Title: General Information Meetings
1General Information Meetings
- Monday, October 14, 2013
- Tuesday, October 29, 2013
- Dr. Jim Mudd
- Supervisor of Gifted Education and
- Special Programs
- muddje_at_pwcs.edu
2Application Procedures
- On-line applications are due no later than
midnight Saturday, February 1, 2014. - Paper applications being delivered in person to
Porter or Pennington are due no later than 4 p.m.
Friday, January 31. Applications that are being
mailed must be postmarked by Saturday, February
1, 2014. - Students who are accepted into a program are
expected to score 400 or above on designated
Virginia Standard of Learning tests.
3Application Procedures
- The on-line application allows students to apply
to three different programs which they must rank
in order of preference. - The World Language and Mathematics and Science
Specialty Programs require an essay. This writing
is completed at each elementary school.
4Application Procedures
- Applications are required for students residing
within a school boundary as well as for students
who transfer for a program. - Students who apply to attend a specialty program
at a middle school other than their base middle
school must submit a Student Transfer Request
Form. - Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) does
not discriminate in employment or in its
educational programs and activities against
qualified individuals on the basis of race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy,
childbirth or related medical conditions, age,
marital status, veteran status, or disability.
PWCS provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and
other designated youth groups. The following
individual(s) will handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies, including Section 504
and Title IX -
- Associate Superintendent for Human Resources
- Prince William County Public Schools
- P.O. Box 389
- Manassas, VA 20108
5Transportation Services
- Students living within the boundaries of the
specialty program school may ride their regular
bus to school. - Transportation services for students who reside
outside the boundaries of the specialty program
school are provided via a network of express bus
stops. - Parents have the responsibility to provide
transportation to and from express bus stops. - Bus schedule times will be available at the end
of August.
6International Baccalaureate Middle Years
7International Baccalaureate Middle Years
- Beville Middle School
- Godwin Middle School
- Stonewall Middle School
8Middle Years Programme (MYP)
- Students ages 11-16
- Five year programme
- (Grades 9-10 at Gar-Field High School)
- (Grades 9-10 at Stonewall Jackson High School)
- Excellent preparation for the diploma programme
(Grades 11-12) - Prepares students to assume a meaningful role in
todays global society. (Jeffrey R. Beard, IB
Director General)
9IBMYP - Fundamental Concepts
- International-Mindedness starting with a
foundation with their own language and culture - Holistic Education School subjects relate to
each other and to the real world - Communication - Key to understanding, reflection
and expression
10Eight Subject Areas
Language A
Language B
Physical Education
11Areas of Interaction
- Approaches to Learning
- Health and Social Education
- Environments
- Human Ingenuity
- Community Service
12Learner Profile
- Inquirers
- Critical thinkers
- Communications
- Risk takers
- Knowledgeable
- Principled
- Caring
- Open-minded
- Balanced
- Reflective
13Community and Service
- Grade specific hours of service required.
- There will be many opportunities for students to
earn CS hours through school activities.
14Philosophy Programme model
Page 14
15Typical MYP Course Sequence
IBMYP Language Arts IBMYP Spanish IA, French IA
World Language IBMYP Mathematics IBMYP
History and Social Science IBMYP Science IBMYP
Humanities Arts - (Fine/Graphic Arts, Computer
Applications, Career Technical Education,
and/or Family Consumer Sciences) Performing
Music Band, Orchestra or Chorus Physical
16Beville Middle School
Beville MYP Information Nights 7 PM at Beville
Middle School Thursday, November 21,
2013 Tuesday, January 14, 2014
- Beville Attendance Areas
- Lake Ridge
- Saunders
- Woodbridge Middle
- Mr. Keenan, Principal
- Ms. Boddie, Coordinator
17Godwin Middle School
- Godwin MYP Information Nights
- 7 PM at Godwin Middle School
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- Tuesday, January 16, 2014
- Godwin Attendance Areas
- Benton Middle (FP/Hylton)
- Potomac Middle
- Graham Park Middle
- Rippon Middle
- Ms. Mitchell, Principal
- Ms. Boddie, Coordinator
18Stonewall Middle School
- Stonewall MYP Information Nights
- 7 PM at Stonewall Middle School
- Thursday, November 21, 2013
- Tuesday, January 14, 2014
- Stonewall MYP Attendance Area
- Benton Middle (BDHS/OPHS)
- Bull Run Middle
- Gainesville Middle
- Marsteller Middle
- Parkside Middle
- Reagan Middle
- Mr. Miller, Principal
- Mr. Beard, Coordinator
19In conclusion
- The International Baccalaureate Middle Years
Programme is designed to help them find a sense
of belonging in the ever-changing and
increasingly interrelated world around them and
to foster a positive attitude to learning. - (IBO, 2007)
20Mathematics and ScienceSpecialty Programs
- Graham Park Middle School
- Marsteller Middle School
- Rippon Middle School
21Mathematics and Science Programs
- Mission
- To provide students with opportunities to explore
in-depth mathematical and scientific concepts and
principles in an intensive program of study while
developing their critical thinking skills.
