1 The importance is not to win, but to
UQAC Logo Undated. In Google.com. On line.
mages/faculty/Hill_Dickie108x153.jpggt retrieved
2Jean-Paul Tremblaydit Médéric (19181999)
- He was professor of philosophy in a
- layman college at the end of his career.
- In his two first books, he wrote on earth
- realities with a philosophical approach
- which is the Christian foundation of the
- postmodern era in leisure.
- Médéric, P. (1961-1965). Loisir et loisirs.
Montréal Ministère de léducation, Service des
cours par correspondance 1961-1965, Vol. 1-2. - Tremblay, J.-P. (1983). Chrétiens autrement
Témoignage et Pronostic. Montréal Bellarmin. - Jean-Paul Tremblay Undated. Archives de
lévêché de Chicoutimi-Jean-Paul Tremblay.jpg.
retrieved 18/05/2012.
- 7-9 of June 2012
4- If I paraphrase Médéric
- what exactly are we doing here,
- you, professors leading experts in kinesiology,
physical - education or leisure studies, giving three full
days of your - time at this annual conference of your society
and - myself, lecturer at a French University in
Quebec, - who occupies his spare time for years to juggle
for practical - solutions applied in leisure and sport in order
to reduce the - impact factor of the mental health issues.
Question I ask - like Médéric has already done around the sixties
- Are we at work or are we at leisure?
5Dickie Hill
- Spiritual Walk
- If the issue under consideration is one that
will determine where eternity is spent, then you
must hold strongly to the teaching of Jesus. If
it is not a salvation issue, you should be
willing to listen to others and react in love.
Sometimes the greatest love you can show for your
brothers and sisters is to be flexible with your
views and practices. Holding onto traditions can
be a barrier to winning souls for Christ (Hill,
2006, p. 111).
Hill, D. (2006). Walking with God Spiritually
and Spiritually. Abelene Coach Book
Company. Dickie Hill Undated. In Google.com. On
line. lthttp//www.acu.edu/academics/cehs/programs/
retrieved 31/05/2012.
6Jean-Paul Desbiens (1927-2006)
- One of the authors of the Quiet Revolution in the
Province of Québec (Canada). - In his famous work Les insolences dun Frère
Untel (1960 1988), he affirms firmly My texts
are action Mes textes sont des actions, p. 30).
I think that it would be necessary to close the
Public Instruction office during two years, at
least, and move away all the personnel teaching
at school. The crisis of all teaching, and
specifically the Quebecer teaching system, its a
teachers crisis. The teachers know nothing. And
they know badly (my translation).
Desbiens, J.-P. (1960 1988). Les insolences du
FRÈRE UNTEL. Montréal De LHomme.
Jean-Paul Desbiens 2009. In Google.com. On
line. lthttp//www.lexpress.to/archives/671/gt
retrieved 18/05/2012.
7It must be mentioned that most of the authors
in this present lecture are phenomenologists.
8The Dimension of Homo Faber
9Karl Marx (1818-1883)
The relation of the worker to his own activity,
as a foreign activity, does not belong to him.
This activity is passiveness, the working force
is powerlessness, procreation which is
castration. This physical and intellectual energy
of the worker, his personal life - for what is
life without activity? - which is transformed
into activity directed against himself,
independently from him, not belonging to him. It
is the alienation of the self as, earlier
mentioned, the alienation of the thing (Marx,
1844 1996, p. 25, my translation). WHY? Beca
use most workers do not realize deeply the telos
of their action !
- Marx, K./Gougeon, J.-P. trad. (1844 1996).
Manuscrits de 1884. Paris Flammarion. - Karl Marx 1882. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
10Paul Lafargue (1842-1911)
A strange delusion possesses the working classes
of the nations where capitalist civilization
prevails. This madness brings in its train the
individual and social woes which for centuries
tortured sad humanity. This madness is the love
of work, the furious passion for work, pushed to
exhaustion of the vital forces of the individual
and his progeny. Instead of reacting against this
mental aberration, the priests, economists,
moralists have sacro-sanctified work. ... In
capitalist society, labor is the cause of all
intellectual degeneracy, of all organic
deformity (Lafargue, 1883 1994, p. 11, my
- Lafargue, P. (1883 1994). Le droit à la
paresse. Turin Mille et une nuits. In Google.
