First Day Slide Show - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First Day Slide Show


First Day Slide Show English 305: Shakespeare Dr. Fike Tardiness Tardiness: Please remember that coming in late disrupts everyone and may even stop the class for a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First Day Slide Show

First Day Slide Show
  • English 305 Shakespeare
  • Dr. Fike

Role and Seating Chart
  • Please try to sit in the same place, at least
    until I learn your names (the first couple of

  • Do not use laptops or other devices capable of
    connecting with the internet.
  • Turn off and put away your cell phones.
  • In life/death situation, speak to me ahead of
    time about keeping your phone on vibrate.
  • I may decide to keep my phone on vibrate in case
    an emergency text message arrives.
  • I do not want you to use e-books in this class.

Syllabus and Calendar
  • This course is on Blackboard, but you can also
    retrieve course materials from my website
  • There is no www in this URL.

Course Description
  • 8 plays in Bevingtons The Complete Works of
    Shakespeare, any edition or The Necessary
    Shakespeare, 3rd ed. Other editions are okay,
    but they must have line numbers and footnotes.
  • Shakespeares life and times in Russ McDonalds
    The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare.
  • A combination of professor presentation and
    student discussion.
  • Discussion is the more important feature of the
  • The role of slide shows.
  • They will streamline presentations and allow more
    time for discussions.
  • You can print out a copy for your own use.
  • They will be available after class in all cases.
    You may not have a copy of the slide shows on
    your desk during class. Why? I want this class to
    develop your ability to take notes. After class,
    if you want to check your notes against mine, the
    slide shows will be available as a resource.
    Also, sometimes the slide shows contain questions
    AND answers.

Flipping the Classroom
  • What this means.
  • Are you interested?

  • This is worth 10 points out of a possible 100.
  • Try to comment at least once a day (I consider
    that a minimum).
  • Discussion is THE main event in ENGL 305! Please
    respect others need and desire to contribute!
  • I call on people who are generally silent. That
    is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to

Points Related to the Requirements
  • First, rigor This is a very difficult course.
  • Second, accommodation The course is set up so
    that you will not lose much credit while youre
    getting up to speed.
  • Third, the course does expect you to get up to
    speed eventually. This is more easily said than
    done because
  • The plays are mostly poetry.
  • Shakespeare wrote in an earlier form of English
    than we speak.

My First Question for You
  • What kind of English did William Shakespeare
  • Old English
  • Middle English
  • Early Modern English
  • Modern English

  • Old English Beowulf spoke it.
  • Middle English Chaucer spoke it.
  • Early Modern English Shakespeare spoke it.
  • Modern English We speak it.

Overview of Requirements
  • Examinations  40 points                          
  • 20    Midterm examination
  • 20    Final examination
  • Term Project  50 points (page numbers are
  • 0 Pre-proposal (a list of your top 3
  • 5       Paper Proposal (2 full pages)
  • 10     Short nonresearched analysis paper (5
    full pages)
  •  5      Annotated bibliography (10 sources 
    your play plus at least 9 secondary sources)
  •  5      Outline including research (4-5 pages)
  •  5      Draft of research paper (8-10 pages
    longer is okay too)
  • 5       Self-analytical cover letter (2 pages)  
  • 10     Final draft of research paper
  •  5     Conference abstract (if you do a lesson
    plan, you are exempt from this requirement)
  • Participation  10 points
  • Total 100 points
  • signifies process assignments, which are not
    graded according to a rigorous rubric.

Points About the Requirements
  • Midterm and final examinations.
  • Lots of process points for the writing project
    40 out of 50 points.
  • Do not skip the process assignments.
  • You will lose points.
  • You will not be ready for the more advanced
    stages of the assignment.
  • I will get on your case.
  • Students who skip the majority of the process
    assignments may fail the course.

Possible Outcome of Skipping the Process
  • You turn in a final draft characterized by some
    or all of the following
  • Insufficient length.
  • Insufficient number of sources.
  • Analysis but no research.
  • Sources on the Works Cited list not integrated
    into the paper itself.
  • Plagiarism.
  • Just a clean copy of your deeply flawed draft.

