?? e??a? ? ??? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?? e??a? ? ???


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?? e??a? ? ???

?? e??a? ? ???µ?? S?ed?asµ???
  • Dr. Heinz Lycklama
  • heinz_at_osta.com
  • www.osta.com

???e a???e?a pe???e? (µ???? t?? ap?d??? t??) ap?
t??a st?d?a 1. ?????e?a - ?e????p???s? 2.
Sf?d?? a?t??es? 3. ??tap?de??t?
ap?d???. Arthur Schopenhauer
????, ??a??a??t?ta ? S?ed?asµ???
???µ?? S?ed?asµ??
  • ?? e??a?
  • ?st???a t?? ???µ???? S?ed?asµ??
  • ???s?pa ??e?d?? - ?µf?sß?t?e?
  • ?? e?att??µe?? p???p????t?ta
  • ??e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta
  • ??e???? p???p????t?ta?
  • ?p??e???µata ??a ?pa??? S?ed?ast?
  • ?a?ade??µata ?pa???? s?ed???
  • ???µ?? S?ed?asµ?? vs ??µ??????sµ??

?? e??a? ? ???µ?? S?ed?asµ??
  • ? ?e???a t?? ???µ???? s?ed?asµ?? ?p?st????e?
    ?t? s???e???µ??e? d?µ?? st? s?µpa? ?a? sta ?µß?a
    ??ta, e?µ??e???ta? ?a??te?a µ?s? e??? ???µ????
    a?t???, a?t? µ?a? t??a?a? d?ad??as?a? ?p?? ?
    f?s??? ep?????

???? The Discovery Institute
?? ???te? t?? ????µat?? t?? ?.S., s??p?µ?? de?
ta?t????? t? ???µ?? a?t?? µe t?? Te?. ?a? a??µ?
pe??ss?te??, e??a? a???st???st?? ?s?? af??? t??
?????a t?? ??? ?a? t?? s?µpa?t??
?as???? p??t?se?? t?? ?p?st?µ?????? ??µ??????sµ??
  • ?p???e ??p?te µ?a ?af???? d?µ??????a t??
    s?µpa?t??, t?? e????e?a? ?a? t?? ????, ap? t?
  • ?? µeta????e?? ?a? ? f?s??? ep?????, ste????ta?
    t?? ??a??t?ta? ?a d?s??? a??pt??? se ??a ta ?µß?a
    ??ta ?e?????ta? ap? ??a? µ??? ???a??sµ?.
  • ?etaß???? t?? a????? d?µ?????????t?? e?d?? f?t??
    ?a? ????, s?µßa????? µ??? e?t?? pe?????sµ????
  • ?? ?????p?? ?a? ?? p?????? de? ????? ?????
  • ? ?e?????a t?? ??? e?µ??e?eta? ?a??te?a µ?s? t??
    ?atast??f?sµ??, ?a? p??t?st?? µ?s? t?? ?e????t??
    e??? pa???sµ??? ?ata???sµ??.
  • ? ?? ?a? ta ?µß?a ??ta, eµfa??st??a? s?et???
    p??sfata (6000 -gt 10,000 ?????a p???)

?as???? p??t?se?? t?? ???µ???? S?ed?asµ??
  • ? e?e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta (specified
    complexity) ?a? ? µ? e?att??µe?? p???p????t?ta
    (irreducible complexity), ap?te???? a???p?ste?
    e?de??e?? ?pa???? s?ed???.
  • ?a ß???????? s?st?µata eµfa?????? e?e?d??e?µ???
    p???p????t?ta ?a? e?s?µat????? ?p?s?st?µata µ?
    e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?.
  • F?s????at???? µ??a??sµ?? ? t??a?e? a?t?e? de?
    epa????? ??a ?a e????s??? t? p????e?s? t??
  • ? ???µ?? S?ed?asµ?? ap?te?e? t?? ?a??te??
    e?µ??e?a ??a t?? p????e?s? t?? e?e?d??e?µ????
    p???p????t?ta? ?a? t?? µ? e?att??µe???
    p???p????t?ta? sta ß???????? s?st?µata.

