Title: Crisis Prevention Institute Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
1(No Transcript)
2Welcome Back!T.M.I. Paraprofessionals
3Before we begin, you should have the following
- 2000 - 2001 Agenda
- Folder
2000-2001 Agenda
Please make sure that you have signed in
4Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
5Staff Introductions
6 Welcome to our T.M.I.
program! Lets have a great
7Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
3. New Worksites
8WalMart (Greeter)
Washington Woods (Maintenance)
Long John Silver
Toys R Us
Meijer (Softline)
9Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
3. New Worksites
4. Available Worksites
5. Guidelines for Available Worksites
10Guidelines for Available Worksites
If you have a student interested in a new
site make sure that the student has the
following a. An interest in the specific
site or skills b. Availability of a site
c. A job coach/paraprofessional that is
available d. The student has no more than 2
work sites e. The new site does not
conflict with the teachers current schedule
f . Contact Mr. Simonds to ensure the
availability of the site
11Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
3. New Worksites
4. Available Worksites
5. Guidelines for Available Worksites
6. Whos Employed this Year
12Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
3. New Worksites
4. Available Worksites
5. Guidelines for Available Worksites
6. Whos Employed this Year
7. Paychecks
14Whats New for 2000 - 2001!
1. Program Changes
2. Paraprofessional Staffing
Student Enrollment
3. New Worksites
4. Available Worksites
5. Guidelines for Available Worksites
6. Whos Employed this Year
7. Paychecks
8. Behavioral Reinforcement Stipends
15 Behavioral Reinforcement Stipends
Key Points (Handout included in
students folder)
-Students not actually employed will have the
opportunity to earn .50 per worksite.
-Reinforcement is contingent on appropriate
work behavior and attendance.
-Students who do not conduct themselves
appropriately are not rewarded at
paraprofessional/job coach discretion.
-Money is intended for school related C.B.I
activities. Money should never be sent home.
-Documentation of student expenditures is highly
recommended .
16Special Attention (student needs)
1. New Students
2. New Paraprofessionals
3. Missing Consent Forms
Students without consent forms will not be able
to go on any work experience site(s).
17Special Attention (student needs)
1. New Students
2. New Paraprofessionals
3. Missing Consent Forms
4. T.B. Tests
We are all set with TB tests.
Extra copies are included in students work
18Special Attention (student needs)
1. New Students
2. New Paraprofessionals
3. Missing Consent Forms
4. T.B. Tests
5. Health/Medical Concerns
19Health/Medical Concerns
-Information provided is from last year
-Consult with classroom teachers
-Examine all informational forms on all of
your assigned students and update information
as needed
20Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
21Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
Check out your assigned students schedules to
make sure that you have been trained at their
assigned worksites!
Worksite Assignment
22Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
2. Worksite Changes
3. Washington Woods/Riverside
23Work Experience Concerns
Washington Woods/Riverside (In general for
all worksites)
When vacuuming , the cord should not cross the
hallway -If so a barricade should be placed used
to place across the hallway.
When working in the building, should our students
be in the way of a resident, the student and the
paraprofessional should stop work activity and
allow the resident to continue.
Review City of Midlands Contractor and Safety
Program Booklet
24Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
2. Worksite Changes
3. Washington Woods/Riverside
4. Use of Chemicals
25Use of Chemicals
Use common sense when selecting cleaning products
Use mild cleaning solutions such as soap and
water and diluted glass cleaner
Use protective eye wear and gloves when
Consider the environment and the student
26Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
2. Worksite Changes
3. Washington Woods/Riverside
4. Use of Chemicals
5. What Employers Look For
27What Employers Look For
Good Social Skills (mannerisms)
Appropriate Work Behavior (skilled and on task)
Attendance (dependability)
If we concentrate on the above, our students will
have a greater chance in obtaining employment in
the future.
28Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
2. Worksite Changes
3. Washington Woods/Riverside
4. Use of Chemicals
5. What Employers Look For
6. Proper Attire (staff and students)
29Proper Attire (students)
Refrain from sending students to work when
they are not appropriately dressed, shaved,
cleaned, or deodorized.
