Title: What is a Care Pathway?
1What is a Care Pathway?
Ali El-Ghorr Implementation Advisor
2Overview of presentation
- Different types of care pathways
- How to develop an ICP for BPD
- Example mental health ICP
3Lesbian Vampire Killers
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7PathwayAlgorithmReferral PathwayProtocolCare
PathwayPatient PathwayTriage PathwayService
PathwayGuidelineCritical PathwayIntegrated
Care Pathway
Whats in a name?
8AlgorithmCare PathwayIntegrated Care Pathway
- Decision aid
- One page summary
- Based on evidence
- Layed out as a decision tree
- Usually used by 1 professional in the care of 1
individual - Clinical judgement still important
10ExampleAlcohol Screening and Brief
Interventions Algorithm
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12Care Pathway
13Care Pathway
- Diagrammatic representation of a journey of care
- Multidisciplinary
- High level map of care
- Based on evidence and good practice
- Includes all main referral routes referral
criteria - Describes who is responsible for what
- Includes main comorbidities and complications
- Applies to 80 cases
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15What is an Integrated Care Pathway (ICP)?
16Integrated Care Pathway
A system of care that allows the comparison of
planned care with care actually given
17Integrated Care Pathways
- Focus on the service user
- Part of the care record
- Map out the expected care (multidisciplinary/multi
-agency) - Describe how care should be structured and
co-ordinated - Set standards along the care journey based on the
evidence best practice - Facilitate the monitoring of these standards
through VARIANCE tracking -
18Mental HealthICPs
19Policy Context
Delivering for Mental Health (Dec 2006)
- National policy to improve mental health services
through development and implementation of
Integrated Care Pathways
20The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland
- Person-centred
- Safe
- Effective
21QIS standards
22ICP Standards
23How do you develop an ICP for BPD?
24Process Standards
Process mapping
Stakeholder involvement
25Delivering together
Local Teams
26Involving Primary Care
27Possible incentives
- ICP links to Quality Outcomes Framework
Mental health register - Physical health checks
- Dementia review
- Depression screening
- Depression assessment using validated tool
- ICPs linked to psychological therapies HEAT target
28Process Mapping
High level
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30Opportunity for Redesign
32- Service user at the centre of care planning
- Comprehensive assessment
- Risk management
- A service user rated measure of needs (eg Avon)
- Targeted inpatient admission
- Measure outcome
33- There is a record of medication for BPD
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35ExampleNHS Tayside mental health admission and
discharge ICP
36Admission Discharge ICP
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50Local implementation
- Part of local strategy
- Identify local champions / leads
- Embed ICP work within Care Governance
- Conduct awareness raising education
- Repeat education programme
- Audit, review provide feedback
51Support available
- National ICP toolkit (www.icptoolkit.org)
- Network of National ICP Co-ordinators ICP Team
- BPD Network
- Co-ordinated approach (Health Directorates, NHS
Education Scotland, Social Work, Care Commission
and others)
- Quality strategy (person centred, safe,
effective) - Patient safety in mental health
- HEAT targets in mental health
- Quality Outcomes Framework
- Partnership working (Social Work Voluntary
Sector - ICP accreditation
- Different types of care pathways
- ICPs are a system of care
- ICPs are a tool for service redesign and
continuous quality improvement - Focus on service user and meeting their needs
- Support and help is available
55Welcome to the Scottish Personality Disorder
Network ConferenceThursday 17th March 2011
SCOTTISH Personality Disorder NETWORK