??de??e?? ?pa???? S?ed???
  • ??sµ?????a ?? d?a??s?µe? e?de??e?? s?????????
    ?p?? e??? s?µpa?t?? --p?? s?µpe???aµß??e? ??? t??
    ??? t? ????, t? ????? ?a? t?? e????e?a-- p??
    eµfa??st??e ?af???? p??? ap? pepe?asµ??? ?????,
    se a?t??es? µe t?? e????a e??? a?????? ?a?
    a???pa??t?? ??sµ??.
  • F?s??? ?? e?de??e?? s????????? ?p?? e???
    s?µpa?t?? ?ept?µe??? ???µ?sµ???? ?
    ?a??????d?sµ???? (finely-tuned) ?ts? ?ste ?a
    e??a? d??at? ? ?pa??? ????, ?p?d??????ta?, ?p?? ?
    ast??f?s???? Fred Hoyle s?µe???e?, t? ???? e???

??de??e?? ?pa???? S?ed??? - 2
  • ???????a ? ?pa??? s???et?? ?a? ?e?t???????
    ????????µ???? s?st?µ?t?? µ??a???, e?e??e?
    p???? e??t?µat??? ??a t??? ?a?ß??e????
    µ??a??sµ??? a?t?-??????s??.
  • ????a?? ???????a ? ?pa??? t?? ??d???p???µ????
    p????f???a? st? µ???? t?? DNA, ?p?d????e? t??
    p??????µe?? d??s? ???µ???? s?ed???.

?st???a t?? ???µ???? S?ed?asµ??
  • ?????e? f???s?f?? ??p??
  • 100 ?????a p.?.
  • ????µ?? e????s?ast???? pat??e?3? - 4? a?. µ.?.
  • William Paley, Natural Theology (1802)
  • ??a ????? e??a? p????? e??? ??? (t??
    ???????p????), ?a? ??? ap?t??esµa t??a??? f?s????
  • ?? ???a??sµ?? (p.?. t? µ?t?) e??a? p????? e???
  • S??d?? µe s??p? -gt S?ed?ast? µe s??p?
  • S?µa?t??? ??de??? s?ed??? ap?te?e? ?

??a p???µ? ep??e???µa s?ed???
  • Rev. William Paley in Natural Theology, 1802
  • ?? ?p???s??µe ?t? d?as?????ta? ??a ????f?,
    s???t?ft? se µ?a p?t?a, ?a? a?a??t??µa? ??a t?
    p?? ß?????e a?t? ? p?t?a e?e?. Ta µp????sa
    p??a??tata ?a apa?t?s?, ?t? ef?s?? de? ???????
    ??t? a?t??et?, ? p?t?a ?a µp????se ?a ?ta? e?e?
    a???a?e?, ?a? de? ?a ?s??????ta? ??µ??? ?a?e??
    ?t? ??? ??t? pa??????. ?? ?p???s??µe t??a ?t?
    ß??s?? ??a ????? st? ?daf??, ?a? ??eta t?? ?d?a
    e??t?s? ?p?? p???, d??ad? p?? t? ????? ß?????e
    e?e?, ?a ?ta? p??? d?s???? ?a d?s? µ?a pa??µ??a
    µe t?? p??????µe?? ap??t?s?, d??. ?t? t? ?????
    ?ta? e?e? a???a?e?. G?at? ?µ?? ? ap??t?s? p??
    fa??eta? ?????? ??a t?? p?t?a, fa??eta? pa??????
    ??a t? ????? G?a t?? ap???stat? ????, ?t?
    e?et????t?? ta, a?a?a??pt??µe a?t? p?? ?s??e? ??a
    t? ????? a??? ??? ??a t?? p?t?a ?t? ta d??f??a
    ??µµ?t?a t?? ???????? s??a?µ????????a? ??a ?a
    e??p??et?s??? ??a s??p?.

? ???µ?? S?ed?asµ?? (?S) s?µe?a
  • ?e????se µe t? d???e?? t?? Charles Thaxton,
    Walter Bradley, Michael Denton, Dean Kenyon ?a?
    Phillip Johnson
  • ?p?st?µ?????, ? ?a?ß???sµ?? ap?te?e? a?epa????
    p?a?s?? ??a t? ß??????a
  • F???s?f???, ? ?a?ß???sµ?? eµp???eta? ape?p?st???
    µe t? F?s????at?a (?at???a??sµ?)
  • Michael Behe, William Dembski, Stephen Meyer,
    Paul Nelson ?a? Jonathan Wells
  • ???te??a? e?e???t??? p?????µµata ?p?? ???µ??a
    a?t?a ap??t??? ??µß??? ???? st?? ?ata???s? t??
    p??????µ??f?a? ?a? t?? p???p????t?ta? t?? ????

