AMST 3100 The 1960s The Psychedelic Movement Part 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AMST 3100 The 1960s The Psychedelic Movement Part 2


Ultimately, thousands of people showed up at these parties, which were becoming famous. ... Their eagerness was matched by Washington politicians. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: AMST 3100 The 1960s The Psychedelic Movement Part 2

AMST 3100 The 1960sThe Psychedelic MovementPart
  • Powerpoint 7
  • Read the web notes by Owsley On Psychedelics for
    an editorial by one of the persons who made acid
    so available during the 1960s.
  • Primary source is Jay Stevens, Storming Heaven
    LSD and the American Dream, 1998

LSD and the Beats
  • The Beats were hip. They excelled at producing
    existential vaudeville theater experiences that
    were surreal.
  • The Beats loved absurdity.
  • In doing so, they were morphing into what would
    later be called hippies.
  • A distinguishing feature of the hippies was the
    presentation of the absurd self.
  • It was the emerging fashion to push things to
    their extreme, including all kinds of sexual and
    drug experimentation, and this became a hallmark
    of the 1960s counterculture.

Neal Cassady and Jack Kerouac. Cassady was the
living display of sublime absurdity, and Kerouac
a bit more socially restrained really admired
Timothy Leary as Advocate
  • Leary was a product of the 1950s backlash
    movement called humanistic psychology.
  • It was time to ask what made people healthy not
    just what made them sick.
  • Learys humanism led him to have contempt for the
    Organization Man conformity of that era.
  • When he discovered psychedelic drugs for himself
    in 1960 he felt that he had discovered a tool to
    unleash the intuitive mind and to experience
    profound transformations.
  • And he couldnt wait to share his discovery.

Timothy Leary, 1963.
Timothy Leary as Advocate
  • Leary experimented with psychedelic drugs at
    Harvard, using his students as assistants.
  • Their first experiment was to give psilocybin to
    175 people in a naturalistic study.
  • Over 50 of the participants claimed the
    experience taught them something about
    themselves, and 90 wanted to try it again.
  • By 1961 it was less clear whether Leary was
    running a scientific experiment or whether he was
    trying to start a cultural revolution.
  • By 1962 Leary was experimenting with LSD. If
    psilocybin was all about love, LSD was all about
    death and rebirth. It was much more powerful.

Dr. Timothy Leary at Harvard.
Leary, Huxley, and Ginsberg
  • Leary and Huxley exchanged enthusiastic
    correspondence over Learys research.
  • They discussed the proper strategy to introduce
    mind expansion to a culture of Organization Men.
  • Huxley argued that they should turn on artistic,
    intellectual and economic elites, and Leary
    initially agreed.
  • However, after listening to Allen Ginsberg, Leary
    would later shift toward making LSD available to
    a wider array of people.
  • Ginsberg stressed that it should be up to the
    individual and that everyone, not just elites,
    should have access to LSD. Ginsberg was an
  • By turning everyone on, they would generate a
    snowball effect of mass change.

Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, and Ralph Metzner
at Millbrook, 1966.
LSD Spreads Across the Popular Culture
  • Eventually psychedelic drug use spread across
    different groups, including the wealthy and the
    avant-garde, who mingled at the same drug parties
    that Beats, artists, and intellectuals attended.
  • Note the motivations for drug use varied by the
    group. Some took the drugs mainly for pleasure
    purposes while others took them for spiritual
    growth purposes.
  • Gradually the West Coast parties began to
    emphasize the pleasure purposes.
  • This was not a problem for Timothy Leary, who
    felt that American culture was too rigid and
    sexually hung-up. Leary believed pleasure and
    spirituality were linked.

Social Change
  • At the core of the egalitarian philosophy was
    that true social change begins from the bottom
    among the masses - and moves up to the elite.
    This view opposes the more elitist view that
    change must stem from elites and their
    institutions, and the masses will follow.
  • The problem with the egalitarian approach was
    that by giving everyone access to acid, there
    would be many casualties.
  • This debate relates to a deeper debate
  • The most important debate within the
    counterculture involved whether to place the
    emphasis upon Nirvana or Utopia as the primary
    goal of The Movement.