Why All the Process Points?
  • Multiple stages compensate for your human nature
  • You will not get the paper right on the first
  • You need to have someone coach you through the
    proper process for developing a researched essay.
  • Great things can be accomplished if you work all
    semester on the project.
  • Students report that my method works well in
    other courses and for honors theses.

What Kind of Great Things?
  • 25 of the students who took this class from me
    in Fall 2009 presented their papers at
  • Publications in The Oswald Review
  • Sally Shader on The Tempest
  • James Funk on Hamlet
  • Publication in the Sigma Tau Delta Review
  • Alex Muller on King Lear
  • NCUR submissions 4 students from spring 2013, 5
    from fall 2013.
  • Ask for a volunteer reader.

What a Past Student Said
  • I dont know what I would have done if we had
    had to turn this paper in without the different
    stages. The research paper was a big help for me
    because I learned a lot, and I know that this
    experience will help me in my future English

Dont Procrastinate!
  • The most beneficial action to take during this
    process is consistent meetings with the
    professor. They are guiding and informative.
    Procrastination and fear are the pitfalls to this
    assignment. Though procrastination was not
    frequent, when it did occur it was detrimental to
    the process and my own sanity. Fear played a
    large role in causing the procrastination by
    having not yet established confidence in my
    writing ability. The process has been exhausting
    and mind numbingly painful, and, as with Dr.
    Fikes English 203, the most beneficial process
    experienced this semester.

Emphasis on the Writing Process
  • I ended up really enjoying the exploration of my
    topic and the step-by-step development it went
    through. I found that the process of doing the
    research and writing one step at a time was
    very helpful and effective. It helped me to
    maintain my attention on the assignment instead
    of procrastinating and made the development of
    research and writing quality easier to handleI
    plan to employ this method in other papers in the

Incremental Improvement
  • I like the portfolio method because it allowed
    me to see my writing as a whole, and I can see
    the progress.

A Marathon, Not a Sprint
  • As the end of the semester approaches, I have
    never felt more grateful than I am now of a
    professor who required my term paper in such
    small doses. With two other research papers that
    are due on the same day as this one, I did not
    have a final sprint to the finish, additional and
    unnecessary anxiety, or crippling amounts of
    hours to be spent at the last minute regarding
    this Shakespeare paper. I now wish that my other
    two papers were turned in in the same fashion. I
    have even taken time to apply some of these
    techniques to my other final papers.

Multiple Stages
  • This paper has been quite the learning
    experience for me. I have not been required
    (since 11th grade) to work in a research paper
    using the writing process / multiple-drafting.
    This process is a wake-up call for me. If I am
    going to be the best English major I can be, I
    need to step it up a notch and work harder (use
    this writing process) on my research papers.

No Train Wrecks
  • I am so glad that this paper had to be written
    in stages. Otherwise, it would probably be as
    terrible as some of the others I am turning in
    this same week (they are so terrible because I
    have been allowed to procrastinate in writing
    them). I have four other papers due right now,
    and two of them have not even been started.

No Procrastination
  • The biggest weakness I have is procrastinating.
    Thankfullythe overall product required steps
    throughout the semester. Honestly, had the
    project not been structured as such, I would have
    done appallingly on this paper. Having pieces
    due at various times throughout the semester
    allowed me time to pick a more specific topic,
    refine my thesis, meet with Dr. Fike, and
    generally organize my thoughts and argument. The
    time required also allowed me to find more
    applicable sources and learn how to better locate
    sources for any research paper.

From a Graduate Student
  • Normally, I procrastinate. But the incentive
    of assignments and grades has worked in my favor.
    This has been the least stressful paper I have
    ever written and the stages, which I tried to
    do completely and well, meant that the paper came
    together automatically. Most of all, I
    appreciate the way the paper assignment has been
    designed for my success by gently forcing me to
    do all the required steps.

