Title: HLA and antigen presentation
1 HLA and antigen presentation
- Institute of Immunology
- University Hospital
- Motol
2Structure and function of HLA
- history
- structure of HLA gens and molecules
- function of HLA moleculs
- nomenclature of HLA system
- HLA association with disease
- antigen presentation
- HLA molecules are responsible for the
compatibility of the tissues of
genetically different individuals - combination of HLA molecules is unique in each
individual - monozygotic twins have the same
histocompatibility molecules on their
cells - HLA molecules are responsible for the rejection
of transplant - HLA molecules present antigens and provoke immune
reaction leading to the transplant rejection and
destruction - histocompatibility molecules are called
histocompatibility antigens or transplantation
4HLA - immune system development
- Histocompatibility molecules are glycoproteins
expressed at the surface of all vertebrate cells.
- HLA molecules represent the latest stage of the
development of the immune system.
5structure of HLA molecules
- Two classes of HLA molecules are recognized and
designed HLA class I. and HLA class II. - HLA molecules of both classes are glycoproteins,
heterodimers, composed from two chains. At least
one of the chains is polymorphic. - Structure of HLA molecules of both classes
enables antigen binding and contact with T cell
6HLA class I. molecules
- Class I molecules consist of three parts
- a transmembrane protein, called the heavy chain.
The outermost domains contain two segments of
polymorphic alpha helix that form two ridges
with a groove between them called a1and a2, a3 is
nonpolymorphic domain close to the membrane.. - a molecule of beta-2 microglobulin (ß2m), which
is attached noncovalently to the heavy chain - peptide bound to the groove formed by a1and a2
7structure of HLA class I. molecules
- HLA class I. molecules are composed from
- heavy a chain
- b-2 microglobulin
- peptide
- Humans synthesize three different types of class
I. molecules designated HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C. - These differ only in their heavy chain, all
sharing the same type of beta-2 microglobulin. - HLA class I. molecules are expressed on all
nucleated cells of the body. - HLA class I. molecules are not expressed on red
blood cells and only minor level of expression is
detected on the cells of central nervous system. - The genes encoding the different heavy chains are
clustered on chromosome 6 in the major
histocompatibility complex.
9HLA class II. molecules
- Class II molecules consist of two transmembrane
polypeptides an alpha chain and a beta chain.
Both chains are polymorphic. - The alpha and beta chains are encoded by clusters
of loci in the region of chromosome 6 designated
HLA-D. - HLA class II. molecules form 3 types, designed
HLA DR, DP and DQ. - Class II molecules are not as widely expressed in
the body as the class I molecules are. However,
cells where inflammation is occurring express
class II strongly and provide a powerful stimulus
to the immune system.
10Structure of HLA class II. molecules
- Class II molecules consist of two transmembrane
polypeptides and bound peptide.
11Structure of HLA class I. and II. molecules
- HLA class I. HLA class II.
12HLA and peptides
- antigenic peptids in the binding sites of HLA
molecules - class I.
- class II.
13HLA genes
chromozom 6
HLA region
D HLA class III. B C E A G F
- HLA class III. are soluble molecules as
complement, TNF, HSP - HLA DR a chain is not polymorphic
14HLA haplotypes
- Haplotype is combination of allelic forms of HLA
molecules on one chromosome. - We inherit 3 types of heavy chains for HLA class
I. molecules from each parent . - Everybody expresses 6 different types of HLA
class I. molecules unless honmozygous status for
some of the types was inherited.
15HLA polymorfism
- Genes for HLA are the most polymorhic structures
from all known systems. - The diversity of alleles in the population makes
possible thousands of different combinations. In
a study of 1000 blood and organ donors in San
Francisco that were typed for HLA-A and HLA-B, - Over half the group had a combination that was
unique. - Another 111 donors had a set of these molecules
that they shared with only one other person in
the group. - The most frequent phenotype (HLA-A1, HLA-A3,
HLA-B7, and HLA-B8) was found in 11 donors.
16HLA typing
- The MHC of humans is now completely sequenced! A
consortium of laboratories reports in the 28
October 1999 issue of Nature that they have
determined the sequence of 3,673,800 nucleotides
on chromosome 6 that encode the genes of the MHC
as well as many other genes involved in immune
17HLA nomenclature
HLA Alleles Assigned July 2012 There are
currently 8159 HLA alleles described by the HLA
nomenclature and included in the IMGT/HLA
18HLA nomenclature
19HLA and antigen presentation
- Although histocompatibility molecules were
discovered because of the crucial role they play
in graft rejection, clearly evolution did not
give vertebrates these molecules exclusively for
that function. - The main function of HLA molecules is the process
called antigen presentation to T lymphocytes.
20HLA and antigens
- Antigens presented to the immune system come from
different sources. The main division of the
antigens recognizes extracellular antigens and
intracellular antigens. - The nature of extracellular and intrcellular
antigens differs markedly and both induce
different type of immune reaction. - Intracellular antigens are presented in
connection with HLA class I. - Extracellular antigens are presented in
connection with HLA class II.
