Title: Teacher Effectiveness in Urban Schools
1Teacher Effectiveness in Urban Schools
- Richard Buddin Gema Zamarro
- IES Research Conference, June 2010
2Research Questions
- How does teacher quality vary across classrooms
and across schools? - How do teacher qualifications affect teacher
effectiveness? - Traditional measures like experience and
education - Teacher licensure test scores
- Are the best teachers concentrated in a few
schools? - Are teachers with single-subject credentials more
effective in middle school than teacher with
multi-subject credentials? - Does the quality of high school ELA instruction
spill over into math and visa versa?
3Focus on Los Angeles Unified School District
- LAUSD is 2nd largest district in the US
- 690,000 students
- 36,000 teachers
- 800 schools
- Eight years worth of student achievement data for
students in grades 2 through 11 - Achievement scores in reading and math each year
- Students records linked longitudinally
- Teachers are matched with individual students
- Teacher licensure tests scores as well as
traditional teacher credentials like experience
and educational background
4Teacher Licensure Test Scores
- Like other states, California relies on expert
panels of teachers, administrators, and content
experts to develop tests and set cut scores - California requires passing scores on three tests
as part of teacher certification - General aptitude
- Reading pedagogy (elementary only)
- Subject matter knowledge
- Credentialing commission receives licensure
scores directly, but they are not reported to
districts or teaching candidates - potential teachers know whether they pass or not
- districts know if a candidate is certified or not
5How Do Teaching Candidates Perform on California
Licensure Tests?
6Teacher Pass Rates Rise with College Grades
7Empirical Issues
- Estimation methods control for prior learning and
isolate the contribution of current teacher and
school inputs to student learning - No ideal methodmore flexible models require more
years data and involve restrictions that may
offset benefits - We used three types of models
- Contemporaneous value-added student achievement
is a function of student and teacher fixed
effects - Value-added gains Similar but uses year-to-year
gains as dependent variable - Lagged achievement Current student achievement
as a function of prior year achievement
Similar results for all models for elementary,
middle, and high schoolsfocus on elementary here
8Low Scoring Schools Have Much Different Mix of
Students and Teachers than High Scoring Schools
 Characteristic Lowest Quartile Schools Highest Quartile Schools
Student Characteristics
Reading Percentile 34.10 53.66
Math Percentile 40.79 62.31
Black 0.15 0.10
Hispanic 0.83 0.36
LEP 0.64 0.20
Parents not high school graduates 0.47 0.11
Teacher Characteristics
Years of Experience 6.36 9.37
Experience lt 3 yrs 0.44 0.30
Black 0.21 0.08
Hispanic 0.37 0.14
Master's/Doctorate 0.16 0.23
General Ability (standardized) -0.52 -0.08
Subject Matter (standardized) -0.43 0.06
Reading Pedagogy (standardized) -0.31 -0.01
- More minority, English learner, and low income
students in low scoring schools - Weaker teacher credentials in low scoring schools
- Less experience
- Fewer advanced degrees
- Lower licensure scores
- In past two years, LAUSD has cut young teaching
staff - With fewer young teachers, most of the gap in
teacher characteristics has disappeared - Unclear how this will affect achievement
9Teacher Effects Are Much Larger than School
 Reading Math
1. Student Teacher Fixed Effects  Â
Student (?Student) 16.75 18.33
Teacher (?Teacher) 4.99 6.25
2. Student School Fixed Effects  Â
Student (?Student) 16.97 18.69
School (?School) 2.15 2.57
High quality teachers are spread across schools
and not concentrated in a few schools
10Teacher Quality Has A Large Effect on Student
Test Scores, After Controlling for Student
- Teacher quality distribution has a large
interquartile range in reading and math - Students with a teacher at the 25th percentile of
the teacher quality distribution score 9 to 12
percentile points lower than do similar students
assigned to a teacher at the 75th percentile - Some teachers get much better classroom results
than others
11Do Traditional Measures of Teacher Qualifications
Predict Classroom Performance?
- Teacher experience is weakly related to student
achievement - A five year increase in experience increases
achievement by less than one percentage point - Teacher education level has no effect on student
achievement - Also, little evidence that student/teacher match
affects classroom achievement - Race/ethnic match
- Gender match
- High income students with better educated teacher
12Do Higher Scoring Teachers Have Better Student
Achievement in Their Classrooms?
- Licensure scores are unrelated to student
achievement - General aptitude, subject-matter, and reading
pedagogy score have no significant effects on
student achievement - Also looked at scores for each test separately
and different tests at different grades, but the
scores did not matter in either reading or math - Examined whether teachers who initially failed
licensure tests had lower student achievement in
their classrooms - Initial failures were also insignificantly linked
to achievement scores
13Limitations of Licensure Test Results
- Licensure tests and teacher performance are
available only for teachers who pass the tests - Potential teachers who fall below the cut scores
on the licensure tests might have worse classroom
outcomes than teachers who ultimately surpass
those cut scores - Raising the cut scores of current tests would not
improve student achievement - Stricter licensure screens might do a better job
of differentiating teachers - Tighter screens might significantly reduce the
pool of available teachers and discourage
qualified individuals from pursuing teaching
careers - Current licensure results provide no indication
of how well teachers will do in the classroom
14Special Findings from Middle and High School
- Middle school results
- Teachers with elementary school credentials had
slightly better success than did teachers with
secondary school credentials - Higher general knowledge or subject-matter skill
(as measured on licensure exam) did not affect
classroom effectiveness - High school results
- Achievement outcomes differ substantially from
teacher to teacher, and the effects of a good
teacher spill over from one subject to another - Even here, effectiveness was unrelated to
licensure scores
15How does teacher quality vary across classrooms
and across schools?
- Considerable variation in teacher quality across
classrooms and less variation across schools - Traditional teacher quality measures and
licensure test scores explain little of the
learning gap between these schools - The teacher quality gap between low- and high-
scoring schools is only about one percentage
point - Efforts to improve the teaching performance in
low performing schools are unlikely to succeed,
if they rely entirely on traditional measures of
teacher quality - Reshuffling teachers with better qualifications
to low performing schools is unlikely to close
the achievement gap
16Final Thought
- Teacher quality measures may be weakly tied to
student achievement because teacher effort is
inversely related to those measures - Perhaps more experienced or smarter teachers are
better able to teach, but they do not
consistently perform in the classroom - Perhaps the current compensation system provides
too little incentive for the best teachers to
deliver their best performance in the classroom
on a consistent basis