On line. http//static.decitre.fr/media/catalog/pr
retrieved 31/05/2012. - Paul and Laura Lafargue Undated. In Google.com.
On line. lthttp//www.dugarun.de/blog/wp-content/up
loads/2009/01/paul-laura.jpggt retrieved 27/05/
11Max Weber (1864-1920)
We call sociology a science which proposes
comprehension by an understanding (bedeutendes
Verstehen) of social activity, and thereby
explain the causality of its progress and
effects (In Ricoeur, 2000 2001, p. 156, my
translation). Weber (1904-1905 1964
1917/1919 1959) explains largely the nihilism
concept of disenchantment and its consequences
of the world caused by gods polytheists. There
is an importance factor to resist in front of
such nihilism started by atheism view points (In
Ricoeur 1996 2001). Not to intervene, is
still to intervene (In Ricoeur, 2000 2001, p.
157, my translation).
Weber, M./Chavy, J. trad. (1904-1905 1964).
Léthique protestante et lesprit du capitaliste.
Paris Plon. Weber, M./Freund, J. trad./Aron, R.
intro. (1917-1919 1959). Le savant et le
politique. Paris Plon. Ricoeur, P. (2000
2001). Les catégories fondamentales de la
sociologie de Max Weber. In Le Juste 2, Paris
Esprit. Ricoeur, P. (1996 2001). Les Promesses
du monde philosophie de Max Weber de Pierre
Bouretz/Préface. In Le Juste 2, Paris
Esprit. Max Weber Undated. In Google.com. On
line. lthttp//t2.gstatic.com/images?qtbnANd9GcQE
retrieved 27/05/2012.
12Ed Andrew
- Disclosing the Iron Cage
- A transformation of production which would
- make possible a commitment to work by the bulk
- of producers may be the only means available of
relieving leisure from the expectation that it
too should be made socially productive. ...
Such a transformation of production would
certainly provide the ruling classes of
contemporary societies with more leisure time.
Perhaps even the leisurists, who wish to assume
executive and clerical responsibility in our
civilization of leisure, might even experience
what they are so busy writing about. Leisure, in
short, would cease to be regarded as a problem. - - Andrew, 1981, p. 183.
Andrew, E. (1981). Closing the Iron Cage The
Scientific Management of Work and Leisure.
Montreal Black Rose Books.
13Alain Caillé (1944-)
The Tierce Paradigm Anthropology of Giving
- donations should be seen as symbols
(Caillé, 2000 2007, p. 183, my translation) - the symbol is a seal (Caillé, 2000 2007,
p. 204, my translation). - it is surprising that most ethnologists
were not inclined by theology - discourses because they would have found the
Christlike symbol - (Caillé, 2000 2007, p. 84, my translation).
- The symbols have sense, they give to think
- (Caillé, 2000 2007, p. 209, my translation).
- The symbols are signs of the signs, the
relations of relations between signs - (Caillé, 2000 2007, p. 209, my
Caillé, A. (2000 2007). Anthropologie du don
Le tiers paradigme. Paris Desclée de Brouwer/La
découverte. Godbout, J. T./Caillé, A. en coll.
(1992). Lesprit du don. Montmagny
Boréal. Alain Caillé Undated. In Google.com. On
line. lthttp//www.apeas.fr/IMG/png/alain_caille-2.
pnggt retrieved 27/05/2012.
14The Dimension of Homo Religiosus
15Émile Durkheim (1858-1917)
- Description of the Experience of the
- Sacred Among Primitive Peoples
- through the achievement of exalted state,
the man does know himself. Feeling dominated,
driven by a kind of power outside the fact that
he is thinking and acting differently than normal
time, he naturally has the impression of not
being himself. He seems to have become a new
being. ... It is as if he was actually
transported in a special world, entirely
different from where he usually lives in an
environment peopled by exceptionally intense
forces that invade and transform (Durkheim, 1912
1968, p. 312, my translation).
