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Title: Chapter 1 Introduction Author: William Raun Last modified by: Brian Arnall Created Date: 8/25/2004 12:39:06 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Chapter 2

What nutrients do plants need?
  • Plants require 16 nutrients each is a chemical
  • Plants do not require organic matter, enzymes or
    hormones as nutrients taken up from the soil.
  • Plant requirements for these substances is met by
    the plants own manufacture of them.
  • Except for carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O),
    and boron (B) the nutrients are absorbed
    primarily as chemical ions from the soil

(No Transcript)
  • CHOPKNS CaFe MgB Mn ClCuZn Mo
  • A 17th Nutrient has been added.
  • Sodium Na

What makes these nutrients essential?
  • Must satisfy three specific criteria
  • 1. Plants cannot complete their life cycle
    without the element.
  • 2. Deficiency symptoms for the element can be
    corrected only by supplying the element in
  • 3. The element is directly involved in the
    nutrition of the plant, apart from its effect on
    chemical or physical properties of the soil.

What affects the soil availability of these
  • Most of the nutrients are absorbed as ions from
    the soil solution or the soil cation exchange
  • Understanding the general chemistry of the
    nutrient ions, as it relates to their
    concentration in the soil solution, is critical
    to developing an understanding of how to manage
    their availability to plants.
  • What affects nutrient ion solubility?
  • Solubility is strongly influenced by the charge
    of the ion.
  • The first step to understanding solubility of
    nutrient ions and molecules is to know ionic and
    molecular charges. Help comes from identifying
    common ions, from group I, II and VII of the
    periodic table, that have only one standard
    valance in the soil environment.
  • To know these standard ions is as important to
    basic chemistry as knowing multiplication
    tables is to basic mathematics.

  • A positively-charged ion, which has fewer
    electrons than protons, is known as a cation
  • A negatively charged ion, which has more
    electrons in its electron shells than it has
    protons in its nuclei, is known as an anion

  • Elements that have only one valance state in the
    soil environment.

Oxidation number or oxidation state charge of an
atom that results when the electrons in a
covalent bond are assigned to the more
elctronegative atom
Ionic Bond electrostatic forces that exist
between ions of opposite charge (left side metals
combined with right side NM) Covalent Bond
sharing of electrons between two atoms (2
NM) Metallic Bond each metal atom is bonded to
several neighboring atoms (give rise to
electrical conductivity and luster)
Ion/molecule Name Oxidation State NH3 ammonia -3 N
H4 ammonium -3 N2 diatomic N 0 N2O nitrous
oxide 1 NO nitric oxide 2 NO2- nitrite 3 NO3- n
itrate 5 H2S hydrogen sulfide -2 SO4 sulfate 6
N 5 electrons in the outer shell loses 5
electrons (5 oxidation state NO3) gains 3
electrons (-3 oxidation state NH3) O 6 electrons
in the outer shell is always being reduced (gains
2 electrons to fill the outer shell) H 1
electron in the outer shell N is losing electrons
to O because O is more electronegative N gains
electrons from H because H wants to give up
Reduction, Net Gain of ElectronsOxidation, Net
Loss of Electrons
8 is the Magical Number
  • oxidation state - the degree of oxidation of an
    atom or ion or molecule for simple atoms or ions
    the oxidation number is equal to the ionic
    charge "the oxidation number of hydrogen is 1
    and of oxygen is -2"
  • The oxidation state or oxidation number is
    defined as the sum of negative and positive
    charges  in an atom , which indirectly indicates
    the number of electrons  it has accepted or

Oxygen oxidation number -2Hydrogen
oxidation number 1Nitrogen oxidation
number 0 N Oxidation State H or O
NH3 Charge 0 3(1) 3 3-(0)) 3
-3 N gains 3 NO3 Charge -1 3(-2)
-6 -6- (-1)) -5 5 N loses 5NH4
Charge 1 4(1) 4 4 (1)) 3
-3 N gains 3
N is losing electrons to O because O is more
electronegative N gains electrons from H because
H wants to give up electrons
Oxidation State
  • Cr(OH)3, O has an oxidation number of -2 H has
    a state of 1
  • So, the triple hydroxide  group has a charge of
    3(-2 1) -3. As the compound is neutral, Cr
    has to have a charge of 3.