Utopia Visionaries
Nirvana Visionary
Personal Politics versus Institutional Politics
  • The 1960s protestors felt that both personal
    (psychological) and institutional (social
    structural) changes were needed, but which was
    more important making people at peace with
    themselves or making institutions more
  • Hippies and Radicals were split on this issue.
  • Hippies favored a personal-change emphasis, with
    LSD as the tool for personal introspection. Their
    goal was Nirvana.
  • Radicals (like the Black Panthers and SDS)
    favored an institutional-change emphasis, with
    organized social activism as the tool for change.
    The radicals goal was Utopia.

Personal Politics versus Institutional Politics
  • Regardless of whether the emphasis was on Nirvana
    or Utopia, the two are interrelated.
  • Under a Nirvana emphasis, we would expect that as
    minds became loving, institutions would
    eventually be reconstructed to be more
  • Under a Utopian emphasis, we would expect that as
    institutions became more humane, minds would
    eventually be reconstructed to be more loving and
    compassionate toward others.
  • Both approaches are valid.

The Woodstock concert is often regarded as a
symbolic pinnacle of the peace and loving aspects
of the counterculture. Indeed, when Abbie Hoffman
tried to deliver a political speech he was
largely ignored or booed by a crowd not so
interested in radical political speeches. This
crowd was perhaps closer to the psychedelic
counterculture than the political radical
counterculture, but they were intertwined.
Timothy Leary as Spiritual Prophet
  • By 1962, Leary was beginning to see himself as a
    spiritual prophet of sorts that he needed to
    lead society to a higher consciousness.
  • Learys research had confirmed that psychedelic
    drugs produced forms of the mystical experience.
  • His mission was assuming an increasingly
    religious or spiritual tone.
  • According to his friends characterization, he
    saw himself as having evolved from his earlier
    - more scientific - self into a spiritual Guru
    self. He was losing interest in the scientific
    component of psychedelics. For this reason,
    Harvard would eventually boot him out.

The Politics of Consciousness
  • Lysergic acid hits the spot. Forty billion
    neurons, thats a lot. Marshall McLuhan.
  • By 1962, the mood began to change.
  • Some psychiatrists began to feel that LSD was a
    dagger pointed at the heart of psychiatry. They
    were fearful that the increasingly visible and
    controversial Leary would bring down the house.
  • LSD had become easy to get, and it was now
    associated with an emerging hedonistic California
  • Others in psychiatry advocated continued LSD

Research into LSD Safety
  • By the mid-60s, qualms about the safety of LSD
    were being put to rest.
  • Researcher Sidney Cohen surveyed a sample of 5000
    LSD users and learned that an average of 1.8
    psychotic episodes occurred per 1000 ingestions
    far less than the anti-drug forces had argued.
    LSD was fairly safe.

LSD as a therapy tool
  • With the question of safety out of the way,
    interest now focused on the best way to use LSD.

  • There were 2 schools of thought for LSD use
    within the field of psychiatry
  • 1. LSD could be used as a facilitator of
    traditional Freudian psychiatry, or
  • 2. LSD could be used in huge doses to try to
    produce an integrative or mystical insight that
    would lead to a radical change in behavior. This
    was called psychedelic therapy.
  • If successful, the effects could be dramatic.
    Humphrey Osmond claimed a success rate of 50-70
    for chronic alcoholics, while Dr. Al Hubbard (by
    now a PhD) reported a success rate of 80.

Popular Science article, 1967.
LSD therapy
  • What some trippers discovered was that,
    underneath the fragile ego, there exists an
    imperishable self that is at one with nature,
    death, and the universe.
  • Much therapy involved moving past the vain ego
    into this selfless state. If successful, neurotic
    patterns die away because neurosis stems from an
    insecure ego. This is how the Freudians see it.