Students should avoid wearing shorts to worksites.
This also includes sandals or open toe
footwear regardless of how nice the weather is.
Extra clothing should be stored in the
classroom. In the event that a student (or staff)
arrives to school inappropriately dressed, they
should not attempt to go to their worksite unless
extra clothing has been provided in the classroom.
Do not send students to worksites when they are
30Proper Attire (staff)
Be aware that many of our worksites have specific
dress codes. Not only for our students but also
for our paraprofessionals and job coaches.
If you are working at a C.B.I. worksite, you
are required to follow the dress codes of
the organization where you work. If students
are required to wear a name tag, you are
encouraged to do the same.
Be sensitive to our businesses dress codes.
I encourage you to be positive role models for
our students!
31Remember a negative impression lasts longer than
a positive one!
32Work Experience Concerns
1. Staff Training/Retraining
2. Worksite Changes
3. Washington Woods/Riverside
4. Use of Chemicals
5. What Employers Look For
6. Proper Attire (staff and students)
7. Uniforms
Make sure that your assigned student has their
required uniform prior to their starting dates.
Make sure students (and staff) who are required
to wear name tags get them.
Students (or staff) without proper attire
and/or uniform will not be allowed to work.
34Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
Everything you always wanted to know about work
experience but were afraid to ask. Should you
need additional information please do not
hesitate to contact me. A copy is included in
your classrooms Paraprofessional Training
35Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
36Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
37Paraprofessional Training Manual
It is recommended that each paraprofessional
review the paraprofessional training manual.
This manual covers a variety of topics
Work Experience
Disability Sensitivity
Corporal Punishment
First Aid
Paraprofessionals will verify that they have
reviewed the Paraprofessional Training Manual.
38Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
39Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
5. Survey Results
40Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
5. Survey Results
6. Letters of Reference
41Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
5. Survey Results
6. Letters of Reference
7. Volunteer not Employment Letter
42Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
5. Survey Results
6. Letters of Reference
7. Volunteer not Employment Letter
8. Proposed Paraprofessional Meetings
43Proposed Paraprofessional Meetings
See attached handout
All worksites will be canceled
Meetings will alternate from State Street and Dow
Meetings are from 100 to 230
44Informational Items
1. Work Experience Handbook
2. Work Experience Handbook for Parents
3. Paraprofessional Training Manual
4. Work Experience Brochure
5. Survey Results
6. Letters of Reference
7. Volunteer not Employment Letter
8. Proposed Paraprofessional Meetings
9. Bowling and Putt - Putt at Valley Lanes
45Bowling and Putt-Putt Golf
Please contact me for scheduling!
46Forms and Documentations
Student Progress
47Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
Form included in your folder
Paraprofessionals will need to obtain and fill
out a Paraprofessional Absence Request form and
submit to Jan Goodall at Dow High School.
48Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
Example included in your folder
Common omissions include
No date
Missing signature
Information is vague or lacks specific
Incident reports should include what happened
before, during, and after the incident!
49Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
Form included in your folder
50Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
RESPONSIBILITIES Training Site_________________
_____ Address ________________________ Student
Name _________________
City Midland Zip
48640 School Dow High Phone 839-2482
Telephone (517) 631-3133
Address_______________________ Training Site
Supervisor __________ City Midland, MI
Zip 48640__ School Supervisor
________ Telephone
Trainees Job Title
Dining Room Setup SSN ______________________
Date Training Begins
____________ Date of Birth __________________
Anticipated Completion Date
Days and Hours of
Training _______________________________________
Annual Goal Student will
improve work experience skills in the following
areas a. Independence
b. Working during distracting situations
_______________________________ Short Term
Instructional Objectives 1) Student will
perform all learned tasks independently for at
least a 1/2 hour 2) Student will continue
to work during distracting situations
Job coach with student
unless specified otherwise. Written Trainee
Analysis completed periodically. Goals and
Objectives valid at any setting until next IEPC.
Each goal should be addressed in each
students Trainee Analysis under the task section.
52Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
53 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
Each teacher has a set of pre-dated time sheets
for the 2000 -2001 school year.
Please use these forms!
These forms are used for both student attendance
and behavioral stipends.
Each student needs a separate time sheet for each
55 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
Each paraprofessional must print their names
under instructional aide(s).
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Substitutes for any job coach will also need
to print their name(s) under instructional
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
56 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
Paraprofessionals must record the date, time in,
and time out for each day that their assigned
student is at work.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
A paraprofessional signature must be present for
each day a student works.
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
57 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
The lower half of the form is where the month and
daily attendance is to be recorded.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
58 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Attendance sheets or time sheets will need to be
turned in to me upon completion at Ashman School.
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
The original form must be turn in to me.
Attendance auditors will not accept photocopied
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Please complete the forms neatly and legibly.
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
We will be monitored this Fall (first count).
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
59 Employee Attendance
Record Student Name
Job Site
Social Security Number
Days M T W TH F Time
Instructional Aide(s)
Date Time In Time Out Signature
Please dont forget to hand in time sheets on
time. Follow the schedule included in your
students folder. Late time sheets results
in your assigned student to miss out on
their behavioral stipend.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
LH Legal Holiday IS Illness Self AJ Accident
on Job CH Company Holiday IF Illness Family XA
Unexcused Absence V Vacation Day DF Death in
Family EA Excused Absence S Snow Day DS
Discipline P Personal Day
Bi-Weekly Totals
Please return to Dan Simonds upon completion
60Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
6. Behavioral Stipend Schedule
61Behavioral Stipend Schedule
Schedule included in your folder
Pay close attention to the due dates! Attendance
records (timesheets) that are not turned in on
time may result in a student missing their
behavioral stipend.
62Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
6. Behavioral Stipend Schedule
7. Trainee Analysis
63Trainee Analysis
Example included in your folder
Key Points
To be completed once every week.
Complete new form at the beginning of each
semester or when a student changes worksites.
Save white copies and submit to me.
Use job descriptions as a guideline.
64(No Transcript)
65Trainee Analysis
Example included in your folder
Key Points
To be completed once every week.
Complete new form at the beginning of each
semester or when a student changes worksites.
Save white copies and submit to me.
Use job descriptions as a guideline.
Consult with employers/previous assigned
Consider students needs and abilities
66Trainee Analysis
Students goals and objectives (from
training agreements) should be included in the
task section of your trainee analysis.
RESPONSIBILITIES Training Site_________________
_____ Address ________________________ Student
Name _________________
City Midland Zip
48640 School Dow High Phone 839-2482
Telephone (517) 631-3133
Address_______________________ Training Site
Supervisor __________ City Midland, MI
Zip 48640__ School Supervisor
________ Telephone
Trainees Job Title
Dining Room Setup SSN ______________________
Date Training Begins
____________ Date of Birth __________________
Anticipated Completion Date
Days and Hours of
Training _______________________________________
Annual Goal Student will
improve work experience skills in the following
areas a. Independence
b. Working during distracting situations
_______________________________ Short Term
Instructional Objectives 1) Student will
perform all learned tasks independently for at
least a 1/2 hour 2) Student will continue
to work during distracting situations
Job coach with student
unless specified otherwise. Written Trainee
Analysis completed periodically. Goals and
Objectives valid at any setting until next IEPC.
Each goal should be addressed in each
students Trainee Analysis under the task section.
68(No Transcript)
69Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
6. Behavioral Stipend Schedule
7. Trainee Analysis
8. End of the Year Evaluations
70End of the Year Evaluations
Key Points
When completed, trainee analysis needs to be
attached (white copy only).
Need to be objective, critical and honest when
completing this form.
71Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
6. Behavioral Stipend Schedule
7. Trainee Analysis
8. End of the Year Evaluation
9. 2000 - 2001 School Years Calendar
722000- 2001 School Year Calendar
Included in students work folder
Update as needed and notify employers.
Northwood University runs on a different calendar.