Using this information, we can determine the
charge of molecules or the oxidation state of
elements in a charged molecule Ex CO3-2, we
should be able to determine, by difference, that
the oxidation state of C is 4 (3-2-6) -2
showing 4 CaCl2 is an uncharged calcium
chloride molecule
  • The chemical formula, name, and charge of each
    molecule should be carefully studied (memorized).
    Significance of each to soil fertility is
    presented and discussed in later chapters.

General effect of ion charge on solubility
  • Availability of nutrient ions to plants and the
    solubility of compounds they come from, or may
    react to form, can be discussed from the
    perspective of the general reaction

An Bm- ? ? AmBn
  • Reactant ions An and Bm- combine to form a
    compound (usually a solid) predicted by their
    electrical charges.
  • The higher the charge of either the cation or
    anion, the greater is the tendency for the
    compound or solid to be formed.
  • When the solid is easily formed, only small
    concentrations of the reactants are necessary
    for the reaction to take place. Because of this,
    the compound or solid that forms is also
    relatively insoluble (it will not easily dissolve
    in water), or it does not easily break apart
    (reaction to the left). Conversely, if the
    cation and anion are both single-charged, then
    the compound (solid) is not as easily formed, and
    if it does form, it is relatively soluble.

An Bm- ? ? AmBn
Real life examples of charge-influenced
  • A common compound that represents single charged
    ions is sodium chloride (NaCl, table salt), whose
    solubility is given by the equilibrium reaction,

An Bm- ? ? AmBn
Na Cl- ? ? NaCl
  • Common table salt is very soluble and easily
    dissolves in water. Once dissolved, the solid
    NaCl does not reform until the ions, Na Cl-,
    are present in high concentration.
  • When water is lost from the solution by
    evaporation the solid finally reforms as NaCl
  • Iron oxide or rust, represents multiple charged
    ions forming a relatively insoluble material.
    When iron reacts with oxygen and water (a humid
    atmosphere), a very insoluble solid, rust or iron
    oxide, is formed

How does all this relate to nutrient availability?
  • With regard to solubility of inorganic compounds,
    we may expect that when both the cation and
    anion are single charged, the resulting compound
    is usually very soluble.
  • Examples are compounds formed from the cations
    H, NH4, Na, K and the anions OH-, Cl-, NO3-,
    H2PO4-, and HCO3- (bicarbonate). Note that NH4,
    K, Cl-, NO3-, and H2PO4- are nutrient ions.
  • Because monovalent ions are very soluble, when a
    monovalent cation reacts with OH- to form a
    base, the base is very strong (e.g. NaOH, KOH).
  • Strong Acid Strong ElectrolyteStrong Base
    Weak Electrolyte
  • Similarly, when a monovalent anion reacts with H
    to form an acid, the acid is a strong acid (e.g.
    HCl, HNO3). The monovalent molecules H2PO4-, and
    HCO3-, which are products of multi-charged ions
    that have already reacted with H, are
  • Except for H and OH-, whenever either the cation
    or anion is single charged and reacts with a
    multiple charged ion, the resulting compound is
    usually very soluble. Another exception to this
    rule is for F-, which reacts with Al to form
    insoluble AlF3, a reaction important to soil
    test extractants of P in acid soils

Multiple charged ions
  • Divalent cations Mg 2 , Ca2 , Mn2 , Fe2 ,
    Cu2 , Zn2
  • Divalent anions SO42-, CO32- (carbonate), HPO42-,
    and MoO42-
  • Trivalent cations Fe 3 and Al 3
  • Trivalent anion PO43-
  • When monovalent anions Cl- or NO3- react with any
    of the multi-charged cations Mg 2 , Ca2 , Mn2
    , Fe2 , Cu2 , Zn2 Fe 3 and Al 3 the solid
    compounds are all quite soluble.
  • Similarly, when any of the monovalent cations
    NH4, Na, or K reacts with any of the
    multi-charged anions SO42-, CO32-, HPO42-,
    MoO42-, or PO43-, the solids are all quite
  • If both the cation and anion are divalent, the
    resulting compound will be only sparingly
    soluble. An example is gypsum (CaSO42H2O).
  • If one of the ions is divalent and the other is
    trivalent, the compound will be moderately
    insoluble. An example is tricalcium phosphate,
  • If both the anion and cation are trivalent, the
    compound is very insoluble. An example is iron
    (ferric) phosphate, FePO4