The 1967 Summer of Love in Haight Ashbury
embraced this vision of loving selflessness,
melding psychology with new age spiritualism and
Different Interpretations of LSD
  • However, LSDs effects were seen differently by
    different researchers.
  • One researcher might see LSD dissolving the ego
    while another might see it as a form of
    depersonalization, while Timothy Leary saw the
    same effects as a mystical union or an
    integrative experience.
  • A hallucination to one was a vision to another.
  • These discrepant interpretations represented turf
    wars between various types of psychologists, as
    well as spiritualists, artists and others.

1962 LSD Research is Curtailed
  • To conservative representatives of the
    Establishment, LSD was harmful. Period. In 1962,
    Congress passed a law that gave the FDA approval
    over all new experimental drugs.
  • This law was aimed mostly at speed, but it could
    be used against LSD too. LSD was no longer so
    readily available for research after 1962.
  • The research machine was being turned off by the
  • However, it was too late to turn off the
    publicity machine.

LSD glassware seized in a drug raid.
The Fifth Freedom
  • If the psychedelic movement had a nostalgic
    highpoint, it might be in mid-1962 when Timothy
    Leary gathered 35 LSD experimenters in Mexico for
  • Leary was interested in internal freedom,
    involving the right to do what one wanted with
    ones own consciousness. This was the Fifth
    Freedom to Leary.
  • By this point, Leary had rejected the idea of
    turning on only elites. What was needed was a
    group of well-trained acid guides, capable of
    training others in the art of psychedelics.
  • So Leary founded the International Foundation for
    Internal Freedom (IFIF) to promote the movement.
  • IFIF lasted only a year. Leary dissolved it in
    1963 as too rigid or too bureaucratic. Learys
    attention shifted toward founding a commune that
    would offer less formalized training.

Learys goal 4 million
  • Leary estimated that 25,000 people had used LSD
    by 1961. He forecasted that by 1967 one million
    people would try it.
  • To Leary, the magic number was 4 million people,
    after which he felt the movement would have
    enough momentum to bring great change in American

1962 the good ole days
  • Learys subculture blended Beat coolness with a
    zest for having fun while learning at the same
    time. The prevailing mood was serious cosmic
  • At this point (1962) the subculture was moving
    beyond Beat but had not yet morphed into the
    hippie scene.
  • The official definition of LSD at that time was
    that it was potentially useful but had become
    dangerous in the irresponsible hands of
    scientists like Timothy Leary.
  • By now, the psychedelic movement was generating
    much publicity. Of the many magazine articles
    written about LSD at that time, Playboy provided
    one of the only positive articles.

LSD in liquid form.
1963 Huxley dies
  • It was soon after then (11-22-63) that Aldous
    Huxley would die of disease and expressed his
    wish to his wife that he die while tripping.
  • Huxley believed in LSD but feared that the
    politics of LSD would bring the movement to an
  • Given the socially conservative climate of
    America, he did not want anyone to promote LSD

Learys Millbrook Commune
  • During the early 1960s, Leary moved to Millbrook,
    NY, where he established a psychedelic commune on
    the wealthy estate of a benefactor.
  • Millbrook became the center of the psychedelic
    movement, which was growing in popularity.
  • Leary offered a merging of psychology with a dose
    of spiritualism and hedonism at Millbrook.
  • The weekend drug parties at Millbrook quickly
    became famous.
  • Click here to link to Timothy Leary and Richard
    Alperts 1963 article, The Politics of
    Consciousness Expansion, published in The
    Harvard Review.

Leary at Millbrook. The NY estate was on loan
from a wealthy supporter, but expenses to run it
were high.
Kesey The Boy Most Likely to Succeed
  • In the early 1950s, Timothy Leary was a well
    respected psychologist. By 1963 he was a famous
    psychedelic guru.
  • A similar change occurred for Ken Kesey.
  • Kesey was a regular jock athlete with a likeable
    personality who got good grades in school. As a
    senior in high school he was voted most likely
    to succeed.

