Title: Modern Labour Economics
1Modern Labour Economics
- Chapter 8
- Compensating Wage Differentials and Labour Markets
2Table 8.1 Industry Incidence Rates by Selected
Industry in Canada, 1998
3Figure 8.1 A Family of Indifference Curves
between Wages and Risk of Injury
4Figure 8.2 Representative Indifference Curves
for Two Workers Who Differ in Their Aversion to
Risk of Injury
5Figure 8.3 A Family of Isoprofit Curves for an
6Figure 8.4 The Zero-Profit Curves of Two Firms
7Figure 8.5 Matching Employers and Employees
8Figure 8.6 An Offer Curve
9Figure 8.7 The Effects of Government Regulation
in a Perfectly Functioning Labour Market
10Figure 8.8 A Worker Accepting Unknown Risk
11Figure 8.9 An Indifference Curve between Wages
and Employee Benefits
12Figure 8.10 An Isoprofit Curve Showing the
Wage/Benefit Offers a Firm Might Be Willing to
Make to Its Employees
13Figure 8.11 Alternative Isoprofit Curves
Showing the Wage/Benefit Offers a Firm Might Be
Willing to Make to Its Employees
14Figure 8.12 Market Determination of the Mix of
Wages and Benefits
15Figure 8A.1 Choice of Hours of Work
16Figure 8A.2 The Choice between H hours with
Certainty and H Hours on Average