Periodic Paralyses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Periodic Paralyses


Periodic Paralyses Dan Imler Morning Report Background The heterogeneous group of muscle diseases known as periodic paralyses (PP) is characterized by episodes of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Periodic Paralyses

Periodic Paralyses
  • Dan Imler
  • Morning Report

  • The heterogeneous group of muscle diseases known
    as periodic paralyses (PP) is characterized by
    episodes of flaccid muscle weakness occurring at
    irregular intervals. Most of the conditions are
    hereditary and are more episodic than periodic.
  • The frequencies of hyperkalemic PP, PC, and PAM
    are not known. Hypokalemic PP has a prevalence of
    1 case per 100,000 population.
  • Thyrotoxic PP is most common in males (85) of
    Asian descent with a frequency of approximately
  • Patients with HypoKPP typically begin showing
    symptoms in the first or second decade of life,
    often as they enter puberty. About 65 develop
    symptoms before the age of 16

Sodium channel Hyperkalemic PPHypokalemic PP (HypoPP2)Paramyotonia congenitaPotassium-aggravated myotonia
Calcium channel Hypokalemic PP (HypoPP1)
Potassium channel Andersen-Tawil syndromeHyperkalemic PP or hypokalemic PP
  • The physiologic basis of flaccid weakness is
    inexcitability of the sarcolemma.
  • Alteration of serum potassium level is not the
    principal defect in primary PP the altered
    potassium metabolism is a result of the PP.
  • In primary and thyrotoxic PP, flaccid paralysis
    occurs with relatively small changes in the serum
    potassium level, whereas in secondary PP, serum
    potassium levels are markedly abnormal.

  • No single mechanism is responsible for this group
    of disorders.
  • Thus they are heterogeneous but share some common
  • The weakness usually is generalized but may be
  • Cranial musculature and respiratory muscles
    usually are spared.
  • Stretch reflexes are either absent or diminished
    during the attacks.
  • The muscle fibers are electrically inexcitable
    during the attacks.
  • Muscle strength is normal between attacks but,
    after a few years, some degree of fixed weakness
    develops in certain types of PP (especially
    primary PP).

  • Voltage-sensitive ion channels closely regulate
    generation of action potentials (brief and
    reversible alterations of the voltage of cellular
  • These are selectively and variably permeable ion
  • Energy-dependent ion transporters maintain
    concentration gradients.
  • During the generation of action potentials,
    sodium ions move across the membrane through
    voltage-gated ion channels.
  • The resting muscle fiber membrane is polarized
    primarily by the movement of chloride through
    chloride channels and is repolarized by movement
    of potassium.
  • Sodium, chloride, and calcium channelopathies, as
    a group, are associated with myotonia and PP. The
    functional subunits of sodium, calcium, and
    potassium channels are homologous.

Muscle sodium channel gene
  • Mild depolarization (5-10 mV) of the myofiber
    membrane, which may be caused by increased
    extracellular potassium concentrations, results
    in the mutant channels being maintained in the
    noninactivated mode.
  • The persistent inward sodium current causes
    repetitive firing of the wild-type sodium
    channels, which is perceived as stiffness (ie,
  • If a severe depolarization (20-30 mV) is present,
    both normal and abnormal channels are fixed in a
    state of inactivation, causing weakness or
  • Thus, subtle differences in severity of membrane
    depolarization may make the difference between
    myotonia and paralysis.
  • Temperature may differentially affect the
    conformational change in the mutant channel.
  • Lower temperatures may stabilize the mutant
    channels in an abnormal state.
  • Mutations may alter the sensitivity of the
    channel to other cellular processes, such as
    phosphorylation or second messengers.