AlPO4 ?
How can these general rules be simplified?
  • Once charges of the ions in a compound are known,
    we can get some idea of the compound solubility
    by simply adding the charges.
  • For example, if the sum of the anion and cation
    charges is 2, then the compound is very soluble
    (e.g. NaCl).
  • As the sum of the charges increases, the
    solubility of the compound decreases.
  • Whenever one of the ions is monovalent the
    compound is usually very soluble (e.g. KCl,
    CaCl2, and FeCl3 are all soluble even though the
    sum of charges is 2, 3, and 4, respectively).
  • Many examples where these simple rules are a good
    predictor of solubility. The sum of charges in
    CaSO4 is 4, and it is less soluble than CaCl2.
  • The sum of charges in Ca(H2PO4)2 is 3 (Ca 2 and
    H2PO4-) and it is more soluble than CaHPO4 where
    the sum of charges is 4 (Ca 2 and HPO42-).
    Similarly, Ca3(PO4)2 has a charge sum of 5 (Ca 2
    and PO43-) and is less soluble than CaHPO4.

Relative solubility of compounds formed from the
reaction of anions (An-) and cations (Mn) of
different charges.
Why are some nutrients mobile and some immobile
in the soil?
  • With a general understanding of nutrient ion
    solubility, it is now easier to examine the
    relative nutrient mobility in soils.
  • Bray Nutrient management is closely linked to
    how mobile the nutrients are in the soil.
  • Relative mobility of nutrients in soils is
    governed primarily by
  • inorganic solubility
  • ionic charge
  • ionic adsorption (e.g., cations on the soil
    cation exchange sites), and
  • biological immobilization

Are all highly soluble nutrients mobile in the
  • Monovalent nutrient ions have a good chance of
    being mobile in soils.
  • Monovalent anions, Cl- and NO3-, are mobile in
    the soil because they are not adsorbed on ion
    exchange sites.
  • They have the wrong charge (-) for adsorption on
    cation exchange sites and they are too weakly
    charged, compared to SO4 -- for example, to be
    adsorbed on anion exchange sites.
  • Furthermore, most soils have limited anion
    exchange capacity (tropical soils are an
  • Monovalent cation nutrients, K and NH4, are
    highly water soluble, but relatively immobile in
    soils because they are adsorbed on cation
    exchange sites. These nutrient ions become more
    mobile in sandy, low organic matter soils that
    have extremely low cation exchange capacity.
  • Plants absorb B as the uncharged, undissociated,
    boric acid molecule (H3BO3). Since this form of
    B is highly water-soluble and has no charge, it
    is mobile in soils.

Are all divalent and trivalent nutrient ions
immobile in the soil?
  • Divalent and trivalent nutrient ions are immobile
    in soils (exception SO42-)
  • In tropical soils, are enough anion exchange
    sites to provide significant adsorption of SO42-
    and cause it to be somewhat immobile. Although
    sulfate compounds, such as CaSO4 and MgSO4 are
    relatively insoluble, the equilibrium
    concentration of SO42- with these solid compounds
    is far greater than that needed for plant growth.
    Phosphate is immobile in soils because it tends
    to form insoluble compounds with Ca in neutral
    and calcareous soils and Al and Fe in acidic
    soils (described in more detail in the chapter on
    P). Molybdate (MoO4 --) reacts to from insoluble
    solids similar to the solid-forming reactions
    described for phosphate.
  • The divalent cation nutrients, Ca 2 , Mg2 ,
    Cu2 , Mn2 , and Zn2 are adsorbed on cation
    exchange sites in soils, which prevents them from
    being mobile. In addition, when divalent and
    trivalent anions are present, these cations will
    react to form sparingly soluble and insoluble
    solids (e.g. Ca3(PO4)2).
  • Iron absorption by plants involves both Fe2 and
    Fe3 .
  • Both are immobile in soils.
  • Reduced form is usually not present in
    significant amounts, but could be absorbed on
    cation exchange sites.
  • Trivalent iron forms insoluble solid oxides
    (rust) that prevent the ion from being mobile.
  • Reduced (Fe) Oxidized (Fe)gains electrons
    loss of electrons
  • Ferrous Ferric

