Title: The Graduation Coach as a Counselor Resource
1The Graduation Coach as a Counselor Resource
- Calcasieu Graduation Coaches
- Reducing Dropouts
- Increasing Graduation Rates
- Keeping Students on Track
2Necessity is the Mother of All InventionPart 1
- Why did Calcasieu Parish initiate a graduation
coach program? - Closing of Lake Charles Boston High School.
- Transfer of LCB students to local high schools.
- School Board mandate to provide guardian
angels to assist both LCB students and
receiving schools. - Research led to Georgias Graduation Coach
3Graduation Coach
- Develop relationships with students.
- Insure successful transitions.
- Promote home to school connections.
- Keep students focused on
- academic achievement.
- Monitor and motivate students to set and reach
career goals.
4Roles of a Graduation Coach
society pressures
social issues
school board
credit recovery
technical schools
alternative programs
5Necessity is the Mother of All Invention Part 2
- Why did Calcasieu Parish decide to sustain and
expand the graduation coach program once the LCB
mandate was completed? - The same needs existed in the non-LCB student
population. - Growing focus on the reduction of dropouts and
growth of graduation rates. - Measureable success.
- Compatibility with district-wide intervention
6Failure is NOT an OptionCPSB High School RTI
- The graduation coach is not a silver bullet
solution. - In CPSB High Schools there are multiple Failure
is Not an Option components to address RTI. - Freshman Academy
- Grade Recovery
- Credit Recovery
- Adopt a Senior
- ZAP (Zeros arent permitted)
- PBS (Positive Behavior Support)
- Reading Programs
- Distance Learning
- Acceleration of new credit opportunities
7Calcasieu Parish High SchoolsTwo Consecutive
Years of Significant Growth2007-2008 and
- Calcasieu Parish High School Testing Two
Consecutive Years - Increased the Composite GEE Score (State
Accountability - 10th /11th grades) - Increased the Composite iLeap Score (State
Accountability - 9th grade) - Increased both ELA and Math Proficiency (NCLB
-10th grade) - Calcasieu Parish Graduation Index Indicators (All
grades) - Increased the percentage of graduates
- Increased the percentage of GED graduates
- Increased the number of Industrial Based
Certifications - Increased the number of Academic/CTE Endorsements
- Increased number of AP courses and credits earned
- Increased number of Dual Enrollment courses and
credits earned - Decreased dropout percentage
- Decreased percentage of seniors not completing
during the senior year - Decreased percentage of high school course
failures at all grade levels
8Raise Course Pass Rate Raise Test Scores
Increase Diploma Track Graduation Rate
- 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
- Course Pass Rate (9-12) 87.2 90.3
- GEE Index (10th/11th) 87.1 88.1 92.5
- iLeap Index (9th) 83.0
86.8 90.8 - Senior Graduation Rate 93.3
94.9 95.4 - (October 1 Seniors)
9Target AudienceforGraduation Coaches
- Administration and counselors provide all
students with many service. - Graduation coaches focus specialized services on
a target audience. - The target audience may vary based on school
needs but generally focuses on potential dropouts
and student not likely to graduate on-time (4
year graduation rate).
10Graduation Coach
- Graduation Coach is a full-time and/or
part-time job opportunity for secondary certified
CPSB high school employees with 5 or more years
of successful teaching experience. -
- Initial training was provided by the Georgia
State Department of Education. Current training
provided locally. - There are five Graduation Coaches in Calcasieu
Parish. (Barbe, Sulphur, Iowa, LaGrange,
Washington-Marion Magnet.) - Locally funded initiative.
11Transition Monitoring
- Monitor social and system transitions.
- Meet with targeted students to verify system
services such as bus transportation, class
scheduling, student involvement, student access
to school activities and student availability to
material resources. - Inform school administration and counselors of
systemic issues. - Meet with targeted students to explore social
issues and solutions. - Contact a parent/guardian as relates to
transitional issues.
12Attendance Monitoring
- Monitor attendance of targeted students.
- Report erratic or excessive absences to
administration and counselors. - Meet with students to explore and resolve
attendance issues. - Contact parent/guardians as relates to attendance
13Achievement Monitoring
- Monitor classroom performance of students.
- Facilitate academic support system of tutoring,
reading programs and credit recovery. - Facilitate meetings with all stakeholders.
- Maintain contact with parent/guardian as relates
to classroom achievement issues.
14Plan for the Future
- Verify the five year plan for each targeted
student. - Conduct periodic reviews of career goals with
targeted students. - Utilize resources such as E-Portal and course
offerings to expand the range of possibilities
for student and their plans. - Insure the student/parent has an understanding of
the students goal and the necessary steps to
achieve those goals.
15Common SenseStudent dont drop out when
- They see value in what they do at school.
- They consistently experience academic success.
- They feel school is safe and interesting.
- They are inspired and supported by adults and
peers. - They get to do things they enjoy.
- They believe they can make it.
16Grow Success Rather Than Reduce Failure
- Change from the neck up.
- Make objectives and goals positive.
- Be pro-active rather than reactive.
- Use the Graduation Index for Goal Setting.
17Focus on ImprovingPositive Steps
- Give students what they need.
- Core academic foundation before high school
- Structured/supportive transition into high
school. - Many curriculum pathways to success.
- Intervention opportunities at difficult times.
- Preparation for success beyond high school.
18Be Pro-activeMake Intervention a Positive
- On-going career exploration and planning
- Make learning (not tests) the focus
- Increase course passage rate
- Tiered Intervention/Recovery
- Early Warning Systems
- Freshman Academy Processes
- Alternative methods of instruction and assessment
- Electives that address student interest.
- Provide for challenging curriculum (AP and Dual
Enrollment) - Provide for acceleration (LCB Academy)
19Featured Calcasieu Schools
- LaGrange High School
- Judy Harrison, Counselor and Anya Miller,
Graduation Coach - Sulphur High School
- Jill Lockhart, Counselor and Nick Limberis,
Graduation Coach - Iowa High School
- Janis Genius, Counselor and Janet Manuel,
Graduation Coach
20LaGrange High SchoolGators
- Enrollment 1059
- Regular Education 860 (81)
- Special Education 199 (19)
- Free/Reduced Lunch 672 (63)
- Graduation Index 103.1
21Sulphur High SchoolGolden Tornado
- Enrollment 1867
- Regular Education 1625 (87)
- Special Education 242 (13)
- Free/Reduced Lunch 571 (31)
- Graduation Index 126.0
22Iowa High SchoolYellow Jackets
- Enrollment 568
- Regular Education 483 (85)
- Special Education 85 (15)
- Free/Reduced Lunch 294 (52)
- Graduation Index 113.3
23Please feel free to contact Calcasieu Parishfor
more information on the graduation coach program.
- Patrick Deaville, District Director of High
School Curriculum and Instruction - patrick.deaville_at_cpsb.org
- James Powers, District Supervisor of Counselors
- james.powers_at_cpsb.org
- Otto Strasburg, District Task Force Coordinator
- otto.strasburg_at_cpsb.org
- Anya Miller, LaGrange High Graduation Coach
- anya.miller_at_cpsb.org
- Judy Harrison, LaGrange High Counselor
- judy.harrison_at_cpsb.org
- Nick Limberis, Sulphur High Graduation Coach
- nick.limberis_at_cpsb.org
- Jill Lockhart, Sulphur High Counselor
- jill.lockhart_at_cpsb.org
- Janet Manuel, Iowa High Graduation Coach
- janet.manuel_at_cpsb.org
- Janis Genius, Iowa High Counselor
- janis.genisu_at_cpbs.org