Title: Fetal Birth Injuries
1Fetal Birth Injuries
- Dr. Ashraf Fouda
- Domiatte General Hospital
- The term birth injury is used to denote
- avoidable and unavoidable
- mechanical, hypoxic and ischemic injury
- affecting the infant
- during
- labor and delivery.
- Birth injuries may result from
- Inappropriate or deficient medical skill or
attention. - They may occur, despite skilled and competent
obstetric care.
4 Incidence
- Has been estimated at 2-7/1,000 live births.
Predisposing factors - Macrosomia,
- Prematurity,
- Cephalopelvic disproportion,
- Dystocia,
- Prolonged labor, and
- Breech presentation.
5 Incidence
- 5-8/100,000 infants die of birth trauma, and
- 25/100,000 die of anoxic injuries
- Such injuries represent 2-3 of infant deaths.
6Cranial Injuries
7Erythema, abrasions, ecchymoses,
- Of facial or scalp soft tissues may be seen after
forceps or vacuum-assisted deliveries. - Their location depends on the area of application
of the forceps.
8Subconjunctival ,retinal hemorrhages and
petechiae of the skin of the head and neck
- All are common.
- All are probably secondary to a sudden increase
in intrathoracic pressure during passage of the
chest through the birth canal. - Parents should be assured that they are temporary
and the result of normal hazards of delivery.
- Molding of the head and overriding of the
parietal bones are frequently associated with
caput succedaneum and become more evident after
the caput has receded but disappear during the
first weeks of life. - Rarely, a hemorrhagic caput may result in shock
and require blood transfusion.
10Caput succedaneum
- Diffuse, sometimes ecchymotic, edematous swelling
of the soft tissues of the scalp involving the
portion presenting during vertex delivery. - It may extend across the midline and across
suture lines. - The edema disappears within the first few days of
11Caput succedaneum
- Analogous swelling, discoloration, and distortion
of the face are seen in face presentations. - No specific treatment is needed, but if there are
extensive ecchymoses, phototherapy for
hyperbilirubinemia may be indicated.
- It is a subperiosteal haematoma most commonly
lies over one parietal bone. - It may result from difficult vacuum or forceps
extraction .
- Management
- - It usually resolves spontaneously.
- - Vitamin K 1 mg IM is given.
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- Is a subperiosteal hemorrhage, so it is always
limited to the surface of one cranial bone. - There is no discoloration of the overlying scalp,
and swelling is usually not visible until several
hours after birth, because subperiosteal bleeding
is a slow process. - An underlying skull fracture, usually linear and
not depressed, is occasionally associated with
- Cranial meningocele
- is differentiated from cephalohematoma by
- Pulsation,
- Increased pressure on crying, and the
- Radiologic evidence of bony defect.
- Most cephalohematomas are resorbed within 2 wk-3
mo, depending on their size. - They may begin to calcify by the end of the 2nd
- A sensation of central depression suggesting( but
not indicative )of an underlying fracture or bony
defect is - Cephalohematomas
- require no treatment, although phototherapy may
be necessary to ameliorate hyperbilirubinemia.
- Incision and drainage are contraindicated because
of the risk of introducing infection in a benign
condition. - A massive cephalohematoma may rarely result in
blood loss severe enough to require transfusion. - It may also be associated with a skull fracture,
coagulopathy, and intracranial hemorrhage.
20Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
21Fractures of the skull
- May occur as a result of pressure from
- Forceps or from
- The maternal symphysis pubis.
- Sacral promontory, or
- Ischial spines.
22Fracture Skull
- Usually occurs due to difficult forceps delivery.
- It may be
- (1) Vault fracture
- Usually affecting the frontal or parietal bone.
- It may be linear or depressed fracture.
- It needs no treatment unless there is
intracranial haemorrhage. - (2) Fracture base
- Usually associated with intracranial haemorrhage.
23Fractures of the skull
- Linear fractures, the most common, cause no
symptoms and require no treatment. - Depressed fractures are usually indentations
similar to a dent in a Ping-Pong ball they
usually are a complication of forceps delivery or
fetal compression.
