Title: Semantic Web for E-Science and Education
1Semantic Web for E-Science and Education
- Enrico Motta
- Knowledge Media InstituteThe Open University, UK
2DG Research Councils
E-Science Steering Committee
Directors Management Role
Directors Awareness and Co-ordination Role
Generic Challenges EPSRC (15m), DTI (15m)
Academic Application Support Programme Research
Councils (74m), DTI (5m) PPARC (26m) BBSRC
(8m) MRC (8m) NERC (7m) ESRC (3m) EPSRC
(17m) CLRC (5m)
120m for collaborative projects
Industrial Collaboration (40m)
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15Main Aspects
- Intg. of knowledge, web, agent and language
technologies - Grounded Research
- Ubiquitous use of ontologies
- Support for various types of knowledge-intensive
activities - Publishing
- Semantic search/Retrieval
- Acquisition Modelling
- Reuse (application development by reuse)
- Personalization
16What do scientists, educators and students do?
17What do scientists, educators and students do?
18What do scientists, educators and students do?
19What do scientists, educators and students do?
20SemWeb as Infrastructure for Knowledge Work
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23Theres nothing new about global warming
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27ltFossil_Leaf rdfID"fl1324"gt ltrdfscommentgt
28Required Components
- Static Semantic Resources
- PaleoBotany Ontologies
- Task Ontologies for Classification Image
Analysis - Image DBs with semantic markup
- Mapping Ontologies
- Problem Solving Services
- Brokers
- Image Analysis Services
- Heuristic Classification Services
- Mapping Services
- Next Generation Digital Library
- ontology aware
- handles logical queries
- supports scholarly interpretation task
29Ubiquitous Smart Technology
- Smart publishing, knowledge sharing
- Smart access to digital libraries
- Intelligent Services available online
- Ontology-driven Personalization Services
- Automated Enrichment
- Incidental Knowledge Acquisition
- Smart Buttons intg. with authoring tools
- Smart Indexing
- Email management
- Email annotated in terms of events, people,
orgs... - Agents monitor and record actions, such as
building a record of email discussion...
30Semantic Web Perspective on Digital Libraries
31Ontology for scholarly claims and relations
32The Claimaker tool
33From documents to concepts
34Some Interesting Implications.....
- Conceptual Network itself becomes the focus of
discourse - we go beyond markup.....
- Either (or both)
- New forms of literacy emerge (???)
- Knowledge Capture Technologies become crucial
- Hybrid Communities emerge
- Software agents contribute to the dialectic of a
scientific or scholarly community - New models of web interfaces are needed
- What meaning the Back button will take?
- What is a bookmark in a conceptual network?
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