Ken Kesey, 1967.
Kesey discovers LSD for himself
  • When Kesey attended the Stanford Writing Program
    in 1958 he discovered that he was a gifted writer
    and that he was attracted to the Beat
  • He grew a beard, began playing folk songs on his
    guitar, and started to smoke pot.
  • Later he volunteered as a drug tester at a
    hospital studying psychedelic drugs.
  • Kesey found that LSD was great and became an
    instant convert to the cause.

Ken Kesey, author.
Kesey becomes famous
  • It was during this period that he got his
    material for his famous novel, One Flew Over the
    Cuckoos Nest.
  • This novel was a metaphor of 1950s America, where
    there was no room for individuality in the
  • Meanwhile, Kesey began to have gatherings for
    mutual drug exploration in his California home.
  • By 1962, an inner circle of fellow-adventurers
    had emerged to call themselves the Merry Band of
    Pranksters, with Kesey at the center of it all
    and with Neal Cassady as their role model.

This 1962 book captured an emerging theme of the
counterculture that society and its
institutions were over-rationalized and had
become quasi-totalitarian as they denied
individual free will.
How does one sustain Nirvana?
  • One of the issues Ken that Kesey and Neal Cassady
    were familiar with involved how to sustain ones
    state of cosmic consciousness.
  • As Leary and others in the movement had
    discovered, people would often drift back to old
    routines and regress.

Neal Cassady, the driver of the Merry Prankster
bus called Further.
So how does one sustain Nirvana?
  • Over at Millbrook in New York, Leary and others
    were working on ways to break set. This
    involved brain research and other ways to sustain
  • On the West coast, Kesey and the Pranksters
    believed the trick was to live totally in the
    here and now, where one was not trapped by the
    socially conditioned self.

Photo of the Millbrook house. Notice the art work
on the house.
The Pranksters take a trip
  • By 1964 Kesey had finished his second novel and
    purchased a bus to travel with his Merry
    Pranksters across the country to New York for its
    publication party. They were going to go to the
    Worlds Fair - and also to look up Timothy
  • The bus, named Further, was equipped with motion
    film cameras, a sound system, and drugs. They
    planned on making a film of their adventure to
    the East Coast and filmed almost anything and

With Kesey on the roof and Cassady at the helm,
the Merry Pranksters head East.
The Pranksters go to Millbrook
  • When they reached Millbrook, they realized that
    the psychedelic movement had split in different
  • Timothy Learys group regarded the Pranksters as
    too garish, while the Pranksters regarded
    Millbrook as too stuffy and egghead like.
  • In others words, Millbrook was too scientifically
    serious while the Pranksters were too
  • The Millbrook meeting strengthened the
    Pranksters sense of their own psychedelic
    identity as a distinct and separate subculture
    from the Leary crowd.

The is a 1964 photo of Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs and
other Merry Pranksters when they arrived at
Millbrook. They are apparently waiting to see
Timothy Leary. Unfortunately Timothy Leary was in
an extended session, but he eventually came out
to greet his West Coast visitors.
The psychedelic movement splits
  • The Pranksters avoided the European-style
    intellectual heaviness or seriousness of
    Learys subculture.
  • They also rejected the careful reliance on LSD
    guides that Leary believed was necessary for the
  • Instead they adopted a go with the flow
  • But here were the seeds of disaster where Leary
    pulled away from Huxley, Kesey was pulling away
    from Leary. Kesey was developing an even looser
    code where anyone and everyone could take LSD
    freely. This was exactly what Huxley feared would
    happen, and what would bring the authorities to
    put a stop to LSD. Ultimately the publicity drawn
    by both Leary and the Kesey acid tests would
    attracted not just the countercultural hipsters
    it attracted the attention of the moralistic

The growing psychedelic movement attracted the
attention of prosecutors, one of whom was G.
Gordon Liddy, who would later raid the Millbrook
house in 1966 to bust Leary.
The West Coast scene
  • When the Merry Pranksters returned to the West
    Coast in 1964 they believed they represented a
    legitimate heir to the psychedelic movement.
  • In this hedonistic subculture, there were no
    rules. New recruits had to figure out for
    themselves what the informal norms were and prove
    themselves before being accepted into the group.
  • At Millbrook, new recruits were given Learys
    intellectual writings. At Keseys home, new
    recruits were given comic books and science
    fiction novels like Stranger in a Strange Land
    about an alien on Earth who had no ego.