21Antigen presentation
- Antigens are molecules able to induce immune
response. - Antigens are mostly proteins, glycoproteins or
polysaccharides. - Extracellular antigens enter the body from the
environment. They are inhaled or ingested
macromolecules or molecules that are introduced
beneath the skin . - Intracellular antigens are antigens that are
generated within the cells of the body these
would include proteins encoded by the genes of
viruses that have infected a cell or aberrant
proteins that are encoded by mutant genes such as
mutated genes in cancer cells.
22Antigen presenting cells and T
- The recognition of antigen by T cells is
necessary for induction of the immune response. - The nature of the outcome of the immune response
is directed according to the nature of presented
antigen. - exogenic antigen presentation
23Antigen presenting cells and
T lymphocytes
- The recognition of antigen by T cells is
necessary for induction of the immune response. - The nature of the outcome of the immune response
is directed according to the nature of presented
antigen. - endogenous antigen presentation
24Exogenous antigens
- Exogenous antigens (inhaled, ingested, or
injected) are taken up by "professional"
antigen-presenting cells - These include
- phagocytic cells like macrophages and dendritic
cells - B lymphocytes which are responsible
- for producing antibodies against the antigen.
- professional antigen-presenting cells
- All these cells expressed HLA class II. molecules
25Exogenous antigens and cells
- Antigen presenting cells
- engulf the antigen by endocytosis
- degrade it into fragments (e.g. break an
antigenic protein into short peptides) - display these peptides at the surface of the cell
nestled within - a class II. histocompatibility molecule
- here they may be recognized by CD4 T cells
26Exogenous pathway
- Steps of the exogenous antigen presentation
- The two chains of the class II molecule are
inserted into the membrane of the RER. - They bind (in their groove) one molecule of
invariant chain. - This trimolecular complex is transported through
- the Golgi apparatus and into vesicles called
lysosomes. - Invariant chain is actively deleted by HLA DM.
- Invariant chain is replaced by antigen.
- Complex of HLA and antigens moves to the surface
of the cell. - Complex HLA-antigen is recognized by CD4 positive
27Endogenous antigens
- Antigens that are generated within a cell are
- degraded into fragments (e.g., peptides) within
the cell in proteasome - selected antigens are transported to ER with
active action of TAP (transport associated
protein) - stable complex of HLA class I. and antigen is
formed in ER, moves to Golgi - displayed at the surface
- Here they may be recognized by CD8 T cells.
- Most CD8 T cells are cytotoxic.
- They have the machinery to destroy the infected
cell (often before it is able to release a fresh
crop of viruses to spread the infection). -
28Endogenous pathway
- HLA antigens class I. are expressed on all
nucleated cells - There are three subunits in each class I
histocompatibility molecule - the transmembrane polypeptide - heavy chain
- the antigenic peptide
- beta-2 microglobulin
- complex on the cell surface meets CD8 T
- Transport associated protein - TAP is
responsible for the peptide transport from
cytoplasm to ER. - Proteins are degraded to peptide in proteasome.
- The peptides are picked up by TAP proteins and
transported from the cytosol into the RER where
they assemble with - the transmembrane polypeptide and beta-2
microglobulin. - this trimolecular complex then moves through the
Golgi apparatus and is inserted in the plasma
30Antigen presentation pathways
exogenous antigens, HLA class II.
endogenous antigens, HLA class I.
31B lymfocytes
- B lymphocytes process antigen by the class II
pathway. However, antigen processing by B cells
differs from that of phagocytic cells like
macrophages in crucial ways.
- B cells engulf antigen by receptor-mediated
endocytosis - The affinity of B cells for an epitope on an
antigen may be so high that the B cell can
process the antigen when it is present in body
fluids in concentrations thousands of times
smaller than a macrophage would need - The remaining steps of antigen processing occur
by the same class II pathway - The B cell grows into a clone of plasma cells
under the influence of cytokines produces by CD4
lymohocyte - The antibodies are secreted into the surroundings
34Signal pathways, cell activation
35Summary -antigen presentation pathways
endogenous exogenous B lymfocytes
cell destruction immune response
antibody production
36Antigen presentation and T lymphocyts
37Polarisation of T lymphocytes
38Polarisation of T lymphocytes
39Presentation of antigen and transplantation
40Presentation of antigen and infection
41Presentation of antigen and autoimmunity
42Presentation of antigen and tumours
43Presentation of antigen and vaccines
44Presentation of antigen - summary
45Presentation of antigen - summary
46Presentation of antigen - summary
defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) mature
proteins (retirees) ER aminopeptidases (ERAP)
Peptides that fail to bind to MHC class I
molecules are removed by the translocon SEC61 and
enter the cytoplasm
Making sense of mass destruction quantitating
MHC class I antigen presentation Jonathan W.
Yewdell, Eric Reits Jacques Neefjes Nature
Reviews Immunology 3, 952-961 (December 2003)
47Prezentace antigenu v obrane organismu
48Antigen presenting cell and lymphocyte
49Antigen presenting cell and lymphocyte