Title: Resting (membrane) Potential
1Resting (membrane) Potential
DENT/OBHS 131Neuroscience
2Electrical signaling in neurons
- dendritic synaptic inputs
- transfer to the soma
- generate APs
- axonal propagation
- ionic basis of RMP
- AP initiation propagation
3Learning Objectives
- Explain how the concentration gradient of
potassium ions across the membrane gives rise to
the resting membrane potential - Compute the equilibrium potential of an ion using
the Nernst equation - Predict the effect of changing the concentration
of an ion (or its relative permeability) on the
membrane potential
4How familiar are you with resting and active
properties of membranes?
- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Very
- Intimately
5The major ion involved in setting the resting
membrane potential is...
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Chloride
- Potassium
- Bicarbonate
- Hydrogen
6Learning Objective 1
- Explain how the concentration gradient of
potassium ions across the membrane gives rise to
the resting membrane potential
7The RMP
8The membrane acts to
- separate and maintain (pumps) gradients of
solutions with different concentrations of
charged ions - selectively allow certain ionic species
(K) to cross the membrane
9- initial conditions
- different distribution of a K-salt
- membrane is only permeable to K
- there is no potential difference across the
- at equilibrium
- K ions diffuse down concentration gradient
- anions are left behind net negativity develops
inside the cell - further movement of ions is opposed by the
potential difference
10Electrical difference.. IN vs. OUT
0 mV
DS Weiss
11Electrical difference.. IN vs. OUT
0 mV
-70 mV
DS Weiss
12Can we calculate the potential?
- The Nernst equation determines the voltage at
which the electrical and chemical forces for an
ion (X) are balanced there is NO net movement of
13Learning Objective 2
- Compute the equilibrium potential of an ion using
the Nernst equation
14The Nernst potential for K
- if K is 10-fold higher on the inside
- in excitable cells the RMP is primarily
determined by K ions
15If we lowered the KOUT 10-fold to 1 mM, the
RMP would..
- Not change
- Hyperpolarize
- Depolarize
16The Nernst potential for K
17Learning Objective 3
- Predict the effect of changing the concentration
of an ion (or its relative permeability) on the
membrane potential
18Other ions affect RMP
- different ions have different distributions
- cell membrane is not uniformly permeable
(leaky) to all ions - relative permeability of an ion determines its
contribution to the RMP - a small permeability to Na and Cl offsets some of
the potential set up by K - in reality the cell membrane is lt negative than
19Concentrations of other ions..
ion Xin Xout Eq. (mV)
K 155 4 -98
Na 12 145 67
Cl 4.2 123 -90
20General rule(s)
- relationship between
- membrane potential
- ion equilibrium potentials
- if the membrane becomes more permeable to one ion
over other ions then the membrane potential will
move towards the equilibrium potential for that
ion (basis of AP) - DRIVING FORCE - artificial manipulation of MP - reverse direction
of current flow (hence reversal or equilibrium
21ion flux explanation
- driving force on an ion X will vary with MP
- (Em - Ex)
- Ohms law
- V IR I/g, or transformed I gV
- Ix gx (Em - Ex)
- there will be no current if
- no channels for ion X are open (no conductance,
g) - no driving force (MP is at Ex)