Ken Kesey with some of the Merry Pranksters in
San Francisco, 1966.
Pranksters and Hells Angels?
  • As Keseys subculture grew it attracted the
    authorities. Narcotics raids were infrequent,
    however, and generally did not yield much.
  • By 1965, the Pranksters decided to test their
    philosophy of love and drugs on the Hells
  • Hunter Thompson was the midwife for this strange
    bedfellow meeting between hippies and Hells
    Angels. It went surprisingly well but
    unfortunately increased the Angels sense of
  • The Hells Angels would go on to provide security
    at various pop festivals. The most notorious was
    Altamont in 1969, where they murdered a man and
    beat up members of the Jefferson Airplane.

The Hells Angels consisted mostly of thugs who
refused to conform to mainstream society.
However, with the Merry Pranksters they got along
relatively well. Hunter Thompson would hang out
with the Hells Angels for a year and write a book
about his experiences, thus beginning his career
as his own gonzo style journalist.
Allen Ginsberg
  • At the same time that Kesey was taming the Hells
    Angels, Kesey was also meeting with Allen
  • Ginsberg brought his radical egalitarian politics
    into the West Coast movement, which was already
    somewhat egalitarian under Kesey.

Allen Ginsberg in the mid-1960s.
The Acid Test Parties 1965-66
  • The Acid Test was Keseys experiment on the
    nature of group mind and a possible new art
  • It was a total party experience, complete with
    lights, music, cameras, theater, incense, and
  • The music at these public parties was provided by
    the Warlocks, soon to rename themselves The
    Grateful Dead.
  • During these parties people would play weird
    sounds, do spontaneous theater, and make magic.
  • The conditions were designed to manipulate the
    suggestibility of the psychedelic condition to
    push people further, and to push people
  • Ultimately, thousands of people showed up at
    these parties, which were becoming famous.

Kesey is busted, 1966
  • By the end of 1965, Keseys Acid Tests were the
    psychedelic equivalent of a Billy Graham
  • The tests peaked out in 1966 at the Tripps
    Festival, where 10,000 people paid admission to
    come in and gawk or grok.
  • Just before this event Kesey was arrested for pot
    and this time the authorities intended to put
    him away for good. Kesey decided to flee to
    Oregon while he appealed. When Kesey vanished,
    the movement temporarily lost one of its most
    charismatic leaders.
  • And at just the moment that the movement was
    about to snowball.

Ken Kesey in San Francisco, 1966, with some of
the Merry Pranksters.
Leary and Buddhism
  • Meanwhile, Timothy Leary had become interested in
    Buddhist mysticism. He believed that he was a
    tool of the great transformation of our age.
  • Occasionally Leary himself lapsed into his Holy
    Man performance to the irritation of some
    insiders who felt he had too big of an ego.
  • To many in the counterculture, the evolution of
    the human race depended on the restoration of
    unity between outer science (Western philosophy)
    and inner yoga (Eastern philosophy).
  • Many were experimenting with Eastern ideas by the

Timothy Leary at Millbrook house incorporating
Eastern philosophy. The new spiritualism
associated with the psychedelic movement of the
1960s drew people outside of their traditional
religious foundations to seek ideas from other
cultures. The Beatles helped popularize Eastern
mysticism when they went to India.
Millbrook issues
  • One problem at Millbrook was that when Leary left
    the estate to research Buddhism or other topics,
    Millbrook sometimes devolved into a hedonist
    playground for omnisexuals.
  • Plus, petty personal conflicts emerged.
  • Another problem was that some people wanted to
    push the envelope to higher and higher doses of
    acid. The problem was that they always came back
    down and little had really changed.
  • Yet another problem was that Leary had problems
    with finances. Millbrook was expensive to
  • Consequently he began to devote weekends to
    paying customers who paid to have a drug-free
    experiential weekend workshops designed to
    stimulate psychedelic growth and enlightenment.