- Durkheim, É. (1912 1968). Les formes
élémentaires de la vie religieuse le système
totémique en Australie. Paris PUF. - Émile Durkheim Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
16Marcel Mauss (1872-1950)
Mauss is considered by many of his peers as the
Father of French Anthropology. He is, at the same
time, both a famous and unknown
scientist. Prayer is a religious rite, oral,
relating to sacred matters (Mauss, 1909, p. 43,
my translation). So we adopt as a principle of
our lives what has always been a principle and
always will be, out of self, giving freely and
compulsorily we do not risk to be wrong (Mauss,
1923-1924, p. 95, my translation).
Mauss, M. (1909 2002). La prière. Paris Félix
Alcan/UQAC Scanned document by J.-M. Tremblay.
l/oeuvres_1/oeuvres_1_4/Mauss_la_priere.pdfgt. Maus
s, M. (1923-1924 2002). Essai sur le don. Forme
et raison de léchange dans les sociétés
archaïques (1902-1903). Paris PUF/UQAC
Scanned document by J.-M. Tremblay.
e_don.pdfgt. Mauss, M. (1926 2002). Manuel
dethnographie. Paris Sociales/UQAC Scanned
document by J.-M. Tremblay. lthttp//classiques.u
e/manuel_ethnographie.pdfgt. Marcel Mauss
Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 29/05/2012.
17Henri Bergson (1859-1941)
Humanity groans, half-crushed under the weight
of the progress she has made. She does not know
enough that the future depends on it. Humanity
should see at first if she wants to continue to
live. To wonder if she wants to live only, or
provide an additional effort required for
self-fulfillment, even in our refractory planet,
the essential function of the universe, which is
a clock to create gods (Bergson, 1932, p. 338,
my translation). We emphasize humor down
lower and lower inside the evil that is while
irony is defined as the image of well-being that
should be this is why irony may warm-up
internally until becoming in sort of way,
eloquence under pressure(Bergson, 1940 1989,
p. 97, my translation).
Bergson, H. (1932 1988). Les deux sources de la
morale et de la religion. Paris PUF. Bergson,
H. (1940 1989). Le rire Essai sur la
signification du comique. Paris PUF. Henri
Bergson Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
18Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962)
The philosophy of no is not a will of negation.
She does not proceed from a spirit of
contradiction who contradicting evidence without
proofs, which raises subtlety of evasive
language. She does not run away any systematic
rule. Quite the reverse, she is faithful to rules
within a system of rules. She does not accept
internal contradiction. She does not deny
anything, anytime, anyhow. This is at
well-defined joints that she brings alive the
inductive movement that characterizes her well
and determines therefore a reorganization of
knowledge on a broader foundation (Bachelard,
1940 2008, p. 135, my translation).
Bachelard, G. (1934 2006). Le nouvel esprit
scientifique. Paris PUF. Bachelard, G. (1938
2004). La formation de lesprit scientifique
Contribution à la psychanalyse de la
connaissance. Paris Vrin. Bachelard, G. (1940
2008). La philosophie du non. Essai dune
philosophie du Nouvel esprit scientifique. Paris
PUF. Bachelard, G. (1961 1984). La flamme
dune chandelle. Paris PUF. Gaston Bachelard
Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012. .
19Roger Caillois (1913-1978)
First, play is a luxury activity that implies
leisure. Hungry men and women do not. Secondly,
as there is no constraint, play is maintained
only by the pleasure everyone takes on it, it
remains subject for boredom, satiety or simple
change of mood. ... In short, play relies on
pleasure by itself likely to overcome obstacles
throughout its unfortunately agonistic nature,
but an arbitrary barrier, almost ficticious made
at the measure of players and accepted by them.