S?µa?t??? ß?ß??a ??a t? ?S
  • The Mystery of Lifes Origin, Charles Thaxton
    et. al. in 1984
  • A Theory in Crisis, Michael Denton in 1986
  • Darwin on Trial, Phillip Johnson in 1991
  • Creation Hypothesis, Dean Kenyon in 1994
  • Reason in the Balance, Phillip Johnson in 1995
  • Darwins Black Box, Michael Behe in 1996
  • The Design Inference, William Dembski in 1999
  • Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells in 2000
  • The Design Revolution, William Dembski in 2004

?p??e? ? ??????? ?a ap?de???e? se µ?a a????sa
? µat?? e??? ??µ????
  • Phillip E. Johnson
  • Jefferson E. PeyserProfessor of LawSchool of
    LawUniversity of California, Berkeley
  • http//www.arn.org/johnson/johome.htm

??d????e t? 1991
? ???t??? t?? Johnson e?ap???eta?
  • ?? 1994, ??a s????? f???s?f??, f?s????,
    ast????µ??, ??µ????, ß??????? ?a? ???ss??????,
    ?s??se ???t??? st? ?a?ß???sµ? ?a? p?????se t?
    ?e???a t?? ?.S.

? ep????? t?? Johnson ?d??e? st? S???d??? t?? 1996
  • ?? s???d??? st? ?a?/µ?? Biola University
    s?????t??se ep?st?µ??e? ap ??? t?? ??sµ?
  • ? ??sµ?? µa?a??e? ??a t? Discovery Institutes
    Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture

Darwins Black Box
  • ?? 1996, as??????ta? µe t? ß?ß??? t?? Mike Behe,
    ?a????t? ?????µe?a? st? ?a?. Lehigh U. s?µa?t???
    ep?st?µ????? pe???d???.
  • ?? ?a?ß???st?? as???? ???t??? sta s?µpe??sµat?
    t??, ??? ?µ?? sta ded?µ??a p?? ta ?p?st???????.
  • ??ß??? t?? ??????? 1996 ??a t? CT

?? ??att??µe?? ????p????t?ta
  • St? ß?ß??? t?? Darwins Black Box, ? Mike Behe
    e?sa???e? t?? ?????a t?? µ? e?att??µe???
  • ??t? ?a?a?t????eta? ap? µ? e?att??µe??
    p???p????t?ta, ?ta? ap?te?e?ta? ap? t??????st??
    d?? ? pe??ss?te?a apa?a?t?ta ??µµ?t?a.
  • ? ap?µ?????s? ?st? ?a? e??? ??µµat??? de?
    ep??e??e? ap???, a??? ?atast??fe? t?
    ?e?t???????t?t? t??
  • ??a p??t???pa??da e??a? ??a pa??de??µa s?st?µat??
    µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?

? ???t???pa??da
  • ??a p??t???pa??da de? µp??e? ?a ft?a?te? µ?s?
    F?s???? ?p??????

???t???pa??da ?e?t?????a
  • ??a ?a??µe???? pa??de??µa e??? s?st?µat?? µ?
    e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta? e??a? ? ap??
    p??t???pa??da. ?p?te?e?ta? ap? (1) µ?a ep?ped?
    ?????? ß?s? (2) ??a µeta????? sf??? p?? ?t?p?e?
    t? p??t??? (3) ??a e?at???? µe tetaµ??a ???a p??
    e??s??e? t? sf??? (4) ??a ????st?? p??
    e?e??e???e? t? e?at???? ?a? (5) µ?a µeta?????
    ??ßd? p?? s??d?e? t? ????st?? ?a? epa?af??e? t?
    sf??? st? ??s? t??. ?e? ???eta? ?a p??sete ??a
    p??t??? ap??? µe µ?a ß?s?, µet? ?a p??s??sete t?
    e?at???? ?a? ?a p??sete µe???? a??µ? p??t???a ?a?
    µet? ?a p??s??sete t? µeta????? ??ßd? ?a? ?a
    p??sete µe???? a??µ?. ??a ta ??µµ?t?a p??pe? ?a
    e??a? st? ??s? t??? p??? p??sete t? p??t???.

