Title: U.S. History Top 100
1U.S. History Top 100
- What every student should know to pass the U.S.
History EOC. - Goals 1-12
2Goal 1 The New Nation (1789-1820)
- The learner will identify, investigate, and
assess the effectiveness of the institutions of
the emerging republic.
3Suffrage during the Federalist Era
- Who could vote?
- White males who owned property.
- Who could not vote?
- White males who did not own property
- Women
- African-Americans
- Native Americans
4XYZ Affair, 1797
- The American delegates told the French expected a
bribe in order to meet with them.
5Marbury v. Madison, 1803
- This case established the Supreme Court's right
to judicial review.
6Alien Sedition Acts, 1798
- The Alien Act made it longer to become a citizen.
- The Sedition Act made it illegal to publish
defamatory statements about the federal
government. - The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions opposed
these laws and initiated the concept of
7Louisiana Purchase, 1803
- from France for 15 million.
- The Constitution did not give the federal
government the power to buy land, so Jefferson
used loose interpretation to justify the
8Development of the two-party system
- Democratic Republicans
- Thomas Jefferson
- states should have more power
- Farming
- pro-French
- strict construction of the Constitution
- Federalists
- Led by Alexander Hamilton
- Favored strong central government
- industry and trade
- pro-British
- a loose construction of the Constitution
9Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
- Farmers rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on
whiskey. - The army put down the rebellion.
- government would strongly enforce its laws
10Washingtons Farewell Address, 1796
- Warned against competing political parties
- Warned against complicated entanglements
(alliances) of Europe
11Goal 2 Expansion and Reform (1801-1850)
- The learner will assess the competing forces of
expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism.
12Missouri Compromise, 1820
- Missouri as a slave state
- Maine as a free state.
- territory north of 3630" would become free
states, and south would become slave states.
13Indian Removal, 1838-1839
- Moved to Oklahoma
- The journey became known as the "Trail of
14Hudson River School of Art
- painted American landscapes.
15Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
- 1798 - separate cotton from its seeds.
- made cotton a profitable crop.
- reinforced slavery in the economy of the South.
- An anti-foreign
- 1840's and 1850's in response to the influx of
Irish and German Catholics.
17Henry Clay
- Clay helped heal the North/South rift by aiding
passage of the Compromise of 1850.
18Tariff of Abominations
- protected the North
- harmed the South
- South said that the tariff was unconstitutional
because it violated state's rights.
19Monroe Doctrine, 1823
- Europe should not interfere in the Western
Hemisphere - a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major
impact until the late 1800s.
20Womens Reform Movement
- Seneca Falls, NY Convention
- Declaration of Rights and Sentiments
21Goal 3 Crisis, Civil War and Reconstruction
- The learner will analyze the issues that led to
the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the
impact of Reconstruction on the nation.
22Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
- Popular sovereignty (vote of the people) would
determine whether Kansas and Nebraska would be
slave or free states.
23Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857
- sued for his freedom
- The U.S. Supreme Court decided he could not sue
in federal court because he was property, not a
24Compromise of 1850
- Admitted California as a free state
- Organized Utah and N.M. without restrictions on
slavery - Abolished slave trade in D.C.
- Established tougher fugitive slave laws.
- .
25Causes of Secession, 1860
- After Lincoln was elected, seven Southern states
seceded. - South said he was a President whose opinions and
purposes are hostile to slavery.
26Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
- lasted three days and the North won
- Considered a turning point of the Civil War.
27Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
- freed all slaves in states still in rebellion
28Reconstruction Plans
- Presidential Plans
- Lincoln and Johnsons plans were leniant for the
- Congressional Plan
- Radical Republicans wanted to force changes in
south (three amendments, military control)
29Compromise of 1877
- Hayes promised to end Reconstruction in exchange
for the Democrats accepting his election results.
He took Union troops out of the South.
30Civil War Amendments
- 13th - slavery
- 14th - citizenship
- 15th - vote
31Civil Rights Act of 1866
- Prohibited abridgement of rights of blacks or any
other citizens.
32Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor
- The learner will evaluate the great westward
movement and assess the impact of the
agricultural revolution on the nation.
33Helen Hunt Jackson
- A muckraker whose book exposed the unjust manner
in which the U.S. government had treated the
Indians. Protested the Dawes Severalty Act.
34Motivation for Westward Movement
- Miners-49ers
- Cattle ranchers
- Farmers
- Government Incentives
- Pacific Railway Acts
- Morrill Land-Grant Act
- Homestead Act
35Challenges of Westward Movement
- Lack of resources wood and water
- Severe weather, bugs, floods, prairie fires, dust
storms, drought - Conflicts with Native Americans
36Transcontinental Railroad, 1869
37Dawes Act, 1887
- It tried to dissolve Indian tribes by giving land
to individuals - Assimilation policy
38Cross of Gold Speech, 1896
- William Jennings Bryan
- said people must not be "crucified on a cross of
39Improvements in Agriculture
- Mechanized reaper reduced labor force
- Steel plow cut through dense sod
- Barbed wire end of open range
- Windmills powers irrigation systems
40Goal 5 Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900)
- The learner will describe innovations in
technology and business practices and assess
their impact on economic, political, and social
life in America.
41Jacob Riis
- Early 1900's writer who exposed social and
political evils in the U.S. Muckraker novel.
42Jane Addams Hull House, 1889
- founded Hull House in Chicago, the first private
social welfare agency in the U.S. - Assisted the poor, combat juvenile delinquency
and help immigrants learn to speak English.
43Gospel of Wealth, 1889
- Andrew Carnegie was an American millionaire and
philanthropist who donated large sums of money
for public works. - His book argued that the wealthy have an
obligation to give something back to society.
44Social Darwinism
- Applied Darwin's theory of natural selection and
"survival of the fittest" to human society -- the
poor are poor because they are not as fit to
survive. - Used as an argument against social reforms to
help the poor.
45Influence of Big Business
- Business control over government
- A theory that the economy does better without
government intervention in business.
47Labor Unions
- Knights of Labor
- noted as the first union of all workers.
- American Federation of Labor
- It is a federation of different unions.
48Labor Practices
- Collective Bargaining - Discussions held between
workers and their employers over wages, hours,
and conditions. - Labor Unions organization of workers
- Strikes refusal to perform work until demands
are met.
49Thomas Nast
- Newspaper cartoonist who produced satirical
cartoons, - invented "Uncle Sam" and came up with the
elephant and the donkey for the political
parties. He nearly brought down Boss Tweed.
50Credit Mobilier Scandal, 1872
- Union Pacific received a government contract to
build the transcontinental railroad - It "hired" Credit Mobilier to do the actual
construction, charging nearly twice the actual
cost of the project. - The scheme was discovered and the company tried
to bribe Congress with gifts of stock to stop the
investigation. - This was the biggest bribery scandal in U.S.
history, and led to greater public awareness of
government corruption.
51Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in
World Affairs (1890-1914)
- The learner will analyze causes and effects of
the United States emergence as a world power.
52Alfred Mahan
- In order to protect overseas investments America
built the "great white fleet" that had been
requested by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan.
53Josiah Strong
- One of the leading proponents of imperialism was
Minister Josiah Strong. - it was our destiny to acquire new lands.
54Causes of Spanish-American War, 1898
- An explosion crippled the warship Maine.
- The U.S. blamed Spain for the incident and used
it as an excuse to go to war with Spain. - Yellow Journalism
- Pulitzer
- Hearst
55Sewards Folly, 1867
- Seward was the energetic supporter of the Alaskan
purchase and negotiator of the deal - often called "Seward's Folly" because Alaska was
seen as not fit for settlement or farming.
56Annexation of Hawaii, 1898
- American businessmen arranged the removal of the
queen from power
57Roosevelt Corollary, 1904
- U.S. would act as international policemen. An
addition to the Monroe Doctrine.
