies to osteolytic
lesions since sclerotic lesions usually have a
narrow transition zone. - A small zone of transition results in a sharp,
well-defined border and is a sign of slow growth.
A sclerotic border especially indicates poor
biological activity. - An ill-defined border with a broad zone of
transition is a sign of aggressive growth.
18 Narrow zone of transition
19Patterns of Bone Destruction
- Mechanisms of bone destruction
- Direct effect of tumor cells
- Increased osteoclastic activity
- Cortical bone is destroyed less rapidly than
trabecular bone. - Loss of cortical bone appears earlier on
radiography - trabecular bone must be destroyed (about 70 loss
of mineral content) before the loss becomes
radiographically evident - Bone destruction can be described as
- geographic (type I) - benign lesions
- moth-eaten (type II) and
- permeative (type III) - rapidly growing
infiltrating tumors -
20Patterns of Destruction
Less malignant More malignant
21Types of Periosteal reaction
- Benign
- None
- Solid/Continuous
- More aggressive or malignant
- Interrupted
- Lamellated or onion-skinning
- Sunburst
- Codmans triangle
22Periosteal Reactions
Codman's Triangle
Less malignant More malignant
23Types of matrix osteoblastic
The matrix of a typical osteoblastic lesion is
characterized by the presence of the following
B. presence of the wisps of tumor-bone
formation, like in this case of osteosarcoma of
the sacrum
A. fluffy, cotton-like densities within the
medullary cavity, e.g in this case of
osteosarcoma of the distal femur
C. by the presence of a solid sclerotic mass,
such as in parosteal osteosarcoma
24 Types of matrix chondroid
A Schematic
representation of various
appearances of chondroid matrix calcifications.
B Enchondroma displays a typical chondroid matrix
C Chondrosarcoma with characteristic chondroid
25Radiographic features differentiating primary
soft tissue tumor invading bone from
primary bone tumor invading soft tissues
26Radiographic features that may help differentiate
benign from malignant lesions
- Features are similar to that of plain radiograph,
however CT scanning may be helpful locally when
the radiographic appearances are confusing,
particularly in areas of complex anatomy. - Very useful in early diagnosis.
- Cross-sectional images provide a clearer
indication of bone destruction, as well as the
extent of any soft tissue mass, than the
radiographs. - CT scanning may depict small amounts of
mineralized osseous matrix not seen on
radiographs. - The modality may be particularly helpful in
visualizing flat bones, in which periosteal
changes may be more difficult to appreciate. - Early detection of pulmonary secondaries
- Exact measurement for limb salvage procedures
(Prosthesis/allograft) - Used for prognostic follow-up of the patient.
- Investigation of choice to assess intra-medullary
extension and soft tissue involvement. - Defines the relationship to the nearby
neurovascular bundles. - Ambiguous and inconspicuous cases.
- Helps in staging of the tumor and to plan its
surgical management. - Radio-nuclide bone scan
- For pre biopsy staging
- Dissemination of tumour
- Silent secondaries and skip lesions
- Arteriogram
- Planning limb sparing surgery
- Therapeutic embolization
- To assess vascularity of tumour
- Osteosarcoma is a primary bone-producing
malignant mesenchymal tumor. - It is the most common primary malignant tumor of
bone, excluding plasma cell myeloma. - Osteosarcoma represents 20 of all primary
malignant bone tumors. - Osteosarcoma is encountered most commonly in the
age group from 10 to 25 years (75 of cases) few
cases occur before age 5 or after age 30. - MF21
- The metaphyseal lesion abutting the physis is the
classic location in 75 of cases. - Although usually in the long bones, may occur in
other places - Craniofacial
- Small bones
- Extraskeletal (soft tissue)
- Associations - Irradiation, Pagets disease,
Rothmund-Thompson syndrome
30Osteosarcoma (contd.)
- Conventional Radiography
- medullary and cortical bone destruction
- wide zone of transition, permeative or moth-eaten
appearance - aggressive periosteal reaction
- sunburst type
- Codman triangle
- lamellated (onion skin) reaction less frequently
seen - soft-tissue mass
- tumour matrix ossification/calcification
- variable reflects a combination of the amount of
tumour bone production, calcified matrix, and
osteoid - ill-defined "fluffy" or "cloud-like" cf. to the
rings and arcs of chondroid lesions
31Osteosarcoma (contd.)
- CT
- Cross-sectional images provide a clearer
indication of bone destruction, as well as the
extent of any soft tissue mass, than do
radiographs. - CT scanning may depict small amounts of
mineralized osseous matrix not seen on
radiographs. The modality may be particularly
helpful in visualizing flat bones, in which
periosteal changes may be more difficult to
32Osteosarcoma (contd.)
