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Monthly Newsletter Presentation


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Title: Monthly Newsletter Presentation

Monthly Newsletter Presentation
  • October 2009

Quick Links
  • Article Abstracts
  • Commercials
  • Videos

Article Index
  • Who is Wearing the Power? (Chapter 1, 4, 5, 8,
  • Phone Wars (Chapter 2, 7, 8, 11)
  • Alice Takes Care of Everyone (Chapter 2, 11, 17,
  • Private Labels to Impress NYC (Chapter 5, 9, 10,
  • Want a Video with that Yoohoo? (Chapter 2, 8, 14)
  • Asda Asks for Customers Opinions (Chapter 5, 7,
    9, 14)
  • Twittering the Latest News (Chapter 10, 12, 17,
  • The Gatorade Flop-Sweats (Chapter 1, 2, 11, 17)
  • Is There Room For One More? (Chapter 2, 13, 16,
  • Nothing to Wear? (Chapter 4, 5, 10, 16)
  • Product Placement on HSN (Chapter 2, 16, 17, 18)
  • Starbucks in Just Seconds (Chapter 2, 4, 8, 11,
  • Localized Pricing (Chapter 14, 15, 16)

Video Index
  • (Chapters 4, 10, 17)
  • Audi (Chapters 6, 10)
  • My Macys (Chapters 9, 16)
  • Hermes (Chapters 7, 10, 13)

Commercials Index
  • Mac v. PC (Chapters 2, 18)
  • GameStop (Chapters 4, 5, 16)
  • Wendys (Chapter 10)
  • iPhone (Chapters 10, 17, 18)

Who Is Wearing the Power?
  • Retailers of clothing for teens formerly targeted
    their marketing efforts toward kids rather than
    their parents.
  • For example, Abercrombie Fitch and Hollister
    stores play loud music and set the mood with dark
  • Some retailers now believe teenagers have less
    purchasing power as their parents discretionary
    income decreases, so they are targeting parents
  • For example, Aeropostales new campaign is called
    TTM, or Target the Mom.
  • Buckles has even adjusted store hours to
    accommodate parents schedules better.

What Do You Think?
  • Is it short-sighted of retailers to change their
    focus and attempt to please parents?
  • Is it a mistake for AF and Hollister to ignore
    the changing economic picture?

Phone Wars
  • Nokia created the worlds first smartphone, but
    the development of the iPhone and Blackberry have
    overtaken the clout of Nokias version.
  • Although iPhone and Blackberry dominate in the
    United States, there are many emerging markets in
    which Nokia remains dominant and has a golden
    opportunity to deliver smartphones.
  • Nokia already holds a 60 percent market share in
  • Emerging markets like Latin America, Asia, and
    India do not need the best smartphone a
    mid-range smartphone at a lower price has greater
    value for these customers.

What Do You Think?
  • Assess Nokias market position in North America.
  • Provide a brief SWOT analysis of Nokia.

Alice Takes Care of Everyone
  • sells household items such as bath
    tissue and Clorox wipes online.
  • Consumers who buy their household items from do not have to remember to pick up
    these basics when visiting the grocery store.
  • The site helps consumers budget, as well as
    reminds them when they need to reorder.
  • Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies have
    partnered with to send targeted samples
    to their customers.
  • The CPG companies can now measure, more quickly
    and accurately, which consumers respond to a

Alice Web site
What Do You Think?
  • How is leveraging customer data?
  • Would Alice.coms business model
  • work in product categories other
  • than CPG?

Private Labels to Impress NYC
  • Duane Reade, the 256-store, New York-based chain,
    is revamping its private-label products.
  • Private-label branded products are developed and
    managed by the retailer.
  • Its new brand, DR Delish, offers a wide variety
    of products, including fresh sandwiches, salads,
    and fruits, that are similar in quality to
    national brands.

Duane Reades Web site
What Do You Think?
  • Why is Duane Reade developing private-label
  • What other products might Duane Reade offer under
    its private label?

Want a Video with that Yoohoo?
  • Redbox is a vending machine-style rental kiosk
    for DVD movies, located in grocery stores and
    McDonalds restaurants.
  • There are already 15,600 Redbox kiosks in the
    United States that rent approximately 7.5 million
    movies weekly.
  • The rental fee is 1 per day.
  • The target market for Redbox is lower-income
    households with larger families, which is not the
    primary market for Blockbuster or Netflix.

Redboxs Web site
What Do You Think?
  • Who will be most successful in the DVD rental
    market Blockbuster, Redbox, or Netflix? Why?
  • How might Netflix and Redbox use STP to enhance
    their sales and profits?

Asda Asks for Customers Opinions
  • Asda, the discount department store in the United
    Kingdom, is conducting a 18,000-customer focus
    group, called the Pulse of the Nation.
  • Customers give their input about new products
    that Asda might carry.
  • Asda listens to customers but also realizes that
    they do not always tell the complete truth.
  • For example, customers may claim they only eat
    fruits and vegetables, when in fact, if given the
    chance, they will make an impulsive chocolate bar

What Do You Think?
  • What do you think of Asdas move to get customers
    involved in buying decisions?
  • What opportunities do you see from online
    consumer panels for this and other functions?