Reality does not have delicacy. At this point is
the main flaw of play, but it is its own nature
and without it play would be also devoid of its
fertility (Caillois, 1967, p. xv, my
Caillois, R. (1950). Lhomme et le sacré. Paris
Gallimard. Caillois, R. (1958). Les jeux et les
hommes. Paris Gallimard. Caillois, R. (1967).
Jeux et sports. Paris Gallimard. Roger
Caillois Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 31/05/2012. .
20Claude Lévy-Strauss (1908-2009)
Mankind is constantly faced with two
contradictory processes which seeks to maintain
or restore diversification while the other seeks
to establish unification (Lévi-Strauss, 1952
1987, p. 84, my translation). To progress,
humans must work in collaboration, and during
such collaboration, they see themselves gradually
identifying to such contributions which the
initial diversity was precisely what made their
collaboration necessary and fruitful
(Lévi-Strauss, 1952 1987. p. 82-83, my
Lévi-Strauss, C. (1958). Anthropologie
structurale. Paris Plon. Lévi-Strauss, C. (1952
1987). Race et histoire. Paris Denoël.
Claude Lévi-Strauss Undated, In Google.com. On
line. lthttp//t1.gstatic.com/images?qtbnANd9GcSu
retrieved 30/05/2012.
21Hugo Rahner s.j. (1900-1968)
- But, as we explained when dealing with the
passions, the soul finds its repose in pleasure.
Therefore, as a remedy, drawing the mind away for
time from its absorption in thought. So we read
in the Conferences of the Fathers that some were
scandalized to find the Apostle John playing with
his followers. John told one of them, who was
carrying a bow, to draw an arrow he did this
several times and John then asked whether he
could keep on doing it without interruption the
reply was that the bow would break in the end.
John therefore argued that mans mind would also
break if the tension were never relaxed (Rahner,
1964 1967, p. 102).
- Rahner, H. (1964 1967). Man at Play. US/New
York Burns and Oates/Herder and Herder.
22David L. Miller
- ? Eranos circle member
- David L. Miller is the Watson-Ledden Professor of
Religion, Emeritus, at Syracuse University. - Play is the Ultimate seriousness (Miller, 1970,
p. 6). - Therapeia Purposelessness is the Highest
Purpose (Miller, 1970, p. 150). - Therapy is all these things and all these
things are elements of play. Thus we may say that
the psychological function of the emergent mythos
of play may be referred to as therapeia
(Miller, 1970, p. 150).
Miller, D. L. (1969). Gods and Games. USA/Canada
The World Publishing Company/Nelson, Foster
Scott Ltd. David L. Miller Undated. In
Google.com. On line. lt http//dlmiller.mysite.syr.
edu/dlmcv.htm gt retrieved 27/05/2012.
23Peter L. Berger (1929- )
The intentionality of play is fun and joy. When
this intentionality is actually realized, when
play is a source of joy, the temporal structure
of the universe of play is a special quality - it
becomes eternity (Berger, 1969 1971, p.
95). Humor is a sign of transcendence - it
takes the form of a quiet call to redemption. So
we can see the humor, as in childhood and play, a
call to the religious justification of ultimate
joy (Berger, 1969 1971, p. 112).
Berger, P. L. (1971). La religion dans la
conscience moderne. Paris Centurion. Berger, P.
L. (1969 1972). La rumeur de Dieu signes
actuels du surnaturel A Rumor of Angels, Modern
Society and the Rediscovery ao the Supernatural.
Paris Centurion. Berger, P. L. (c2001). Le
réenchantement du monde. Paris Bayard. Peter L
Berger Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
24Edgar Morin (1921- )
- Morin develop the meta-theory of the complex
mind. - Ethic faith is love. But it is an ethical duty
to save the rationality at the heart of love. The
love relationship/rationality must be ying yang,
always related to one another and it still
contains the other in the original state. This
love teaches us to resist the cruelty of the
world, it teaches us to accept/reject this world.