24Depressed fractures Ping-Pong ball
25Fractures of the skull
- Affected infants may be asymptomatic unless there
is associated intracranial injury. - It is advisable to elevate severe depressions to
prevent cortical injury from sustained pressure.
26Fractures of the skull
- Fracture of the Occipital bone almost causes
fatal hemorrhage due to disruption of the
underlying vascular sinuses. - It may result during breech deliveries from
traction on the hyperextended spine of the infant
with the head fixed in the maternal pelvis.
27Intracranial- Intraventricular Hemorrhage
28Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Causes
- Sudden compression and decompression of the head
as in breech and precipitate labour. - Marked compression by forceps or in cephalopelvic
disproportion. - Fracture skull.
29Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Predisposing factors
- Prematurity due to physiological
hypoprothrombinaemia, fragile blood vessels and
liability to trauma. - Asphyxia due to anoxia of the vascular wall .
- Blood diseases.
30Intracranial Haemorrhage Sites
- Subdural results from damage to the superficial
veins where the vein of Galen and inferior
sagittal sinus combine to form the straight
sinus. - Subarachnoid The vein of Galen is damaged due to
tear in the dura at the junction of the falx
cerebri and tentorium cerebelli. - Intraventricular into the brain ventricles.
- Intracerebral into the brain tissues .
- In (1) and (2) it is usually due to birth trauma,
- in (3) and (4) the foetus is usually a premature
exposed to hypoxia.
31Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Clinical picture
- 1- Altered consciousness.
- 2- Flaccidity.
- 3- Breathing is absent, irregular and periodic or
gasping. - 4- Eyes no movement, pupils may be fixed and
dilated. - 5- Opisthotonus, rigidity, twitches and
convulsions. - 6- Vomiting .
- 7- High pitched cry.
- 8- Anterior fontanelle is tense and bulging.
- 9- Lumbar puncture reveals bloody C.S.F.
32Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Investigations
- Ultrasound is of value.
- CT scan is the most reliable.
33Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Prophylaxis
- Vitamin K 10 mg IM to the mother in late
pregnancy or early in labour. - Episiotomy especially in prematures and breech
delivery. - Forceps delivery carried out by an experienced
obstetrician respecting the instructions for its
34Intracranial Haemorrhage Treatment
- Minimal handling, warmth and oxygen to the baby.
- No oral feeding for 72 hours.
- IV fluids.
- Vitamin K 1mg IM.
- Lumbar puncture is diagnostic and therapeutic to
relieve the intracranial tension if the anterior
fontanelle is bulging. - Sedatives for convulsions.
- 60 cc. of 10 sodium chloride per rectum to
relieve brain oedema. - 1 cc of 50 magnesium sulphate IM to relieve
brain oedema and convulsions. - Antibiotics to guard against infections
particularly pulmonary.
- Intracranial hemorrhage may result from
- Birth trauma or
- Asphyxia and, rarely, from a
- Primary hemorrhagic disturbance or
- Congenital vascular anomaly.
- Intracranial hemorrhages often involve the
ventricles - ( intraventricular hemorrhage IVH) of premature
infants delivered spontaneously without apparent
- The incidence of IVH increases with decreasing
birthweight - 60-70 of 500- to 750-g infants and
- 10-20 of 1,000- to 1,500-g infants.
- IVH is rarely present at birth however,
- 80-90 of cases occur between birth and the 3rd
day . - 50 occur on the 1st day.
- 20 to 40 of cases progress during the 1st wk of
life. - Delayed hemorrhage may occur in 10-15 of
patients after the 1st wk of life.
- The most common symptoms are
- Diminished or absent Moro reflex.
- Poor muscle tone.
- Lethargy.
- Apnea.
- Somnolence.
