Title: San Pedro Small Learning Communities Welcome to SLCs!
1San Pedro Small Learning CommunitiesWelcome to
2Matriculating Through High School
- You must pass all of your classes with at least
C! If you receive a D or a Fail you will have
to retake the class! - Students earn the right to move to the next grade
3Evolution of a Pedro Pirate
- Credits Required to Promote from one grade to the
Next for ALL students - Grade 9 -gt Grade 10 (55 Credits)
- Grade 10 -gt Grade 11 (110 Credits)
- Grade 11 - gt Grade 12 (170 Credits)
- You must be a pure/ First Time 10th grade
student in order to even take CAHSEE.
Our Goal for each student is to be Career Ready
College Prepared!
4Small Learning Community
- A small learning community is an opportunity for
students to be more connected to their teachers,
other students, and to their educational goals. - In an SLC, each and every student is known well
by at least one adult at school. - A group of teachers work together to create
exciting learning for students.
In an SLC students, teachers, and parents work
together to make learning better!
5The Breakdown -
What will the new small schools look like?
- 6 Small Learning Communities
- 2 Magnets
- Police Academy
- Marine Science Magnet
- San Pedro has 8 small schools, each small school
has 9-12th grade.
6What are my SLC Choices?
- Where will I fit in?
- There are 8 small schools to choose from!
- Everyone will find the right place to belong!
7What are my SLC Choices?
- How do I choose an SLC that is right for me?
- Focus on your college or career interests
- Skills you want to learn
- Teachers in the program
- Subjects you want to learn about
- Opportunities that you want to try
- Choose an SLC that best fits your personality!
8SLC Learning
Small learning communities will offer you new
opportunities to grow, learn, and prepare for
life after high school!
EVERY student will still take All Required
Graduation Classes each year like Math, English,
Science, and History
9YOUR Requirements!
- 230 Credits to Graduate
- Pass the CAHSEE 10th Grade! - Diploma
- CTE/Career Technical Education - SLC (10
Credits) - 2 years P.E. MANDATORY (9th 10th)
CLASS of 2014
10Business Academy
Focus on careers in business operations, business
administration, marketing and sales, financial
planning, investing, banking, and real estate
services. Port of Los Angeles, ROP courses,
Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Global Economy.
Accounting, Web Marketing, Economics, and
Business Management
11Instructional Programs
- In addition to the SLC opportunities we also
have - A School for Advanced Studies
- AVID (Grades 9 -12)
- Championship Athletics Programs
- Nursing Assistant Program Certificate
- Air Force JROTC (which meets the PE Requirements)
12Pedro Action League
Focus on law, societal issues, world events, the
role of the citizen, global studies, and national
security. Explore careers in law enforcement and
public services.
SLC Motto The more knowledge we possess, the
more our community can progress.
Focus on careers in Media and Arts,
Communications, broadcasting, film television
production, computer programming, and speech.
Science technology, Peer Counseling, Web Design,
Journalism, Documentary Studies and Film
Integrated Art
14Creative Expressions
Visual Arts
Focus on designing, producing, and exhibiting art
through drawing, painting, and sculpture.
Performing arts include singing, acting, and
dance. Explore careers in choreography, media,
and film.
Advanced Acting, Art History, Stage Design,
Beginning Choreography, Studio Art, Instruments,
Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Humanities.
15Pirate Health Fitness
Focus on health, nutrition, managing and
providing medical and therapy services, and
health information. Explore careers in Sports
medicine, Sports management, and athletic
training. Careers in Health sciences, nursing,
and physical therapy.
Body Dynamics, Nursing, Nutrition, First Aid and
Emergency care, Sports training, Physical
therapy, and Child Development.
16Global Environmental SLC
- your space. my space. our space.
Focus on the study of Corporate and Social
Ethics, Global Awareness, Environmental Science,
Development of Leadership skills, Social
Development, and Advocacy.
17SLC Structure
Teachers who care!
- Each SLC will house
- Only 450-500 Students
- 12-15 teachers
- One SLC Lead Teacher
- One Dedicated Counselor
- One Administrator
18Can I Change My Mind?
- If you select an SLC and then decide to change
your choice you can until April 15, 2010!
- Students may enroll in
- Police Academy
- Marine Science Magnet
- Please complete an SLC Choice Form
- You will need to complete a LAUSD Choices
application to enroll!
- Choose Wisely
- Turn in your SLC Form by April 15th to the
Counseling Office at your school! - Must have Parent Student Signatures!