Title: Physical Examination of the Chest
1Physical Examination of the Chest
???????????????????? ???????????????????? Professo
r?Doctor director ?Neurologist
2Chapter 3Lungs and Pleura
- 1. Inspection
- Respiratory rate and depth
Fast and Deep Breathing
3Respiratory Rhythm
- Tidal Breathing Cheyne -Stokes
Biots Breathing
Sighing Breathing
4 5Thoracic Expansion
6 7??????2?????
- 1?????????????????
- ??gt??gt??
- 2????????gt???????
- 3??????????????????
9 10 11 12(No Transcript)
13Pleural Friction Fremitus
15- Upper Lung Margins
- Normal 46cm
16Lower Lung Margins
17The Extent of Diaphragmatic Excursion
18Abnormal Percussion Sound
19- 4. Auscultation
- ???????
- Normal Breath Sounds
20(No Transcript)
21 Bronchial Breath Sound
- ??
- ??
- ?? ???????????6?7???
- ?1-2??
22 23-
- Bronchovesicular Breath Sound
?? ?? ?? ?????1?2????????3?
24Abnormal Vesicular Breath Sound???????????????
- (1)?????????
- (2)?????????
- (3)??????
- (4 )??????
25Abnormal Bronchial Breath Sound
26Abnormal Bronchovesicular Breath
Sound1?????????????? ????2??????????????
27 Rales or Added Sounds
- ????
- Moist rales or bubble sound
- ????
- Dry rales or rhonchi
28 Moist rales ????Coarse
ralesMedium ralesFine ralesCrepitus
29??1???????? 2??????
3?????? ?????
30 Dry Rales or Rhonchi????
Diffused rhonchiLocalized rhonchi
Sibilant rhonchiSonorous rhonchi
31??1????? 2??????
32????Vocal Resonance?????Pleural Friction Rub
?? ????? ???? ????
33Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest
- Inspection
- 1. Chest contour, symmetry
- 2. Breathing rate, rhythm, movement
- Palpation
- 1.Tracheal position
- 2.thoracic expansion
- 3.vocal fremitus
- 4.pleural friction fremitus
34Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest
- Percussion
- 1. resonance, hyperresonance,
- dullness, tympany, stony
- dullness
- 2.lung margins
35Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest
- Auscultation
- 1.breath sounds
- 2.added sounds or rales
- moist rales ,dry rales
- 3.vocal resonance
- 4.pleural friction rubs