KS3 French Core Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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KS3 French Core Language


KS3 French Core Language tre to be avoir to have faire to do Pronouns I am je suis I do je fais I have j ai je I tu you (sing.) il/elle he/she – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: core | french | ks3 | language


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: KS3 French Core Language

KS3 French Core Language
être to be
avoir to have
faire to do
je suis I am
tu es you are
il/elle/on est he/she is/we are
nous sommes we are
vous êtes you are
ils / elles sont they are
je fais I do
tu fais you do
il / elle/ on fait he/she /we do
nous faisons we do
vous faites you do
ils / elles font they/you do
jai I have
tu as you have
il /elle/on a he/she/we have
nous avons we have
vous avez you have (formal or .pl.)
Ils/ elles ont they have
je I tu you (sing.) il/elle he/she on we
/ one nous we vous you (pl or
formal.) ils/elles they
Time words
Referring to things
Referring to places
maintenant nowavant before après
afteraujourdhui todayhier yesterdaydemain
tomorrowencore une fois - againtoujours
alwayssouvent oftenquelquefois
sometimesjamais neverla semaine dernière
last weekla semaine prochaine next week
une chose a thingceci thiscela
thatquelque chose something (un) autre
(an)otherbeaucoup (de) a lot (of)(un) peu
(a) little très verytout all/everything trop
too (much)
ici here là-(bas) (over) there
Saying what you did
Je suis allé(e) I wentjai fait I did Jai vu
I sawjai joué I playedjai mangé I
atejai bu I drank Jai regardé I
watched Jai travaillé I worked Jai voyagé I
Making links
et andou or aussi alsomais butparce
que becauseavec withsans - without
Sentence building
Asking questions
Je peux / on peut I can / you/we can...
Je veux I want to..
Je dois I have to
Je vais / on va verb Im going to/were going to
Jaime /je naime pas I like to / I dont like to..
Jaime beaucoup I love to
Je voudrais I would like to
Porquoi? why? Quest-ce que? what? quand?
when? où? where? Qui? who? Combien? how
much/many? Comment? how?
Je pense que I think that Je crois que I
believe thatIl me semble que it seems that.. A
mon avis.. in my opinion..
KS3 French Key Skills
1 Sound/meaning
2 Visual/meaning
3 Spelling (core language words only)
1 repeat correctly
4 (improved) speed of recall
2 retain pronunciation
1 say whole sentences from visual prompts
3 pronounce accurately from text
Sentence building
Infer/guess meaning from key words/cognates
2 adapt sentences to make new meanings
3 Use key verbs to build new sentences
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