Love is courage. It allows us to live with
uncertainty and anxiety. There is a cure for
anxiety, it is the answer to death, it is the
consolation. Lets say also and above all
all love is medicine. The love medicine says
love to live, live to love. Love the fragile and
the vulnerable, because the most precious, the
better, including consciousness, including
beauty, including the soul, are fragile and
vulnerable (Morin, 2004, p. 259, my
- Morin, E. (1964). Préface, In Riesman, D. La
foule solitaire anatomie de la société moderne.
Paris Arthaud. - Morin, E. (2004). La méthode (6) Ethique. Paris
Seuil. - Edgar Morin Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
25Gilbert Durand (1921- )
Some Characteristics of Homo Symbolicus ?
Eranos Circle member The symbol is a call for
freedom who created meaning of existence. The
symbol is poetic of transcendence (Durand,
1964, p. 39, my translation). gives to dream
and he suggests to think (Durand, 1984, p. 84,
my translation). is worth only by
himself/herself (Durand, 1984, p. 96, my
translation). is a sense of perceptual
sensation (Durand,1964, p. 63, my translation).
Durand, G. (1964 2008). Limagination
symbolique. Paris PUF. Durand, G. (1984). La
foi du cordonnier. Paris Denoël. Durand, G.
(1969 1992). Les structures anthropologiques de
limaginaire. Paris Dunod/Bordas. Gilbert
Durand Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
26Jürgen Moltman (1926- )
Gods future is already now, but at the same
time it is not yet (Moltmann, 1964 1970, p.
246, my translation). The Christian
eschatology deploys a vast horizon of hope for
the transformative initiative of faith in the
world. Through faith and its concrete tasks, the
renewal of the world is somehow to anticipate
reality in the present time Vatican II, since
faith views the anticipation of the renewal of
the world operate by God in Christ crucified
(Moltmann, 1964 1970, p. 278, my translation).
Moltmann, J. (1964 1970). Théologie de
lespérance. Paris Cerf Mame. Moltmann, J.
(1971 1977). Le Seigneur de la danse. Paris
Cerf-Mame. Moltmann, J. (1985 1988). Dieu dans
la Création. Paris Cerf. Moltmann, J. (1989
1993). Jésus, le Messie de Dieu. Paris
Cerf. Jürgen Moltmann Undated. In Google.com.
On line. lthttp//t0.gstatic.com/images?qtbnANd9G
D gt retrieved 27/05/2012.
27Fernand Dumont (1927-1997)
The wish to speak of God must be worried about
the margin between the Transcendence without
name and the names that we give into our prayer,
and in our life on Him who, near, must remain
elusive (Dumont, 1987, p. 208, my translation).
- Dumont, F. (1987). Linstitution de la théologie
Essai sur la situation du théologien. Montréal
Fides. - Dumont, F. (1995). Raisons communes. Montréal
28Guy Rocher (1924- )
- Open letter to Le Devoir-The Duty dated April 11,
2012 - By Guy Rocher, Professor Emeritus, Sociology,
University of Montreal - Yvan Perrier, Professor, Political Science,
College du Vieux Montréal - we could never achieve what is possible in the
world if we - had not always and constantly attacked the
impossible - (Weber, 1917-1919 1959), p. 200).
- The elimination of tuition fees at the
university, is it realistic or not? - During the work of the Parent Commission 46
years ago, many voices in favor of free tuition
at all levels of education were heard. - Free university is not an utopia. It was the
objective in long term by members of the
Parent Commission. This is a societal choice, a
political choice to be more precise, which would
cost around 1 of the governments budget. - They believe that the elimination of tuition
fees should be considered as a measure to
establish not in a long term approach but rather
in short term.
Rocher, F. (2010). Guy Rocher Entretiens.
Montréal Boréal. Weber, M./Freund , J.
trad./Aron, R. intro. (1917-1919 1959). Le
savant et le politique The Scientist and the
Politics. Paris Plon. Guy Rocher, Le
Devoir-The Duty 2012. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
29200,000 fois entendez-nous 200,000 times
listens to us
Une image vaut mille mots A picture is worth a
thousand words
- Lisa-Marie Gervais, Le Devoir-The Duty 2012. In
Google.com. On line. lthttp//www.ledevoir.com/soci
Retrieved 8/06/2012. - Marco Bélair-Cirino, Le Devoir-The Duty 2012.