Millbrook, 1966.
Leary is busted big in 1966
  • The politics of LSD were getting repressive by
    the mid-60s. Leary had moved from research, to
    politics, to the idea that people should be free
    to feed their minds without government
  • But by now government and medical bureaucracies
    were portraying LSD as worse than heroin. A new
    era of Prohibition was on the horizon.
  • In 1966, Leary was busted for pot in Texas (it
    had been found on his daughter) and received a
    30-year jail sentence plus a 30,000 fine.
  • He appealed and set up a defense fund, but this
    was the beginning of the end.

Leary was busted for possession of marijuana in
1966 but the verdict was overturned on appeal
later. He would be arrested again in 1968.
Leary part shaman, part showman
  • Media coverage of Timothy Leary tended to portray
    him as a colorful weirdo not to be taken too
    seriously. When he was taken seriously he was
    often criticized for not being serious or
    responsible enough to the movement. He was caught
    between these two characterizations.
  • Leary was becoming part showman, because this
    helped pay the bills, yet Leary saw himself as
    part shaman.
  • Meanwhile the authorities had staked out
    Millbrook with the intention of shutting it
  • It was none other than G. Gordon Liddy, the local
    DA and future Watergate burglar (chief operative
    of the White House Plumbers), who sent 24
    deputies to raid Millbrook in 1966.

Leary appeared at the 1969 Washington War
Moratorium protest. In 1970 he began to serve a
10-year sentence for marijuana possession but he
escaped with the help of the Weathermen.
LSD outlawed in 1966
  • The Psychedelic Movement had grown so large that
    by 1966 American politicians began to react to
  • The reaction was severe.
  • The governors of California and Nevada competed
    for the prestige of being the first to sign
    anti-LSD legislation.
  • Their eagerness was matched by Washington
  • By October of 1966, the possession of LSD had
    been made illegal in every state in the country.

Anti-LSD propaganda helped fuel the rising public
concern over hallucinogens. President Nixons
War on Drugs utilized such propaganda to generate
fear that LSD use would cause genetic mutations
and other harmful effects.
The LSD backlash
  • The backlash against LSD was not simple politics.
    It wasnt until 1965 that concrete evidence of
    its danger first appeared. This evidence was
    legitimate and it suggested that people with
    unstable personalities were prone to
    disintegration when exposed to LSD in
    uncontrolled settings. They tended to freak out
    in an anxious or panicked state.
  • A second problem with LSD was that some people
    claimed to have flashbacks months after
  • The mainstream media immediately exploited these
    fears and began to portray LSD as a social
  • At the same time authorities released anti-LSD
    propaganda, much of which made false claims about
    LSD causing chromosomal damage or other permanent
    harmful chemical alterations.
  • In March of 1966, Time Magazine declared that
    America was in the midst of an LSD epidemic.

This is an image from an anti-LSD pamphlet
distributed by authorities in 1971. The copy
above this image says, Dr. Allen Katzenburg, of
Southwestern Foundation for Research and
Education, San Antonio, Texas has estimated that
LSD use has caused more genetic damage to the
human race than the atomic bomb.
Is .7 temporary psychosis that bad?
  • Unfortunately there was little hard data on this.
    Among researchers it was largely agreed that
    roughly 2 who took LSD in uncontrolled settings
    experienced anxiety or panic attacks.
  • Of that 2, one-third became temporarily
  • In other words .7 of LSD users had a temporarily
    psychotic breakdown.
  • However, the mainstream media and politicians
    tended to exaggerate these psychotic breakdowns,
    and LSD was labeled a drug that causes insanity.

This is one of the rare 1966 articles on LSD
among mainstream magazines that was not negative.
The LSD Witch-Hunt
  • The LSD witch-hunt after 1966 occurred partly
  • 1. Ignorance.
  • 2. Capitalist journalistic styles that emphasize
  • 3. The dominant value system that all drugs are
  • 4. Poor research. For example the FDA concluded
    that 3.6 million people had an LSD problem by
    counting known illegal cases (360) and
    multiplying them arbitrarily by 10,000.
  • The Reefer Madness of the 1930s had become LSD
    Madness in the 1960s.

