Title: Alkali metals
1Alkali metals
presented by
Jana Cvrková and Jan Ryšavý
2The Alkali Metals elements of Group 1
3Basic attributes of alkali metals
- all - silvery-coloured metals.
- soft, and can be easily cut with a knife to
expose a shiny surface which dulls on oxidation. - five of them show specific colours in flame.
- in 1817 by Johann Arfvedson (Sweden)
- lightest of all metals
- doesntt occur free in nature
- igneous rocks and in the waters of many mineral
springs - imparts a beautiful crimson color to a flame
- used in dry cells and storage batteries
- Sir Humphrey Davy in 1807 by electrolysis of
caustic soda. - fourth most abundant element on earth.
- in the manufacture of esters and in
- the preparation of organic compounds.
- should be handled with great care!!
- in 1807 by Sir Humphrey Davy
- the seventh most abundant of the
- earth's crust.
- in the ocean, but is present only in relatively
small amounts, compared to sodium. - essential constituent for plant growth and is
found in most soils.
7Rubidium, Cesium and Francium
- Rubidium and Cesium was recognized by Bunsen and
Kirchoff in second half of 19th century. - Francium was discovered in 1939 in Paris
(Marguerite Perey). - Rubidium, alkaline metal, can be liquid
- at room temperature.
- Cesium is the most electropositive
- and most alkaline element.
- Francium is the heaviest known member of the
alkali metals series/family.
Rb Cs
91.How many elements are in the Group 1? a) 7
M b) 8
K c) 6 A d) 6 and
half D
10 2. Lithium compounds are used.. a) in the
manufacture of Teflon U b) as a reducing
agent in preparing other metals.
I c) in dry cells and storage
batteries. E d) in manufacture of Coca Cola
113. What in abundance is Sodium on earth? a)
fifth R b) fourth
T c) sixth
D d)
fourty-seventh S
124. Where can we find a few of Potassium? a) in
air E b) in oceans
A c) in fruit U d) in
a bathrom V
135. Which element was recognized the latest? a)
Fr L b) Cs
K c) Rb A d) everyones
were recognized in the same time C
146.How did you like this presentation?
a) It
was good. S b) It was realy
good. S c) Is it the last question?
S d) It was famous!! S
15Thanks for your attention !!! ?