22Mathematics and Science Students
- Are academically strong in science
- Are academically strong in mathematics
- Do grade level work or above in all subject areas
- Have excellent work habits
- Exhibit good behavior
- Are willing to work hard
- Extended 6th
- 6th grade Pre-Algebra
- Extended 7th
- 7th grade Algebra
- Algebra in 8th
- Geometry in 8th grade
- Open-ended problem solving
- Hands-on activities
- Critical thinking
- Prince William County Curriculum
- Enhanced lessons
- Hands-on activities
- Open-ended problems
- Problem-based learning
- Many laboratory experiences
- Required project every year
- May expand on the same project
- Can be a Math project
- Non-participation?
- Not an option!
26Why the Mathematics and Science Program?
- Greater depth of study of PWCS and Virginia
objectives - Extended curriculum
- Focus on critical thinking and problem solving
- Hands on activities to apply concepts
- Cooperative learning with real world connections
- Emphasis on integration of math/science concepts
and technology
27Why the Mathematics and Science Program?
- Academically focused classes
- Collaborative work
- Off campus learning
- Extensive projects for each grade level
- Extended curriculum
28Who Should Apply?
- Critical Thinkers
- Open-Minded Students
- Reflective Learners
- Communicators
- Risk-Takers
- Self-Motivated Students
29Graham Park Middle School
- Graham Park Information Nights
- 7 PM at Graham Park Middle School
- Wednesday, January 8, 2014
- SNOW DATE Wednesday, January 15, 2014
- Graham Park Attendance Areas
- Benton Middle (Forest Park/Hylton)
- Beville Middle
- Godwin Middle
- Saunders Middle
- Mr. Anderson, Principal
- Ms. Bye, Coordinator
30Marsteller Middle School
- Marsteller Information Nights
- 7 PM at Marsteller Middle School
- Wednesday, January 8, 2014
- SNOW DATE Wednesday, January 15, 2014
- Marsteller Attendance Area
- Benton Middle (Brentsville/Osbourn Park)
- Bull Run Middle
- Gainesville Middle
- Parkside Middle
- Reagan Middle
- Stonewall Middle
- Ms. Knetter, Principal
- Ms. Quinlan, Coordinator
31Rippon Middle School
- Rippon Information Nights
- 7 PM at Rippon Middle School
- Wednesday, January 8, 2014
- SNOW DATE Wednesday, January 15, 2014
- Rippon Attendance Areas
- Fred Lynn Middle
- Lake Ridge Middle
- Potomac Middle
- Woodbridge Middle
- Ms. Stone, Principal
- Ms. Alton, Coordinator
32World Languages ProgramFrench or Spanish
- Fred Lynn Middle School
- Lake Ridge Middle School
- Parkside Middle School
33World Language Specialty Program
Communication and Understanding
34The successful world language specialty program
student is
- Interested in learning a world language.
- Willing to study and practice each evening.
- Curious about people from other countries.
- Strong in Language Arts.
35How world language fits into the school schedule
- Specialty Program
- Social Studies
- Science
- Math
- Language Arts
- World Language
- Physical Education
- Music
- Exploratory Arts
- Regular Schedule
- Social Studies
- Science
- Math
- Language Arts
- Physical Education
- Music
- Exploratory Arts
36How it works
- 6th Grade Spanish 1A or French 1A
- (First half of the textbook)
- 7th Grade Spanish 1B or French 1B
- (Second half of the textbook)
- 8th Grade Spanish 2 or French 2
- Is widely spoken in North, Central, and South
America (over 400,000,000 people) - Increases employability in many fields
- Helps students gain a better understanding of the
people from the various Hispanic cultures - Is the fourth most frequently spoken language
- Supports travel experiences
- Business
- If you choose a career in business, you will
probably do business with one or more
French-speaking countries. - French companies employ approximately 500,000
Americans. - Global Communication
- Is the second most frequently used language of
the internet. - Is the second most frequently taught world
language after English. - Is an official working language of the United
Nations, the Olympics, and many international
organizations. - Travel
- Supports the travel experience of the over 75
million people who visit France annually.