- Periods of apnea,
- Pallor, or cyanosis
- Failure to suck well
- Abnormal eye signs
- A high-pitched cry
- Muscular twitches, convulsions, decreased muscle
tone, or paralyses - Metabolic acidosis shock, and a
- Decreased hematocrit or its failure to increase
after transfusion may be the first indications. - The fontanel may be tense and bulging.
- Intracranial hemorrhage is diagnosed on the basis
of the - History,
- Clinical manifestations,
- Transfontanel cranial ultrasonography or
- Computed tomography (CT), and
- Lumbar puncture
- is indicated in the presence of signs of
- Increased intracranial pressure or
- Deteriorating clinical condition
- to identify gross subarachnoid hemorrhage or to
rule out the possibility of bacterial meningitis
- Neonates with
- ( massive hemorrhage associated with tears of the
tentorium or falx cerebri) - rapidly deteriorate and may die after birth.
- The incidence of traumatic intracranial
hemorrhage may be reduced by - judicious management of cephalopelvic
disproportion and operative delivery.
- Fetal or neonatal hemorrhage due to
- Maternal idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
(ITP) or - Alloimmune thrombocytopenia
- may be prevented by maternal treatment with
- Steroids,
- Intravenous immunoglobulin, or
- Fetal platelet transfusion.
- The incidence of IVH may be reduced by antenatal
steroids and by postnatal administration of
low-dose indomethacin. - Vitamin K should be given before delivery to all
women receiving phenobarbital or phenytoin during
the pregnancy.
- Seizures are treated with anticonvulsant drugs.
- Anemia-shock, requires transfusion with packed
red blood cells or fresh frozen plasma. - Acidosis is treated with slow administration of
sodium bicarbonate.
- Symptomatic subdural hemorrhage in large term
infants should be treated by removing the
subdural fluid collection by means of a spinal
needle placed through the lateral margin of the
anterior fontanel.
48Spine and Spinal Cord
- Strong traction exerted
- When the spine is hyperextended or
- When the direction of pull is lateral, or
- Forceful longitudinal traction on the trunk while
the head is still firmly engaged in the pelvis - (may produce fracture and separation of the
49Spine and Spinal Cord
- Such injuries, rarely diagnosed clinically, are
most likely to occur with shoulder dystocia. - The injury occurs most commonly at the level of
the 4th cervical vertebra with cephalic
presentations and - The lower cervical-upper thoracic vertebrae with
breech presentations.
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51Spine and Spinal Cord
- Transection of the cord may occur with or without
vertebral fractures. - Hemorrhage and edema may produce neurologic signs
that are not distinguished from those of
transection - (except that they may not be permanent).
52Spine and Spinal Cord
- Areflexia,
- Loss of sensation, and
- Complete paralysis of voluntary motion
- Occur below the level of injury
53Spine and Spinal Cord
- If the injury is severe, the infant, (who may be
in poor condition owing to respiratory
depression, shock, or hypothermia), - May deteriorate rapidly to death within several
hours before neurologic signs are obvious.
54Spine and Spinal Cord
- The course may be protracted, with symptoms and
signs appearing at birth or later in the 1st wk
may not be recognized for several days. - Constipation may also be present.
55Spine and Spinal Cord
- The diagnosis is confirmed by
- Ultrasonography or MRI.
- Treatment of the survivors is
- supportive, including home ventilation patients
often remain permanently injured.
56Peripheral Nerve Injuries
57Brachial Plexus Palsy
- It is due to over traction on
- the neck as in
- Shoulder dystocia.
- After-coming head in breech delivery.
58Brachial Plexus Palsy
- Erb's palsy
- It is the common, due to injury to C5 and C6
roots. - The upper limb drops beside the trunk, internally
rotated with flexed wrist - (policemans or waiters tip hand).
