Radiation damage in fission and fusion reactor materials - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radiation damage in fission and fusion reactor materials


Cluster sputtering in ... H with Si one can also reduce the sputtering yield Conclusions Molecular dynamics simulations can be useful for understanding lots of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Radiation damage in fission and fusion reactor materials

Radiation damage in fission and fusion reactor
  • Kai Nordlund
  • Accelerator laboratory
  • University of Helsinki

The guilty parties
  • University of Helsinki
  • Kai Nordlund, Emppu Salonen, Krister Henriksson,
    Petra Träskelin, Niklas Juslin, Juhani Keinonen
  • University of Illinois
  • Mai Ghaly, Bob Averback, Pascal Bellon
  • MPI für Plasmaphysik, Garching
  • Chung Wu
  • University of Liverpool
  • Fei Gao

  • Overview of types of primary state of reactor
  • Fission reactors
  • Fusion reactors
  • Our approach to studying it MD
  • What is MD?
  • Capabilities and limitations of MD today
  • Brief history of MD for irradiation effects
  • Direct production of dislocation loops in bulk
  • Surface effects during heavy ion bombardment

Radiation damage in fission reactors
  • Neutron-induced damage in structural materials
  • Practically purely bulk damage
  • Primary state of damage caused by a few MeV
    neutrons which give a recoil energy of 50 100
    keV to sample atoms
  • These recoil atoms then cause damage
  • The primary damage becomes on long time scales
    dislocation loops and voids, which degrade the
    mechanical properties of the material

Radiation damage in fusion reactors
  • Neutron-induced damage in structural materials
  • As in fission reactors, but recoil atoms are
    produced by 14 MeV neutrons and have a broader
  • He produced in reactions
  • Damage at the reactor first wall
  • Ions escape from the hot plasma and erode the
    wall of the reactor

Our activities
  • In my group we study
  • 1. Irradiation effects in semiconductors
  • 2. Ion, neutron and plasma modification of
  • 3. Plasma-wall interactions in fusion reactors
  • 4. Nanocluster interactions with surfaces
  • 5. Carbon nanotubes
  • Main working tool Molecular dynamics computer
  • Also now DFT and KMC

What is molecular dynamics?
  • Central idea simulate atom motion
  • Solve Newtons equations of motion numerically
  • Forces derived from classical or quantum
    mechanical models

The MD algorithm, slightly simplified
Force calculation
  • All other steps except the force calculation can
    usually be made arbitrarily accurate
  • Forces between atoms can be obtained from
  • quantum mechanical models
  • classical interatomic potentials
  • Quantum mechanical models
  • Very slow, number of atoms usually limited to a
    few hundred
  • Good for studying small defects
  • But mostly too slow to study irradiation effects

Capabilities classical models
  • Number of atoms 5 million
  • System size 40 x 40 x 40 nm
  • Time scale 1 ns
  • Materials that can be modelled (for irradiation
  • Almost all commonly available pure elements
  • Some common binary compounds and alloys
  • In my group we have simulated irradiation effects
  • FCC Al, Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, Pt, Pb, CuAu, CoCu,
  • BCC Mo, W, Fe, FeCr
  • HCP Co
  • Other C, Si, Ge, C nanotubes, Ga, a-CH, SiGe,
    GaAs, GaN,

  • Number of atoms 5 million
  • System size 40 x 40 x 40 nm
  • Time scale 1 ns
  • But these are actually not so serious for
    irradiation effects
  • Main limitation interatomic potential
  • If there is no suitable potential available for
    your material of interest, what can you do?
  • Create a potential - but needed effort 0.3 - 3
  • Use some model systems expected to behave
    qualitatively like your real system

Collision cascade simulations
  • Principle initiate ion movement in or outside
    simulation cell with enough atoms, follow what
    happens until system has cooled down
  • Heat removed at cell borders
  • Electronic stopping included

Example surface event
  • 30 keV Xe -gt Au

Example bulk event
  • 10 keV recoil in Cu3Au

History first MD of heat spike
  • In 1987 Diaz de la Rubia, Averback, Benedek and
    King showed using MD that heat spikes in metals
    behave much like the prediction in 1954 by

History direct dislocation production
  • In 1991 Diaz de la Rubia and Guinan showed that
    small dislocations can be directly produced in
    collision cascades

History phase changes
  • In 1995 Diaz de la Rubia and Gilmer showed that
    irradiation in semiconductors can directly induce

Historysurface effects
  • Between 1994 and 1999 we have shown how a nearby
    surface can alter the damage production picture
    from that predicted by bulk models

Contents revisited
  • Overview of types of primary state of reactor
  • Fission reactors
  • Fusion reactors
  • Our apprach to studying it MD
  • What is MD?
  • Capabilities and limitations of MD today
  • Brief history of MD for irradiation effects
  • Direct production of dislocation loops in bulk
  • Surface effects during heavy ion bombardment