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Calcium channel gene
  • How a defect in the calcium channel might lead to
    episodic potassium movement into the cells is not
    known. Intracellular calcium is increased in
    these patients so the defect in the receptor may
    promote increased calcium entry into the cells.
  • However, the mechanism may not involve calcium
    movement the dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium
    channel also acts as a voltage sensor for
    excitation-contraction coupling and the defect in
    hypokalemic periodic paralysis is associated with
    a reduced sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium

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  • The mechanism by which hyperthyroidism can
    produce hypokalemic periodic paralysis is not
    well understood.
  • Thyroid hormone increases Na-K-ATPase activity
    (thereby tending to drive potassium into cells),
    and thyrotoxic patients with periodic paralysis
    have higher sodium pump activity than those
    without paralytic episodes.
  • Excess thyroid hormone may therefore predispose
    to paralytic episodes by increasing the
    susceptibility to the hypokalemic action of
    epinephrine or insulin.
  • It is also possible that Asians who are
    susceptible to thyrotoxic periodic paralysis have
    a mutated calcium channel which, in the euthyroid
    state, is not sufficient to produce symptoms.

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
  • Acute attacks, in which the sudden movement of
    potassium into the cells can lower the plasma
    potassium concentration to as low as 1.5 to 2.5
    meq/L, are often precipitated by rest after
    exercise, stress, or a carbohydrate meal, events
    that are often associated with increased release
    of epinephrine or insulin.
  • The hypokalemia is often accompanied by
    hypophosphatemia and hypomagnesemia.

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
  • Hypokalemic periodic paralysis may be familial
    with autosomal dominant inheritance (in which the
    penetrance may be only partial) or may be
    acquired in patients with thyrotoxicosis.
  • Asian males are at particular risk for thyrotoxic
    periodic paralysis it has been estimated, for
    example, that the risk of developing the disease
    is 15 to 20 percent in hyperthyroid Chinese
  • In another report, 44 of 45 affected Chinese
    patients were male. In this study, only 29
    percent were known to be hyperthyroid, 60 percent
    had clinical symptoms compatible with
    thyrotoxicosis, and 11 percent had subclinical

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
  • The recurrent attacks with normal plasma
    potassium levels between attacks distinguish
    periodic paralysis from other causes of
    hypokalemic paralysis, such as that seen in some
    cases of severe hypokalemia due to distal renal
    tubular acidosis (RTA).
  • However, the ability to distinguish among these
    disorders is sometimes clinically difficult, as
    characteristic signs and symptoms may be absent.

  • Severe cases present in early childhood and mild
    cases may present as late as the third decade.
  • A majority of cases present before age 16 years.
  • Weakness may range from slight transient weakness
    of an isolated muscle group to severe generalized
  • Severe attacks begin in the morning, often with
    strenuous exercise or a high carbohydrate meal on
    the preceding day.
  • Attacks may also be provoked by stress, including
    infections, menstruation, lack of sleep, and
    certain medications (eg, beta-agonists, insulin,
  • Patients wake up with severe symmetrical
    weakness, often with truncal involvement.

  • Mild attacks are frequent and involve only a
    particular group of muscles, and may be
    unilateral, partial, or monomelic.
  • This may affect predominantly legs sometimes,
    extensor muscles are affected more than flexors.
  • Duration varies from a few hours to almost 8 days
    but seldom exceeds 72 hours.
  • The attacks are intermittent and infrequent in
    the beginning but may increase in frequency until
    attacks occur almost daily.
  • The frequency starts diminishing by age 30 years
    it rarely occurs after age 50 years.

  • Permanent muscle weakness may be seen later in
    the course of the disease and may become severe.
  • Hypertrophy of the calves has been observed.
  • Proximal muscle wasting, rather than hypertrophy,
    may be seen in patients with permanent weakness.

