Title: Shaking the Plum Tree
1Shaking the Plum Tree
- The Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg
Kathryn J. Deiss ACRL kdeiss_at_ala.org 2007
Photo by Sachama
2Structure Comes from Culture
- We perceive and create things out of a set of
assumptions about the way the world works - It is difficult to see the new without fitting
it into our perceptions and assumptions
3How Most Organizational Structure Works
- Break work into chunks around function
- Divide people into groups dealing with that
function - Stratify functions into a working whole
- Control applied by administrators to ensure
4Individual vs. Group
- Bias toward individual
- Detecting excellence
- Evaluating performance
- Rewarding performance
- Individualism marks our organizational cultures
as much as it marks our society
5Re-envisioning Structure
- Joining and clustering
- Creating natural responsibility
- Developing agility and readiness for change
- Supporting under instead of over the enterprise
- Learning as a way of being
- Understanding what results your customers will
6From The individual is the key to success To
Groups of individuals create success
Photo by Chris10Eyck
7Good Reasons for Pyramids
- Pyramids and triangular structures enjoy
stability - Broad base supports a great deal
- Well-functioning pyramids can stand forever
8But What Do You Need in 2010?
- Stasis or responsiveness?
- Control or flexibility?
- Certainty or support for risk?
9The Structure Scale
10What happens to aspirations in rigid structures?
Photo by Recursion See Recursion
11- Towards organic structural design
- Test assumptions and perceptions
- Let choices flow from purpose
- Look for synergies
- Be creative!
Photo by Konaboy
12Competing Values Tension
- Habituated to our cultures
- Looking for new shape/structure
- Resulting tensions often a product of values
conflicts underlying both the very structures we
live in and the ones we are choosing to go to
13 Flexibility
The Responsive Adhocracy
The Cooperative Team
- Participation
- Openness
- Consensus
- Shared Decision Making
- Innovation
- Change
- Growth
- Creativity
Internal Focus
External Focus
The Stable Hierarchy
The Rational Firm
- Documentation
- Measurement
- Control
- Information Management
- Goal Clarity
- Productivity
- Rational Analysis
- Action
Robert Quinn
14Bare structures suggest the shape to come
Photo by 1bluecanoe
15New beginnings are delicate
Photo by Chris McToodles
16Clusters have impact!
Photo by Terry Bain
17How can you create ad hoc groups to create the
new, engage specific customers, and develop new
Photo by Overthemoon
18What is the safety net for risk-taking?
Photo by joeysplanting
19Service is a gift Giving is a powerful social
act What gifts do your customers want?
Photo by UncommonMuse
20- Cardamom
- Walnuts
- Dried plums
21What can a new structure give your customers?
Photo by Dell Stewart
22Playful surprises can be embedded in your
Photo by The Shifted Librarian
23Establish a point of view of abundance! What
resources, assets, and especially IDEAS do you
Photo by B.Grayson
24Let leaders shine from all parts of the
Photo by Firefleaz
25Create space for spontaneity and mystery
Photo by Karl Eschenbach
26Have fun!
Photo by Wee Little Gnome
27Thanks PLCMC! Keep in Touch kdeiss_at_ala.org