Title: Matthew Ledvina - Successful Fintech Startups in London
1Matthew Ledvina
USA Specialist Tax Advisor
- I am Matthew Ledvina
- I am here because I love to give presentations.
- You can find me at _at_ matthew_ledvina
3Matthew Ledvina - Representing Solid Artwork Topic
- Having worked with lawyers that held artwork,
Ledvina has developed a solid knowledge of the
topic therefore, this blog will look into the
business of lending and collecting art, art and
inheritance, and art as an asset.
- Bring the attention of your audience over a key
concept using Tax Advisor Finance Issues
5Matthew Ledvina - Areas of Expertise
- Matthew has vast experience in the process of
expatriation from the US, and his knowledge of
the subject saw media outlet Bloomberg
highlighting him in several things on the subject.
6Nowadays Matthew Ledvina Focusing Tax Matters
- At the instant, Matthew Ledvina still provides
some capital preservation strategy to help U.S.
cross-border families, focusing on border tax
optimization and continuation.
7(No Transcript)
8Contact Tax Advisor Matthew
Website https//www.matthewledvina.com/ Fa
cebook https//en-gb.facebook.com/matthew.led
vina.9 Twitter https//twitter.com/matth
ew_ledvina?langen Linkedin
Youtube https//www.youtube.com/channel/U
C9yNA9hXYY-7kleyQZocFlQ Instagram
Email matthew.ledvina_at_aerium.com
- You can find me at
- _at_ matthew_ledvina
- matthew.ledvina_at_aerium.com