Title: Risk management in Islamic vs. conventional banking
1Risk management in Islamic vs. conventional
CAPITAL FUNDINGS - Tuesday 5th OCTOBER 1999, Sheraton Imperial
Hotel, Kuala Lumpur . - Warren Edwardes, Chief executive officer, Delphi
Risk Management Limited - Email we_at_dc3.co.uk
- Website www.dc3.co.uk
2articles on Islamic banking on Delphis website
are on
- "Competitive Pricing of Islamic Financial
Products", - May 95, Horizon, Institute of Islamic Banking
Insurance, London - www.dc3.co.uk/islamic.htm
- "Islamic Banking
- 1st Quarter 99, Princeton Economics Journal,
- www.dc3.co.uk/islamicbanking.htm
3financial risk
- some actions can protect
- the same actions can destroy
4financial risk - a film
5A check-list of banking risk types
- from my book "Key Financial Instruments
understanding innovation in the world of
derivatives" Dec. 99, Commissioned by Financial
Times Prentice Hall ISBN 0273 63300 7 - discussion Does Islamic banking risk differ from
Western banking risk? - Comments invited and discussion will be uploaded
onto - www.dc3.co.uk/islamicbanking1.htm
6A list of Western banking risk types
- To put it simply and directly,
- if the bosses do not or cannot understand both
the risks and rewards in their products, - their firm should not be in the business. -
- William J. McDonough, President, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York
7banking risk types - 1-5
- Acquisition Risk
- Careless Error Risk
- Competitive Risk
- Commodity Risk
- Communication Risk
8banking risk types - 6-10
- Country Risk
- Credit Risk
- Cultural Risk
- Currency Transaction Risk
- Currency Translation Risk
9banking risk types - 11-15
- Currency Economic Risk
- Customer Satisfaction Risk
- Disaster Recovery Risk
- Economic Activity Risk
- Energy Price Risk
10banking risk types - 16-20
- Environment Risk
- Equity Market Risk
- Fraud (banker) Risk
- Fraud (customer) Risk
- Fraud (staff) Risk
11banking risk types - 21-25
- Image / PR Risk
- Information Risk
- Inflation Risk
- Interest rate Risk
- Interaction Risk
12banking risk types - 26-30
- Language Risk
- Legal Risk
- Liquidity Risk
- Morbidity Risk
- Mortality Risk
13banking risk types - 31-35
- Operational Risk
- Performance Measurement Risk
- Political Risk
- Competence / Understanding
- Concentration of assets Risk
14banking risk types - 36-40
- Concentration of liabilities Risk
- Concentration of business type Risk
- Convertibility Risk
- Property (Real Estate) Risk
- Rating Agency Risk
15banking risk types - 41-45
- Regulatory Risk
- Religious Risk
- Resignation Risk
- Settlement Risk
- Systemic Risk
16banking risk types - 46-49
- Tax Risk
- Technological Risk
- Transport Risk
- Weather Risk
17banking risk types - 50
- No Risk
- Its impossible to take an unnecessary risk.
- Because you only find out whether a risk was
unnecessary - after youve taken it
- Giovanni Agnelli, President FIAT
18banking risk - a movie
19Risk management in Islamic vs. conventional
CAPITAL FUNDINGS - Tuesday 5th OCTOBER 1999, Sheraton Imperial
Hotel, Kuala Lumpur . - Warren Edwardes, Chief executive officer, Delphi
Risk Management Limited - Email we_at_dc3.co.uk
- Website www.dc3.co.uk