Title: Stella Liebeck vs. McDonald
1Stella Liebeck vs. McDonalds
- The Coffee Case
- -how much do you really know ??-
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34Surprised? At what? Your score, or the true
35Suggested Scoring, out of 16 possible correct
36Heres the more surprising truth
37No Surprise to McDonalds
38Unreasonable counteroffer
39Unreasonable refusal
40Paltry penalty
41McDonalds gets off easy
42And, keeps it out of the news
43Whats the GOOD news??
44The BAD news
45Yes, this frivolous lawsuit and many others
just like it have made a very positive
difference in making your lives, and those of
your family more safe in the long run
46Thank you for listening and opening your minds
- David W. Ransin
- Trial Attorney
- Dedicated to protecting people
- injured in car, motorcycle and truck crashes