Vacancy cluster production in metals
  • Vacancy clusters are typically produced in the
    center of the cascade
  • The vacancies are actually pushed inwards by the
    advancing resolidification front and cluster there

Interstitial cluster production in metals
  • Interstitial clusters can also be produced
    directly in a cascade due to the
  • "Liquid isolation mechanism"

Nordlund et al, PRB 57 (1998) 7556
Vacancy cluster shape?
  • The vacancy clusters typically are disordered,
    but already directly close to the shape of an
    dislocation loop
  • With some annealing (even room temperature
    enough) these become well-ordered dislocation

Vacancy clusters SFT's
  • We have also observed the formation of perfect
    stacking fault tetrahedra in collision cascades,
    at 0 K ambient T!

Vacancy clusters SFT's
  • More commonly a cascade produces an SFT-like
    shape which after minor annealing becomes a
    perfect SFT

Initial cluster shape
After 1 ns at 800 K
Nordlund and Gao, APL 74 (1999) 2720
Interstitial cluster shape?
  • Also interstitial clusters can be directly in the
    shape of interstitial dislocation loops
  • These will then subsequently affect the
    mechanical properties of the wall material

Irradiation of metal surfaces
  • But what happens when a surface is present?

Results crater formation
  • Formation of a crater when a 50 keV Xe ion hits a
    Au surface

Nordlund, Physics World 14, 3 (2001) 22
Comparison to experiment
  • Final crater shape

Simulated TEM image
Experimental TEM image
Donnelly, PRB 56 (1997) 13599
Comparison to experiment
  • Crater radius as a function of energy

Damage inside material
  • The liquid formed by the incoming ion can
    extend very deep into thematerial

Damage inside material
  • Thus there can be large defective crystal zones
    not only at the surface but also very deep in the

Nordlund et al, Nature 398 (1999) 6722
Difference in damage production
  • Comparison of damage production in bulk and
    surface events

Conclusions on metal irradiation
  • The surface can have a huge effect on damage
    production even at energies of the order of 100

How about lower energies?
  • We saw that heavy ions or neutrals with energies
    of the order of 50 keV produce really massive
    erosion of metals
  • But you plasma physics people will take care that
    such ions will never hit the fusion reactor first
    wall at such high energies
  • The limit for possible run-off erosion is when Y
    gt 1
  • For realistic divertor materials, what is the
    energy limit for that?
  • And could atom clusters enhance the effect?

Cluster sputtering in W?
  • We studied both self-ion and self-cluster
    sputtering in Mo or W
  • Our result
  • Cluster sputtering enhancements can occur in Mo
    and W
  • But if the incoming energies are lt 2 keV the
    yields are lt 1 gt no run-off effect

J. Nucl. Mater. 15 (2003) 5845
Lighter ions?
  • But the main erosion issue for the plasma-wall
    community is of course the possible erosion by
    low-energy light ions (H, He) at the divertor
  • There are several important ways in which these
    can cause erosion
  • Physical sputtering of Be, C and W
  • Chemical sputtering of Be and C
  • Chemical sputtering of mixed materials (e.g. WC)
  • Bubble formation and blistering
  • Only the first of these is well understood!
  • The following three talks will discuss the latter
    three issues!

Hydrocarbon erosion from divertors
  • Consider a fusion reactor
  • Zoom in on divertor
  • And finally on the atomic level

Problem why does carbon erode?
  • According to physical sputtering theory the
    erosion should co down to exactly zero when the H
    energy is about 40 eV
  • Experiments show something else
  • Why??

Theory prediction
Method to study question
  • We have used MD simulations to study this issue
  • We manufacture and amorphous CH cell which
    corresponds to the materials in the reactor
  • We bombard it with hydrogen with fusion
    reactor-relevant energies

a-CH (H/C 0.4) 1000 atoms
Solution to problem
  • New erosion mechanism
  • swift chemical sputtering)

  • The H ion hits the middle of a C-C chemical bond.
    This raises the energy enough to break the bond

Salonen et al, Europhys. Lett. 52 (2000) 504
Comparison to experiments
  • Explains the observed erosion at energies gt 10 eV
  • Predicts that erosion goes to zero at about 2 eV.

Analysis of erosion products
  • We can predict the relative abundance of the
    erosion products

Temperature dependence
  • Erosion maximum at about 900 eV
  • Same observed in experiments
  • Explanation
  • Rise decrease in number of C-C bonds
  • Decrease dynamical rebonding

Good news (1)
  • What happens after prolonged bombardment

Erosion yield 0.01
Good news (2)
  • By doping the a-CH with Si one can also reduce
    the sputtering yield

  • Molecular dynamics simulations can be useful for
    understanding lots of different radiation damage
    issues in reactor materials
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