In Google.com. On line. lthttp//www.ledevoir.com/s
fond-de-crisegt. Retrieved 08/06/2012.
30Jacques GrandMaison (1931- )
- In the work La part des Aînés (1995, p. 338
355, my translation) - GrandMaison concluded A New Intergenerationnel A
lliance saying - ? If you are not part of the solution, you are
part of the problem - Si vous ne faites pas partie de la
solution, vous faites partie du - problème.
- ? We are that we survive
Nous sommes ce qui nous survit.
- GranDMaison, J. (1992). Le drame spirituel des
adolescents Profils sociaux et religieux.
Montréal Fides, Cahiers dÉtudes pastorales,
10. - GrandMaison, J. (1993). Vers un nouveau conflits
des générations Profils sociaux et religieux
des 20-35. Montréal Fides, 11. - GrandMaison, J. et Lefebvre, S. dir. (1994). Une
génération bouc émissaires Enquête sur les
baby-boomers. Fides, Cahier détudes pastorales,
12. - GrandMaison, J. et Lefebvre, S. dir. (1995). La
part des aînés. Montréal Fides, Cahier détudes
pastorales, 13. - Jacques GrandMaison Undated. In Google.com. On
line. lt http//www.125.umontreal.ca/images/pionnie
rs/Grand-Maison2.jpggt retrieved 27/05/2012.
31Jean-Jacques Wunenburger (1946- )
- Television images become an artificial eye that
crosses the barriers of time and space, but also
fears, pains and aches proper to an authentic
life inevitable if we were present at the
heart of the event. ... Sacred images thus
become some kind of fantasy as a liberation
instrument of our prison body, projecting us into
a sphere of representation in which we access in
a panvision (Wunenburger, 2003 2006, p. 118,
119, my translation).
Wunenburger, J.-J. (2003 2006). Limaginaire.
Paris PUF, Que sais-je ? Jean-Jacques
Wunenburger Undated. In Google.com. On line.
unenburger_1317891206076.jpggt retrieved
32Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005)
- He has covered and discussed
- several philosophical thematics
- Cogito brisé
- Seconde naïveté
- Écritures bibliques
- Espérance
- Homme capable
- Juste
- Métaphore vive
- Phénoménologie
- Temps raconté
Ricoeur, P./Amherdt, F.-X.,(2001).
Lherméneutique biblique. Paris Cerf. Paul
Ricoeur Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
33The Dimension of Homo Ludens
34Claude Ryan (1925-2004)
- I also remember the priests Provencher
homilies. On the occasion of the carnival, and
many meetings they were very animated. Card games
that accompanied these meetings lasted late into
the night. There was betting using barrels of
apples as bargaining chips. They were sometimes
abused of alcohol. The day after these holidays,
Father Provencher appeared to be informed and
fulminated from the top of the flesh against the
abuse he had heard the story. The memory of these
severe homilies in my childs mind again
illustrates the great influence which the clergy
exercised at the time of the morals and
mentalities (Ryan, 1989, my translation).
Ryan, C. (1989). Lettre sur les souvenirs à
Dolbeau. Société dhistoire et de généalogie
Maria-Chapdeleine. Action Catholique canadienne
(1961). Voies nouvelles du loisir Études en
marge du programme daction 1961-1962. Montréal
Action Catholique canadienne. Claude Ryan
Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 29/05/2012.
35Joffre Dumazedier (1915-2002)
It is often repeated, Max Webers words about
the disenchantment of the world with massive
regression of traditional religious beliefs, but
are we assisting somehow to the development of
festive leisure or intimacy, mythologies
associated with celebrities and the major sports
or musical celebrations of intense collective
emotion to a new re-enchantment of the world
apparently compatible for a few with the
traditional religious charm and enthusiasm of the
politico-ideological activism? (Dumazedier,
1993, p. 378, my translation).