Michael Behe - 2002
?? ??att??µe?? ????p????t?ta
  • ?e t?? ??? µ? e?att??µe?? p???p????t?ta e????
    ??a s?st?µa ap?te???µe?? ap? a??et? s?st?
    ta???asµ??a µ??? p?? a????ep?d???? ?a?
    s??e?sf????? st? ßas??? ?e?t?????a, e??
    ap?µ?????s? ?p????d?p?te ap? ta µ??? p???a?e? t??
    ap??e?a ?e?t???????t?ta? t?? s?st?µat??
  • ??a s?st?µa µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta? de?
    µp??e? ?a d?µ???????e? ape??e?a? µ?s? e?af???,
    d?ad?????? t??p?p???se?? e??? p??d??µ??
    s?st?µat??, d??t? ?p???d?p?te p??d??µ? s?st?µa
    e??? s?st?µat?? µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?
    p?? de? pe???aµß??e? ??a ap? ta s?stat??? µ???
    e??a? e? ???sµ?? µ? ?e?t???????

Michael Behe, Darwins Black Box, p. 39.
?? Johnson ?a? Behe s??a?t??? t?? ??p?
  • ?? Behe ?a? Johnson ????sa? ?a µ????? ?a? ?a
    d?a?????ta? d?µ?s?a se µe???a pa?ep?st?µ?a
  • ?p?s?? ????sa? ?a ???f??? ????a ?a? s?µe??µata
    ??a t?? WSJ, Washington Post ?a? ???a e??e?a?
    ?????f???a? ??t?pa
  • ? Johnson eµfa??st??e st? Nightline

William Dembski
  • ?? ß?ß??? t?? Bill Dembski The Design Inference
    e?d?deta? t? 1999 ap? t? ?????? Cambridge
    University Press.
  • ? Bill ?at??e? d?da?t????? st? f???s?f?a ?a? ta
    µa??µat??? ?a? M.Div. ap? t? Princeton.

Te???a ???µ???? S?ed?asµ??
  • ?? ???ta??? ???a??sµ?? e??a? p??? p???p????? ??a
    ?a e??a? ap?t??esµa a?e???t?t?? f?s????
  • ?as??eta? ?????? se ?e???e? p?? ???s?µ?p?????ta?
    st? Te???a t?? ?????f???a?
  • ??d?af??eta? ??a t?? p??sd????sµ? t??
    p???p????t?ta? t?? d?µ?? ?a? t?? p????f???a p??
    pe????eta? s a?t??
  • ?as???? ?????e?
  • ?? e?att??µe?? p???p????t?ta
  • ??e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta

???µ?? S?ed?asµ??
  • ? ???µ?? S?ed?asµ?? (?S) ?e??e? t? s?stat???
    ???µ?? ?? µ?a d??f??? a???, p?? de? a???eta?
    st?? t??? ? t?? a?a??a??t?ta.
  • ??t??es? µe t?? ??????? ? ??? eµfa???e? ??a
    e?d??? e?d?? t????, ??? sa? a?t? µ?a? ??f?da?,
    a??? ?p?? a?t? e??? µ???µat?? µe ???µa
  • ???ept?sµ???? a?t?-e?e???t???sµ??
  • ?? ??ß???? ?ate?????µe???
  • F???s?f??? ????µa

??e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta
  • ? a??????? a????????a ?a?a?t????, ap?te?e?
    pa??de??µa t?? ?????a? t?? e?e?d??e?µ????
  • ????p???? a??? µ? e?e?d??e?µ???
  • ef? d????sd ???f???s ß????a ß??s
  • ????p???? ?a? e?e?d??e?µ???
  • ?? ep?ped? e?pa?de?s?? st?? ????da