39The Rewards of Participating in a World
Language Specialty Program
- Two Carnegie units of high school credit in
French or Spanish at the completion of the eighth
grade year. - Higher SAT scores.
- Improved English skills.
- A jump start on earning an advanced diploma.
40Fred Lynn Middle School
- Fred Lynn Information Nights
- 7 PM at Fred Lynn Middle School
- Wednesday, November 6, 2013
- Thursday, January 9, 2014
- Fred Lynn Attendance Areas
- Graham Park Middle
- Potomac Middle
- Rippon Middle
- Woodbridge Middle
- Mr. Neves, Principal
- Mr. Patterson, Coordinator
41Lake Ridge Middle School
- Lake Ridge Information Nights
- 7 PM at Lake Ridge Middle School
- Wednesday, November 6, 2013
- Thursday, January 9, 2014
- Lake Ridge Attendance Areas
- Benton Middle (Forest Park/Hylton)
- Beville Middle
- Godwin Middle
- Saunders Middle
- Ms. Fitzgerald, Principal
- Ms. Rustan, Coordinator
42Parkside Middle School
- Parkside Information Nights
- 7 PM at Parkside Middle School
- Wednesday, November 6, 2013
- Thursday, January 9, 2014
- Parkside Attendance Area
- Benton Middle (Brentsville/Osbourn Park)
- Bull Run Middle
- Gainesville Middle
- Marsteller Middle
- Reagan Middle
- Stonewall Middle
- Ms. Boynton, Principal
- Ms. Knowlton, Coordinator
43Why Same Gender Education?
- Provides parents a choice for their childs
education. - Same gender teaching practices recognize the
differences that exist between boys and girls in
their brain development. - Same gender classrooms provide a learning
environment tailored to specific gender needs
based on research.
44Closing the Achievement Gap between Genders
- Decrease in gap between SOL Passed Advanced for
students enrolled in same gender classes. - Increase in Language Arts SOL pass rates for boys
enrolled in same gender classes. - Increase in Pass Advanced on Math SOL for girls
enrolled in same gender classes.
45What our students say.
- I feel free to express my ideas without worrying
what the boys will think..7th grade - The teachers understand that boys need to be
active and provide activities for us to move
around.6th grade - My grades have improved because I have fewer
distractions in class without the girls..7th
grade - I wish my high school had same gender classes. I
enjoyed my all girl classes in middle
school...9th grade
46WMS has received national attention for our Same
Gender Program
- Woodbridge Middle has been featured several times
on CNN and Fox Channel 5 News regarding the
outstanding implementation of this program. - Staff has presented at the National Association
for Same Sex Public Education conferences in
Atlanta and Las Vegas.
47Information Meetingsat Woodbridge Middle School
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - 7pm
- Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 7pm
- Monday, January 6, 2014 -7pm
48Welcome to Phillip Michael Pennington School
- Overview of our Middle School Program
49Pennington At A Glance
- Fully Accredited
- High SOL Scores
- Traditional Education Framework
- Character Education
- Unique Grades 1- 8 Environment
- Uniforms
- Strong Parent Involvement
- Community Service Requirement
- Limited Enrollment
50The Pennington Way
- Pennington Schools basic foundation is an
expectation that all students will perform
academically at or above grade level and will
exhibit positive behavior toward their peers and
staff. A positive attitude toward learning is
encouraged, nurtured, and expected. Students will
accept responsibility for learning, will do their
personal best, and will develop respect for
themselves and others with an appreciation for
diversity. Parent involvement and support of
staff, students, and community will be integral
components of Pennington School.
51Pennington Creed
- This day has been given to me fresh and clear. I
can either use it or throw it away, realizing
that it can never come back again. I choose to
be here to use this day to the fullest. I hold
the key to success in my hands. I will succeed
because I can. I am in charge of my future. I was
born to win!