- T1WI - Low/heterogenous signal intensity
- T2WI - High signal intensity
- Constrast - enhancing medullary cavity and solid
components. - STIR - High signal intensity and helps in
assessing involvement of neurovascular bundles
and muscles. -
33Multiple Myeloma
- Multiple myeloma is the most common primary
malignant neoplasm of the skeletal system. The
disease is a malignancy of plasma cells. - Average age is 60-70
- Much more common in men than women
- Most have an elevated serum protein with 80-90
in the globulin fraction, especially IgG - Bence-Jones protein in 40-60 of patients
- Most commonly affected bones are vertebrae
(66), ribs (45), skull (40), shoulder (40),
pelvis (30), and long bones (25).
34Multiple Myeloma (contd.)
- Plain Radiography
- A full skeletal survey is required for proper
evaluation. - No. of lytic lesions is directly proportional to
the tumor load. - Classical lesions are well defined
rounded/punched out lytic lesions scattered
diffusely among the involved bones. - Such lesions in skull gives 'pepper pot' or
'swiss cheese' appearance, however the occipital
bone is spared. - Multiple deformed vertebral bodies.
- Diffuse osteopenia
- No periosteal bone formation.
- Medullary involvement in the form of endosteal
35Multiple Myeloma (contd.)
- CT
- Computed tomography (CT) scanning readily depicts
osseous involvement in myeloma. - CT allowed a more accurate evaluation of areas at
risk of fracture. - Tool of choice utilised in image guided spinal
or pelvic bone biopsy. - MRI
- Most sensitive imaging modality at detecting
diffuse and focal multiple myeloma in the spine,
as well as the extra-axial skeleton - Mainly bone marrow based lesions.
- T1WI - Low signal intensity
- T2WI and STIR - High signal intensity.
- Show enhancement on contrast enhanced images.
- malignant cartilaginous tumour and second most
frequent primary malignant tumor of bone,
representing approximately 25 of all primary
osseous neoplasms. - Typical presentation is in the 4th and 5th
decades and there is a slight male predominance - Further differentiated into Primary and secondary
- Most common bones involved are long bones (45),
pelvis (25), ribs (8), spine (7), scapula
(5), sternum (2) - Patients with multiple enchondromas like in
Ollier's disease and Mafucci's syndrome are at
37Chondrosarcoma (contd.)
- Plain radiography
- large mass at the time of diagnosis, usually over
4 cm in diameter in 50 of cases. - lytic (50)
- intralesional calcification(s) 60-78 (rings and
arcs calcification or popcorn calcification) - endosteal scalloping
- affects more than two thirds of the cortical
thickness (c.f. less than 2/3 in enchondromas) - moth eaten appearance or permeative appearance in
higher grade tumours - cortical remodelling, thickening and periosteal
reaction are also useful in distinguishing
between an enchondroma and low grade
38Chondrosarcoma (contd.)
- CT
- In as many as 90 of cases, tumors appear as
lucent areas containing chondroid matrix
calcification. Endosteal scalloping and cortical
destruction are frequently easier to appreciate
on CT scans than on radiographs. - CT scanning may be used to guide percutaneous
biopsy - MRI
- T1 low to intermediate signal
- T2 very high intensity in non mineralised/calcifi
ed portions - gradient echo/SWI blooming of mineralised/calcifi
ed portions - T1 C (Gd)
- most demonstrate heterogeneous moderate to
intense contrast enhancement. - enhancement can be septal and peripheral rim-like
corresponding to fibrovascular septation between
lobules of hyaline cartilage
39Ewings Sarcoma
- Ewing sarcoma, a highly malignant primary bone
tumor that is derived from red bone marrow and
second most common primary bone tumour of
childhood. - This tumor is most frequently observed in
children and adolescents aged 4-15 years and
rarely develops in adults older than 30 years. - Affected bones include, long bones 50-60,
femur 25, tibia 11, humerus 10, flat bones
40, pelvis 14, scapula, ribs 6 - As far as location within long bones, the tumor
is almost always metaphyseal or diaphyseal. - It is the most lethal bone tumor. An association
exists between Ewing sarcoma and primitive
peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (PNET).
40Ewing's Sarcoma (contd.)
- Plain Radiography
- Typical presentation ill-defined osteolytic
lesion with a moth-eaten or permeative type of
bone destruction, irregular cortical destruction
and aggressive periostitis. - reactive sclerosis, irregular periosteal reaction
and soft tissue mass. - Ewing sarcomas tend to be large poorly marginated
tumours, with over 80 demonstrating extension
into adjacent soft tissues. - laminated (onion skin) periosteal reaction 57
41Ewings Sarcoma (contd.)
