Title: Chapter 02: Numerical methods for microfluidics
1Chapter 02Numerical methods for microfluidics
- Xiangyu Hu
- Technical University of Munich
2Possible numerical approaches
- Macroscopic approaches
- Finite volume/element method
- Thin film method
- Microscopic approaches
- Molecular dynamics (MD)
- Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Mesoscopic approaches
- Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)
- Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
3Possible numerical approaches
4Macroscopic approaches
Finite volume/element method
- Solving Navier-Stokes (NS) equation
- Eulerian coordinate used
- Equations discretized on a mesh
- Macroscopic parameter and states directly applied
Continuity equation
Interface/surface force
Momentum equation
Viscous force
Pressure gradient
5Macroscopic approaches
Finite volume/element method
- Interface treatments
- Volume of fluid (VOF)
- Most popular
- Level set method
- Phase field
- Complex geometry
- Structured body fitted mesh
- Coordinate transformation
- Matrix representing
- Unstructured mesh
- Linked list representing
Unstructured mesh
VOF description
6Macroscopic approaches
Finite volume/element method
- A case on droplet formation (Kobayashi et al
2004, Langmuir) - Droplet formation from micro-channel (MC) in a
shear flow - Different aspect ratios of circular or elliptic
channel studied - Interface treated with VOF
- Body fitted mesh for complex geometry
7Macroscopic approaches
Finite volume/element method
- Application in micro-fluidic simulations
- Simple or multi-phase flows in micro-meter scale
channels - Difficulties in micro-fluidic simulations
- Dominant forces
- Thermal fluctuation not included
- Complex fluids
- Multi-phase
- Easy simple interface (size comparable to the
domain size) - Difficult complex interficial flow (such as
bubbly flow) - Polymer or colloids solution
- Difficult
- Complex geometry
- Easy static and not every complicated boundaries
- Difficult dynamically moving or complicated
8Macroscopic approaches in current course
- Numerical modeling for multi-phase flows
- VOF method
- Level set method
- Phase field method
- Immersed interface method
- Vortex sheet method
9Macroscopic approaches
Thin film method
- Based on lubrication approximation of NS equation
Film thickness
Mobility coefficient depends of boundary condition
Effective interface potential
Surface tension
10Macroscopic approaches
Thin film method
- A case on film rapture (Becker et al. 2004,
Nature materials) - Nano-meter Polystyrene (PS) film raptures on an
oxidized Si Wafer - Studied with different viscosity and initial
11Macroscopic approaches
Thin film method
- Limitation
- Seems only suitable for film dynamics studies.
- No further details will be considered in current
12Possible numerical approaches
13Microscopic approaches
Molecular dynamics (MD)
- Based on inter-molecular forces
Potential of a molecular pair
Total force acted on a molecule
Molecule velocity
Lennard-Jones potential
14Microscopic approaches
Molecular dynamics (MD)
- Features of MD
- Lagrangain coordinates used
- Tracking all the simulated molecules at the
same time - Deterministic in particle movement interaction
(collision) - Conserve mass, momentum and energy
- Macroscopic thermodynamic parameters and states
- Calculating from MD simulation results
- Average
- Integration
15Microscopic approaches
Molecular dynamics (MD)
- A case on moving contact line (Qian et al. 2004,
Phys. Rev. E) - Two fluids and solid walls are simulated
- Studied the moving contact line in Couette flow
and Poiseuille flow - Slip near the contact line was found
16Microscopic approaches
Molecular dynamics (MD)
- Advantages
- Being extended or applied to many research fields
- Capable of simulating almost all complex fluids
- Capable of very complex geometries
- Reveal the underline physics and useful to verify
physical models - Limitation on micro-fluidic simulations
- Computational inefficient computation load ? N2,
where N is the number of molecules - Over detailed information than needed
- Capable maximum length scale (nm) is near the
lower bound of liquid micro-flows encountered in
practical applications
17Molecular dynamics in current course
- Basic implementation
- Multi-phase modeling
- SHAKE alogrithm for rigid melocular structures
18Microscopic approaches
Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Combination of MD and Monte Carlo method
Translate a molecular Same as MD
Collision probability proportional to velocity
Number of pair trying for collision in a cell
Molecular velocity after a collision
A uniformly distributed unit vector
19Microscopic approaches
Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Features of DSMC
- Deterministic in molecular movements
- Probabilistic in molecular collisions
(interaction) - Collision pairs randomly selected
- The properties of collided particles determined
statistically - Conserves momentum and energy
- Macroscopic thermodynamic states
- Similar to MD simulations
- Average
- Integration
20Microscopic approaches
Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- A case on dilute gas channel flow (Sun QW. 2003,
PhD Thesis) - Knudsen number comparable to micro-channel gas
flow - Modified DSMC (Information Preserving method)
used - Considerable slip (both velocity and temperature)
found on channel walls
Velocity profile
Temperature profile
21Microscopic approaches
Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Advantages
- More computationally efficient than MD
- Complex geometry treatment similar to finite
volume/element method - Hybrid method possible by combining finite
volume/element method - Limitation on micro-fluidic simulations
- Suitable for gaseous micro-flows
- Not efficiency and difficult for liquid or
complex flow
22DSMC in current course
- Basic implementation
- Introduction on noise decreasing methods
- Information preserving (IP) DSMC
23Possible numerical approaches
24Mesoscopic approaches
- Why mesoscopic approaches?
