The Business School BA (Hons) Business Studies (BABS) Welcome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Business School BA (Hons) Business Studies (BABS) Welcome


Title: The Business School BA (Hons) Business Studies (BABS) Welcome Author: XPUser Last modified by: mridolfo Created Date: 9/13/2006 8:51:39 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Business School BA (Hons) Business Studies (BABS) Welcome

Changing Universities Through Internationalisation
From Strategy to Pedagogy
Cross-Cultural Capability
Mark Ridolfo Senior Lecturer in Cross-Cultural
Management International Exchanges
Coordinator The Business School, Bournemouth
A little background . . .
  • Degree in French and German (Aston University)
  • Licence, Langues Étrangères Appliquées
    (Université dOrléans)
  • Diploma in Management Studies (Bournemouth
  • Have lived in France, Germany and Italy
  • Visiting Lecturer to China Europe International
    Business School (Shanghai) for 9 years
  • Some knowledge of Italian, Spanish, Japanese
  • Have travelled extensively in Europe, Australasia
  • Responsible for international exchanges in the
    Business School
  • Senior Lecturer / Subject Leader for
    Cross-Cultural Capability

Bournemouth Universitys Vision
  • We are committed to fostering a global outlook,
    which will
  • encourage internationally significant research
  • recruit students and staff with wide
    international experience
  • develop opportunities for international
    engagement for all students and staff
  • deliver a curriculum which prepares for global
  • establish strategically significant international
  • actively engage with appropriate networks and
    initiatives - within Europe and beyond.

Bournemouth University Corporate Plan (2006-2012)
  • Cross-Cultural Capability in the Business School
  • Lessons learned
  • What and where next?
  • Example assignments
  • Q A / Discussion

Employability in the 21st century . . .
  • "Final-year students should be aware that nearly
    half of graduate recruiters expect to face
    difficulties in fulfilling recruitment objectives
    - with the largest factor being a lack of
    applicants with the right skills.
  • Employers are looking for graduates who can
    demonstrate softer skills, such as team working,
    cultural awareness, leadership and communication
    skills, as well as academic achievement.

Chief executive of the AGR, Carl Gilleard (Ford,
The Guardian - 07.02.07)
The World in 2020 . . .
  • The likely emergence of the BRIC countries as new
    global players will transform economics and
    geo-politics. How we mentally map the world in
    2020 will change radically and render obsolete
    the old categories of East and West, North
    and South, developed and developing.
    Globalization will be a mega-trend.
    Multinationals will be increasingly outside the
    control of any single state and will be key
    agents of change in dispersing technology,
    further integrating the world economy and
    promoting economic progress. While North
    America, Japan, and Europe might collectively
    continue to dominate international political and
    financial institutions, globalization will take
    on an increasingly non-Western, rising Asia

Adapted from the Report of the National
Intelligence Council's 2020 Project
The Impact of Culture on Business . . .
  • Cultural differences affect every aspect of
    business life
  • meetings, planning, control, teamwork,
    communication, recruiting, decision making . . .
  • . . . and we all think that our way of doing
    things is the right way.
  • But if we are to seize opportunities in the
    changing marketplace we have to learn to manage
    diversity, to understand and work with different
    ways of doing things.

Adapted from John Mole
Cross-Cultural Capability in theBusiness School
  • 3 units (all team-taught)
  • International Awareness and Management Ethics
    (Level C)
  • Working in an International Context (Level I)
  • International Management (Level H)
  • Cultural and linguistic sensitivity / fluency
  • Ethical challenges in (international) management
  • CSR, sustainability, international HRM
  • Evolution of English as a lingua franca
  • Culture-specific and culture-general approaches
  • Ethnocentrism and stereotyping highlighted
  • Focus on development of interpersonal /
    transferable skills
  • Multi-dimensional, hybrid assessment

Overview The International Jigsaw
What makes an effective international manager
what we aim to develop and assess
  • Ability to see the big picture
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Curiosity
  • Ethical management
  • Language ability - English and foreign languages
  • Empathy and respect for others
  • Recognition of knowledge and educational gaps
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Tolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty and
  • Experience of having lived and worked abroad

