Title: Quiz 4.1 Review
1Quiz 4.1 Review
- Use the following 10 slides to review for the
quiz. - Click your mouse to advance the slides
2Person who helped achieve more peaceful relations
between the colonists and the Powhatans for a
time by marrying John Rolfe.
3wealthy farmers with large plantations
4attack on some friendly American Indians by a
wealthy relative of the governor, along with a
group of slaves, freed slaves, and former servants
5person who gained control of Jamestown in 1608
and forced the settlers to plant crops and build
better housing
6governor of Virginia who complained about the
large number of poor and discontented colonists
7powerful alliance of Algonquian Indians under the
leadership of Wahunsonacock
8people who signed a contract to work from four to
seven years for those who paid their way to
9system in which each colonist who paid his or her
own way to Virginia received 50 acres of land
plus 50 more acres for every additional person
brought from England
10Jamestown colonist who in 1612 introduced a new
variety of tobacco, which the colonists were able
to export to England
11people who first arrived in Virginia on board a
Dutch ship in 1619