Thinking Takes Time
  • The gradual graded process of brainstorming,
    researching, writing, and rewriting was very
    beneficial. This format for the project helped
    me manage my time well enough to seriously
    consider each step and produce work that I am
    proud to present. I had enough time to rethink
    ideas, work out problems, and enjoy the research.

Process Rocks
  • I have learned that everyone is in charge of the
    quality of their own paper writing experience.
    If one procrastinates, fails to do the proper
    amount of research, or does not meet with Dr.
    Fike when they need help, the process will be
    unpleasant and stressful. However, if one
    carefully follows the process for each step, puts
    in the work, and asks for help if needed, this
    paper has the potential to be a highly enjoyable
    and satisfying learning experience.

Outlines Are Cool
  • In writing this paper, I learned how helpful the
    writing process is, and especially how helpful an
    outline is. I am notorious for waiting until the
    last minute to write a paper, and having this set
    up in steps to force me to do work has made this
    much less stressful for me. I have no doubts
    that if it had not been set up like that, I would
    have started my eight pages last night and not
    gotten any sleep.

My Favorite Comment
  • Each time a graded draft of my essay was
    returned, the lazy part of my personality would
    look over the comment sheet and complain, Its
    not good enough yet! Reluctantly, I would read
    over the comments and the paper, and as I reread
    my essay, new ideas would slowly start to connect
    in my brain. With each new epiphany, I would
    become prouder of my paper. I even had moments
    when I couldnt resist the urge to do a little
    jig around my room while boasting, Im so
    smart, in a sing-song voice.

Another Option
  • Those seeking teacher licensure at the bachelors
    level (and only those people) may elect a lesson
    plan for teaching a Shakespeare play at the high
    school level.
  • This option should be about 5 times as much work
    as a term paper and should be at least 5 times as
    long (50-75 pages).
  • If you are seeking teacher licensure you do not
    have to do a lesson plan.
  • A lesson plan is NOT a way to avoid reading
    criticism. In fact, the plan requires a minimum
    10-page critical introduction. That single
    assignment is longer than the 8-page minimum for
    the final draft of the researched essay.
  • Elect this option only if you are all in and
    want to work really hard to produce a superior
  • Do not elect this option if you have trouble with
    lower-order matters.
  • I can only handle 1 or 2 lesson plans per

A Frequent Objection
  • We are not studying any of the plays that are
    taught in SC high schools--Macbeth, Romeo and
    Juliet, Julius Caesar.
  • My reply The curriculum in SC high schools is
    not driving the reading assignments in this
    university-level class.
  • If you are an English education student, consider
    doing a lesson plan on one of those three plays.
  • I picked the plays that are, in my view, the best
    preparation for the GRE subject test and for
    graduate study.
  • They are also, in my view, among the richest,
    most accessible examples of comedy, history,
    tragedy, and romance.
  • Plus they enable us to introduce many key
    concepts relevant to the Elizabethan period and
    the Renaissance.

Options for Term Project
  • Term paper in multiple stages
  • Lesson plan in multiple stages

In a Nutshell
  • ENGL 305 is the study of the following things
  • 8 plays
  • 4 types of drama (comedy, history, tragedy,
    romance) modes
  • 40-50 key concepts (a bow to CRTW)
  • Shakespeares life and times
  • A term project

The Third Rail
  • Attendance We will follow Winthrop's
    standard attendance policy "If a student's
    absences in a course total 25 percent or more of
    the class meetings for the course, the student
    will receive a grade of N, F, or U, whichever is
    appropriate" (Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2006
    30). There are 28 scheduled class meetings
    therefore, a seventh absence means that you have
    failed the course. In order to make up a missed
    assignment, you must provide some kind of
    official paper documentation (e.g., doctor's
    note, obituary, letter from the athletic
    department). I will keep the documentation in a
    file until the end of the semester. This policy
    holds for all absences, regardless of the cause
    this includes absences for Winthrop-sponsored
    activities like athletic competitions and Model
    UN. Remember An "excused" absence means that
    you may make up work that was due on that day,
    but the absence still counts toward the total
    number of absences. If you do not provide
    documentation, you will not be allowed to make up
    missed work. If you will be absent because of
    university business on a due date, you must
    submit your work in advance.