58Open Door Policy, 1899
- assurance that other nations would respect the
principle of equal trade opportunities in the
China market.
59Goal 7 The Progressive Movement (1890-1914)
- The learner will analyze the economic, political,
and social reforms of the Progressive Period.
- Journalists
- publicized social and economic problems
- Sausage anyone?
61Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 1911
- mostly women.
- doors were locked
- poor working conditions
- led to federal regulations to protect workers.
62Causes of Progressivism
- Ineffectiveness of government
- Poor working conditions-child labor
- Unequal distribution of wealth
- Immigration
- Urban poor
- Corruption
63Progressive Party Platform
- women's suffrage,
- social welfare legislation for women and children
- workers' compensation
- farm relief,
64Governor Robert LaFollette
- Reforms
- leader of the Progressive
- movement
65Federal Reserve Act, 1913
- Regulated banking
- A move away from laissez-faire policies
66Plessy v. Ferguson, 1886
- segregated facilities for whites and blacks were
legal as long as they were of equal quality.
67Booker T. Washington
- economic independence before civil rights.
- founded the Tuskegee Institute.
68W.E.B. DuBois
- Demand social and civil rights
- Helped found the NAACP.
- poll taxes and literacy tests, which took away
blacks' right to vote.
70New Marketing Techniques
- Advertising
- Mail order catalogs
- Consumerism
71Goal 8 The Great War and Its Aftermath
- The learner will analyze United States
involvement in World War I and the wars
influence on international affairs during the
72U.S. - Neutrality to Involvement
- May 1915 Lusitania
- Sept. 1915 Germany promises not to sink unarmed
ships - March 1916 Sussex
- May 1916 Germany promises not to sink unarmed
ships - Jan. 1917 Zimmerman note
- Feb. 1917 Germany resumes unrestricted
submarine warfare - April 1917 U.S. declares war on Germany
73League of Nations, 1919
- Devised Wilson
- the U.S. did not join
74Fourteen Points, 1918
- wanted them included in TOV
- included freedom of the seas and the League of
75Russian Revolution, 1917
- Communist
- Russia out of WWI.
76Eugene V. Debs
- ran for president as a socialist
- he was imprisoned for protesting WWI in violation
of the Sedition Act.
77Sacco and Vanzetti
- Italian immigrants anarchist charged with murder.
- Some believed they were found guilty because of
their anarchist activities.
78Schenck v. U.S., 1919
- free speech case
- In war, utterances tolerable in peacetime can be
punished. - Hush Your Mouth.
79Goal 9 Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939)
- The learner will appraise the economic, social,
and political changes of the decades of The
Twenties and The Thirties.
80Causes of Great Depression
- debt,
- speculation,
- buying on margin,
- over-production and under-consuming,
- the stock market crashed.,
81Stock Market Crash, 1929
- selling occurred as investors realized the stock
boom was ending.
82Assembly Line
- equipment and workers in a direct line until the
product is assembled.
83Impact of Mass Media
- Radio
- Marketing and advertising
- Jazz
- Silent talkie films
- Fireside Chats
84Lost Generation
- writers after WW I who thought the U.S. was
materialistic and they criticized conformity.
85Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes
- Harlem was a center for black writers, musicians,
and intellectuals.
- Stressing literal adherence Biblical teachings
87Scopes Trial, 1925
- evolution.
- the trial started a shift of public opinion away
from Fundamentalism.
88New Deal Agencies-
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
89Flappers, 1920s
- short skirts, bobbed hair, and more sexual
freedom. - abandon traditional female roles
90Long Term Effects of New Deal Programs
- Expansion of the role of federal government
- Government responsibility for the welfare of its
citizens - Expanding government role in the economy
- Deficit spending
91Dust Bowl, 1930s
- dust storms caused major ecological and
agricultural damage
92Bonus Army, 1932
- WWI bonus due 1945
- veterans marched on Washington, D.C., and Hoover
called in the army to disperse them.
93Bank Failures
- By 1933, depositors saw 140 billion disappear
through bank failures.