?S ??a d??f??? (e?µ??e?t???) a???
?? ??att??µe?? ????p????t?ta
1996 Michael Behe, Lehigh ?????µ????. ?????? ?S
ß???????. ?a???????. ?????? p???????
OKa?t??es? µe t? ?a?ß??e?? µ??a??sµ?. ?d??aµ?a
e????s?? t?? µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?.
??e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta
1998-s?µe?a William Dembski, µa??µat???? ?a?
f???s?f??. ?????? ?e???t???? t?? ?S. ?S
???f??? e????t??? a???, µ? a?a????µ? st?? t???
?a? t?? a?a??a??t?ta ? ?S e??a? µ?a epa??stas?
?as???? p??t?se?? t?? Dembski
  • ??s? ta te????????? d?µ??????µata p?? ft???t??a?
    ß?se? s?ed???, ?s? ?a? ?? ???a??sµ?? eµfa??????
    µ?a ?d?a?te?? ??????s? e?e?d??e?µ???
  • ? t??? ?a? ? a?a??a??t?ta de? pa??????
    e?e?d??e?µ??? p???p????t?ta, ? p????f???a
  • ? ???µ?s??? ap?te?e? ?e????st? a???
  • ??f??? µ??a??sµ?? (?p?? a?t?? t?? ?a?ß??e?a?
    e???????) de? µp????? ?a e????s??? t? ???
  • ? te???t? ???µ?s??? e??a? ad??at?

??? d?a????eta? ? ??e?d??e?µ??? ????p????t?ta
  • ????t?s? (Contingency) ?a?e?? f?s????
    pe?????sµ??. ??e? ?? p??a??? a????????e? µp?????
    ?a eµfa??st??? st? ?a?t?
  • ????p????t?ta (Complexity) ?p??a?? ?a ??f?e?
    µ?s? ?a?a??? t????
  • ??e?d??e?s? (Specification) ?? a?a???s?µ?, a???
    ta?????e? µe ?d??t?te? ???ssa? ?d? ???st??
  • DNA ep?s?? ??a? ??d??a?

???????ta? ??a ?pa??? S?ed???
?????t???? a??????µ?? t??William Dembski
?p? Mere Creation Science, Faith and Intelligent
Design. William A. Dembski Ed. Downers Grove,
Illinois InterVarsity Press, 1998. P99.
???a? t? µ?t?ß? d?p?a ???a?? ? S?ed?asµ???
???a??t?ta 2-256 8.6 x 10-78 0.00000000000000
???a? t? µ?t?ß? d?p?a ???a?? ? S?ed?asµ???
???a??t?ta 2-256 8.6 x 10-78 0.00000000000000
?p??e???µata ?p?? e??? S?ed?ast?
  • ?? ???a??sµ?? de?????? s?ed?asµ????, e?a?t?a?
    t??????st?? t???? ?????
  • ??e??asµa (Redundancy) ??a? S?ed?ast?? µp??e?
    ?a e?s?µat?se? p?e??asµa se ??a s?st?µa, e?? ?
    t??? e??a? ap??a?? ?a t? ???e?. ?a??de??µa a?t??
    ap?te?e? ? ?pa??? e?f???st???? µ??a??sµ?? st?
    ?e?et??? ??d??a, ?a??? ?a? ???a ?a?a?t???st???
    p?? e?a??st?p????? ? a?a????? ta ap?te??sµata
    p????? s?µe?a??? µeta????e??
  • ?e??sse?a d??aµ???? ?? ???a??sµ?? d?a??t???
    d??aµ??? t? ?p??? µp??e? p?t? ?a µ??
    ???s?µ?p????e?. G?a pa??de??µa, ? Wallace,
    s??-?eµe???t?? t?? ?d?a? t?? F?s???? ?p??????,
    s?µe???e ?t? a??µ? ?a? p??t?????? ?????p??, a?
    e?pa?de????? ?at?????a µp????? ?a e?te??s???
    p???p?????? ?p?????sµ??? (d?af??????? ????sµ???).
    ? F?s??? ?p????? e??a? ap??a?? ?a ep????e?
    d??at?t?te? p?? de? ???s?µ?p?????ta?
  • ????p????t?ta ? ??? eµfa???e? ??a e?d??
    p???p????t?ta? p?? e??a? p??? d?s???? ?a pa?a??e?
    ap? µ??a??sµ??? p?? ßas????ta? st?? t???.