  • Tardiness  Please remember that coming in
    late disrupts everyone and may even stop the
    class for a few moments.  Try to arrive at least
    a few minutes early and be ready to begin right
    at the start of the hour. Get out your book,
    notebook, and pen or pencil BEFORE the days
    activities begin.  Arriving 10 or more minutes
    late (or leaving 10 or more minutes early) will
    be considered a full absence.  I will count every
    three tardy arrivals (less than 10 minutes late)
    as a full absence.  Tardy-generated absences will
    count against the university's 25 attendance
    policy.  Finally, if you come in late, you must
    see me after class so that I change your absence
    mark to a tardy mark.  If you do not see me after
    class, your tardiness will count as an absence.

Past vs. Future
  • I take an active approach to late or missing
    assignments as well as absences because I want
    you to do well and because I want us to avoid
    conflict at the end of the semester when, for
    example, you have earned 58 or have been absent
    8 times.
  • I will e-mail you. I will speak to you. I will
    call the Academic Success Center about you.

Memorandum of Understanding
  • Punctuality The class starts on time. Please be
    a few minutes early. If you happen to arrive
    late, speak to the professor after class so that
    he converts your absence to a tardy. Be sure to
    review the tardy and absence policies in the
  • Reading You are required to read, annotate, and
    bring to class the day's assigned materials, as
    indicated on the course calendar. For HMXP and
    CRTW All of the books required for this course
    are on reserve at the Dacus Library you can make
    a photocopy of the day's text(s) even if you do
    not yet own the book.
  • Preparation Bring your books to class.
  • Electronic devices Turn off and put away all
    electronic devices.
  • Eating and drinking You may consume clear water
    with no ice but nothing else. You may not eat in
    the classroom before, during, or after class.
  • Comprehension If you do not understand what the
    professor is saying, ask him a question about it.
  • Conferences with the professor If you want your
    professor to read your paper, ask him to do so at
    your conference. Bring two word-processed copies.
    You need to express clearly the degree of
    assistance you seek. He will gladly let you know
    if you are on the right track. He will answer
    whatever questions you have. But he is not a mind
  • Post-traditional Students Please come see me
    this week.

  • Do you have any questions at this point?

Day Twos Assignment
  • Bedford Companion
  • Shakespeare, "Shakespeare," and the Problem of
    Authorship, 11-28
  • Comedy, 81-85
  • Performances, Playhouses, and Players, 109-28
    esp. The Countryside, 225-28
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 1
  • Pre-proposal due

  • It may be handwritten on notebook paper or word
  • List your top 3 paper topics.
  • In order to do this, have a look at the suggested
    topics online at http//
  • Topics in red are highly recommended.

Write a page in response to the following
  • What motivated you to take ENGL 305?
  • What is your previous experience with
  • What are your favorite activities?
  • What makes you unique? Is there anything else
    youd like me to know about you?
  • Is there anything that makes it difficult for you
    to meet the requirements of this course?
  • Will you need any accommodations?

Sonnet 73
  • That time of year thou mayst in me behold When
    yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hangUpon
    those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare
    ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
    In me thou seest the twilight of such day As
    after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by
    black night doth take away,Death's second self,
    that seals up all in rest. In me thou see'st the
    glowing of such fire That on the ashes of his
    youth doth lie, As the death-bed whereon it must
    expire Consumed with that which it was nourish'd
    by.    This thou perceivest, which makes thy
    love more strong,   To love that well which thou
    must leave ere long.

  • The Elizabethan Age, DA 355 .E45 1990
  • OR
  • Shakespeare in London The Life Times of the
    Real William Shakespeare, PR 2918 .S5 1999
  • END
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