73Forms and Documentations
1. Staff Absences
2. Incident Reports
3. Staff Accident Reports
4. Goals and Objectives
5. Timesheets
6. Behavioral Stipend Schedule
7. Trainee Analysis
8. End of the Year Evaluation
9. 2000 - 2001 School Years Calendar
10. Work Folders
74Work Folders
Check out folders for errors or any missing
-School phone numbers
-Completed emergency forms
-Signed emergency forms
75Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
76Work Experience Guidelines
Included in each students work folder.
77Work Experience Guidelines
Student Work Folders
Make sure folders contain the items listed on
your handout.
Double check all authorization forms!!
78Work Experience Guidelines
Students will not miss work if at all possible.
Schedule activities outside work experience time,
when possible.
Students have two personal days per semester.
Students should notify me and the employer as
soon as possible.
79Work Experience Guidelines
Staff Rotation
Rotate sites whenever possible.
Substitute paraprofessionals are not allowed to
go any worksite unless they have been trained.
Do not send an untrained substitute para to a
Notify me of any changes and staff rotation.
80Work Experience Guidelines
Staff are not permitted to transport students in
their own vehicles.
If a student is in need of medical
treatment, stranded by D.A.R.T. (and couldnt
make it back to their assigned building by 335),
or needed to be removed for behavioral reasons
these situations would warrant alternative
81Work Experience Guidelines
In such an event, paraprofessionals would need to
contact their building administrator and further
arrangements will be made.
82Work Experience Guidelines
I need to be contacted in the event of student
absences, staff changes and/or rotations,
cancellations, and changes regarding
If I am not in my office please leave a
messageif an emergency have my office page me.
83Work Experience Guidelines
Community Visibility
It is our responsibility to act as positive role
models for our students.
Stay within sight of our students.
Refrain from shopping and/or purchasing items
for personal use when acting as a job coach.
Our responsibility is to assist our students with
appropriate work skills and behavior.
84Work Experience Guidelines
Staff and/or Student illness while at
Contact me and inquire about options.
If I am not availablehave me paged.
If I am out for the day, than your class- room
teacher should be notified and further
arrangements should be made.
85Work Experience Guidelines
You are responsible for keeping student
information confidential.
Suspected student abuse or suspected behavior
should be reported to your classroom teacher
first NOT other paraprofessionals.
86Work Experience Guidelines
If there are any problems/concerns with a
worksite, please contact me (i.e. too much down
time, unreliable transportation, concerns
expressed from students or other employees, etc.).
87Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
2. Bloodborne Pathogen
88Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
2. Bloodborne Pathogen
3. Emergency Guidelines
89Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
2. Bloodborne Pathogen
3. Emergency Guidelines
4. D.A.R.T.
Last years memo included in your folder
Key Points
Remember to wait 15 minutes prior to pick and
Transportation arrangements need to be made in
advance-a days notice.
If you must make arrangements on the same day
than an hour notice should be given.
Last years memo included in your folder
Key Points
Avoid changing times and/or last minute changes.
There are no 830 pick ups for wheel- chairs.
Avoid scheduling a pick up and drop off within an
hours time.
92Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
2. Bloodborne Pathogen
3. Emergency Guidelines
4. D.A.R.T.
5. Authorization and Consent Forms
93Procedural Reminders
1. Work Experience Guidelines
2. Bloodborne Pathogen
3. Emergency Guidelines
4. D.A.R.T.
5. Authorization and Consent Forms
6. Extra Forms
94Coming Soon!!
Midland Public Schools T.M.I. Work Experience
Web Page
95The Web site includes the following -Brochures -
Parent Handbook -Employer Information -Staff and
Student Photos -and much much more!!
Warning Still under construction!!
I would appreciate any suggestions and/or
962000 - 2001 Student Work Schedule
Please note the following schedule changes and/or
arrangements that will need to made for your
assigned students.
All schedules and arrangements are tentative and
subject to change.
97Any Questions??
98 Thank you for all you do!
Lets work together and have a great year!!
99(No Transcript)
100(No Transcript)
101(No Transcript)