- Same physical scale as micro-fluidics (from nm to
mm) - Efficiency do not track every molecule but group
of molecules - Resolution resolve multi-phase fluid and complex
fluids well - Thermal fluctuations included
- Handle complex geometry without difficulty
- Two main distinguished methods
- Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)
- Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
Mesoscopic particle
Increasing scale
25Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
- From lattice gas to LBM
- Does not track particle but distribution function
(the probability of finding a particle at a given
location at a given time) to eliminates noise - LBM solving lattice discretized Boltzmann
equation - With BGK approximation
- Equilibrium distribution determined by
macroscopic states
LBM D2Q9 lattice structure indicating velocity
Example of lattice gas collision
26Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
- Continuous lattice Boltzmann equation and LBM
- Continuous lattice Boltzmann equation describe
the probability distribution function in a
continuous phase space - LBM is discretized in
- in time time step dt1
- in space on lattice node dx1
- in velocity space discrete set of b allowed
velocities f ? set of fi, e.g. b9 on a D2Q9
Equilibrium distribution
Time step
Discrete velocities
Lattce Boltzmann equation
Continuous Boltzmann equation
i0,1,,8 in a D2Q9 lattice
Relaxation time
27Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
- A case on flow infiltration (Raabe 2004,
Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.) - Flows infiltration through highly idealized
porous microstructures - Suspending porous particle used for complex
28Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
Application to micro-fluidic simulation
- Simulation with complex fluids
- Two approaches to model multi-phase fluid by
Introducing species by colored particles - Free energy approach a separate distribution for
the order parameter - Particle with different color repel each other
more strongly than particles with the same color - Amphiphiles and liquid crystals can be modeled
- Introducing internal degree of freedom
- Modeling polymer and colloid solution
- Suspension model solid body described by lattice
points, only colloid can be modeled - Hybrid model (combining with MD method) solid
body modeled by off-lattice particles, both
polymer and colloid can be modeled
29Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
Application to micro-fluidic simulation
- Simulation with complex geometry
- Simple bounce back algorithm
- Easy to implement
- Validate for very complex geometries
- Limitations of LBM
- Lattice artifacts
- Accuracy issues
- Hyper-viscosity
- Multi-phase flow with large difference on
viscosity and density
No slip
Free slip
30LBM in current course
- Basic implementation
- Multi-phase modeling
- Molcular force approach
- Phase field model
31Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
- From MD to DPD
- Original DPD is essentially MD with a momentum
conserving Langevin thermostat - Three forces considered conservative force,
dissipative force and random force
Random number with Gaussian distribution
Momentum equation
Conservative force
Dissipative force
Random force
32Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
- A case on polymer drop (Chen et al 2004, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.) - A polymer drop deforming in a periodic shear
(Couette) flow - FENE chains used to model the polymer molecules
- Drop deformation and break are studied
33Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
Application to micro-fluidic simulation
- Simulation with complex fluids
- Similar to LBM, particle with different color
repel each other more strongly than particles
with the same color - Internal degree of freedom can be included for
amphiphiles or liquid crystals - modeling polymer and colloid solution
- Easier than LBM because of off-lattice Lagrangian
properties - Simulation with complex geometries
- Boundary particle or virtual particle used
34Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
Application to micro-fluidic simulation
- Advantages comparing to LBM
- No lattice artifacts
- Strictly Galilean invariant
- Difficulties of DPD
- No directed implement of macroscopic states
- Free energy multi-phase approach used in LBM is
difficult to implement - Scale is smaller than LBM and many micro-fluidic
applications - Problems caused by soft sphere inter-particle
force - Polymer and colloid simulation, crossing cannot
avoid - Unphysical density depletion near the boundary
- Unphysical slippage and particle penetrating into
solid body
35Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
New type of DPD method
- To solving the difficulties of the original DPD
- Allows to implement macroscopic parameter and
states directly - Use equation of state, viscosity and other
transport coefficients - Thermal fluctuation included in physical ways by
the magnitude increase as the physical scale
decreases - Simulating flows with the same scale as LBM or
even finite volume/element - Inter-particle force adjustable to avoid
unphysical penetration or depletion near the
boundary - Mean ideas
- Deducing the particle dynamics directly from NS
equation - Introducing thermal fluctuation with GENRIC or
Fokker-Planck formulations
36Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
Voronoi DPD
- Features
- Discretize the continuum hydrodynamics equations
(NS equation) by means of Voronoi tessellations
of the computational domain and to identify each
of Voronoi element as a mesoscopic particle - Thermal fluctuation included with GENRIC or
Fokker-Planck formulations
Voronoi tessellations
Isothermal NS equation in Lagrangian coordinate
37Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)
Smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD)
- Features
- Discretize the continuum hydrodynamics equations
(NS equation) with smoothed particle
hydrodynamics (SPH) method which is developed in
1970s for macroscopic flows - Include thermal fluctuations by GENRIC
formulation - Advantages of SDPD
- Fast and simpler than Voronoi DPD
- Easy for extending to 3D (Voronoi DPD in 3D is
very complicate) - Simulation with complex fluids and complex
geometries - Require further investigations
38DPD in current course
- DPD is the main focus in current course
- Implementation of traditional DPD
- Implementation of SDPD
- Multi-phase modeling
- Multi-scale simulations with DPD and MD
- Micro-flows with immersed nano-strcutres
- The features of micro-fluidics are discussed
- Scale from nm to mm
- Complex fluids
- Complex geometries
- Different approaches are introduced in the
situation of micro-fluidic simulations - Macroscopic method finite volume/element method
and thin film method - Microscopic method molecular dynamics and direct
simulation Monte Carlo - Mesoscopic method lattice Boltzmann method and
dissipative particle dynamics - The mesoscopic methods are found more powerful
than others