Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong


Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong David Carse Hong Kong Monetary Authority 11 July 2002 Objectives Explain the thinking behind the decision to introduce ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong

Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong
  • David Carse
  • Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • 11 July 2002

  • Explain the thinking behind the decision to
    introduce deposit insurance in Hong Kong
  • Describe the main design features of the proposed
    scheme and the rationale for these

Why introduce deposit insurance?
  • Hong Kongs banking system is robust and our
    supervision is generally regarded as effective
  • But we cannot say that banks will never fail
  • We should have contingency plans in place in case
    they do
  • Avoids the need to improvise in a crisis
  • Should mitigate the risk of rumour-driven runs

Objectives of deposit insurance
  • A deposit insurance scheme (DIS) should help to
    meet the following objectives -
  • provide an orderly means of compensating small
    depositors if a bank fails
  • reduce the probability of failure by reducing the
    risk of rumour-driven runs
  • reduce fall-out effects if failure does occur
  • define more clearly the role and extent of
    government support in protecting depositors

The current arrangements
  • No DIS
  • Depositors have priority of up to HK100,000 in a
  • This has certain limitations -
  • no certainty of full payment of priority claims
  • uncertain timing of payment
  • lack of pre-determined contingency plan
  • Current arrangements lack liquidity and

Overview of the proposed arrangements
  • Adding liquidity back-up to the current scheme
  • DIS undertakes to compensate depositors (up to
    predetermined limit) if the bank fails
  • DIS steps into the shoes of the depositor as a
    priority creditor
  • DIS Fund is there to meet possible shortfall loss
    and funding costs (prior to repayment by

The history so far
  • KPMG Strategic Review of the banking sector (Dec
  • AA Consultancy Study on Deposit Protection (July
  • 1st Public Consultation on concept (Oct 2000)
  • Approval by Exco (April 2001)
  • 2nd Public Consultation on details (March 2002)

Issues arising during the consultation
  • Is it necessary?
  • Why should large banks pay for something they
    wont need?
  • Cost
  • Moral hazard

Moral hazard (1)
  • Acknowledged to be a potential risk with deposit
  • Irresponsible behaviour by banks/depositors could
    give rise to increased systemic risk
  • But research findings on this are mixed
  • Depends on the design of individual schemes and
    the institutional environment

Moral hazard (2)
  • Some studies (e.g Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache)
    argue that deposit insurance increases the risk
    of banking crisis
  • Others (e.g Eichengreen and Arteta) suggest that
    there is just as much evidence of a stabilising
    influence through reduction in depositor panic
  • ECB study (Gropp and Vesala) finds strong
    evidence that the introduction of explicit
    deposit insurance reduces moral hazard

Moral hazard (3)
  • Despite the different views, we agree that we
    need to contain moral hazard
  • Try to achieve this through -
  • effective regulation and supervision
  • avoidance of over-generous compensation
  • differential premium
  • financial disclosure that encourages market

Guiding principles for system design
  • Dont try to protect against systemic crisis
  • Keep it simple
  • Keep it aligned with DIS objectives
  • Keep it cheap

Key design features membership
  • Participation by banks would be mandatory
  • Foreign banks in Hong Kong would be included -
  • because of their significant presence in the
    retail deposit market
  • Deposits in foreign branches of Hong Kong banks
    would not be covered

Key design features coverage
  • Coverage would be kept low -
  • up to HK100,000 (US12,800)
  • coverage of about 84 of depositors by number but
    only 16 of deposits by value
  • lower cost and would also leave room for market
  • Eligible claims paid in full (no co-insurance
    because of low coverage limit)
  • Foreign currency deposits would be covered
  • Interbank and connected deposits excluded

Key design features netting
  • Original preference was to pay depositors as much
    as possible on a gross basis -
  • only partial netting of the liabilities of the
    depositor of the bank against his claims on the
  • better meets liquidity needs of depositors
  • However, this conflicts with current insolvency
    rules (no appetite to change these) -
  • would lead to increased losses by DIS from
    potential mismatch between amount paid out to
    depositors and amount due from liquidator
  • Therefore, we now intend to adopt policy of full
    netting of liabilities against claims