- CT
- CT scanning helps to define the bone destruction
that is associated with Ewing sarcoma. - Tumor size can be evaluated with
contrast-enhanced CT scanning, which may be used
in follow-up evaluation during chemotherapy. - MRI
- MRI is essential to elucidate soft-tissue
involvement - T1 low to intermediate signal
- T1 C (Gd) heterogeneous but prominent
enhancement - T2 heterogeneously high signal, may see hair on
end low signal striations
- Primary lymphoma of bone (PLB) is a rare,
malignant, neoplastic disorder of the skeleton.
Also known as Reticulum cell sarcoma. - Primary bone lymphoma occurs in a broad range of
patients, aged 1 year 6 months to 86 years
(median range, 3652 years) (5), with a peak
prevalence among patients in the 6th to 7th
decades of life. - Presentation usually pain and palpable mass.
- Preferential sites femur, tibia, humerus and
iliac bone. - Plain Radiography
- The features vary widely in appearance. The
most common ones are as below - Permeative, lytic pattern of bone destruction
(74) - Metadiaphyseal location (69)
- Periosteal reaction (58)
- Soft-tissue mass (80-100)
43Lymphoma (contd.)
- CT
- useful adjuncts to conventional radiographs
- pattern appears as extensive evidence of disease
within the marrow cavity associated with a
surrounding soft-tissue mass but without
extensive cortical destruction - Cortical breakthrough is well appreciated.
- T1WI - low signal intensity within the marrow
- T2WI - High signal intensity
- Contrast - diffuse heterogenous/homogenous
- rare primary malignant bony tumour, only
approximately 200 cases have been reported. - The tumor occurs almost exclusively in the long
bones tumors in the tibia account for more than
80 of cases. The diaphyseal region is the area
most commonly affected. Other bones affected are
the jaw, ulna, humerus, femur, and fibula. - Typically presents in the 2nd to 3rd decades as a
locally aggressive mass 3-15 cm in diameter. - Differentiated lt20 years of agegt Classic
- 10-year survival rate is believed to be 10
- Adamantinoma may present as a solitary focus or
multicentric lucencies or slightly expansile
osteolytic lesion - May extend into the marrow cavity.
- Lesions tend to have an eccentric epicenter and
a lack of periosteal reaction. - usually no periosteal reaction is noted in the
surrounding bone - Long-standing tumors produce marked cortical
thickening and spool-shaped bulges of the outer
cortex in an eggshell fashion.
- two morphologic patterns are seen
- - a solitary lobulated focus
- - multiple small nodules in one or more
foci. - In some patients separated tumour foci may be
seen, defined as foci of high signal intensity on
either T2- or T1-weighted contrast-enhanced
images, interspersed with normal-appearing
cortical or spongious bone. - Fluid-fluid level may occasionally be seen.
- C(Gd) tends to show intense and homogeneous
static enhancement, although there is no uniform
dynamic enhancement pattern.
- Metastatic bone tumors are the most common
malignant tumors of the skeleton. Approximately
70 of all malignant tumors are metastatic in
origin. - metastases are usually found in Vertebrae -
especially posterior vertebral body, extending
into pedicle, pelvis, proximal femur,
proximal humerus and skull. - Metastases distal to the elbow and knee are
distinctly uncommon. - Types
- - osteolytic metastases
- - sclerotic/osteoblastic metastases
- - mixed lytic and sclerotic metastases
- Osteoblastic metastases Osteolytic
metastases Mixed metastases - prostate carcinoma (most common) RCC
Lung carcinoma (25) - breast carcinoma (may be mixed) Thyroid
carcinoma Breast carcimoma
(15) - transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)
Pheochromocytoma carcinoma of
cervix - carcinoid
Wilms tumor testicular
tumors - medulloblastoma
Ewings sarcoma Prostatic
carcinoma (15) - neuroblastoma
Carcinomas of GIT - mucinous adenocarcinoma of GIT Melanoma
- lymphoma HCC
SCC of skin
47Metastases (contd.)
- Imaging Findings
- little or no soft tissue mass associated with
them - Usually no periosteal reaction
- May appear as moth-eaten, permeative or
geographic lesions - Indistinct zones of transition, no sclerotic
margins and may be sharply circumscribed or have
indistinct borders - Lesions distal to elbows and knees - 50 are from
lung and breast - Diffuse skeletal sclerosis or multiple round,
well-circumscribed sclerotic lesions - Prostate
Breast - Expansile and lytic (soap-bubbly) - RCC
- Cookie-bite lesions of the cortices of long bones
- Lung - Bone scans are extremely sensitive but not very
specific - 10-40 of lesions will not be visible on plain
film but will be positive on bone scans - CT or MRI can be used to show findings in
patients with negative conventional radiographs
and positive bone scans
48Metastases (contd.)