52Grades 6-8 Highlights
- Block Scheduling
- World Language Latin/Spanish
- Technology Education
- Fine Arts
- Reading/Math Support
- Music Chorus, Orchestra, Band
- Physical Education
- Gifted Education Program
53Sixth Grade Classes
- Math/Extended Math
- Language Arts/Extended Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health and Physical Education (2/3 times week)
alternates with Music - Exploratory Arts ( Latin, Computer, Art- daily 12
week rotation) - Music (Chorus 6, Beginning Band 6, Continuing
Orchestra 6 -2/3 times/week) alternates with PE -
54Seventh Grade Classes
- Math/ Extended Math
- Language Arts/Extended Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Foreign Language Part 1 Latin or Spanish
- Physical Education (2/3 times per week)
alternates with Music - Exploratory Arts (Computer, Art, Career
Investigation, daily 12 week rotation) - Music (Concert Band, Chorus 7, Orchestra 7 2/3
times/week) alternates with PE
55Eighth Grade Classes
- Math- Pre Algebra, Algebra or Geometry
- Language Arts/Extended Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Foreign Language Part 2 Latin or Spanish
- Health and Physical Education (2/3 times per
week) alternates with Music - Exploratory Arts (Art, Computer, or
Research/Study Skills 12 week rotation) - Music (Concert Band, Adv Chorus, Adv Orchestra
2/3 times week) alternates with PE
56World Language
- Students will select a World Language in seventh
grade. All students are required to take either
Spanish or Latin Part 1. - The second part of the World Language will be
taught in 8th grade giving the student 1 high
school credit
57Extra Curricular Activities
Chess Club Dance Cheerleading Battle of the
Books Foreign Language Club MATH COUNTS and MATH
ROCKS National Junior Honor Society Robotics Socce
r Team Yearbook Creative Writing Forensics Intramu
ral Sports Running club EDGE and Muslim Student
Association Before/After School Child
Care Tutorial Programs Additional Clubs Are
582014-2015 Prospective Families
January 8, 2014 TIME 7 p.m. PLACE Pennington
Dining Hall VISITATION DAY DATE January 9,
2014 TIME 10 11 a.m. PLACE Pennington School
59Admission Requirements
Admission is open to Prince William County
students in Grades 1-8 in the Pennington
attendance area. Students must complete an
application to attend Pennington, School of
Choice. Completed applications must be Submitted
to Pennington by 4 p.m. on January 31, 2014, or
be postmarked by February 1, 2014.
60Welcome to Mary G. Porter Traditional School
- School Information Night
- 2013-14
61Porters Philosophy
62Mary G. Porter Traditional School
- Porter School is a specialty school in Prince
William County. The foundation of this School of
Choice includes rigorous academic instruction,
strong performance expectations, high behavioral
standards, good attendance, uniform expectations,
and consistent parental involvement.
63School Hours
- Doors open at 840 a.m.
- Instruction begins at 850 a.m.
- Dismissal is at 320 p.m.
- Breakfast begins at 830 a.m.
- Students are TARDY after 850 a.m.
- Attendance/Tardies must be excellent to stay at
64Student Uniforms
All students attending Porter are REQUIRED to
follow the uniform policy and the Prince William
County Dress Code.
SCHOOL COLORS Red, White, Blue, Tan/Khaki, and
BOTTOMS Pants, jumpers, walking shorts, skorts,
and jumpers must be SOLID Navy Blue, Black, or
Tan/Khaki, NO DENIM
TOPS Must be SOLID COLORED Red, White, Black,
Navy Blue, or Light Blue, NO DENIM. Tops must
have a collar and be tucked in. PE Days In
addition to uniform, students may wear Spirit
- Chorus
- Orchestra
- Band
- Life Skills
- Art
- Computers
- Woodshop
- Robotics
66World Language
- We offer Spanish I and Spanish II to 7th and 8th
graders. - Students receive high school credit once they
pass the course.
67Intramural Sports
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Golf
- Flag Football
- Baseball
68Volunteer Hours
- STUDENTS. participate in school or community
projects each year. Volunteer hours are
dependent upon grade level. - Grades 1-3 10 hours per year
- Grades 4-5 15 Hours per year
- Grades 6-8 20 hours per year
- Students keep track of hours in their agenda.
- PARENTS participate in 10 hours per year of
school related activities for each child enrolled
at Porter. - Parents log hours in the notebook in the main
- Bus Riders
- Parent/Responsible Adult MUST wait with student
at Express bus stop in the morning. - Parent/Responsible Adult MUST meet student bus in
the afternoon.
- Car Riders
- Bus lanes are closed to all other
traffic. - Parents must wait in the car line until time to
drop off/pick up in front of school.
70Porter Webpagehttp//porter.schools.pwcs.edu/
We believe communication is important and
encourage you to use the school Fusion website to
find the information you need for your child.
If you have immediate questions, please call
the school office at 703.580.6501.
71Application Deadlines
- Online applications are due
- Saturday, February 1, 2014
- Paper applications for Porter and Pennington must
be post marked by Saturday, February 1, 2014 or
delivered in person no later than 4 p.m. Friday,
January 31, 2014.