Title: Geologic Resources: Nonrenewable Mineral and Energy Resources Chapter 15
1Geologic Resources Nonrenewable Mineral and
Energy ResourcesChapter 15
Mineral resources are the building blocks on
which modern society depends. Knowledge of their
physical nature and origins, the web they weave
between all aspects of human society and the
physical earth, can lay the foundations for a
sustainable society. Ann Dorr
2Key Concepts
- Types of mineral resources
- Formation and location of mineral resources
- Extraction and processing of mineral resources
- Increasing supplies of mineral resources
- Major types, acquisition, advantages and
disadvantages of fuel resources
3Nature and Formation of Mineral Resources
- Mineral resources
- Metallic
- Nonmetallic
- Energy Resources
- Magma
- Hydrothermal
- Weathering
4Finding and Removing Nonrenewable Mineral
- Satellite imagery
- Aerial sensors (magnetometors)
- Gravity differences
- Core Sampling
- Seismic surveys
- Chemical analysis of water and plants
5Removing Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
- Surface Mining
- Overburden
- Spoil
- Open Pit
- Dredging
- Strip Mining
- Subsurface Mining
- Room-and-pillar
- Longwall Mining
Refer to Figure 15-4 (page 341) and Figure 15-5
(page 342)
6Environmental Effects of Extracting Mineral
Fig. 15-6 pg 343
7Environmental Effects of Processing Mineral
- Ore mineral
- Gangue
- Tailings
- Smelting
8Environmental Effects of Using Mineral Resources
- Disruption of land surface
- Subsidence
- Erosion of solid mining waste
- Acid mine drainage
- Air pollution
- Storage and leakage of liquid mine waste
9Supplies of Mineral Resources
- Economic Depletion
- Depletion time
- Reserve-to-production ratio
- Foreign resources
- Economics
- Environmental Concerns
- Mining the Oceans
- Fining substitutes
Fig. 15-9 pg 346
10Evaluating Energy Resources
- Renewable energy
- Nonrenewable energy
- Future availability
- Net energy yield
- Cost
- Environmental effects
Fig. 15-12 pg 351
11Important Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Fig. 15-10 pg 350
12North American Energy Resources
Fig. 15-20, p 356
- Petroleum (crude oil)
- Primary recovery
- Secondary recovery
- Tertiary recovery
- Petrochemicals
- Refining
- Transporting
Fig. 15-18, p 355
14Oil Shale and Tar Sands
- Oil Shale
- Kerogen
- Tar Sands
- Bitumen
Fig. 15-28, p 361
15Natural Gas
- 50-90 methane
- Conventional gas
- Unconventional gas
- Methane hydrate
- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- Approximate 200 year supply
Fig. 15-29, p 362
- Stages of coal formation
- Primarily strip mined
- Used mostly for generating electricity
- Enough coal for about 1000 years
- Highest environmental impact
- Coal gasification and liquefaction
Fig. 15-30, p 363
18Burning Coal More Cleanly
Fig. 15-33, p 364
19Nuclear Energy
- Fission reactors
- Uranium-235
- Potentially dangerous
- Radioactive wastes
Fig. 15-35, p 366
20The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Fig. 15-36, p 367
21Dealing With Nuclear Waste
- Low-level waste
- High-level waste
- Underground burial
- Disposal in space
- Burial in ice sheets
- Dumping into subduction zones
- Burial in ocean mud
- Conversion into harmless materials
Fig. 15-40, p 370
22Nuclear Alternatives
- Breeder nuclear fission reactors
- Nuclear fission
- New reactor designs
Storage Containers
Fuel rod
Primary canister
Ground Level
Overpack container sealed
Unloaded from train
Personal elevator
Air shaft
Nuclear waste shaft
Buried and capped
Lowered down shaft
Fig. 15-42 p. 376