Title: SSC CGL Eligibility - Physical Requirments
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SSC has set a Physical Fitness Criteria for the
aspirants who apply for SSC CGL Inspector
post. Candidates who clear all the tier wise
exams will have to appear in the Physical Fitness
Test. Here you can get the details Physical
Fitness Criteria for SSC CGL Exam.
3Standards for the Inspector
Male Weight Height 157.5cm Chest -
Must be 81 cm with a minimum of 5 cm
expansion (Garhwali, Assamese, Gorkhas and
Scheduled Tribes candidates got relaxation of 5
4Standards for the Inspector
Female Weight Must be 48 Kg (2 Kg
relaxation for Garhwali, Assamese, Gorkhas and
Scheduled Tribes candidates) Height 152 cm
(can be relaxed by 2.5 cm) Chest -
Click Here to Know More About SSC CGL Exam.
5Physical Standards for Sub-Inspector in CBI
Male Vision Eye sight, Distant vision 6/6
in one eye and 6/9 in other eye, Near vision 0.6
in one eye and 0.8 in other eye. Height Must
not be less than 165 cms for UG (5 cms relaxation
for hill and tribal candidates Chest - 76 cms
with expansion.
6Physical Standards for Sub-Inspector in CBI
Female Vision Eye sight, Distant vision
6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other eye, Near vision
0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in other eye. Height
150cms Chest -Eye sight, Distant vision 6/6
in one eye and 6/9 in other eye, Near vision 0.6
in one eye and 0.8 in other eye.
7Standards for Physical Test
For Male Candidates Candidates will have to
cover 1600 meters in 15 Minutes by
Walking Candidates will have to cover 8 km in 30
minutes. For Female Candidates The candidate
must cover 1000 meters in 15 minutes by
walking. Candidates will have to cover 3 km in 25
8Thank You