S?ed?asµ?? ?a? ?pa?????? ??????
  • Ge????, ? ep??e???µat?????a ?p?? e??? s?ed?ast?
    e??a? st?? ??s?a ep??e???µat?????a ?at? t??
    e?a??a?t???? ?p????. ??t? de s?µa??e? ?t? e??a?
    ap??? ep??e???µata e?a?t??? t?? e???????, af??
    ???e ep??e???µat?????a, e? ???sµ??, ap?te?e?
    p??sp??e?a ?p?st?????? µ?a? ?p???? ??a?t? ??p??a?
  • ?a ep??e???µata e?a?t??? µ?a? ?e???a?, ap?te????
    st?? ??s?a p??sp??e?a e???e???? t?? p??a???
    e????se?? p?? ? ?e???a a?t? p??sf??e?. ?e?
    ?p???e? t?p?te t? ?p?de?ste?? s a?t?, af?? st??
    p?a?µat???t?ta a?t? e??a? ? epa?????? ?????? p??
    ???s?µ?p??e?ta? a???a?e? ap? t??? ep?st?µ??e?
    st?? a?a??t?s? t?? a???e?a?.

?? ???a?? ?a? t? ?p??a??
  • ?a ep??e???µata ?p?? e??? S?ed?ast?, s????
    pe??st??f??ta? ???? ap? t?? ?????a t??
    p??a??t?ta?. ????p????t?ta µe s??p?, e??a?
    ap??a?? ?a p?????e? ap? t??a?a ?e????ta. ??
    ???a??sµ?? eµfa?????? p???p????t?ta µe s??p?.
    ???sµ???? ?p??µa??? t?? f?s???? ep??????,
    p??spa???? ?a ?epe??s??? t? p??ß??µa a?t?,
    ?s??????µe??? ?t? e?? ?? µetaß???? e??a? t??a?e?,
    ? ep????? de? e??a?.
  • ? ep?st?µ? as???e?ta? µe t? ?a p??spa?e? ?a
    p??ß???e? t? e??a? p??a?? ?a? t? ap??a??. ????
    s?µf????? ?t? ta ?e????ta p?? ?d????? st??
    eµf???s? ???ta??? ???a??sµ??, ?a?a?t??????ta? ap?
    p??? µ???? p??a??t?ta ?a s?µß???

?f????? ?????? ?e??st?? S?µpa?
  • ??e? d?at?p??e? ? ?s????sµ?? ?t? se ??a s?µpa? µe
    ?f???? ?????, t? ap??a?? ???eta? p??a??
  • ?? ????µe ?pe??? ?????, ? ?pe??e? e??a???e?, ta
    p??ta e??a? p??a??. ?? te??st??? a???µ?? t??
    ast????µ?a?, ?a? ta µe???a ??????? d?ast?µata t??
    ?e?????a?, ?ta? s??d?????ta? a?ap?d????????? t??
    ?a??µe????? µa? a?t????e?? ??a t? t? e??a?
    s?????sµ??? ?a? t? e??a? ?a?µast? Richard
    Dawkins (1989) The Blind Watchmaker ??? ta
    ded?µ??a t?? e??????? ap??a??pt??? ??a s?µpa?
    ????? s??d??. W. W. Norton and Co. New York.
  • ? Dawkins ??e? ?t? e?? ? ??? µ????e? s?ed?asµ???,
    ? s?ed?ast?? de? ?ta? ? Te??, a??? te??st?a t???
    se s??d?asµ? µe t? f?s??? ep?????. ? F?s? ?ta? ?
  • St? ß?ß??? t?? The Pandas Thumb, ? Stephen J.
    Gould ?s?????eta? ?t? ? ??? de? µ????e?

