Title: PowerPoint PowerTIP
1PowerPoint PowerTIP
Visual Magic
How to create stunning visuals that sell,
motivate and persuade
2Visuals Persuade
Visuals help you sell your ideas
Successful meeting using visuals
Successful meeting without visuals
Source Decker Presentations
3Visuals Increase Retention
We remember less than 10 of what we hear verbally
Message Retention in Presentations
Source Wharton University Study
4A Visual Is Worth a Thousand Words
Visuals Trigger - Memories - Emotions - Times
5Start With a Background Template
Templates - Provide visual unity - Add pizzazz -
Save time
6Think KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
The Three Keys to Success
Impact Test - Is it simple? - Is it clear? -
Is it visible?
7Stick to One Idea Per Visual
The Three Es of Successful Presentations
Clarity Test - Clear headline - One point per
visual - Uncluttered
8Search For a Single Visual to Sell your Message
Profit Pyramid
Presentation Theme Our profits come from a few
key clients
9Use Visual Metaphors
Sales forecasts gradually improve over next 6
10Use Animation to Create Movement
The New Breed of Client