What are the plant concentrations, functions and
deficiency symptoms of the essential nutrients?
  • Plant concentration of nutrients is helpful in
    managing nutrients that are mobile in the soil.
  • For these nutrients, the crop requirement can be
    estimated by multiplying yield times plant
  • Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen component of all amino acids
  • part of all proteins and enzymes
  • Plants contain from 1 to 5 N
  • Wheat (2.35) Corn (1.18N) Soybeans (5.2N)
  • Young legumes contain about 4 N (25 crude
    protein) and recently fertilized turf may contain
    5 N.
  • Nitrogen is a structural component of many plant
    compounds including chlorophyll and DNA.
  • Deficiencies of N are the most common, worldwide,
    of any of the nutrients.

Nutrients are grouped according to crop removal.
  • Primary (N, P, K).
  • Removed in largest amount by crop.
  • Most commonly deficient.
  • Secondary.
  • Removed in moderate amount by crop.
  • Micro.
  • Removed in minute amount by crop.

What are the Primary Nutrients needed by all
Range of total amount in soil. From Chemical
Equilibria in Soils. W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley
Nitrogen (N)
Potassium (K)
Phosphorus (P)
Soil (lb/a)
400 8,000
800 - 60,000
400 10,000
Crop (lb/a)
Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel
Secondary Nutrients Neededby all Crops
Range of total in soil. From Chemical
Equilibria in Soils. W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley
Soil (lb/a)
14,000 1,000,000
1,200 - 12,000
60 20,000
Crop (lb/a)
Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel
Micronutrients Needed by all Crops
Soil (lb/a)
14,000 1,100,000
40 6,000
4 - 200
20 - 600
4 - 200
40 1,800
0.4 - 10
Crop (lb/a)
Range of total in soils. From Chemical
Equilibria in Soils. W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley
Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel
Nutrient take up is Crop spec.
Review Nutrients Needed by all Crops
Nitrogen (N)
Potassium (K)
Phosphorus (P)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S)
Iron (Fe)
Zinc (Zn)
Manganese (Mn)
Copper (Cu)
Chlorine (Cl)
Boron (B)
Molybdenum (Mo)
Nutrients not commonly found deficient in
Oklahoma crops.
  • Calcium.
  • Liming prevents Ca deficiency.
  • Manganese.
  • Copper.
  • Molybdenum.

Nutrients seldom found deficient in Oklahoma
  • Magnesium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Boron.
  • Chlorine.

Nutrients often Deficient in Oklahoma crops.
  • Nitrogen (N).
  • Legumes like soybeans and alfalfa get their N
    from microorganisms (rhizobium) that fix N from
    the atmosphere.
  • Phosphorus (P).
  • Potassium (K).

  • Wherever non-legumes are grown in a high-yielding
    monoculture system, and the crop is removed in
    harvest as a part of the farming enterprise, N
    deficiencies occur within a few years. (Straw,
  • Deficient plants are stunted
  • Low protein content
  • develop chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip,
    progressing along the mid-rib toward the base of
    the oldest leaf.

  • If the deficiency persists, the oldest leaf
    becomes completely chlorotic, eventually dying,
    while the pattern of chlorosis begins developing
    in the next to oldest leaf. The pattern of
    chlorosis develops as N is translocated to newly
    developing tissue (N is mobile in plants).
    Nitrogen deficiency reduces yield and hastens
    maturity in many plants.

Nitrogen Deficiency.
  • Shows up as chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip of
    the oldest leaf.
  • Progresses toward the base of the leaf along the
    midrib (corn).
  • Chlorosis continues to the next oldest leaf,
    after the oldest leaf becomes almost completely
    chlorotic, if deficiency continues.

Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn.
chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip of the oldest
Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn.
Chlorosis continues to the next oldest leaf
  • The P content of plants ranges from about 0.1 to
    0.4 , and is thus about 1/10th the concentration
    of N in plants.
  • Storage and transfer of energy as ADP (adenosine
    di-phosphate) and ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate).
    High-energy phosphate bonds (ester linkage of
    phosphate groups) are involved

  • Biochemical reaction illustrating the release of
    energy and primary orthophosphate when ATP is
    converted to ADP (R denotes adenosine).