59Brachial Plexus Palsy
- (2) Klumpkes palsy
- It is less common,
- Due to injury to C7 and C8 and 1st thoracic
roots. - - It leads to paralysis of the muscles of the
hand and weakness of the wrist and fingers'
60Brachial Plexus Palsy
- Treatment
- Support to prevent stretching of the paralyzed
muscles. - Physiotherapy massage, exercise and faradic
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- Injury to the brachial plexus may cause paralysis
of the upper arm with or without paralysis of the
forearm or hand or, more commonly, paralysis of
the entire arm. - Approximately 45 are associated with shoulder
- These injuries occur in
- Macrosomic infants and when lateral traction is
exerted on the head and neck during delivery of
the shoulder in a vertex presentation, - When the arms are extended over the head in a
breech presentation, or - When excessive traction is placed on the
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65In Erb-Duchenne paralysis
- The injury is limited to the 5th and 6th cervical
nerves. - The characteristic position consists of
- ( Adduction and internal rotation of the arm with
pronation of the forearm). - Moro reflex is absent on the affected side
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67In Erb-Duchenne paralysis
- There may be some sensory impairment on the outer
aspect of the arm. - The power in the forearm and the hand grasp are
preserved unless the lower part of the plexus is
also injured - (the presence of the hand grasp is a favorable
prognostic sign).
68Klumpke's paralysis
- Is a rarer form of brachial palsy
- Injury to the 7th and 8th cervical nerves and the
1st thoracic nerve produces a paralyzed hand, - (Horner syndrome)
- If the sympathetic fibers of the 1st thoracic
root are also injured paralyzed hand
and ipsilateral ptosis and miosis.
69Klumpke's paralysis
- The mild cases may not be detected immediately
after birth. - Differentiation must be made from
- Cerebral injury
- Fracture, dislocation, or epiphyseal separation
of the humerus - Fracture of the clavicle.
- MRI demonstrates nerve root rupture or avulsion
edema and hemorrhage
71The prognosis
- Depends on whether the nerve was merely injured
or was lacerated. - If the paralysis was due to edema and hemorrhage
about the nerve fibers, function should return
within a few months - If due to laceration, permanent damage may
72The prognosis
- Involvement of the deltoid is usually the most
serious problem and may result in a shoulder drop
secondary to muscle atrophy. - In general, paralysis of the upper arm has a
better prognosis than paralysis of the lower arm.
- Partial immobilization and appropriate
positioning to prevent development of
contractures. - In upper arm paralysis the arm should be
abducted, with external rotation at the shoulder
and with full supination of the forearm and
slight extension at the wrist with the palm
turned toward the face.
- In lower arm or hand paralysis the wrist should
be splinted in a neutral position and padding
placed in the fist. - Gentle massage and range of motion exercises may
be started by 7-10 days of age.
- If the paralysis persists without improvement for
3-6 months neuroplasty, neurolysis, end-to-end
anastomosis, or nerve grafting - offers hope for partial recovery.
- Phrenic nerve injury (3rd, 4th, 5th cervical
nerves) with diaphragmatic paralysis must be
considered when cyanosis and irregular and
labored respirations develop. - Such injuries, usually unilateral, are associated
with ipsilateral upper brachial palsy.
- The diagnosis
- is established by ultrasonography or fluoroscopic
examination, which reveals elevation of the
diaphragm on the paralyzed side - There is no specific treatment
- infants should be placed on the involved side
and given oxygen if necessary.
- Recovery usually occurs spontaneously by 1-3
months rarely, surgical plication of the
diaphragm may be indicated.
79Facial Palsy (Bells palsy)
- It is usually due to pressure by the forceps
blade on the facial nerve at - Its exit from the stylomastoid foramen or
- In its course over the mandibular ramus.
- - It appears within 1-2 days after delivery due
to resultant oedema and haemorrhage around the
80Facial Palsy (Bells palsy)
- Manifestations
- There is paresis of the facial muscles on the
affected side with - Partially opened eye and
- Flattening of the nasolabial fold.
- The mouth angle is deviated towards the healthy
side. - Spontaneous recovery usually occurs
- within 14 days.
- When the infant cries, there is movement only on
the non paralyzed side of the face, and the mouth
is drawn to that side. - On the affected side the forehead is smooth, the
eye cannot be closed, the nasolabial fold is
absent, and the corner of the mouth drops.