- Dumazedier, J. (1962). Vers une civilisation du
loisir ? Paris Seuil. - Dumazedier, J. (1993). Temps libre et Modernité
mélanges en lhonneur de Joffre Dumazedier. Paris
Harmattan. - Joffre Dumazedier 2002. Le monde du loisir est
en deuil. Agora Forum, 25(4).
36Éric Volant (1926- )
- By homo faber, we understand men and women whose
essence of existence is determined by work
function as production process. By homo ludens,
we understand men and women whose essence of
existence is determined by play as creative
process. The whole life of homo faber takes place
under the sign of struggle for existence and
necessity. Life of homo ludens is marked by the
gratuity and liberty. He is identified by joy and
happiness (Volant, 1976, p. 15, my translation).
Volant, É. (1976). Le Jeu des Affranchis
Confrontation Marcuse-Moltmann. Montréal Fides.
Héritage et Projet, 18. Éric Volant Undated. In
Google.com. On line. lthttp//profile.ak.fbcdn.net/
retrieved 27/05/2012.
37Rolland Dufour (1925-2002)
- Leisure, which seems trivial at first glance, is
an act that is lived 'religiously' since it is
the wonderful time, wonderful, sacred (Dufour,
1980, p. 22, my translation).
The world has become secularized, however it
does not desecrate. The ancient myths are
repressed, degraded but not destroyed.
Contemporary men and women are not less religious
than their ancestors, even if they are otherwise.
They evacuated the institutionalized religions,
but founded new ones with a hundred faces
(Dufour, 1980, last cover, my translation).
- Dufour, R. (1980). Mythologie du week-end. Paris
Cerf. - Rolland Dufour Archives de lévêché de
Chicoutimi-RollandDufour.jpg. retrieved
38Michel Bellefleur (1939-2012)
... Leisure fits easily in life drives
polarized by freedom and hedonism used wisely,
brightly, and if necessary, critical judgment. At
its best, it is as a seed and creative potential
inserted into a life-project that everyone is
responsible for creativity in its own way
depending on the values ?that give meaning to
his/her life, both individual and social, as long
as it last (Bellefleur, 2002, p. 188, my
Bellefleur, M. (1986). Léglise et le loisir au
Québec avant la Révolution tranquille. Québec
PUQ. Bellefleur, M. (1997). Lévolution du loisir
au Québec Essai sociohistorique. Sainte-Foy
PUQ. Bellefleur, M. (2002). Le loisir
contemporain essai de philosophie sociale.
Sainte-Foy PUQ. Michel Bellefleur Undated. In
Google.com. On line. lthttp//www.complexefunerair
efortin.ca/photos/MBELLEFLEUR.jpggt retrieved
39Pierre Ouellette
- Ph. D. Théologie (Université Laval, 2007)
- Ph. D. Leisure Studies (New York University,
1985 ) - M. S. Leisure Services and Studies (Florida
State - University, 1979)
- Doctoral Thesis
- Regard bénédictin sur le bonheur, le
- vieillissement et le loisir contemplatif
The appearance of contemplative leisure is
unproductive, without any excessive competition.
It is the capacity to play cards without wanting
to win at all costs. It is holding a telephone
conversation with a great sense of listening. In
nature, it is to live the present moment and
marvel at the greatness of Creation. In an
associative movement, it is to make way to
another in a spirit of brotherhood. It is also
the spiritual writings in a meditative way. In
short, it is to acquiesce to the dictates of holy
leisure leaving room for rest, relaxation,
celebration and contemplation (Ouellette, Snyder
et Carette, 2011, p. 40, my translation).
Photograph by Dr Pierre Ouellette. Ouellette, P.
Snyder, P. et Carette, R. (2011). Lapplication
de la spiritualité bénédictine au loisir des
personnes âgées un modèle théorique du Bonheur
spirituel. Studies in Religion/Sciences
Religieuses, 40(1) 2144.