Conceived and adapted by Ridolfo, M (03-10)
What makes an effective international manager
what we aim to develop and assess
  • A bility to see the big picture
  • C ultural sensitivity
  • C uriosity
  • E thical management
  • L anguage ability - English and foreign
  • E mpathy and respect for others
  • R ecognition of knowledge and educational gaps
  • A daptability and flexibility
  • T olerance of ambiguity, uncertainty and
  • E xperience of having lived and worked abroad

Conceived and adapted by Ridolfo, M (03-10)
Cross-Cultural CapabilityExample ILOs
  1. Understanding of, and ability to apply, the
    principles of effective communication in a
    cross-cultural context (C)
  2. Appreciation of occasions where unethical
    behaviour might occur and the range of managerial
    practices possible to encourage ethical behaviour
  3. Understanding of the nature and complexity of
    social responsibility and ability to apply
    methodologies to critically examine moral,
    social, environmental and economic dilemmas (I)
  4. Critical understanding of cultural differences in
    business protocol, organisational behaviour and
    management culture (I)
  5. A critical appreciation of the nature and
    complexity of international organisations and
    management issues (H)
  6. An ability to contribute effectively to the
    formulation, communication and implementation of
    management policy and practice in both national
    and international contexts (H)

Cross-Cultural CapabilityLearning and
Assessment Philosophy
  • Professional / real life focus - balancing
    theory and practice (hybrid model)
  • Range of delivery methods, including E-Learning /
  • Active and interactive learning environment
    role play, simulations etc
  • Emphasis on critical reflection, through, for
    example, self and peer assessment
  • Some engineering of assignment groups / pairs

Cross-Cultural CapabilityExample assignments
  1. Group presentation students play the role of
    business consultants / trainers, advising a UK
    audience on how to enter, and conduct everyday
    business interactions in, a specific foreign
    market (C)
  2. Online group negotiation students negotiate
    virtually with representatives from an
    (initially undisclosed) Eastern culture, thus
    requiring them to adapt their persuasion skills
    and cultural expectations (I)
  3. Report students write a (business) briefing
    report on the business and management culture in
    one of the N-11 countries, focusing on everyday
    business interactions and management practices
  4. Face-to-face negotiation (role play with tutor)
    a pair of students must explore and seek to
    resolve a complex cross-cultural business
    dilemma, by using appropriate communicative and
    suasive techniques (H)
  5. Group presentation students prepare and deliver
    a cultural briefing, as well as a training
    programme, to a client, which will be sending a
    manager overseas (H)

Lessons learned . . .
  1. Students value and highly rate this subject when
    taught enthusiastically, knowledgeably and
    genuinely collaboratively (IAME and WiaIC are
    the highest-scoring units on C/I)
  2. Recent feedback suggests that the embedding /
    dove-tailing of CCC with more mainstream
    subjects can add significant value to the student
    experience and enhance learning outcomes
  3. Many students, particularly at Level H, have
    fascinating life and work experiences, which they
    are happy to discuss when prompted
  4. Students increasingly struggle with the more
    complex material, due to a lack of wider reading
    (e.g. current affairs). Up-to-date and
    interesting case studies, to which they can
    relate, are key.
  5. Putting the theory into practice remains a
    challenge, even for the more capable and empathic
    students. There remains a gap between students
    understanding the concepts and putting them into
    practice when actually working with students who
    are different from them.

Lessons learned . . .
  1. Some students have complained about being
    preached at. Tutors must be sensitive to
    delivering material passionately, but also
    objectively, enabling learners to form their own
    views, particularly in the areas of social
    responsibility, sustainability, global
    citizenship etc
  2. Students engage particularly well with practical
    assignments. Such assignments need not be
    lightweight. The assignments we have developed
    are hybrids and must meet academically rigorous
    intending learning outcomes
  3. For group-based work, students respond very
    positively to Self and Peer Assessment, provided
    the system is carefully explained, transparent
    and well-managed (8 years experience of using
  4. Something must be working! Next year, 26 BABS
    students have opted for International
    Management, compared with 6 this year!

Topics to explore . . .
  • How might the pedagogy and assessment of
    cross-cultural capability impact more generally
    on HE strategy?
  • What research potential is there in the pedagogy
    and assessment of cross-cultural capability?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities that
    lie ahead for the pedagogy and assessment of
    cross-cultural capability?

Questions? Comments?
Mark Ridolfo The Business School Bournemouth
University 01202 965525
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