Title: ABET Accreditation
1ABET AccreditationLifelong Learning Rajeev
- UConn EE and CMPE programs are accredited by
ABET. - UConn EngrPhys program is relatively small and
has not been submitted for accreditation yet.
3ABET 2000 Basic Philosophy
- Institutions and Programs define objectives to
meet the needs of their constituents - Emphasis on outcomes -- preparation for
professional practice - Programs demonstrate how outcomes and
educational objectives are being met assessment
4What are Program Educational Objectives?
- Broad statements describing what our graduates
should be doing 3-5 years after graduation. - Our alumni will
- make technical contributions to design,
development, and manufacturing in their practice
of EE/computer engineering. - Advance in their professional career.
- engage in professional development or
post-graduate education to pursue flexible career
paths amid future technological changes.
5 EE/CompE Program Constituents
      Undergraduate students      Â
Faculty       Alumni       Employers of
Program Graduates
6Student Outcomes ABET (a)-(k)
Engineering programs must demonstrate that their
graduates have a. An ability to apply knowledge
of mathematics, science and engineering
appropriate to the discipline b. An ability to
design and conduct experiments, analyze and
interpret data c. An ability to design a system,
component, or process to meet desired needs
7Student Outcomes ABET (a)-(k) (continued)
d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary
teams e. An ability to identify, formulate, and
solve engineering problems f. An understanding
of professional and ethical responsibility g. An
ability to communicate effectively
8Student Outcomes ABET (a)-(k) (continued)
h. The broad education necessary to understand
the impact of engineering solutions in a societal
context i. A recognition of the need for, and an
ability to engage in life-long learning j. A
knowledge of contemporary issues k. An ability
to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tool necessary for engineering
9Student Outcomes Assessment
- Demonstrate that graduates have achieved desired
outcomes - Assess the level of outcome achievement
- Apply results to continuous improvement of
10Assessment Methods(EE/CompE Program)
- Direct
- Senior Design Project Evaluation
- ABET Quiz (CSE/ECE 4901)
- Assessment in ECE 2001W and ECE 3201
- Indirect
- Alumni Survey data
- IAB feedback
- Senior Exit Interview data
- EBI Survey data
- Course Assessment data
11Lifelong Learning
- In the new economy, you graduate and youre set
for fifteen minutes. Working and learning are
fast becoming the same activity. - Don Tapscott, The Digital Economy.
Source l3d.cs.colorado.edu/ philosophy.html
12Something to think about
- The illiterate person of the future will not
be the person who has not learned how to read,
but rather the person who has not learned how to
learn. - Soc. of Manufacturing Eng.
13Lifelong Learning is not a new fad.
- The first issue (1922) of Readers Digest led
with an article on the importance of continuing
to learn throughout ones life. - Author Alexander Graham Bell
14Half-life of Knowledge
- 7.5 years (ME)
- 5 years (EE)
- 2.5 years (CMPE)
- (an expert estimate from the 1980s cited by
Ernest T. Smerdon, Lifelong Learning for
Engineers Riding the Whirlwind)
15Approaches to Lifelong Learning
- In-house training/seminars
- Conferences Workshops
- Short Courses
- Part-time graduate courses
- Graduate School
- Professional School
- Self-directed learning
16In-House Training/Seminars
- Common at large companies
- Almost always free
- Done on company-time
17Conferences Workshops
- Join IEEE today!
- Local Chapter Meetings
- Regional Conferences
- National Conferences
- Workshops
- Trade Shows
18Short Courses
- Offered by universities (e.g., UCLA, GeorgiaTech)
- Offered by commercial organizations
19Part-time graduate courses
- Evening classes
- EE/CompE
- Related fields (e.g., Materials Science)
- Professional (e.g., MBA)
20Graduate School
- MS-without a thesis
- MS-with a thesis
- PhD (research, academic positions)
21Professional School
- Management (MBA)
- Patent Law (JD)
22Self-Directed Learning
- Trade journals
- Handbooks
- Videos/DVDs
- On-line resources
23Lifelong Learning The fun never stops!