  • Plant symptoms of P deficiency include poor root
    and seed development, and a purple discoloration
    of oldest (lower) leaves. Purple discoloration
    at the base of plant stalks (corn) and leaf
    petioles (cotton) is sometimes a genetic trait
    that may be incorrectly diagnosed as P

Phosphorus Deficiency.
purple coloring and sometimes yellow on lower
(oldest) leaves.
Phosphorus Deficiency.
  • Deficiency in Oklahoma cultivated soils is
    related to historical use of P-fertilizers.
  • P builds up in soils when high-P, low-N
    fertilizers are the only input.
  • 10-20-10 and 18-46-0.

Rate of P Applied
  • So, we know that plants have 1/10 the amount of P
    as N
  • If both N and P were deficient, would we apply
  • 1/10 the amount of N
  • 1/5 the amount of N
  • 1/2 the amount of N
  • Doesnt matter, Bray said so

  • The content of K in plants is almost as high as
    for N, ranging from about 1 to 5 . Potassium
    functions as a co-factor (stimulator) for several
    enzyme reactions and is involved in the
    regulation of water in plants by influencing
    turgor pressure of stomatal guard cells.
  • Potassium is mobile in plants and the deficiency
    symptoms are similar to those for N, except the
    chlorosis progresses from the tip, along the leaf
    margins (instead of the midrib), toward the base
    of the oldest leaf.
  • Leaf margins usually die soon after chlorosis
    develops, resulting in a condition referred to as
    firing or leaf burn. Deficiencies are related
    to soil parent material, fertilizer use and
    cropping histories.

Potassium Deficiency.
  • Common in crops grown in weathered soils
    developed under high rainfall.
  • Symptoms are chlorosis at the tip of the oldest
    leaf (like N), that progresses toward the base
    along the leaf margins.

Potassium Deficiency.
  • Common in crops grown in weathered soils
    developed under high rainfall.

K Usually adequate
K Usually deficient
Potassium Deficiency.
  • Chlorosis at the tip of the oldest leaf
    progressing toward the base along the leaf
    margins (corn, alfalfa).

Calcium and Magnesium
  • Calcium deficiencies are rare, although the
    concentration of Ca is relatively high (0.5 ) in
    plants. The primary function is in the formation
    and differentiation of cells. Deficiency results
    in development of a gelatinous mass in the region
    of the apical meristem where new cells would
    normally form.

Chlorophyll, showing the importance of N (apex of
four pyrrole rings) and Mg (centrally coordinated
atom in the porphyrin type structure). R
indicates carbon-chain groups.
Mg cont.
  • Magnesium is present at about 0.2, or one-half
    the concentration of Ca in plant tissue.
  • Soil Mg levels are considerably lower than for
    Ca, and Mg deficiency does occasionally occur.
  • Magnesium functions as a co-factor for several
    enzyme reactions and is the centrally coordinated
    metal atom in the chlorophyll molecule
  • Intermediately mobile in plants, leading to
    deficiency symptoms of interveinal chlorosis in
    lower leaves.
  • Deficiencies may be expected in deep,
    well-drained soils developed under high rainfall
    that are managed to produce and remove high
    forage yields (Example?)

Magnesium and Sulfur additions.
  • Lime, especially dolomitic, adds Mg.
  • Rainfall adds 6 lb/acre/yr of S.
  • Like 120 lb of N (crop needs 1 lb S for every 20
    lb N).

Magnesium Deficiency in Alfalfa.
Magnesium and Sulfur deficiencies.
  • Occur on deep, sandy, low organic matter soils in
    high rainfall regions with high yielding forage
  • Storage capacity for Mg and S is low.
  • Large annual removal of nutrients.

  • Sulfur is present in plant tissue in
    concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 , similar
    to that for Mg. The function of S in plants is
    similar to that for N, component of three amino
    acids, cystine, cysteine, and methionine, which
    are important in the structural changes and
    shapes of enzymes

Sulfur NCSU
Sulfur Deficiency in Corn.
Overall light green color, worse on new leaves
during rapid growth.
Sulfur Deficiency in Wheat.
Overall light green color, worse on new leaves
during rapid growth.
(No Transcript)
Zinc Deficiency in Corn (Kansas).
Note short internodes (stunted plants).
Zinc Deficiency in Cotton (Mississippi)
Zinc deficiencies.
  • Usually found in high pH, low organic matter
    soils, and sensitive crops.
  • Pecans, corn, soybeans and cotton.
  • Crop symptoms are shortened internodes and bronze

Correcting Zinc Deficiency in Crops.
  • Broadcast and incorporate 6 to 10 lb of Zn as
    zinc sulfate preplant.
  • This rate should eliminate the deficiency for 3
    to 4 years as compared to 1 to 2 lb applied
  • Foliar apply low rate to pecans annually.

