Title: Fractures, Sprain and Strains
1Fractures, Sprain and Strains
- Lawrence L. Lambert
- Off Shore Paramedic
- Shell Oil Main Pass 252
2What causes fractures, sprains and strains?
- Falls
- Crushing injuries
- Extension and flexion out of normal range of
motion - Twisting injuries involved as in tripping
3What causes fractures, sprains and strains?
- Auto Accidents
- Animal Causes Bites, trampling and falls
- Sports Injuries
- Sky diving accidents
4Mechanism of Injury
- Sir Isaac Newtons First law of Physics
- "A body continues to maintain its state of rest
or of uniform motion unless acted upon by an
external unbalanced force." - This law is also called the law of inertia.
5Kinetic Energy
- Energy of life can neither be made or destroyed
----It only changes form and is transferred. - The kinetic energy of an object is the extra
energy which it possesses due to its motion.
Having gained this energy during its
acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic
energy unless its speed changes.
6(No Transcript)
7Skeletal System DemBones
- Bones are rigid organs that form the skeletal
system. They function to move, support, and
protect the various organs of the body, produce
blood cells both red and white. The also store
minerals. Because bones come in a variety of
shapes and have a complex internal and external
structure, they are lightweight, yet strong and
hard, in addition to fulfilling their many other
- In its most common use, a ligament is a short
band of tough fibrous dense regular connective
tissue composed mainly of long, stringy collagen
fibers. Ligaments connect bones to other bones to
form a joint.
- A tendon is a band of tissue that connects a
muscle to a bone.
10Types of MOI on the human body that can cause
- Falls
- Height
- Surface landed on
- Part of the body absorbing the most injury
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Speed
- Type Head On, Vs. fixed object, Side or rear
11Types of MOI on the human body that can cause
- Penetrating injuries
- Gunshot Wounds
- Stabbing Wounds
- Impaled Objects
- Non Penetrating Injuries
- Blunt force trauma
- Crushing injuries
12Characteristics of These Type of Injury
- Fractures a break in the continuity of the
bone. - Open
- Closed
- Sprains result from the stretching or tearing
of ligaments. Ligaments are tough bands of
fibrous tissue that connect one bone to another.
Common locations for sprains are your ankles and
13Characteristics of These Type of Injury
- Strains A strain is a stretching or tearing of
muscle or tendon. People commonly call strains
"pulled" muscles. Hamstring and back injuries are
among the most common strains
14Characteristics of These Type of Injury
- Sprains A sprain (from the French word
espraindre - to wring) is an injury which occurs
to ligaments caused by being over stretched
beyond their normal capacity and possibly torn.
15Signs and Symptom's of fractures, strains and
- Pain at the site
- Swelling
- Discoloration (bruising)
- Deformity (angulation, false joint)
- Open wound consistent with the injury
16First aid for Fractures, Sprains and Strains
- As always in any emergency asses, treat and
maintain the A, B and C. - Make sure the airway is open and patent. Open
airway and suction if necessary. - Make sure the patient is breathing. If not
breathing give ventilatory/breathing support.
Every 5 seconds for an adult. - Make sure you have a pulse check the distal pulse
of the area involved. You can check a pulse
anywhere an artery crosses a bone. - Look for any external bleeding apply pressure
do not elevate if fracture is involved.
17First aid for Fractures, Sprains and Strains
- Immobilize the fracture both above and below the
site of the injury. Splint using commercial
splinting equipment, padded boards and self
splinting. - Ice to the area.
- Seek professional medical care as necessary. The
only way to rule out a fracture is with an X-ray
of the affected area.
18Any Questions????
- Thanks for your attention and participation!!!!