94Goal 10 World War II and the Beginning of the
Cold War (1930s-1963)
- The learner will analyze United States
involvement in World War II and the wars
influence on international affairs in following
95Lend-lease Act, 1941
- U.S. sent supplies and ammunition to the Allies.
96Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941
- attack by Japanese
- The U.S. declared war on Japan, entering World
War II.
97D-Day, June 6, 1944
- Led by Eisenhower, stormed the beaches at
Normandy France - A turning point of World War II.
- Others?
98Korematsu v. U.S., 1944
- Upheld the U.S. government's decision to put
Japanese-Americans in internment camps
99G.I. Bill, 1944
- 13 billion in aid for former servicemen, ranging
from educational grants to housing
100Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
- quarantine of Cuba.
- almost led to nuclear war,
- Khrushchev agreed to dismantle the launch sites.
101Marshall Plan, 1947
- economic aid to rebuild Europe after WWII and
help prevent the spread of Communism.
102Korean War, 1950
- Communist North invaded the South.
- The United Nations helped the South
- China helped the North.
- This was the first time the United Nations had
intervened militarily.
103Post-war Organizations
- United Nations
- SEATO, 1954 - Alliance of non-Communist Asian
104Containment, George F. Keenan
- confront the Russians wherever they tried to
spread their power.
105Rosie the Riveter
- Women found jobs, in heavy industry
106Domino Theory, 1957
- It stated that if one country fell to Communism,
others would also
107Goal 11 Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
- The learner will trace economic, political, and
social developments and assess their significance
for the lives of Americans during this time
108McCarthyism, 1950-1953
- Said the U.S. State Department had been
infiltrated by Communists. - accused the Army of covering up foreign
espionage. - Army-McCarthy hearings made McCarthy look so
foolish that further investigations were halted.
- A lessening of tensions between U.S. and Soviet
Union and China..
110Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
- ordered all public schools desegregated.
111Martin Luther King, Jr.
- President of the SCLC
- promoted non-violent protest.
112Malcolm X
- Malcolm X preached a message of self-reliance and
113Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan, 1963
- Depicted how difficult a woman's life is because
she doesn't think about herself, only her family.
114War Powers Act, 1973
115Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964
- U.S. Navy ships reportedly fired on,
- gave the president power to whatever was
necessary in Vietnam.
116My Lai Incident, 1968
- An American unit killed many women and children.
117Sputnik, 1957
- Satellite
- launched by the Soviets.
118Watergate Scandal, 1972-1974
- breaking into the Democratic National Committee's
executive headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. - he resigned.
119Cesar Chavez
- leader of the United Farm Workers
- Organized laborers to strike against fruit and
vegetable growers.
120Goal 12 The United States since the Vietnam War
- The learner will identify and analyze trends in
domestic and foreign affairs of the United States
during this time period.
121Camp David Accords, 1978
- Peace talks between Egypt and Israel mediated by
President Carter.
122Title IX, 1972
- "No person in the United States shall, on the
basis of sex, be excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any education program or
activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
123North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1992
- Open trade with Canada, Mexico and the United
124Affirmative Action
- Policy that gives special consideration to women
and minorities to make up for past
discrimination. - Attacked by the New Right as reverse
125September 11, 2001
- The September 11, 2001 attacks consisted of a
series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks
by Islamic extremists on the United States on
September 11, 2001.
126No Child Left Behind, 2002 (ESEA)
- President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind
Act. The law helps schools improve by focusing on
accountability. (aka tests)
127Election of 2000
- In the presidential election of 2000 Republican
George W. Bush was elected over Democrat Al Gore
in one of the closest and most controversial
presidential elections in the history of the
United States.
128Regents of the University of California v. Bakke,
- Barred colleges from admitting students solely on
the basis of race, but allowed them to include
race along with other considerations when
deciding which students to admit.
129New US Foreign Policy
- War on Terror
- Pre-emptive strikes on any nation that harbors
terrorist cells and will not cooperate with
international peacekeeping efforts