Key design features funding (1)
  • Funded by the banks
  • Build up a small fund in advance (ex ante)
  • help bolster depositor confidence by speedy
    payout through having a ready pool of funds
  • avoid raising bulk of funds after failure (ex
    post) when banking sector is already weak
  • banks that fail have contributed to the fund
  • favoured by banks as they can plan and budget for
    annual contribution costs

Key design features funding (2)
  • Distinguish between capital and liquidity needs
    of the DIS
  • Capital adequate to cover potential losses caused
  • recovery shortfall i.e. inability to recover
    amounts paid from the estate of the failed bank
  • finance costs for the period until funds
    recovered from the estate
  • Liquidity required to fund payout to depositors
    would be provided by a separate back-up facility
    (from Exchange Fund)

Key design features funding (3)
  • Initial target for fund size HK1.5 billion
    (0.3 of deposits)
  • Based on Monte Carlo simulation (10,000
  • 99.8 confidence interval (BBB-rating)
  • Sufficient to meet failure of 2 medium size banks
  • Built up over 5 years
  • Provision for rebates and surcharges to keep fund
    within target range

Key design features premium (1)
  • Initial premium would be set initially at a level
    sufficient to build up the capital of the fund in
    5 years -
  • central rate of 8 basis points would be paid by
    most banks
  • differential premiums based on CAMEL rating
  • Reduce the premium (central rate of 1 basis
    point) to cover only expected annual loss once
    fund reaches target level

Key design features premium (2)
Key design features status of the DIS (1)
  • DIS would be established as a statutory Board
    with majority of lay members
  • It would operate only as a paybox, not as a
    separate regulator -
  • small size of Hong Kong market does not support a
    separate body that also regulates the banks
  • comparative rarity of bank failures does not sit
    well with having a large risk minimising machinery

Key design features status of the DIS (2)
  • Functions of the Board would be to
  • collect premiums
  • manage the fund
  • make payouts to depositors
  • claim in a liquidation as a priority creditor
  • The functions and power would be captured in
  • HKMA would be continue to be the sole regulator
    of the banking sector

Key design features trigger criteria
  • Payout by DIS would be triggered if -
  • winding up order made, OR
  • a Manager under the Banking Ordinance or
    provisional liquidator appointed, AND
  • MA notifies the Board that payout should be
    triggered because bank is likely to become unable
    to meet its obligations or is insolvent
  • Thus, Board cannot unilaterally trigger payout
    (consistent with paybox role)

Key design features Board and HKMA (1)
  • Proposed structure of the safety net -
  • HKMA bank regulator and Lender of Last Resort
  • Board deposit insurer
  • As already noted, need for clear division of
    responsibilities to be enshrined in law (e.g. as
    regards who triggers payout)
  • In practice, the Board may delegate some of its
    administrative responsibilities to HKMA (e.g. for
    premium collection)

Key design features Board and HKMA (2)
  • Scope for tensions between HKMA and Board -
  • over-provision of LOLR support to keep a failing
    bank afloat
  • regulatory forbearance
  • However, these risks should be mitigated by -
  • existence of explicit LOLR policy statement
  • prompt corrective action features of the BO
  • sharing of supervisory information with Board

Key design features Board and HKMA (3)
  • DIS Board will need to obtain information from or
    through HKMA in order to -
  • assess annual premium due from individual banks
    (amount of insured deposits and CAMEL rating)
  • review the risk profile of its portfolio of
    insured banks to update target fund size and
    annual premium
  • prepare for possible failure of a problem bank
  • make the payout if the bank fails

Key design features Board and HKMA (4)
  • DIS legislation must therefore provide a gateway
    for HKMA to disclose the relevant information to
    the DIS
  • Arrangements need to spelt out in a MoU between
    HKMA and DIS Board
  • Board and DIS employees need to be subject to
    confidentiality requirements

The way forward
  • The HKMA is finalising the detailed design
    features of the DIS
  • Legislation will be required
  • Bill on DIS ready by end of 2002
  • Implementation by end 2003 or 2004 depending on
    progress in Legco
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