40Jean-Claude Pageot
- M.A. and Ph. D. in Leisure and Gerontology
- (University of Southern California, 1970 1972)
- Masters Thesis
- The Needs of Seniors at Culver City
- Doctoral Thesis
- Factors influencing leisure among elderly
people - Directeur du Département des sciences du
loisir - (1990-2001)
Daring to explore the spirituality of leisure
at a time when a person is seen if it behaves as
if the spiritual does not exist is a little to
go against the movement
Pageot (2007, Préface, my translation).
- Pageot, J.-C. (1989). Vieillesse et démence. Acte
du huitième colloque de lassociation québécoise
de gérontologie dans le cadre du cinquantième
congrès de lACFAS, mai 1987. Montréal
Méridien. - Photograph by Dr Jean-Claude Pageot.
- Deschênes, G./Préface, Pageot, J. (2007). Le
loisir une quête de sens Essai de théologie
pratique. Québec PUL.
41Pierre Demers
- Sociologie de léducation physique, Ph. D.
- (University of Southern California, 1974)
Humanistic Development Viewpoint If someone
tells you that you are not good, you may believe
it. The opposite is also true, because if you are
told you are good, you might also like to
believe. So why risk anything with youth. Tell
them they are good. They might believe and become
good (Demers, 2010, p. 146, my translation).
- Demers, P. (2010). Lhumanité de lobscurité à
la lumière léducation pour rendre le pouvoir à
lêtre humain. Sainte-Foy PUQ. - Demers, P. (2008). Élever la conscience humaine
par léducation. Sainte-Foy PUQ. - Photograph by Dr Pierre Demers.
42John R. Kelly
- The fundamental aim of public recreation
provisions for the acutely vulnerable is
facilitation. It is not to provide for such
people, deliver to them, or develop programs for
them. It is to provide the opportunities for them
to develop their own lives and leisure. It is to
facilitate leisure with all the personal freedom
and variety that is possible. This means that
enabling rather than delivery is the central
concept. Sometimes people can be assisted in
gaining the skills to join in ongoing leisure
that is attractive to them. Sometimes access to
that ongoing leisure can be made more inclusive.
Sometimes special provisions essence of enabling
approach is in developing the autonomy of the
individual whose real options are increased in
the process (Kelly, 1996, p. 401).
- Kelly, J. R. (1996). Leisure. Boston Toronto
Allyn and Bacon, 3rd Ed. - Kelly, J. R. (1987). Freedom to be A New
Sociology of Leisure. New York Macmillan
Publishing Company, p. 229.
43Jean Guitton (1901-1999)
Simone Weil retransmit to us this message with
her experiences authority If we try with real
attention in solving a geometry problem, and if,
after one hour, we are not more advanced than
beginning, it has nevertheless been advanced
during each minute of that hour in an another
more mysterious dimension. Without feelings,
without knowing, that effort apparently sterile
and fruitless put more light in the soul. The
fruit will end one day, later, in prayer. It
probably also find in any field of intelligence,
perhaps quite foreign to mathematics ... An
Eskimo tale explains thus the origin of light
The raven that, in eternal night, could not find
food, desired light and lit up the earth. If
there is really desire, if the object of desire
is really the light, the desire of light will
create light (In Guitton, 1986, p. 177, my
translation). Given that, formula of geometry
problems, which is also applicable to the problem
of men and women and the use of time What is
given to you right now, accept it, improve it,
deepened it. Then you will live (Guitton, 1986,
p. 178, my translation).
- Guitton, J. (1986). Le travail intellectuel
conseils à ceux qui étudient et à ceux qui
écrivent. Paris Aubier. - Jean Guitton Undated. In Google.com. On line.
retrieved 27/05/2012.
44Special thanks toMrs Mélanie Grenon
(chargée de projet informatique et
technologique), and Mrs Nadia Villeneuve
(spécialiste en moyens et techniques
d'enseignement)for their precious technical
advices and revision of this informatic