Lab Studies
  • Serum potassium level decreases during attacks,
    but not necessarily below normal.
  • Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level rises during
  • In a recent study, transtubular potassium
    concentration gradient (TTKG) and
    potassium-creatinine ratio (PCR) distinguished
    primary hypokalemic PP from secondary PP
    resulting from a large deficit of potassium.
    Values of more than 3.0 mmol/mmol (TTKG) and 2.5
    mmol/mmol (PCR) indicated secondary hypokalemic
  • ECG may show sinus bradycardia and evidence of
    hypokalemia (flattening of T waves, U waves in
    leads II, V2, V3, and V4, and ST segment

Nerve conduction studies
  • The compound muscle action potential (CMAP)
    amplitude declines during the paralytic attack,
    more so in hypokalemic PP.
  • Sensory nerve conduction study findings are
    normal in most patients with PP.
  • Nerve conduction findings may be abnormal when
    the patient has peripheral neuropathy associated
    with thyrotoxicosis.

Exercise test in periodic paralyses
  • This is one of the most informative diagnostic
    tests for PP.
  • The test is based on 2 previously described
    observations that CMAP amplitude is low in the
    muscle weakened by PP and the weakness can be
    induced by exercise.
  • Recording electrodes are placed over the
    hypothenar muscle and a CMAP is obtained by
    giving supramaximal stimuli.
  • The stimuli are repeated every 30-60 seconds for
    a period of 2-3 minutes, until a stable baseline
    amplitude is obtained.

Provocative testing
  • Oral glucose loading test Glucose is given
    orally at a dose of 1.5 g/kg to a maximum of 100
    g over a period of 3 minutes with or without
    10-20 units of subcutaneous insulin.
  • Muscle strength is tested every 30 minutes. Full
    electrolyte profile is tested every 30 minutes
    for 3 hours and hourly for the next 2 hours.
  • Weakness usually is detected within 2-3 hours,
    and if not patients should be considered for
    intravenous (IV) glucose challenge.

Provocative testing
  • Intra-arterial epinephrine test Two mcg/min of
    epinephrine is infused into the brachial artery
    for 5 minutes and the amplitude of the CMAP is
    recorded from a hand muscle. CMAPs are recorded
    before, during, and 30 minutes after infusion.
  • The result is considered positive if a decrement
    of more than 30 occurs within 10 minutes of

Muscle biopsy
  • The most characteristic abnormality is the
    presence of vacuoles in the muscle fibers.
    Sometimes, they fill the muscle fibers, and in
    some patients, groups of vacuoles may be noted.
  • These changes are more marked in hypokalemic PP
    than in hyperkalemic PP. In the latter, the
    vacuoles are small and peripherally located.
  • Signs of myopathy include muscle fiber size
    variability, split fibers, and internal nuclei.
    Muscle fiber atrophy may be present in clinically
    affected muscles.
  • Tubular aggregates are seen in type II fibers.
    They are subsarcolemmal in location. This
    abnormality is seen only in hypokalemic PP.

Prevention and treatment
  • The oral administration of 60 to 120 meq (dose
    dependent in pediatrics) of potassium chloride
    usually aborts acute attacks of hypokalemic
    periodic paralysis within 15 to 20 minutes.
    Another 60 meq can be given if no improvement is

Prevention and treatment
  • However, the presence of hypokalemia must be
    confirmed prior to therapy, since potassium can
    worsen episodes due to the normokalemic or
    hyperkalemic forms of periodic paralysis.
  • Furthermore, excess potassium administration
    during an acute episode may lead to posttreatment
    hyperkalemia as potassium moves back out of the
  • In addition, potassium should not be administered
    in dextrose containing solutions as patients have
    an exaggerated insulin response to carbohydrate

Prevention and treatment
  • Prevention of hypokalemic episodes consists of
    the restoration of euthyroidism in thyrotoxic
    patients and the administration of a ß-adrenergic
    blocker in either familial or thyrotoxic periodic
  • ß-blockers can minimize the number and severity
    of attacks and, in most cases, limit the fall in
    the plasma potassium concentration.
  • A nonselective ß-blocker (such as propranolol)
    should be given ß1-selective agents are less
    likely to inhibit the ß2 receptor-mediated
    hypokalemic effect of epinephrine and may
    therefore be less likely to prevent paralytic
  • Other modalities that may be effective for
    prevention include K supplementation, K-sparing
    diuretics, a low-carbohydrate diet, and the
    carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide.
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