LSD-inspired art and music often has a swirling
flow to it that echoes the sensory experience of
an acid trip. For a fascinating look at how LSD
affects the work of an artist as they are
tripping click on this link.
LSD Research Conclusions
  • The researchers generally did find one thing to
    agree about regarding LSD it did offer the
    potential to affect personality (for better or
    worse, depending on ones views).
  • Regarding personality change, researchers had
    found only one significant effect on personality.

  • In 1966, a Rand Corporation study concluded that
    LSD users tended to have second thoughts about
    settling into a routine corporate job after a
    single acid trip. Rather, the user stated they
    would prefer a more contemplative lifestyle.
  • If a person became more sensitive to poetry and
    music but less concerned with competition and
    success, is this good or bad? People do not agree
  • But even this effect wore off over time if users
    stopped tripping.

It appears this couple has rejected the corporate
lifestyle. They seem happy.
LSD a mixed bag
  • Perhaps the most threatening aspect of LSD is its
    unpredictability. It is difficult to tell what it
    will do beforehand.
  • Therefore, it is not surprising that some
    authorities were so concerned.
  • The fallout led to LSDs outlaw by 1966 and to
    Sandozs decision to stop making LSD even for
    research purposes - in 1966.
  • This was at the very time that many researchers
    were saying that what was needed was more

LSD a 3-part story
  • Some view the LSD story as a 3-part story
  • 1. A scientific story about the potential of LSD
    to unlock consciousness.
  • 2. A religious story about LSD as a means to
    human salvation.
  • 3. A cultural story involving a cultural revolt
    against the over-socialized or over-disciplined
    self into a more hedonistic and re-creative self.

The Counterculture
  • At the essence of the 1960s is a restless desire
    for change.
  • The question was, in what direction?
  • Kids of the 1960s were beginning to believe that
    large corporations were part of the problem
    during the 60s. Corporations seemed to promote
    rampant materialism and used advertising to make
    people feel insecure.
  • Yet most kids in the counterculture realized that
    corporations were only the tip of the iceberg.
    The real menace was The Establishment the web
    of institutions, of which corporations were
    members, that formed the basic infrastructure of
    the society. Change was needed but where should
    the priorities be in starting this change?

Most of these people are recognizable to
Americans, and most identified with key elements
of the 1960s counterculture.
The Counterculture
  • Big Business, Big Government, Big Labor all
    were part of the Establishment and its promotion
  • Anticommunism and militarism.
  • Greed and American hegemony abroad.
  • An emphasis on managing people as cogs in a
    machine-like system.
  • Americans were polarized about how to view
    themselves during the 60s. Was it better to
    dismantle the Establishment and redistribute
    wealth or was it better to get a good job?
  • One of the rising strains within the
    counterculture was hedonism. Students who
    advocated a disciplined and carefully structured
    campaign against the Establishment were running
    into others who advocated hedonism and personal
    politics as solutions to a repressive society.
    The counterculture was divided.

Kesey and the Counterculture
  • Ken Kesey was opposed to Vietnam and the
    Establishment, but he was equally opposed to the
    idea of youth as a political vanguard to seize
    power in the name of equality.
  • To Kesey, this was playing their game. Kesey
    felt that people should simply turn their backs
    on the combine.
  • And many did just that - to the disappointment
    of the SDS and other political radicals who
    advocated a disciplined political solution.
  • Those who dropped out called themselves freaks
    or heads. By 1965, the youth protest movement
    had two symbolic capitols Berkeley for the
    radicals and Haight Ashbury for the heads.

The Hippies
  • The hippies emerged by way of the Beats by the
    mid-60s, but unlike the nihilistic and dark
    Beats, the hippies were colorful and loving.
  • The hippies were the locus of the personal
    political revolution, where individual diversity
    was championed in context of communal
  • To hippies, the revolution started from within -
    with the ego and the self - and LSD was the tool
    of this personal revolution because it opened the
    self up for change. Taking acid was a very
    serious thing.