?????? ? ?e???e? µetaß????
  • ?a e?de??µe?a ?ta? s?µßa??e? µ?a µetaß???, e??a?
  • ?a ß???? st? ße?t??s? t?? p??sa?µ?st???t?ta? t??
    ???a??sµ?? (p??? ap??a??)
  • ?a ??e? ??d?te?? ap?t??esµa, ????? ep?d?as? st??
  • ?a e??a? ep???µ?a, µe?????ta? t??
    p??sa?µ?st???t?ta (t? p?? p??a??)
  • ?s? µe?a??te?? e??a? µ?a µetaß???, t?s? p??
    p??a?? e??a? ?a ap?ße? ?a????st??? ep???µ?a.
  • ? ?a?ß???? ?p?st????e ?t? e?????? e??a? ?
    s?ss??e?s? p????? µ????? µetaß????, e?? ??
    µe???e? µetaß???? e??a? ap??a?? ?a ?d????? se
    ?a??te?? p??sa?µ?st???t?ta.
  • ?????? µe???e? ?µ?de? ded?µ???? e??a?
    a?t???pt??, µ??? ep? t? ß?se? t?? a???? ?t? ta
    e?d? e?e??????a? µe p??? µ???? ß?µata.
  • The Origin of Species (? ?ata???? t?? ??d??)
    ?ef. VII µe t?t?? ????? d?sp?st?a? ??a µe???e?
    ?a? ap?t?µe? µetaß????

?e??ss?te?a pa?ade??µata
  • ??a??a??t?ta/??µ??/t???
  • ??f?da
  • ???sta????
  • S??d?? µ? e?att??µe??/e?e?d??e?µ???
  • ????? ??tta??
  • ????a??? ????t??e?
  • ?????p??? µ?t?
  • S?a???? ß?µßa?d?st??

????a??? ???a???
  • ? Behe ?de??e ?t? t? ??tta??, t? µa??? ???t? t??
    ?a?ß???? , (Darwins Black Box), e??a? ?eµ?t? µe
    µ??a??? µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta? p?? de? ?a
    µp????sa? ?a ft?a?t??? µ?s? f?s???? ep??????
  • ? David Hume ep?????e t? ep??e???µa t??
    ???????p???? t?? Paley epe?d? ?e????se ?t? de?
    ap?te???se µ?a epa???? a???ß? a?a????a

????a??? µ??a??? (s????e?a)
?e??ss?te??? ap? 100 µ???a??? ????t??e? e??a?
s?µe?a ???st? ?t? ?p?????? st? es?te???? t??
??tt????, pa???s?????ta? p??? s???e???µ??e?
a?a????e? µe a????p???? s?ed?as?? ????t??e?.
? ?d?a t?? Behe
  • ? Michael Behe ?p?st????e? ?t? e?et????ta? ?a?e??
    t?? p??te?????? µ??a??? p?? ?????? ta ??tta?a,
    d?ap?st??e? ?t? ?p???e? ??a s?µe??, p??a ap? t?
    ?p??? de? e??a? d??at?? ?a afa??e???? ??µµ?t?a
    t?? µ??a??? ????? a?t? ?a ??se? t?
    ?e?t???????t?t? t??. ??? ???µase µ??a??? µ?
    e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?.
  • S?st?µata ? s?s?e??? µ? e?att??µe???
    p???p????t?ta? s??a?t??µe st?? ?a??µe???? µa?
    ???. ? p??t???pa??da, e??a? ??a pa??de??µa µ?a?
    ap??? s?s?e??? µ? e?att??µe??? p???p????t?ta?

??????? S???et?? ???????
  • ? ?ata???? t?? ??d???ef. VI ???ß??µatat??
  • ???a?a e?a??et???? ?e?e??t?ta? ?a?
  • ?? ?a ?p???se? ?a?e?? ?t? t? µ?t?, µe ??a ta
    e?p???t??? t?? s?st?µata, ??a t?? est?as? se
    p?????e? ap?st?se??, t?? p??sa?µ??? se
    d?af??et???? ??tas?? f??, ?a? t? d?????s? t??
    sfa?????? ?a? t?? ???µat???? pa????a???, ?a
    µp????se ?a s??µat?ste? µ?s? f?s???? ep??????,
    t??µ? ?a p? ?t? ?a ?ta? pa?a????sµ?? µe??st??

??????? t?? ?at???
  • ? µet?ßas? ap? t? t?p?ta st? µ?t?, ?a ap?te???se
    ??a te??st?? ??µa.
  • ? ?a?ß???? p??te??e µ?a se??? ap? fa???µe????
    µ???? ß?µata (p?? ?st?s? e??a? te??st?a ??µata)
    µ?s? t?? ?p???? ?a µp????se ?a p?????e? t? µ?t?