Twittering the Latest News
  • Small companies utilize Twitter to send out
    announcements about promotions or new products.
    It is an inexpensive marketing tool.
  • Large companies utilize Twitter to maintain
    personal contacts with their customers. They can
    respond to a specific customer complaint
  • Social media allow customers to stay engaged with
    a brand they allow companies to listen to their

What Do You Think?
  • How are retailers using Twitter and Facebook to
    communicate with their customers?
  • Why arent these social network tools reaching
    all potential customers?

The Gatorade Flop-Sweats
  • Gatorade has been performing poorly after Pepsi,
    its parent company, undertook a rebranding effort
    that renamed the drink just G.
  • The Whats G? campaign appeared successful
    after its introduction during the Super Bowl
    tremendous buzz was created due to curiosity
    about what G really was.
  • Gatorade maintains a 75 percent market share in
    the sports drink category, but this share is
  • Now, Gatorade is going back to its core and
    targeting customers who work out and are thirsty
    for a sports drink.

Gatorades Web site
What Do You Think?
  • Was it a good idea for Pepsi to tinker with an
    established market leader?
  • If the size of the sport drink market continues
    to decline, what options does Pepsi have to
    improve sales of Gatorade?

Is There Room for One More?
  • Walmart and Best Buy are trying to capture every
    customer shopping for electronics, but HHGregg, a
    118-store chain, is growing quickly to capture
    customers who once shopped at the now bankrupt
    Circuit City chain.
  • HHGregg sells more expensive models in an upscale
  • Salespeople undergo 280 hours of training in
    their first year.
  • HHGreggs gross margins are higher than Best
    Buys, but the chain has had to bring in some
    less expensive products, like video game
    consoles, to maintain its sales in the current
    economic environment.

HHGreggs Web site
What Do You Think?
  • How does HHGregg differ from Best Buy?
  • What theories suggest HHGregg might succeed?
    Which ones imply it might fail?

Nothing to Wear?
  • In this economy, consumers are buying accessories
    such as belts, bags, and jewelry to spice up
    their wardrobes.
  • Apparel retailers are focusing on their
    accessories, such as by opening stand-alone
  • Accessories achieve approximately double the
    profit margin that apparel does they also take
    up much less space in a store.

What Do You Think?
  • When was the last time you purchased a new item
    of clothing?
  • Why might one accessory-only store fail while
    another, seemingly similar one succeed?

Product Placement on HSN
  • HSN, the home shopping network, does not sell
    traditional advertising in the form of
    commercials. However, it will start selling
    advertising in the form of product placements.
  • For example, the chef Jamie Oliver will make a
    pasta dish using Barilla pasta with the brand
    displaying on the screen. He will also mention
    the positive benefits of the product such as
    multigrain and a great source of protein.
  • Product placement is a type of paid advertising
    that viewers cannot fast forward through, because
    it is integrated into the TV content that they
    have chosen to watch.

HSNs Web site
What Do You Think?
  • Why is HSN adding product placements of brands
    into its programming?
  • Are product placements on HSN different than
    those on other networks? If so, how?

Starbucks in Just Seconds
  • Starbucks is introducing a new instant coffee,
  • The Via instant coffee packets will allow more
    coffee drinkers to enjoy Starbucks coffee without
    paying premium prices.
  • Via will compete with Nescafe.
  • Customers may prefer Via because it reminds them
    of being in a Starbucks store.

Starbucks Vias Web site
What Do You Think?
  • Do you think Starbucks regular clientele will be
    willing to try Via?
  • What impact will Via have on other Starbucks

Localized Pricing
  • National retailers are pricing and marking down
    product prices according to the unique demands of
    their different markets.
  • For example, New York City exerts different
    demands than Kansas City.
  • A Banana Republic store in the World Financial
    Center in New York offered a skirt for 39.99,
    marked down from 69. At the SoHo store, a few
    blocks away, the same skirt was 33.99.
  • By marking down products based on local demand
    and inventory levels, the company can maximize
    its profit margins.
  • Swimsuits might be marked down in Maine in the
    winter, but in Florida, they would remain full

What Do You Think?
  • Why do retailers sometimes use different
    markdowns in different stores?
  • How do retailers decide which stores should
    charge which prices?

  • What is
  • Why is it successful?

Video Gilt Groupe
Video Audi
  • Why has Audi decided not to cut back on its new
    cars, as other car manufacturers have?
  • What is your perception of Audis brand?

Video Audi
Video My Macys
  • What is the My Macys initiative?
  • How might this initiative help Macys?
  • How might this initiative help Macys customers?

Video My Macys
Video Hermes
  • How has Hermes maintained and grown its sales
    this year?
  • What has Hermes done differently, compared with
    other luxury brands, in the modern economy?

Video Hermes
Commercial Mac v. PC
  • What is the purpose of this commercial?
  • Who is winning the Mac versus PC war?

Apples commercial
Apples Web site
Commercial GameStop
  • What is the purpose of this commercial?
  • Is it successful?

GameStop Commercial
GameStops Web site
Commercial Wendys
  • What is the purpose of this commercial?
  • Is this a successful commercial?

Wendys Web Site
Wendys Commercial
Commercial iPhone
  • What is the purpose of this commercial?
  • Is it successful?

iPhone Commercial
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