- Fibrosarcoma is a tumor of mesenchymal cell
origin that is composed of malignant fibroblasts
in a collagen background.. - It can occur as a soft-tissue mass or as a
primary or secondary bone tumor. - Primary fibrosarcoma - central (arising within
the medullary canal) or peripheral (arising from
the periosteum) - Secondary fibrosarcoma of bone arises from a
preexisting lesion or after radiotherapy to an
area of bone or soft tissue. - Fibrosarcomas of bone are typically seen between
the third and sixth decades of life. - most commonly in the metaphysis or metadiaphysis
of the long tubular bones.
50Fibrosarcoma (contd.)
- Plain Film
- Highly destructive with a wide zone of
transition and often expansile. Periosteal
reaction is uncommon. The lesion usually has not
matrix mineralization, but may have areas of
sequested bone. Often associated with a large
soft tissue mass. - CT
- CT scanning is used to delineate bone
involvement, bone destruction, or bone reaction. - MRI
- best modality overall for examining
soft-tissue masses and for detecting the
intraosseous and extraosseous extent of many bony
sarcomas. - T1WI - Isointense
- T2WI - Hyperintense
- Shows strong enhancement on contrast images
51Pleomorphic undifferentiated sarcoma
- Previously known as malignant fibrous
histiocytoma. - high grade tumor composed of fibroblasts,
myofibroblasts, and histiocytes. - most frequent soft tissue tumor in adults.
- found in the extremities 70-75 of the time and
50 of all cases are in the lower extremity. - highest incidence is during the fifth decade of
life and there is a male to female ratio of 1.5
to 1 - Plain Film
- Plain x-rays will demonstrate a soft tissue
mass and if arising from bone, then an aggressive
destructive bony lesion. In some cases,
curvilinear or punctate regions of calcification
may be demonstrated.
52Pleomorphic undifferentiated sarcoma
- CT
- The density of MFH is typically similar to
adjacent muscle, with heterogeneous lower density
areas if haemorrhage, necrosis or myxoid material
is abundant. - The soft tissue component enhances.
- In up to 15-20 of cases some mineralisation is
present. - MRI
- typically relatively well circumscribed,
located within or adjacent to muscle, exerting
positive mass effect on surrounding structures. - T1WI - Highly variable, isointense (muscle),
- T2WI - intermediate to high signal intensity
- Heterogeneous and shows enhancement of solid
- Chordomas are uncommon malignant tumours that
account for 1 of intracranial tumours and 4 of
all primary bone tumours. - They originate from embryonic remnants of the
primitive notochord. - Occurs between the ages of 30-70 with a 21
malefemale ratio - 50 occur in sacrum, in 4th or 5th sacral
segment. - 35 at skull base around clivus
- vertebral body 15-30
- Plain Film
- Large presacral mass (gt10cm), destruction of
multiple sacral and coccygeal segments. - Sclerotic rim in 50, amorphous calcifications (
mainly peripherally) - May cross the sacroiliac joint
- Pattern is lytic, with sequestered bone
54Chordoma (contd.)
- CT
- CT is helpful in defining bone destruction and
calcification within lesion. - With contrast, the pseudocapsule may enhance.
- Usually low attenuation soft tissue mass with
destruction of the sacrum and/or coccyx,
sometimes with marginal sclerosis. - May show sequestered bone fragments or
calcifications within tumor. - MRI
- T1WI intermediate to low signal intensity with
a small foci of hyperintensity (hemorrhage or
mucus) - T2WI - most exhibit very high signal .
- T1 C (Gd) heterogeneous enhancement with a
honeycomb appearance corresponding to low T1
signal areas within the tumour
55- Bibliography
- Essentials of skeletal radiology 3rd edition -
Yochum Rowe - CT and MRI of whole body 5th edition
John.R.Haaga - Musculoskeletal Imaging The Requisites 3rd
edition B.J.Manaster - Musculoskeletal MRI 2nd edition Helms
- Bone Tumors and Tumor like Conditions Analysis
with Conventional Radiography Miller - Expert DDX Musculoskeletal system B.J. Manaster
- Pathologic and Radiologic features of primary
Bone tumors - Update.com - Imaging in various primary and secondary bone
tumors - Medscape - Bone tumors - Radiology assistant Radiopedia
- Study in various primary bone tumor - Journal of
Bone Oncology PubMedRSNAKJRIJR
- Metastatic diseases of bone Learning Radiology
Thank You