The Hippies
  • At first, hippies used acid as a de-conditioning
    agent to remove elements of the overly
    socialized, conventional self.
  • Haight-Ashbury provided the geographic context
    for this re-making of the self.
  • The catalyst in this was Ken Kesey and the Acid
    Tests, where the Merry Pranksters introduced
    thousands of people to acid way more than Leary
    had done.
  • By the summer of 1966, 15,000 people were living
    and tripping in the Haight, and from this emerged
    countercultural shops of all kinds.

A Creative Awakening
  • The Psychedelic movement initiated new forms of
    slang LSD was acid, a user was an acid head, a
    dose was a hit, marijuana was pot, getting high
    was groovy, people were far out in cosmic or
    bummer ways, etc.
  • People who moved to the Haight typically changed
    their names.
  • Huxley predicted that acid would awaken the baby
    boomers appetite for spiritual meaning but he
    had not anticipated the diverse sources of this
    food astrology, numerology, black magic,
    Eastern mysticism, various New Age philosophies,
  • All of these aspects of spiritual awakening tend
    to emphasize that knowledge and direct experience
    go hand in hand. They emphasize experiential
    knowledge over book knowledge.

Perhaps the best band and album of the 1960s was
the Beatles Sgt Peppers. This incredible album
was heavily influenced by acid and pot use. Click
the image above to hear Lucy in the Sky with
Diamonds in mp3 format.
Sex, Drugs, and Rocknroll
  • At the center of the lifestyle was sex, drugs and
    rocknroll. Rock music was a perfect complement
    to drugs, as was dancing. The outside world was
    temporarily exorcized.
  • Doing acid was not conducive to having a full
    time job, so many hippies had part time jobs. For
    this reason they also pooled their resources and
    developed a sense of tribe or extended family.

The decline of the movement
  • So this was the choice within the counterculture
    hippie or radical activist. While LSD was
    outlawed in 1966 the momentum of the psychedelic
    movement carried it into the late 60s and early
  • Unfortunately, instead of coming together as one
    beautiful tribe, Haight Ashbury was getting
    zooier. A miscalculation had occurred by 1968
    kids were tripping wherever and whenever they
    could without much interest in human
  • Hedonism, a feature of the dominant capitalist
    culture, was usurping the drive of the
    counterculture. LSD was becoming merely a source
    of mindless fun, or worse, a source of escapism
    for some. Rising cocaine use was also usurping
    the countercultures spiritual ideals.
  • By the late 60s, many kids were using LSD for the
    wrong reasons and in the wrong settings and bad
    trips were becoming more common. (It didnt help
    that the acid was often of inferior quality and
    frequently had strychnine in it).

The decline of the movement
  • In the end, the psychedelic movement withered due
  • 1. A new era of Prohibition and ignorance about
    the nature of LSD and countercultural drugs in
  • 2. A split in the movement between hippies and
    radical activists.
  • Hippies emphasize personal change, with LSD as
    the tool for transformation, along with hedonism,
    with nirvana as the ultimate goal.
  • Radical activists emphasize institutional change
    with disciplined social activism as the tool for
    change toward utopia.
  • 3. A collapse of idealism by the late 60s, along
    with rising cynicism and fatalism.

Legacy of the Psychedelic Movement
  • What is left of the psychedelic movement is
  • 1. Largely underground again due to Prohibition.
  • 2. Taking new forms in various New Age movements
    involving spiritualism.
  • 3. The legacy of new music, art and dance forms
    that involve wildly expressive or trance like
    behaviors (raves, electronic trance music, avant
    garde art forms, etc). Click here for an
    interesting music-oriented site, for example.
  • 4. Found in the subcultural legacy of the Dead,
    Phish, Radiohead, and other post-hippie segments
    of society.

Radiohead is one of many current popular bands
that have been influenced by the psychedelic
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