?? S?a???? ??µßa?d?st??

??a fa???µe???? ????? s?a???? µe ??a? e?p???t???
aµ??t??? µ??a??sµ?
Ta µp????se t? s?st?µa a?t? ?a e?e????e? µe
d?ad????? ß?µata ??a e??a? p????aµµat?sµ??a st?
DNA t?? s?a?a????. ?? s?st?µa e??a? ?e?t???????,
µ??? ?ta? s???p?????? ??a ta tµ?µat? t?? e?? a?
?st? ?? ??a ?e?pe?, e??a? ????st?. ???µa ?? a?
??a ta tµ?µata e??a? pa???ta, a? ??p??? ap? a?t?
de? d???e?e? s?st?, ?? p??????? t?? s?a?a???? ?a
e??a? e??a?e?!
???µ?? S?ed?asµ?? (?S)
  • ???s? e??? e????t???? a??????µ?? (explanatory
  • ??a??a??t?ta ?p?epe ?a s?µße?
  • ???? ?t??e ?a s?µße?
  • S??d?? ??a ???µ?? a?t?? t? ??a?e ?a s?µße?
  • ? ?S est???e? st? t? e??a? s?ed?asµ???, ?a? ???
    st? p????, p?te, ??at? ?a? p??.

?e????? pa?at???se?? ??a t? ?S
  • ? ?S a?t?pa?at??eta? st? ?at???a??st???
    (f?s????at???) f???s?f??? ?eµe???s? t??
    e?e???t???? s?????
  • ? ?S p??sd?????e? ?a? a?ade????e? t??
    ?at???a??st???? pa?ad????
  • ? ?S e??a? ep?st?µ????? ß?s?µ? ?e???a
  • ? ?S de? p???p???te? µ???? ?????a ??a t? s?µpa?
  • ? ?S de? e??a? ??µ??????sµ??
  • ? ?S de? ???e? ?aµ?a a?af??? st?? ?t?s?

??t?µata s?et??? µe t? ?S
  • ? ?S de? ep??e??e? ?a e????se? ???e t?
  • ???? s???e???µ??a ?a?a?t???st??? e??a?
  • ?e? ap???e???ta? e?e???t???? d?ad??as?e?
  • ? ?S de? a?t?t??eta? se µ?a µe???? ?????a t?? ???
  • ? ?S de? a?a????sse? t? Te? ?? ??t??t?
  • ? ?S ??at?e? ap?st?se?? ap? t? p??ß??µa t?? ?a???
  • ? ?S de? ta?t??e? S?ed?ast?/??µ??????
  • ? ?S d?a?????e? t?? ??µ?????? ap? t? d?µ??????a

?ata???t???? s???e?? ??a t?? ?S
  • ??a??a?t??? ?e???a t?? ?a?ß??e?a? ????????
  • ??a??a?t??? t?? ??µ??????sµ??
  • Ta ?p?epe ?a d?d?s?eta? sta s???e?a
  • ?pa?te?ta? ???t??? s????
  • ?pa?a?t?t?? ? ???sµ?? p???p???se??
  • ???a? ??t?µa ?????s?a?-???t???
  • ??a??ße?ßeta? ? ??ad?µa??? e?e??e??a

?e?e?ta?e? e?e???e?? ap? t? Kansas
  • ?? Kansas d??eta? ?t? ?p???e? ???e??? ap?de??e??
    ? f?s???? e????se?? ??a t? ?e?et??? ??d??a,
    ?e??e? ?t? t? a??e?? t?? ap?????µ?t?? de?
    s?µßad??e? µe t?? e?e???t??? ?e???a, ?a? d????e?
    ?t? ???sµ??e? e?e???t???? e?µ??e?e? s????
    a?t??at?pt?????? s?µpe??sµata ap? ?µµese? ?
    ap?spasµat???? e?de??e??

Reuters News Story, August 2, 2006
(No Transcript)
???a??st? ??a t?? p??s??? sa?!
Dr. Heinz Lycklama heinz_at_osta.com www.osta.com
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