- The prognosis depends on whether the nerve was
injured by pressure or whether the nerve fibers
were torn. - Care of the exposed eye is essential.
- Improvement occurs within few weeks.
- Neuroplasty may be indicated when the paralysis
is persistent.
84Other peripheral nerves
- are seldom injured in utero or at birth except
when they are involved in fractures or
- (Liver, spleen and kidney)
- may be injured in breech delivery which should
be avoided by holding the fetus from its hips.
86Viscera (The liver )
- The liver is the only internal organ other than
the brain that is injured with any frequency
during birth. - The damage usually results from pressure on the
liver during delivery of the head in breech
presentations. - Incorrect cardiac massage is a less frequent
87Viscera (The liver )
- Hepatic rupture may result in the formation of a
subcapsular hematoma. - The hematoma may be large enough to cause anemia.
- Shock and death may occur if the hematoma breaks
through the capsule into the peritoneal cavity.
88Viscera (The liver )
- A mass may be palpable in the right upper
quadrant the abdomen may appear blue. - Early suspicion by means of ultrasonographic
diagnosis and prompt supportive therapy can
decrease the mortality of this disorder. - Surgical repair of a laceration may be required.
89Rupture of the spleen
- May occur alone or in association with rupture of
the liver. - The causes, complications, treatment, and
prevention are similar.
90Adrenal hemorrhage
- Occurs with some frequency, especially after
breech delivery in LGA infants or infants of
diabetic mothers. - 90 are unilateral 75 are right sided.
- The symptoms are profound shock and cyanosis
- If suspected, abdominal ultrasonography may be
helpful, and treatment for acute adrenal failure
may be indicated
- These usually occur during difficult breech
delivery. - (A) Vertebral Column Injuries
- These are fatal if associated with spinal cord
transection above C4 ,due to diaphragmatic
paralysis. - (B) Femur, Humerus and Clavicle
- Managed by splint to the long bone and a sling
for clavicular fracture.
- This bone is fractured during labor and delivery
- more frequently than any other bone
- It is particularly vulnerable when there is
- Difficulty in delivery of the shoulder in vertex
presentations and of - The extended arms in breech deliveries.
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- The infant characteristically does not move the
arm freely on the affected side - Crepitus and bony irregularity may be palpated,
and - Discoloration is occasionally visible over the
fracture site.
- Treatment, consists of immobilization of the arm
and shoulder on the affected side. - A remarkable degree of callus develops at the
site within a week and may be the first evidence
of the fracture. - The prognosis is excellent.
- In fractures of the long bones, spontaneous
movement of the extremity is usually absent. - The Moro reflex is also absent from the involved
extremity. - There may be associated nerve involvement.
- Satisfactory results of treatment for a fractured
humerus are obtained with - 2-4 wk of immobilization
- (during which the arm is
- strapped to the chest).
- A triangular splint and a bandage are applied, or
a cast is applied.
- In fracture femur good results are obtained
with traction-suspension of both lower
extremities, even if the fracture is unilateral - The legs, immobilized in a cast, are attached to
an overhead frame. - Splints are effective for treatment of fractures
of the forearm or leg.
- Healing is usually accompanied by excess callus
formation. - The prognosis is excellent for fractures of the
extremities. - Fractures in preterm infants may be related to
101Dislocations and epiphyseal separations
- Rarely result from birth trauma.
- The upper femoral epiphysis may be separated by
forcible manipulation of the infant's leg, as,
for example, in breech extraction or after
102Dislocations and epiphyseal separations
- The affected leg shows swelling, slight
shortening, limitation of active motion, painful
passive motion, and external rotation. - The diagnosis is established radiologically
- The prognosis is good for the milder injuries.
- Strenomastoid injury
- Due to
- Exaggerated lateral flexion of the neck leading
to torticollis and swelling in the muscle. - It is usually improved within 2 weeks but
permanent torticollis may continue.
104Thank you