Micronutrient cation elements
  • Immobile in plants and function as co-factors in
    enzyme reactions (Mn and Zn) or
    oxidation-reduction reactions
  • Deficiency symptoms are found on the newest
  • For Fe deficiency, the symptoms are a dramatic
    interveinal chlorosis (yellowing) of the newest

Iron deficiencies.
  • Limited to high pH soils and sensitive crops.
  • West-central and western Oklahoma.
  • Grain sorghum, sorghum sudan, and wheat (also pin
    oak, blueberries and azaleas).
  • Crop symptoms are chlorosis between veins of
    newest leaves

Iron Deficiency in Corn.
Note yellowing (chlorosis) between veins.
(No Transcript)
Iron Deficiency in Peanuts
Note yellowing (chlorosis) between veins of
newest leaves.
Correcting and Minimizing Iron Deficiency in
  • Select tolerant varieties and crops.
  • Incorporate several tons of rotted organic matter
    per acre of affected soil.
  • Use a foliar spray of 1 Fe as iron sulfate.
  • Usually will require repeat spraying and will not
    be economical.

  • Plants require Mo at tissue concentrations of
    about 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. It functions in critical
    enzymes related to N metabolism nitrate
    reductase, which reduces nitrate to amino-N, and
    nitrogenase, which is required for N2 fixation by
  • Deficiency symptoms are similar to that described
    for N deficiency. Molybdenum appears to be
    mobile in plants (translocated from old to new
    tissue). Deficiencies are rare and are
    associated with very acid soils and soils that
    have a high content of iron oxides.

  • Of the remaining micronutrients, B is the most
    commonly deficient. However, even its deficiency
    is somewhat rare and most common in regions of
    relatively high rainfall (gt 40 inches per year).
  • It is found at tissue concentrations of about 20
    ppm and is believed to function in sugar
    translocation, although it is extremely immobile
    in plants. Deficiency symptoms include poor root
    and internal seed development (hollow heart in

Correcting Boron Deficiency in Crops.
  • Apply ½ to 1 lb B according to soil test.
  • May be applied as addition to N-P-K blend or
    foliar spray in-season.
  • Excessive rates may kill crop.
  • Applications may be needed each year.

Boron Deficiencies.
  • Occasionally found in peanuts grown in sandy, low
    organic matter soils.
  • Responsible for hollow heart.

(No Transcript)
  • Since its discovery as an essential plant
    nutrient in the mid 1950s, the function of Cl in
    plants has been somewhat of a mystery.
  • Required in plant tissue at concentrations of
    only about 100 ppm (1 lb Cl/10,000 lb plant
  • Yield response associated with application rates
    20 to 50 times higher than that required to
    supply plant concentration requirements.
  • Believed to function in internal water
    regulations and as a counter ion associated with
    excess cation uptake.
  • Deficiencies have been reported in small grains
    (wheat and barley) grown in the central Great
    Plains (far from Cl containing ocean sprays and
    hurricanes) in soils that do not require annual K
  • The most common K fertilizer is KCl. Some crops
    also show a positive response to Cl fertilizer
    because of disease suppression (not a nutritional
    response). Chloride deficiency symptoms appear
    as chlorotic, leaf-spot lesions on older leaves
    (chloride is mobile in plants).

Chloride Research-Kansas State University
Chlorine Deficiency.
  • Occasionally found in wheat grown in sandy, low
    organic matter soils.

Chlorine Deficiencies.
  • Symptoms are yellow blotches on mature leaves.

(No Transcript)
Chlorine Deficiencies.
  • Limited to areas where potassium (K) fertilizer
    is not used.
  • K fertilizer is usually potassium chloride.
  • Soil test Cl is lt 20 lb/acre in top 2 feet.
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