Title: Pranav Anand, Caroline Andrews, Matthew Wagers
1Assessing the pragmatics of experiments with
crowdsourcing The case of scalar implicature
- Pranav Anand, Caroline Andrews, Matthew Wagers
University of California, Santa Cruz
2Experiments Pragmatic Processing
- Each of the critics reviewed some of the
movies. -
Case Study (Embedded) Implicatures
but not all ?
Depending on the study
evidence for EIs, with different response
- no evidence of EIs
Worry Are we adequately testing the influence
of methodologies on our data?
Worry How much do methodologies themselves
influence judgements?
Previous Limitation Lack of Subjects and Money
Crowd-sourcing addresses both problems
3Pragmatics of Experimental Situations
Evaluation Apprehension subjects know they are
being judged
Teleological Curiosity - Subjects hypothesizing
expected behavior, matching an ideal
Worry How much do methodologies themselves
influence judgements?
The experiment itself is part of the pragmatic
See Rosenthal Rosnow. (1975) The Volunteer
4Elements of Experimental Context
Protocol Social Context / Task Specification
Response Structure Response choices available
to the subject
e.g. True / False, Yes / No, 1-7 scale
Prompt the Question
directions for the Response Structure
Immediate Linguistic/Visual Context
Our Goal Explore variations of these elements
in a systematic way
Worry How much do methodologies themselves
influence judgements?
5Experimental Design
Is this an accurate description? Some of the
spices have red lids.
Linguistic Contexts All Relevant, All
Irrelevant, No Context
Experimental normal experiment instructions
Annotation checking the work of unaffiliated
4 Implicature Targets, 6 Some/All Controls, 20
6Experiment 1Social Context
Focus on Protocol Annotation vs Experiment
All Irrelevant No Story All-Relevant
Accuracy Prompt - Is this an accurate
Response Categories - Yes, No, Dont Know
Population Undergraduates
7Experiment 1Social Context
Finding Social context even when linguistic
context does not.
Linguistic Context No Effect
8Experiment 1Social Context
Finding Social context even when linguistic
context does not.
Lower SI rate for Annotation (plt0.05)
9Experiment 2Prompt Type
Accuracy Prompt - Is this an accurate
Response Categories - Yes, No, Dont Know
Informativity Prompt - How Informative is
this sentence?
Response Categories - Not Informative
Enough Informative Enough Too
Much Information False
Population Mechanical Turk Workers
Systematic Debriefing Survey
10Experiment 2Prompt Type
Effect for Prompt
11Experiment 2Prompt Type
Effect for Prompt (plt0.001)
Effect for Context (plt0.001)
12Experiment 2Prompt Type
Effect for Prompt (plt0.001)
Effect for Context (plt0.001)
Weak Interaction Prompt x Context (plt0.06)
13Experiment 2Prompt Type
No Effect for Protocol
14Experiment 2Prompt Type
Low SI rates overall
But the debriefing survey indicates that
(roughly) 70 of participants were aware of
some/all contrast
Turkers More sensitive to Linguistic
Context Less sensitive to changes in changes
in social context/ evaluation apprehension
Undergraduates More sensitive to Protocol
16Take Home Points
- Methodological variables should be explored
alongside conventional linguistic variables - Ideal models of these processes (cf. Schutze
1996) - Crowdsourcing allows for cheap/fast exploration
of parameter spaces - New Normal Dont guess, test.
- Controls, norming, confounding all testable
17A potential check on exuberance
- Undergraduates may be WEIRD, but crowdsourcing
engenders its own weirdness - High evaluation apprehension
- Uncontrolled backgrounds, skillsets, focus levels
- Unknown motivations
- Ignorance does not necessarily mean diversity
- This requires study if we rely on such
participants more
Heinrich et al. (2010) The Weirdest People in
the World? BBS
- Thanks Jaye Padgett and to the attendees of two
Semantics Lab presentations and the XPRAG
conference for their comments, to the HUGRA
committee for their generous award and support,
and thanks to Rosie Wilson-Briggs for stimuli